A Almost Perfect Awakening Ch. 40


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Carly nodded, imperceptibly.

Beth placed her hand on Carly's shoulder, then drew back until she could see Carly's closed eyes.


Her eyes opened, staring into Beth's. Their breathing fell into sync. Beth started her hand ever so slowly downward towards Carly's left breast.

"If you feel his hand moving like this, it means he wants to feel you up, but he'll stop if you simply reach up and grab his hand. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Her hand was halfway to it's heaving objective. "Do you understand what might happen if you do nothing?"

Carly never blinked, but her hand reached for, then landed on top of Beth's hand.

Beth's heart stopped, she was too turned on to imagine not feeling the beautiful breast just two inches away. Suddenly both hearts began to pound as Carly slid Beth's palm squarely onto her excited teat. As she felt her breast being fondled for the very first time, Carly shuddered. Her eyes closed, her entire body went limp from surrender. Her breast was being fondled, and it was far better than she'd ever dreamt it would feel.

"You are very, very lovely Carly." Beth murmured as she bent to kiss Carly's face and neck.

When her mouth returned to Carly's, Beth got an eager reception. Years of pent up sexual frustration were being released, and Beth was going to be the beneficiary.

As good as it was, Beth knew how to make it better. Her hand moved to the top button; when it finished, only a bra still impeded her progress. Carly raised herself far enough to allow Beth to reach behind her to unhook it, then she lay back.

Beth sat up far enough to survey Carly's virgin terrain; her blouse was wide open, the bra lay loose atop the treasure it had so recently guarded. Pressing her palms onto Carly just below her breasts, Beth held them there. She wanted to have her tongue in Carly's mouth when Carly felt her bare breasts fondled for the first time.

Kissing Carly, Beth allowed her fingers to glide onto the pliant cones she'd admired all afternoon. It was impossible to say which girl was more excited. The passion each exuded was unmistakable. Carly was nearly delirious. Beth was far more excited than even she had expected to be.

Beth wanted to collect the prize her fingers had captured. She kissed her way down Carly's neck, then trailed love bites towards Carly's left teat. Beside herself, Carly was shaking; she knew what must surely be mere heartbeats away.

Lifting the bra up and out of her way, Beth's eyes absorbed every detail of the spongy teats her fingers surrounded. Dark pink areolas begged to be sucked, Beth couldn't refuse their demand. Her lips closed over a swollen nipple, then widened, allowing the entire end of Carly's teat to slide into her mouth. She dined on the exquisite heated flesh.

Being suckled was the straw that broke her sexual back; Carly was treated to a mild orgasm. She felt her pussy spasm, her hips tried to move, she wanted to touch herself, but Beth was lying across her body pinning her down.

"OOOOOOHHHHHH GOD." Carly groaned. Grabbing the back of Beth's head, pressing ahead, she encouraged Beth to continue. Beth loved the feel of Carly's pointed breast in her mouth. Fairly certain that she'd made Carly come, Beth wasted no time before trying to help her new little sister get her next climax underway.

Kissing her way to the other, as yet untried teat, Beth's hands roamed, fondled, and kneaded the sensitive virgin territory. The more Carly swooned and sighed, the greater Beth's inspiration. Following several minutes of nursing on Carly's right side, Beth pulled her to a sitting position. Preferring no impediments, she removed the already undone blouse and bra. As Beth tried guiding Carly back to a reclining position, Carly stopped her with a single, "Wait."

Carly reached for Beth's top button. "I want to see you too, I think you have lovely breasts. No reason not to admit how wonderful your breasts felt against me this afternoon."

Silently Carly stripped Beth to the waist.

Beth fondled both of Carly's teats while she was undressed, releasing Carly only long enough to allow her clothing to be removed.

Carly stared at Beth for a long time. Finally her hands closed around Beth's soft mounds. "Oh, wow." sighed Carly.

"Uuuuummmm, oh that's so nice." moaned Beth.

Two mouths found each other, this time both opened wide, tongues meeting before their lips did. They shared a long passionate kiss; four hands busily enjoyed four breasts.

Carly pulled back, looking down at Beth's chest, she directed her fingertips to play with the two long, hot nipples she'd felt pressing into her palms. Carly was very, very aroused. It was evident in her voice as she said, "Beth, I've never felt anything like your breasts, especially your nipples. They're amazing. I want to... Is it OK if I..."

