A Mustang for His Wife


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On Friday of the second week Hollis walked into the owner's office and said, "Sir I've been running some numbers in my spare time the last week or so. I think we can increase profits substantially if we close the store and beach rental unit and let Tim go."

Mr. Thompkins gave Hollis a sharp look and frowned before he said, "I thought Tim was your friend Hollis. Why would you recommend we close his store and fire him? There are times when we could use another employee here in the rental center. Wouldn't that be a better choice than just closing the other store and firing your friend?"

"In some cases I suppose that would be a better call but in this case that would be counterproductive sir." Hollis leaned forward and gave Mr. Thompkins a copy of his figures before continuing his discussion. "I have several reasons for my recommendation sir. First and foremost is the store itself. During the busiest months of tourist season it is constantly busy and generates a good addition to the bottom line, however, in the off season it does not even pay operating expenses. If we only operated the store from mid April through mid September we would capture 89% of its yearly profits. I suggest you either lease the building or sell the building and lot. If you choose not to do that, I suggest we only operate the store April through September. I have included numbers for each choice. If you sell or rent the building we could save a portion of the lot for a mobile store that was only operated those five months and generate much higher profits for the business when the lease income is factored in.

"Sale of the building would also add to the bottom line of the business by either allowing us to purchase other equipment to rent or by increasing interest income. Finally, I believe the continued employment of Tim would adversely impact this business because of his personal life and work habits."

Hollis leaned forward and slid an envelope toward Mr. Thompkins before he continued talking. He said, "I have found that on an unknown number of days Tim has closed the business during working hours while he had sex with a woman in the stock room. He is therefore guilty of stealing from the business because he continued to receive his pay for those closings. I have documented seven instances during the last two weeks when the store was closed for almost an hour in mid afternoon. These closings are in addition to his authorized lunch period.

These unauthorized closings have adversely affected the business because of potential, unknown lost sales and rentals. In addition, I am unable to continue working with him. I am not submitting an ultimatum to you sir, but if he is retained as an employee I will seek employment elsewhere."

"What! I can't believe you would do that. Why you, Tim and Tiffany have been friends—hell, you've been closer than friends for most of your lives."

"Yeah, I suppose we were, at least on the outside. I have recently discovered things weren't as I believed them to be. Tim is definitely not my friend and Tiffany will not be my wife much longer. That envelope contains the reason I have made these statements sir."

Mr. Thompkins frowned and opened the envelope after giving Hollis a hard look. When he saw the first picture he sharply inhaled. He quickly looked at the other pictures then looked up at Hollis. "Son, I just don't know what to say. I understand why you won't work with Tim. Heck, I even understand why you say Tiffany won't be your wife much longer. What I wonder about though is your desire to close the beach rental business. I have to wonder if it is a sound business decision or revenge."

Hollis looked at his boss and sighed then said, "Well sir, I was afraid you would think that. I would be lying if I said what happened between Tiff and Tim didn't color my decisions but I think any accountant would agree with my recommendation. I suggest we get our accounting firm to double check my figures but I am confident they make sense for the business. That store is marginally profitable on an annual basis and the funds tied up in it could be better used elsewhere. My computations show the operation only adds about $600.00 per month average to your bottom line. Rental on the building or interest on the sales price when invested would far exceed those numbers."

The business accounting firm agreed with Hollis's assessment of the beachfront property. In fact, their numbers were even harsher than were Hollis's. After everything was factored in, the continued operation of the business resulted in a net loss to the business because Hollis forgot to include depreciation and insurance in his numbers.

The store was closed and Tim fired. On the day he was terminated Hollis instructed his attorney to serve Tiffany divorce papers. He spent the morning moving out of their rented house and into a small apartment within walking distance of his work. He was in the store once again working when he received a phone call from Tiffany. He debated even taking it then decided he needed to get the unpleasant conversation out of the way.

