A Cell Phone Makes Me Pregnant Ch. 05

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A sexy wife's demise into interracial breeding goes deeper.
15.4k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/10/2019
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For our readers who have gotten confused... (And I don't blame you!)

Our group of authors has encountered a problem that we have been trying to cope with for quite some time.

Due to the different policies of different Erotica websites, and the number of different contributors, each having their own accounts on different sites, we have been forced to get a little creative, and at the same time, confusing, with story names.

I apologize for this, and hope the readers will understand we are doing the very best we can to deal with the different venues, and still allow our works to be enjoyed by the greatest number of readers. I have broken out my chapters of Out of Afrika as a sub-set of that much greater body of work. Because of this, I had to rename my subset, even though it is intended to also be part of the greater Out of Afrika series. There is no difference between the Cell Phone Makes Me Pregnant chapters, and my chapters included in Out of Afrika. This is why there are references to Out of Afrika in the Cell Phone series... I hope this helps!

A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Satinlvr_mwf


Out of Afrika Chapter 53 - Suzi provides a scoop


Our story thus far...

(For those who have been following this series, you may wish to review Chapter 47 of the Out Of Afrika series, or Cell Phone Chapter 2 before continuing, as there will be references to events from that work. )

Our heroine news reporter, Mrs. Suzi Recreant, had just closed out her nightly newscast by sharing with the viewing public her new pregnancy. It was a development not even her husband Zack knew about, yet. As an employee of Rhino Industries, the conglomerate sought to expand their reach and influence by opening a new and emerging market in Southern California, using the Rhino Industries technology of subliminal mind-control through ultra-sonic audio and visual hypnosis. Suzi had just been transferred to this new TV station, KRMM, after having successfully launched her career by using good investigative skills, and possessing a very high sex-appeal, especially when coupled with the revealing outfits that other divisions in the Rhino Industries conglomerate insisted she wear on-camera.

Thanks to the "Rhino Effect", which was broadcast through Rhino cell phones, TVs, and in-home appliances, Suzi had also appeared in a number of interracial porn videos, available on the Rhino MultiMedia (RMM) array of channels. Whether it was consensual, or under the Rhino Effect, images of Suzi were well and widely available, and boosting her popularity in this new and emerging market. She just wasn't aware of it.

It is now a week since Suzi made her joyful announcement, and she was in a twice-daily production meeting with the KRMM staff to settle the details for the upcoming news broadcast.


"I'm so boooorrred!" I thought to myself, failing to stifle a yawn. The night before's sleep had been a little restless. I kept tossing and turning, and just couldn't get into a comfortable position. I was achy and felt icky. I hoped I wasn't coming down with the flu.

So I sat back in the rear of the conference room, and watched the seemingly endless debate on whose story was more important, had the most impact to the public, yada, yada, yada. It was like sitting there and watching men debate the virtures of penis size. That was for women to discuss, since we tended to have more experience on the subject.

"Hmm... the Church of the Holy Black Staff. I remember that. It might be interesting. A church ideologically dedicated to the acceptance of all races, and in particular the mixing of races. Especially black men and white women. What was that rumor going about back in Hawkesville?" Again, my mind was ruminating as the producers and writers droned on. I had no real understanding why I even had to be there. All I did was smile, look pretty and read the teleprompter, as well as occasionally joke with my co-anchor. Flirting with the sports desk guy was fun. I had heard he had a growing fan-club of female followers, but I could see why. A former body-builder, and runner-up to Mr. Intergalactic Muscles, or something like that. I didn't care, really, other than his fan club was right. He was devastatingly handsome. If he ever asked me out, I would have a very tough time saying no. He was that masculine, and in my imagination, that virile. He was an ebony God, only not as tall. In heels, I am just about nose-to- nose with him, which would be just fine with me, thank you very much! It would be one of those things my husband would just have to understand.

With a shiver, I went back to what I was supposed to be thinking about. "Hawksville. Oh yeah, the church. What happened behind closed doors? What was it that made the women who went there smile any time they talked about attending church? There were rumors, or course. A spate of wives who had converted to the faith, and in barely heard whispers, a prominent pregnancy or two? That was interesting, certainly. Who the Hell was Bishop Erasmus, and what made him so special?" My eyes had narrowed, thinking about it, and him. But it became a dead-end. I would have to look into it a little further, when time permitted.

