A Stranger's Cabin Ch. 01


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"What, I'm not supposed to notice that monster? Jesus, Dad."

"Well you're not supposed to say anything about it."

And then both of us just started laughing like crazy.

"How the hell did we end up like this?" Natalie said. All I could do was shake my head.

"Did you say you'd peed in the snow?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, there's snow everywhere! I stepped off the deck and sank like two feet into it. I thought my legs were going to just fall off right then. Everything outside is buried."

"Two feet! That's nuts, I bet it only snows that much here maybe every five or ten years."

Natalie shivered up against me. I shifted so my erection wasn't pressing into her anymore. Eventually my daughter warmed up again, but my cock never softened. Being pressed against so young and beautiful a girl was just too much for it, I guess. At least there were enough blankets that they weren't tenting up while I laid on my back.

"So, I put our clothes out around the oven door, and turned it on to bake."

"That was smart."

"That's going to take a while to defrost them though. What do you want to do after that?"

"I don't know. If there's as much snow as you say, we can't drive out, even if I could get the car started. I guess the best bet is to try to turn the water on, and try to find some wood for the fire. Maybe even a place we can get some cell reception. But there was a lot of food in the kitchen. If we need to hole up here a few days, we should be okay."

"A few days?"

"Again, I'm open to suggestions."

Natalie lay her head down on my chest for a minute or so, but didn't offer any new ideas.

"Actually, Dad, you know... right now a few days doesn't sound too bad. We'll get out of here eventually, and its kind of an adventure."

"Way to look on the bright side, kiddo."

Natalie laughed. "We should get to the car and get our clothes at least though."

"We can, but we have to be careful."


"Nat, there's no doctors out here. We're on our own. I we go trudging through the snow in our street shoes, and end up with frostbite in our toes, we're in big trouble. We have to be careful to remember where we are."

My baby raised up and gave me a concerned look, but it quickly softened. "I know you'll get us through this. My daddy always keeps me safe."

"We're going to be fine, angel."

"I know."

Natalie raised her leg up and it bumped my erection. She laughed again.

"Damn, doesn't it ever go down?"

"I'm sorry baby, I'll get up."

"No, no it's fine. We still have a while till our clothes defrost."

I stayed in bed. The idea of putting on ice cold clothes held exactly no appeal to me.

Suddenly I felt Natalie's hand brush my cock. I jumped, thinking it was an accident, but then her fingers wrapped around my shaft and held very still.

"It's huge." She said in a soft voice.

I moved her hand away, but she put it right back.

"You shouldn't be touching me there." I said weakly.

"Oh come on. We're naked in bed together and you're hard as a rock. I just want to see how big it is."

Natalie trailed her fingers from the base of my cock to the tip. "God, it has to be eight inches long. And I can hardly get my fingers around it. Dad, you missed your calling working in construction, you should have been a porn star."

I laughed. "It's not THAT big. You want to take your hand off your father's dick now, princess?"

Natalie laughed too, and took her hand away. I ached to have it back on me, but I couldn't exactly tell her that.

"It's way bigger than Jason's." Jason was her boyfriend. I actually felt a pang of jealousy go through me when she said that, but I suppressed it. I had to be careful not to get caught up in this situation. Natalie was the most important person in my life, and my relationship with her was everything to me. Still, she seemed pretty comfortable so far. More than I felt, that's for sure.

"Angel, I'm going to ask you a question, and you don't have to-"

"Yeah, we've had sex. A few times."


"It wasn't very good though."

"That might be more information than I needed. All I want to know is, are you using protection?"

"We use condoms. We've never had sex without one."

"Good girl."

"You're not mad?"

I kissed my daughter's forehead, badly wanting to just roll her on her back and show her how good sex could really be. But of course that was impossible, so she just got the kiss. "No. I trust you, you're old enough, and... no, I'm not mad."

Natalie looked up and gave me another soft kiss on the mouth, letting it linger for a few seconds. It was right on the edge of anything that could be called "innocent."

I got out of bed. Wet clothes or not, I was going to end up doing something I regretted if I stayed under those covers.

"I'm going to see what I can find and check things out." I told Natalie, "you stay warm."

"Okay, Daddy. Do you want me just like this when you get back?" I looked back at her in shock, and she laughed and pulled the covers up over her head girlishly. My daughter, apparently, was quite the little minx.

Wet clothes and all (and let me tell you, it sucked putting them on) I went outside and searched for wood for the stove. I found some in a storage space under the deck. It wasn't a whole lot, which again made me think this cabin was probably used mainly in warmer months. But it would last us three days or so if we were careful. I also found some kindling and the pipe where the water was switched off. I even found a small generator, but there was no gas for it so it was pretty useless.

All of that took me about forty five minutes, and when I finished I found Natalie on the deck, with just one of the big comforters wrapped around her. She was obviously naked underneath.

"Wood!" She said. "You did it!"

"It's not a lot." I said, "and the stuff around here is going to be wet and buried under snow to boot. But if we don't keep a fire going at night, we should be good for a couple of days."