His stomach was churning when he said, "Hello Tiffany. What do you want?" He expected to immediately hear her ranting about the divorce. Instead, she said, "Did you know about this mess? Why didn't you tell us Brad (Mr. Thompkins) was going to close the beachfront store and fire Tim? I thought we were all friends. How could you let him do that? Couldn't you at least have talked him into moving Tim to the store you work in? He was behind in his rent and car payments before, now he has no way to make his payments. I've told him he can move in with us until things get better for him. Can you take off early and help him move?"

"No, I don't think so. Mr. Thompkins and I have been by the store several times during business hours and found it closed. Tim was nowhere to be found. The store was not even breaking even so he decided to close it. As for helping Tim move, there is no way I'll do that. Now, I've got to go."

About thirty minutes later Tiffany called again. This time Hollis answered the phone and wished he hadn't. She began screaming as soon as she heard his voice. "Hollis, how could you? You got Tim fired didn't you? And now you're divorcing me. How could you do this? We've all been together forever and all at once you're just dropping us and cutting us out of your life, just like that?"

"Well Tiff, how could you cheat on me? How could you fuck Tim and not expect me to dump him and your sorry ass?"

"WHAT? I wasn't cheating on you. I never did and never would. Whatever gave you that idea?"

"Maybe because I have pictures of you and Tim fucking? Maybe because I've seen you kissing him and letting him play with your tits and twat? Maybe that gave me the idea you were cheating?"

"Hollis I never, not once, let any other man or woman have sex with me. Not once."

"Then what were you doing when Tim had his pecker in you? That wasn't sex?"

"Well, I suppose it was but I prefer to think we were making love just like you and I do. OH! Hollis how could you... Hollis I thought you understood. Hollis it's ALWAYS been just us. The three of us. We've always been together. You know. You've known from grade school I've loved you both to death. You've both said to me and each other that you love us. Hollis you've always known Tim and I have something special just like you and I do. You're surely not trying to divorce me because of Tim!

"Honey I love you. I love Tim. I've always known I would be married to you. Tim needs us to live and I, we, need Tim to be happy too."

"If you loved Tim enough to fuck him why did you marry me?"

"Well, you were more stable. You can support the children better when we have them. Tim can't even pay his own way but he's special. The three of us make a great team and will be so good with the children when they come. Tim can teach them how to live and love life. I can mother and nurture them and you can teach them responsibility and work ethics. Don't you see? What we have makes a perfect whole. When Tim has a small shortfall you can make it up and we all live better just like we do now."

"No Tiffany. I don't see. I suppose I never did see what was actually going on. Good bye Tiffany." Hollis slammed the phone down and stood there seething. He was so angry he was shaking and his face was red. The bitch had all but admitted she had always been fucking them both and was even helping pay Tim's bills with their income. Fuck. How could he have been so wrong, so blind?

Not surprisingly, Tiffany immediately offered to let Tim move into the house and live with her. Even then Tim couldn't make his car payments. Two months after the split Tim wandered into the store late in the afternoon. Hollis walked around the counter and met him near the door, planning to kick him out. Before he could say anything Tim said, "Dude, you gotta help me man. They're trying to take my car man. I can't let them do that. Tiff made the payment last month but we're tapped out now. Can you float me a loan man?"

"What? You fuck my wife and prove you've never been my friend and now you come in here and ask me to loan you money for your damn car? Get your ass out of here before I beat the crap out of you."

"Whoa Dude. What's with the bad vibes man? Sure I nailed your old lady, but you were, like nailing mine too. I mean she was with us both ya know? We both thought you knew that and were cool with it. But this is different man. We've always been buds man and had each other's back. I need your help bad here dude. We can sort the pussy out later."

Hollis smiled and said, "Ya know maybe I can take care of you after all Tim. Let me clock out here and we'll go to your bank and take care of this."

Tim brightened up and smiled. He clapped Hollis on the back and said, "Righteous Dude. I knew I could count on you."

When they got to the bank that held the loan on Tim's car they asked to speak to a loan officer. After they were seated she asked what they could do and Hollis said, "I understand you hold the loan on Tim Reading's mustang. He says he is behind and you are going to repossess it. I've agreed to take over the payments so you don't have to take his car. Is that ok?"