My stomach rumbled. Shaking my head, I thought about the irony. I skipped breakfast because I didn't feel well. Now I was famished, and the very thought of food made me nauseous. I pushed the thought out of my mind, and quickly grew bored again, trying to figure out what they so-called powers that be were going to decide. I let out another yawn. A nap sounded soooo good!


Suzi sat back and simply watched, as the various writers, the stage director and the producer discussed all of the myriad details of the show. Currently, the big debate was going to be which story would lead the news. The announcement of a new church being 'planted' by a new ministry called "The Church of the Holy Black Staff", or the potential scandal involving the mayor's wife. An insider at city hall had let it slip that the mayor's wife had been seen in the arms of a tall, husky black man in a tight, passionate liplock, outside the mayor's office, all the while the mayor looked on. For Suzi, life was simple. Stand or sit, read the teleprompter, smile, and look pretty. In other words, the buxom redhead just had to be herself.

Suzi sat back and yawned, out of sheer boredom, when an intern burst into the room.

"Hey! Everybody, turn to channel twelve! Right now!" The young girl's voice was high and excited.

Suzi sat back, and just watched. She was feeling great at the moment. No morning sickness as of yet, and she just felt calm. Whatever it was going on outside the walls of KRMM, it wouldn't affect her. One of the copy writers reached up and changed the channel, and increased the volume. What Suzi saw made her sit bolt upright, and her eyes blasted wide open!

Her blue eyes were glued to the screen, as she saw one of her competitors interviewing an olive-skinned black man, with a big, ugly scar down the side of his cheek, a flat, broad pug-nose, bulging eyes and yellowed teeth. She recognized him in an instant.

"Yeah, that ho' news reporter... the one who jes' tol' ev'ryone she' pregnant. I's the one... I's the one who put my black dick in her an' give her mah' baby!" He ended his words with a wide, toothy grin.

"Oh... My... Gawd..." Suzi whispered out.

In truth, she had no idea who the father was, but had narrowed it down to two possibilities. The man on TV, a convicted felon whom she had been sent to interview about prison life and who had turned the tables on her and managed to bed the 'hottest white piece of ass ever known' as he would brag to those still inside with him. Or, it was a young black thug who had managed to seduce her in a weak moment after an argument with her husband, and had fucked her, for there was no other word for it, in her home, standing in her living room in front of the open bay windows, where she was witnessed standing there, hands held back as the black Adonis filled her with his copious cum. All the while her husband stood there watching, under the Rhino Effect.

Sitting back, in utter shock, her red-painted lips open and wide blue eyes just looking at the screen as the man blathered on about how she loved him, and loved being his sexual conquest, and begged to have his child. He added he was looking to see her, and would be contacting her in the very near future. The field reporter for the competing TV station, one not part of the Rhino Multimedia conglomerate, was beaming at the story she had just broke, the exclusive of how a highly-regarded news anchor was filled with loose morals, and evidently had questionable credibility. The picture on TV switched back to the anchor desk, with the talking-heads just shaking softly and laughing softly, before moving on to the next story.

It took about four seconds, as the awkward silence deafened the room, all eyes on Suzi as she was just... stultified. She had no idea what to say, what to do, or anything. The silence was blasted away by the booming crash of the door being flung open and senior management bursting in, the station manager along with a few various middling people


"Suzi! Just what the Hell was that about? What happened?" With all eyes turning to the station manager, he then stopped and collected himself, before quieting and addressing her again. "Are you alright?"

It was typical of management. Ratings and share first, always, and the rest was just detritus to that end. Suzi had, naturally, looked over as the door crashed open.

"I... I think so." She spoke just above a whisper.

Her mind was reeling with the man's words, and the implications. Was she now damaged goods? Was her career suddenly over? What about her marriage? She knew all about her husband, along with his predilections, and she supposed he knew some of her proclivities. But she hadn't yet told him she was pregnant, and there was a near-zero chance he was the father. She knew that, of course, and had hoped to break it gently to him, once he made his way to join her at her new location. She sat back in the hard plastic chair, and a tear started to leak from the corners of her eyes. She looked to her bosses.