"Guess we'll just have to keep each other warm at night then."

"Guess so. But at least you'll have some dry clothes to wear to bed. You can use my shirt if you want."

"Okay." Natalie adjusted her comforter and looked around. "It's really kind of beautiful."

It was. We were in a small canyon, surrounded by evergreens and a landscape buried in clean white snow. The snow fall had been so sudden it had kept the shape of everything, but it was at least two feet deep. We'd be here until it melted down quite a bit.

Just as I thought it, fresh snow began to fall from the sky. My feet and legs were freezing.

"Let's get back inside." I suggested.

I got a fire set up with a couple of pieces of fir and some torn pages from a six month old issue of National Geographic we found in the living room. But then I realized that we were going to have to get creative to light the fire. I didn't smoke, and there were no matches in the house. I thought of maybe igniting one of the magazine pages on the stove.

"It's okay, Dad." Natalie said, producing a lighter from her inside coat pocket.

"I suppose I shouldn't wonder why you have a lighter?"

Natalie shrugged and pulled a baggie of weed out of the coat as well. "What are you going to do, send me to my room? I know you smoke it too sometimes so don't give me any crap about it."

I took the lighter with a disapproving look, but I was busted. She knew I took a hit occasionally so there was really nothing I could say. I got the fire started, and Natalie took a seat on the couch while we waited for the stove to heat the room. I went and turned off the oven, and used my daughter's lighter to get the pilot light lit on the water heater. Natalie cheered when she heard the device roar to life.

"Yay! Hot showers!"

I brought her still wet clothes out to the living room and hung them as best as I could from shelves, curtain rods, and whatever I could find near the woodstove. Then I went and stripped out of my clothes and wrapped up in a comforter like Natalie had done. I came out and hung my clothes too, trying to keep the comforter from hitting the floor as I did so. By the time I finished, the room was starting to get warmer. Pretty soon, it would probably be pretty comfortable.

"When do you think we'll be able to try for the car?" Natalie asked.

"I'm not sure yet sweetie. More importantly, when do you think you'll be able to try for breakfast?"

The rest of the day passed pretty pleasantly. Sure, we were stuck, but with no TV, no phone, no Internet, and none of our daily routine around us, everything was new and fun. Natalie made us some oatmeal and dried fruit for breakfast, and set some dried beans and rice to soaking. For lunch it was some chunky soup. Luckily the owners of the cabin had it pretty well stocked with canned and dried goods. We took hot showers, and we found a cabinet with Costco packages of paper towels and toilet paper, so we were now indoor bathroom enabled, thank God. We got dressed when our clothes dried; and found a few books, a deck of cards and a couple of board games, so we were pretty much set. I found myself not minding the situation at all. My brother was probably a little concerned, but he also probably figured we'd holed up in a hotel for a while because of the storm. Even though we hadn't called, he wasn't one to panic easy. My whole family was like that. Don't worry until you know there's a reason, as my Mom used to say.

As night fell we stopped feeding the stove. We'd agreed that we would stop putting logs in after sunset, and that when it got too cold we would retreat to the bed to stay warm until morning.

"So..." Natalie said as the stove began to go cold around eight o'clock. "How about a nightcap?" I looked to her and she was holding her little bag of weed and a small steel pipe. She grinned and I laughed.

"Yeah, okay." I said, "What the hell, you're a big girl now."

"Yeah, you should know." She said with a wink, and loaded up the pipe. In moments the room was filled with the pungent scent of marijuana.

Natalie's stuff was pretty good, and we had a couple of bowls each, which was just right. Everything got a nice soft edge to it, and I was happier and more relaxed than I'd been in some time.

"It's nice to see you smile so much." Natalie said.

"And why shouldn't I smile? I'm with my favorite girl."

Natalie beamed at the compliment and then leaned in and gave me another one of her soft kisses. "You're not so bad yourself." She said when our lips separated after a couple of seconds. I was going to get addicted to those kisses pretty soon. At home, all I got were little pecks on the cheek.

"I'm getting cold, Daddy. Are you ready for bed?" I stood up and took her hand, and led her into the bedroom.

I stripped down to my underwear, and Natalie to her panties. She had just hooked her thumbs in the waist band when she looked up and saw me handing her my shirt.

"Oh. Actually, Daddy... can we just sleep naked again? I don't want our clothes to get too stinky and... well it felt really good, the skin on skin. You know?"

I hesitated, and she took my shirt from me and tossed it in the corner. She pulled her panties down and stood in front of me naked. Her nipples hard and her eyes large and dark. I think any willpower I may have had to do what I knew was right was probably extinguished right there by looking at her perfect, perfect body. No artist in the world could have sculpted a more delicious tribute to the glory of youth, or to that magical age when a child became an adult. My little girl was breathtaking.

I slid my boxers down my legs, not caring that my cock was growing right in front of my baby's eyes. I took her hand again and pulled her down with me beneath the covers.