"Well, I can't really say"

Tim broke in and said, "Whoa there Dude. I didn't say I was gonna give up my ride here man. I just wanted a loan for the payments man."

Hollis looked at the loan officer and said, "Excuse us a moment please. I want to explain things to Tim here."

"Tim, all I'm doing is putting the loan and car in my name so I can make the payments and we can take care of the car here. I'll take over the payments and keep the bill paid up and you won't have the credit problems any longer."

Tim relaxed and smiled then said, "Oh, cool Dude. Right on. Let's get it done."

The loan officer took Hollis's information and ran a credit check. She smiled after she finished and said, "I see no problem with you taking over the payments on Mr. Reading's auto Mr. Thomas. I can also take care of the new title request for you to turn into the state. Let me complete a few forms here and get some signatures and we'll get things taken care of." She quickly stood and walked into a store room for the paperwork.

After the loan officer left, Tim sat up straighter and turned to Hollis before he said, "Dude. What's this about changing the title to your name man? I told you I can't lose my ride."

"Hey, just chill Tim. Since I'm taking over the payments for you they have to do that to make things legal. You know the banks and government. It's their way or the highway."

Tim relaxed once again and said, "Yeah, hell, I don't understand anything they do or say anyway. I was just worried about my ride man. We're cool."

In about 45 minutes Tim had signed over his car to Hollis and Hollis paid the past due amount. When they got into Hollis's truck Tim acted just like the Tim of old. It was all Hollis could do not to knock his head off. When they got back to the store Tim jumped out of the truck and almost ran around to the driver's side. He smiled and said, "Hey man. I scored some killer weed yesterday. Let's go do a couple J's and celebrate. I've got a dime bag in the car."

"I can't right now Tim. I have to finish taking care of the papers on your car."

"Oh, cool. I thought we were done with that. Yeah. Hurry so I don't lose it man. Catch ya later Dude." Tim lit up a J before he drove out of the parking lot. Hollis soon followed then turned off heading to the DMV to finish transferring title to Tim's car.

Hollis was so happy with his subterfuge he was almost dancing. He quickly completed the transaction and paid the fees then left the building smiling.

Two weeks later Hollis received the final divorce papers in the mail. As divorces went it was fairly painless. Tiffany and he made almost the same amount so there was no maintenance involved. Savings were minimal. They kept their own vehicles and personal property in their possession. No fuss, no muss. He took his name off the lease for the small beach front house they so loved and was free of her. He did miss that house though. And the regular pussy.

Late the Saturday night after receiving the decree in the mail—or, more accurately early Sunday morning—Hollis rode one of the rental beach bikes to his old home. He carefully, quietly, unlocked the door (thank the stars Tiff hadn't changed the locks or asked for the key back) and quietly entered the house. He smiled when he saw what he expected to see. There on the table were the keys to the mustang. He quickly picked them up and started to leave when he had another thought. 'I wonder where the other set of keys are.' He moved to the cabinet where Tiff always kept her purse and looked in it. Bingo. There was a mustang key fob on her key chain. He took it too then left the house as quietly as he entered.

Hollis walked up to the mustang in the driveway and opened the door. Now came the dangerous part. He had to get it away with as little fuss as possible. This was one noisy bitch to start and drive. He grimaced when the engine started. Damn it sure did sound great though. As quietly as he could Hollis backed from the driveway and drove down the street heading for his home. He would come back with his truck and pick up the bike he rode as soon as he got home then wait for the fireworks.

After he finished his lunch Sunday Hollis received a phone call from an upset Tim. He was talking so fast Hollis almost couldn't understand him. "Hollis Dude. It's totally bogus man. Some dude offed with my ride man. Ya gotta help here dude. What'm I gonna do man?"

"Calm down Tim. Just chill. There's nothing I can do for you." Hollis finally just hung up the phone on the still rattling Tim and sat in his chair smiling.