Beth moved her left hand behind Carly's head, guiding her lips to the nipples both girls wanted to be in Carly's mouth. It took great will power for Beth not to grab herself, she could've gotten off in a heartbeat; Carly was exciting her beyond all expectations. However, Beth wanted to take good care of Carly first, so she waited. Very gradually, Beth laid Carly back onto the cushions, all the while taking care not to pull her nipple from between Carly's lips. Remaining on all fours, Beth's teats hung down for Carly to nurse.

Once both her breasts had enjoyed a good suckling, Beth placed her back against the comfy settee, then slid down so she was on her side overlooking the reclining Carly. She leaned ahead to give Carly a series of kisses, her right hand toyed with Carly's nipple until her flattened palm began to skim slowly across Carly's abdomen.

"Carly, if a boy has his hand here, then begins to move it lower, he's probably thinking about going further with you."

After Beth's hand had petted or massaged its was down to the hem of Carly's skirt, Beth stared into Carly's eyes. Carly's face glistened, she kept licking her lips, her breathing was deep, labored. Moving her hand onto the bare leg above Carly's kneecap, Beth softly spoke.

"If you think things have gone as far as they should, if you're at all unsure, just squeeze your legs together to let him know to stop. If you don't, there's every chance things will go further than you ever thought they might."

For several seconds, Carly lay motionless. When her left hand finally moved, it snaked behind Beth's neck, pulling her down into an open-mouthed kiss. Beth felt a tremendous passion behind that kiss, then she felt Carly haltingly spread her legs wider apart, inviting Beth's hand to be the first to explore her.

The act of surrender was a powerful aphrodisiac; emotional energy flowed into Carly through Beth's deep kisses. Beth drove her tongue far into Carly's mouth. Knowing in her heart what was about to happen, accordingly Beth sought the perfect speed for her hand to arrive at Carly's eagerly awaiting pussy.

Carly felt warm fingers feeling their way up her thigh. A thousand times she'd dreamed about someone feeling her up, making her come. That her first good fondle might be from a girl had never occurred to her. At that moment, it made not the slightest difference.

Her body was alive like never before, Beth's skin was fiery hot wherever she touched Carly's skin, the tongue in her mouth was thrilling her unbelievably. The fingers were moving closer still; Carly spread her legs ever wider to insure the path to her pussy was clear. She could hardly breath. She ached for the contact. What would it feel like? By then her body was wound as tight as a new spool of thread.

Almost there, Beth and Carly both thought. Beth felt the tension in Carly's thighs; the damp heat as she neared Carly's groin was like nearing a roaring coal stove. As she neared the virginal pussy, Beth shifted her palm onto the opposite thigh causing Carly to groan from disappointment.

Beth lifted her head far enough back to watch Carly's face. Her hand moved in circles, nearer, ever nearer to Carly's treasure. Carly had her eyes closed; her only visible motion was the rising and falling of her chest.

Beth stopped her hand an inch away from its goal. Holding her fingers in place, she lifted her thumb slowly so it would barely graze the cotton of Carly's wet panties, a touch so light that Carly couldn't be sure if she felt it or not. Carly pushed her crotch downward trying to initiate more contact, groaning when it didn't happen.

Finally Beth slid her fingers onto Carly's puffy, wet vaginal lips, beginning a circular rubbing motion with her three middle fingers. Carly came. The instant she felt Beth touch her pussy she came, as Beth hoped she would.

Beth continued to massage her pussy while reveling in the sight of Carly's face as she experienced her first orgasm from a hand between her legs. She thought to herself how extraordinarily beautiful Carly looked as she experienced her blissful release.

Beth gave in to the moment, kissing Carly everywhere she could reach while still rubbing the swollen lips between Carly's legs.

"Good girl Carly, that was beautiful, so beautiful." Beth whispered as she nibbled her ear. Her fingers adjusted to help Carly come gently down from her orgasm.

Gradually, Carly regained her senses. She took Beth's face between her hands, then guided their mouths together, exchanging many long, loving kisses while Carly recovered. Beth needed to come, but she could wait. There was more to teach Carly, still more gifts to give.

"Think you can stand up, little sister?" Beth asked gently.

Carly grinned weakly, "I really don't know, but I'll try." Then came "oooooooooohhh", as she struggled to her feet.

Beth sat on the edge of the settee; she repositioned Carly so the younger girl faced her. Beth looked up until Carly's eyes locked with hers.

"Little sister, I have one more lesson I'd love to teach you if you're sure... very, very sure you're ready. Because unless you stop me now, I'm going to undress you, then make love to you... Do you want that to happen Carly?"