Despite the entire building being wired and furnished with Rhino electronics, there was no radiating signals in Steven's office. Mr. Botha, the president of Rhino Industries, wanted the man's thinking head to be clear and able to make sound decisions. Just in case there was an emergency. Like now. Taking a deep breath and exhaling through her nostrils, she folded her hands in her lap, bracing herself for the oncoming slaughter. She was sure her career was going to have a bad day from this.


"Am I fired?" I had to ask.

The station manager, named Steven, shook his head. "I don't think so. In fact, I don't have that authority anymore, since Rhino bought us out. That comes from Hawksville. But I am sure they will have questions. So let's talk in my office. I need to know the story on this..." He then paused for effect. Looking about the room, he surveyed the rest of the attendees, pausing for effect. "The whole story... For the rest of you, get off your asses and start figuring out a way for us to get ahead to this. I want us on the 5:00 PM, with a response. Get moving."

The room burst into a frenzy of activity as I was leaving the room, following Steven to his rather plush office. Once inside, the air conditioning made my skin pucker with goosebumps, and my nipples rise and become hard gumdrops atop my D-sized melons. One of the things that made me so popular with male viewers was my body. I knew that. I was literally built like a Playboy model, with a pert, taut bubble butt, and a chest that men drooled over and women wanted to have. Even though I was of a petite stature, my 4-inch stilettos gave me the height I needed to be respectable, and made my legs seem even longer. To some of the stage crew I would overhear, I was, in all regards, a personal fuck-fantasy woman for every male viewer in our market, social media, and if the rumours were true, pretty much every channel Rhino Industries owned. Every male, young and old, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, and any other combination wanted to have me, or at least fantasized about it. My perfectly coiffed auburn hair, dazzling smile and contrasting blue eyes just accentuated my perfect hourglass figure. It was one of the benefits of being the daughter of a Playboy Playmate of the Month.

I was wearing one of the Rhino Store's new outfits, a one-shoulder black satin bodycon dress, that was hemmed about an inch below my butt-cheeks, with a draped cleavage that hung below my breasts and showed a lot of side-boob. The shoulder was tied in a bow with very long tails that hung down my back to the hem of the dress. A small tug on the tails would drop the dress to my waist in short order, revealing what the thin satin failed to hide anyways, in this case my rock-hard nipples, and the rest of my breasts, rather than just the sides of my girls. It was a perfect dress for clubbing, intended for women who were not yet married, or were married and wanted to rekindle that marital spark. Or, I suppose, even that extra-marital spark?

Taking a proffered seat on the couch in the man's office, I daintily crossed my legs, and tried to pointlessly tug the hem of the dress lower. I wasn't wearing any panties, so I wouldn't display any panty-lines.

"Suzi..." Steven began. "Do you really know this creep?"

I nodded. "Yes, from a feature I had to re-shoot in Hawksville. I did a story there, on prison conditions and how they were treating black inmates versus white ones. Evidently my story sucked, and I had to go back and re-shoot it. I can't say the story was a favourite of mine, though in some circles, I heard it is highly regarded. Evidently Mr. Botha found it very favourable."

I didn't know that the dalliance that had resulted from the story had been edited into a feature-length interracial porn movie, and had made Rhino Industries a pretty penny in pay-per-view streaming media on the Rhino Multimedia porn channels. I knew the channels existed, but had never watched them. I also didn't realize that the thug convict had succeeded in impregnating me. Not until a few days ago, when I went to the doctor because I had been feeling ill. But there was little doubt, as the results had been handed to me at the end of my broadcast. I then knew, as did the rest of my viewers, that I was with child. But until this moment, who the father was remained a mystery. It would be, until paternity was confirmed.

Steven sat there, and pondered the moment and the scoop, and all of the implications. "For now, Suzi, tell me what you know of this guy. Is there any chance he is making all of this up?"