By this time Tim had obtained a part time job working for a pool company. During the next week Hollis made a point of driving the mustang past the business address when Tim should be getting off work. Finally, on Thursday, he arrived as Tim was getting into Tiffany's car for the trip home after work. Hollis smiled to himself and tooted the horn as he motored past the two lovers. He could hear Tim's scream of hatred even over the rumble of the engine. He gave a little more gas to the rumbling car and disappeared into traffic before Tiff could get back onto the street.

Mid morning the next Saturday Hollis was waxing the Shelby when a city patrol car stopped in the parking lot behind the car. The officer walked up to him and said, "Are you Hollis Thomas?"

"Yes Officer, I am. Is there a problem?"

"Is this your vehicle sir?"

"Yes it is." Hollis laughed and continued, "Well, I guess not really." The officer tensed up and looked at Hollis as he continued speaking, "It really is mine and the banks."

"Do you have the registration and proof of insurance please sir?"

"Sure. Give me a minute here." Hollis opened the door and dug in the glove compartment then came out with the requested papers. As he handed them to the Patrolman he once again asked, "Is there a problem Officer?"

"I'll just be a moment here Sir." The officer walked back to his patrol unit and ran the information. In a few minutes he came back and handed the paperwork back to Hollis. He said, "We received a report from a Mr. Timothy Reading that his vehicle was stolen. The Vehicle Identification Number he gave us for the stolen vehicle matches this one. He said he saw you driving the vehicle and wanted us to recover it. The registration and DMV records verify you own this vehicle. Can you shed any light on that subject sir?"

Hollis smiled and leaned on the car in the shade. He said, "Well, Mr. Reading used to own this vehicle but couldn't make the payments. I agreed to take over the payments to keep his credit record clean. We went to the bank and I took over his loan and ownership of the vehicle. I really don't know what his problem is but I suspect he was either high when we did the deal or when he made the report to you sir. We used to be friends but when my wife and I divorced he cast his lot with her and I'm afraid we aren't as tight as we used to be. I did let him retain use of this vehicle for two weeks before I removed it from his residence. I felt two weeks were long enough for him to make other transportation arrangements."

"I see. So you say he is into drugs and is trying to use the police to cause trouble because of your divorce?"

"No sir. I don't know how he feels about our divorce and I really don't care. All I said was the drugs might explain his memory loss about the vehicle sale."

"Ok sir. Sorry I bothered you."

Sunday afternoon Hollis was lying beside the pool when Tiffany and Tim stormed into view. Before he could get up they overturned his chair and dumped him onto the hot concrete. Tim said, "Dude why did you cop my ride? Man I need the wheels back man. Give me the keys."

"Hey. You came to me and begged for help. I gave it to you because we used to be friends and I felt a little guilty about your problems. You signed the car over to me to keep it from being repossessed. I now have a sweet ride even if it isn't an F150 4X4. Hell, it's a real chick magnet and that helps ya know? Seems only fair in a way. We each still have a sweet ride, we just traded ya know. I got a Mustang for my wife... ya know, I think I came out ahead in the whole deal. At least I don't have to worry about the mustang cheating on me and taking off with some other man without my permission."

Tiffany screeched then stood there silently crying. Tim stood looking at Hollis for a moment and said, "Man, that's totally cold dude."

Hollis looked up at the pair and said, "Yeah, it is what it is. Now get outta here before I call the cops. I don't want to see either of you again."

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HighBrowHighBrow1 day ago

I wouldn’t call that even, but how could you possibly get even with two unrepentant lovers?

LoriRobinsonGaLoriRobinsonGa3 months ago

Definitely needed a lot more story. There was so much that didn't get covered. Take your time and find the red slippers ( Dennis L. McKiernan reference) and tell their story also.

Pinto931Pinto9314 months ago

Good story, but would have preferred it to be a bit longer.

LechemanLecheman4 months ago

Tiffany is clearly a lost cause.

Liked the story though, well done.

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