"Do you mean... with your mouth... and everything?"


Carly pressed Beth's left cheek against her bare stomach, then stroked her long, blonde hair with the other hand.

"I've never wanted anything more in my life. I adore you, Beth. You've already made me feel better about being alive than I have in a long time. Teach me everything you can. I want to learn so I can make love to you later, when I know better what to do for you."

Beth ran her hands up the back of Carly's legs until she could grab her buns. Still kneading her tush, Beth looked back to Carly face. "I do love you, Carly. Never could I pick a better sister than you. You've never been touched before have you? I mean touched at all?"

Blushing noticeably, Carly shook her head no.

"Then you've waited a long time for this moment, and I promise I'm going to make you see stars tonight sweetheart."

Beth licked or kissed all around Carly's mid-section as she blindly removed the skirt she'd loaned Carly. She'd waited all week for a close look at Carly's pussy, so she focused her gaze where she expected to see the virgin slit when her panties came off.

Her hands alighted on Carly's lower back, then slid under the waistband and onto her bare buns. Both girls enjoyed that contact for a moment, then Beth pulled her hands slowly to sides of Carly's hips, far enough to lower the panties, thus exposing Carly's pristine pussy to Beth's waiting eyes. The aroma of arousal assailed her nostrils, enflaming her, Beth felt her own pussy tingle and swell in response.

Beth kissed the now exposed lower abdomen while clutching Carly's buns. She went low enough to cause Carly to gasp, then kissed her way up to Carly's mouth.

As they kissed, Carly managed to unwrap Beth's skirt; it fell to the floor. Still soul kissing, Beth waltzed Carly over to the bed. She eased Carly back until she was sitting on the edge. Staring ahead, Carly chose that moment to lower Beth's damp panties until they fell on their own around Beth's ankles.

"Wow. You shaved your pussy. God it looks so sexy, Beth." said Carly breathlessly.

"Thank you. You can look or touch me to your hearts content later. Right now I need for you to lie down, relax, and let me make love to you. I need to come sooooo bad, but I've sworn not to before I make you come from being eaten. You, sweet Carly, are going to feel good like you never imagined in your wildest fantasy."

The excitement each girl was feeling was palpable. Beth was nearly ready to come just from knowing what she was about to do; Carly was ready to come from just wondering what Beth would do next.

As Beth lay down next to Carly, the idea that any second now they'd be holding a warm, naked body next to their own caused both girls to tremble with anticipation. Then the wait was over. An arm was around each neck; a hand was on each tush, pulling their partner's pelvis closer. Breasts mashed together, tongues teased, bodies writhed.

Beth brought her free hand to Carly's left breast, she cupped it, fondled it, ran it's nipple back and forth against her own. Releasing the pliant teat, her hand slowly but surely followed a path that they both knew ended between Carly's legs.

Carly tightened from the anticipation, but raised her knee into an arch, providing easy access to her tingling groin as Beth's hand approached her sexual center. Beth's fingers glided through Carly's ebony pubic hair, her middle finger found Carly's slit, then followed it downward until her hand was cupping her bare pussy.

Carly placed both hands behind Beth's back, hugging their chests together, breathing heavily onto Beth's soft shoulder. Carly pointed her left knee at the ceiling while keeping her hip rolled back so Beth was be able to touch her freely.

Beth's middle finger sank into Carly's slit as she brought her hand back up. The middle fingertip wiggled and explored every inch of hidden pink flesh until it reached the clitoris it had been searching for. Carly bit Beth's shoulder to muffle a scream born of passion.

Beth pushed Carly onto her back, all the while strumming the tender bud; Carly was quickly building to a climax. Beth would subtly change the rhythm, to keep the pressure building while trying to trick her body into postponing Carly's release.

When Beth knew it was down to any second now she did two things. Driving her tongue deep into Carly's mouth, Beth slid her middle finger into Carly's vagina at the same instant. The double penetration was too much for the young virgin's body to withstand, Carly came hard, experiencing an earth shattering orgasm.

As Beth twirled her finger inside of her, Carly's hips bounced off the bed as she instinctually tried to push the penile substitute into her depths. Beth used her thumb to keep Carly's clit stimulated until the orgasm showed signs of abating.

When it appeared Carly was finally winding down, Beth withdrew her finger. She cupped Carly's pussy, then massaged the excited lips with a circular motion until her lover was breathing more normally again.