I grunted. "I wish. I mean, we all know I am pregnant. But I not sure he did it. I had another man, back just before I left Hawksville, and I was thinking it might have been him. I mean, my husband just stood there and watched as the guy humiliated me in our front room, with the windows open and any neighbour able to take a peek. He watched as the guy had me, more than once, and left me there." I twisted my lips in thought for a moment.

"Oddly..." I looked aside as chewing my inner cheek for a moment. "Oddly, it felt like it was okay to do that, and let him have me. It was weird. But to this day, I have no idea who that guy was, or where I could find him." I shrugged. "I guess this makes me a real slut or something doesn't it?" I looked up to him with a nice pair of Bambi eyes. A gaze that could get a door opened for me, or a stranger to buy me a drink, or my husband to do pretty much whatever I wanted him to.

Steven sat back as he listened and then looked up at the ceiling. Taking his own deep breath, he then replied. "Your personal life is none of my business, Suzi..." he began. "The bigger question is how to we handle this, and what do you want to do with it? This is, after all, your story. Your life. For now, I will back you in any way I can. Unless someone from Rhino Corporate says something, we will deal with this locally. The question is..." He was cut-off by a hard rasp at the door, followed by an excited young intern, and another staffer.

"Boss, we have it! We have the answer!" She was announcing excitedly.

Both Steven and I looked at the woman, expecting her to go on. When she didn't, I spoke first.

"I would like to hear your brilliant solution, please." My normally soft tone was a bit agitated. I was stressed, and even worse, was starting to feel really nauseous.

"We not only acknowledge the guy's statement, we invite him in and thank channel 12 for finding him for us! We tell everyone we had been looking for him, and couldn't locate him, so they did us a service! This takes the story and pretty much kills it dead. It isn't a scandal anymore, it is a reunion, and we can film that, and put it out there, and then maybe use Suzi's pregnancy as a way to grow a sense of community around her."

The intern stopped to finally take a breath. "Just out of curiosity, who in the Hell are you? Do you even work here?" Steven blurted out.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sir. My name is Anne Alexander, and I'm a journalism student at the state college. I'm an intern in the newsroom." Steven's question reminded Anne of her place, which was at the very bottom of the pecking order. She then continued more demurely.

"So the idea is that we have Suzi share her pregnancy as maybe weekly updates. How she feels, how the baby is progressing. Show her baby-bump, once she gets one. Let the public see her ultrasounds, and share in this glorious event! Having babies is a celebration, so let's celebrate!" Anne had started to skyrocket in her enthusiasm again.

"Tell me..." I asked. "Were you ever a cheerleader in high school?"

Anne beamed as she struck the well-practiced pose a pom-pom girl would hold for pictures. "I made varsity as a sophomore. Does it show?"

Rolling my eyes, I replied. "Only a little. So let me ask, Cheerleader Anne, do I get a vote in any of this brilliant idea of yours? I mean, it is only my pregnancy we are talking about. I hadn't even told my husband yet. I am pretty sure he is going to have a stroke over this. And that would only be the beginning."

Anne's face fell, for she hadn't considered the consequences, but then, being only nineteen, consequences were not her strong suit. She had only recently begun what might be a serious relationship with a handsome black football player on the college football team, a middle-linebacker, and she was quite infatuated. "But it's a good idea..."

Steven looked to me and gave a questioning look. It would have to be my decision. One of the few I would make at work and not be under something I was unaware of, the influence of the Rhino Effect. My eyes went from the excited face of Anne, to the apprehensive one of my boss, to the ceiling as I leaned back and tried to think it all through.

Sitting there for long moment, I had two concepts wrestling in my mind. One was the dilemma of this thug convict, and the other was the battle with growing nausea.


She then bolted upright, eyes wide, and lunged towards the trashcan next to Steven's desk, on all fours, as she vomited directly into it. She didn't care that she was exposing herself, she just needed a place to hold her Technicolor yawning.

"BUUUURRRAALLLLPPHHHH!!" Her soft voice uttered gutturally as she expelled the contents of her stomach. She then leaned back on her heels, holding onto the trashcan rim for support. Looking up, she tried to apologize.

Like a real friend, Anne dropped to Suzi's side and helped hold her hair back, and gently rubbed her back. "It's okay... you'll be allllright..." she cooed softly.