Beth stopped the massaging motion; her middle finger wormed back into Carly. The moan she produced was gratifying. With Carly's hips almost still now, Beth explored the slick, humid interior of her virgin lover. A minute later a second finger entered Beth, a minute more and a third was stretching Carly's sheath.

Beth progressed into a rhythmic in and out motion, Carly's hips automatically reciprocated with a sensuous, fluid, humping motion. Beth shifted, she sucked on one pointed nipple, then the other. Back and forth Beth went until she knew Carly couldn't accept much more. Withdrawing two fingers, She laid her palm flat on top of Carly's pussy. Carly gave a groan of disappointment, but continued writhing against Beth's palm.

Carly was only dimly aware at first that Beth's kissing was moving down her body. Her senses heightened as the possibility that Beth's mouth was working it's way towards her throbbing clit began to grow. By the time Beth's lips were crossing her mons, every fiber in her being was focused on the exact location of the latest contact. Her mind would chart the points, then project where the next kiss or lick might fall. The tension, as Beth neared the top of her gash, became unbearable. The kissing stopped; the hand disappeared from her pussy.

In a near panic, Carly's eyes flew open. Beth was repositioning herself. She had her left arm on Carly's other side. Now Beth was pointing the opposite direction and was on her tummy with head over Carly's pelvic region. Beth was lowering herself on top of Carly's lower midsection. All Carly could see was the back of Beth's head with its long shiny hair.

Eyes swept from the rear of Beth's head downward. Carly admired the lovely, well defined back, the absolutely perfect hillocks of Beth's butt. Then she just saw Beth's dilated, pink hole; her eyes riveted to that spot. Beth's vaginal lips were swollen unimaginably, the entire area looked so slippery and moist.

Learning her lessons well, Carly guessed how Beth must be feeling at this point having not come yet. Carly was more than ready to know what it would feel like to touch another girl... down there. In fact, she was dying to return the euphoria Beth had bestowed upon her.

Her hand came to rest on Beth's lower back, slowly it glided onto her tush, but this time continued over the crest. Carly inverted her hand so her fingers pointed downward. Her middle finger followed the crack of Beth's behind straight into the wide-open vagina. Both girls gasped out load as Carly's fingers slid in as far as they could go.

Feeling Carly's finger enter her body was all it took for the overwrought Beth, she exploded. A fabulous orgasm coursed through her body. Her vagina began milking Carly's finger, her butt rose and fell with a sexy sexual rhythm. As the damned up passion burst forth and flooded over her, Beth directed her sexual energy at the virgin pussy below her mouth.

Her head dropped, her tongue drilled into Carly's slit. She began to eat this sweet treat with total abandon. Beth moaned and groaned; at first from her long overdue climax, then from the erotic thrill of being the first to eat Carly's sweet pussy. Her lips soon latched onto Carly's clit, sucking it hard until Carly's bucking hips assured Beth that her new lover had joined her in heaven.

Beth was still pretty wound up. Sexual energy had been accumulating within her since the moment Carly had arrived. She pushed Carly flat on her back. Beth rose onto her hands and knees then swung her hips over Carly's face in a classic 69 position. Now Carly could see her, touch her, or do whatever she wanted to. Beth prayed she wanted to do a lot.

Dropping her head, Beth threw herself into eating Carly alive. Not only was Carly an absolute sweetheart, she smelled and tasted wonderful to boot.

Carly was distracted as hell; Beth was eating her our so damned well she knew she'd be having another magnificent orgasm very soon. Yet she was also fascinated by the pussy waving just above her face. Since Carly was lying on her back, she could now use two hands to explore Beth.

Not worried about her own orgasm, Carly pulled Beth's lips apart; prying her vagina open, she ran a fingertip over every little bit of exposed pink flesh. Carly experimented; trying every way she ever remembered stimulating her own clit, she tried doing to Beth. It was hard to gauge reactions, but she knew some moves made Beth moan. Finally, she had one burning question remaining, what does Beth taste like? Carly grabbed Beth's lower back, she pulled herself upwards...

Wonderful was the answer. Carly absolutely adored eating pussy, at least Beth's pussy. Her tongue frolicked in Beth's slit like a puppy with a bone. It was a happy tongue: tireless, curious, adventurous. From her own potent orgasms, Carly had learned enough to recognize the undulation of Beth's hips was foretelling the approach of a very strong climax. Carly envied Beth the way her swollen clit rose up proudly when she got excited; it was so easy to suck Beth into her mouth, which she did.