We held each other for a few minutes while the sheets warmed, my cock rigid and pressed up against her belly. Then Natalie kissed me on the mouth again, the marijuana we'd had enhancing the flavor and texture of her lips to a degree I'd never felt before. I was intensely aware of every inch of her body. Of her smooth leg wrapping around the outside of my thigh, of the yielding of the flesh of her breasts against my hard chest.

I felt her mouth open, and I slid my tongue into it, where it danced deliciously with hers. Our breathing became ragged and deep as we tasted each other's mouths. My hand began to trace circles on her firm back, and she pressed herself into me tighter, her tongue deeper into my mouth.

With gentle pressure from her hand, my little girl rolled me onto my back, and she straddled me, my cock pinned between my belly and her incredibly wet pussy.

Softly, my daughter began to grind her clit on my shaft as we continued our sinfully deep kiss. I wanted so bad to rock my hips, and let myself slide into her depths, but I couldn't let it go that far, I couldn't.

How can I describe the feeling of your own daughter's open sex rocking back and forth on your cock? Her body felt so amazing on mine. I was in a state of hyper-sensitivity. I could feel every tiny, fine hair on her body, sliding back and forth against me. I could feel every drop of her vaginal juices lubricating my shaft, covering me in slick fluids as if begging me to enter her, to fill her with my seed. Her nipples felt like tiny pebbles, dragging against the skin of my chest. It was torture, but the best torture I've ever experienced. I never wanted it to stop.

Suddenly Natalie sped up her grinding and broke our kiss. She took in a deep breath and then let out a low moan.

"Oh God, Daddy... Daddy... I... I'm cumming."

The reality of what we were doing hit me then. My baby girl was cumming. And it was my dick she was cumming on. It was me, making her cum. Nothing would ever be the same between us. Nothing.

Natalie just melted against me, juices from her vagina flowing out of her and covering my cock. She just panted in my ear as I tried to clear the fog of lust and pot from my head and figure out how to feel about what had just happened.

But my cock had a mind of its own and only wanted one thing. It jerked against my baby's pussy, reminding her it was still there.

"Oh God, Daddy, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I... just let me..." Natalie began to slide her way down my body, and I know I should have stopped her, but I didn't. I didn't move at all.

I felt my daughter kiss my cock, and then I felt the warm wetness of her mouth surround my shaft. I groaned softly as she began to bob her head up and down. I moved the covers off her, because the last thing I wanted was for her to stop because she couldn't breathe.

Natalie was fantastic with her mouth. She went at just the right pace, not too fast and not too slow, very sensuous; with a steady rhythm. I could feel her tongue against the sensitive underside, and it didn't take long before my balls began to contract, and I felt my insides tighten.

"Natalie... You're going to make Daddy cum, sweetheart. Be careful."

Natalie broke contact, and I could feel her eyes on mine more than I could see them.

"It's okay, Daddy," she said, "cum in my mouth. I want you to."

Natalie sealed her lips around my shaft again, increased the pressure of her hand below her eagerly sucking mouth, and picked up her pace. I couldn't hold back anymore. No part of me wanted to. With a moan ripped from my soul, I arched my back in ecstasy as my cock started spewing load after load of thick, hot cum into my daughter's waiting mouth.

I gasped and twisted on the bed as my orgasm went on and on. Four shots, five. A torrent of sperm filled semen onto my little girl's tongue. She swallowed everything greedily, and kept up a slow, sensuous suction until she was sure she'd taken in every drop I had to give her.

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't even feel guilty, such was the pleasure than had perfused every cell of my body. Natalie slid her body up mine and molded against me perfectly. None of it felt real. It was like an incredible dream, or some preview of Heaven. We kissed again, deeply and passionately, and I could taste my own salt semen in her mouth.

"Thank you, Daddy." Natalie said.

"What did I do, baby? What did I do?"

"Shhh. You didn't do anything I didn't want you to. Nothing at all."

"I hope you're sure."

Natalie giggled and snuggled her head into my chest.

"Your cum tastes good, Daddy. I love it. And I love you."

I held my daughter's naked body close to mine, as I struggled with what was happening between us. Even this couldn't stop the warm after glow of my orgasm from washing over me though.

"I love you too, angel. More than anything."

Before I knew it, I was asleep.

** To be continued **

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bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123about 3 years ago

"A Stranger's Cabin Ch. 01:" - It's been about eight (8) years since I first read this, shall I say, beautiful tale of a very sensuous father and daughter's budding romance and converging "man/woman" love affair. It makes my very alert pussy-tickler a thunder-throbbing instrument of cum/semen love potion, when a story of deep love and feelings between incestuous male and female members of blood relations, finally comes together...as intended by mother nature!! The story is even better this time than I remember the first time reading it. I'm the father of a very beautiful, sensuous daughter. I know the joys of their most favorite, female attributes, their usage when they want, and what they want their father to love and appreciate. This writer captures and expresses in words those same feeling and yearnings that I know so well. That is an incest couple's life at its very best and everlastingly the father's best ever accomplishment!!!

rosemaveyrosemaveyabout 3 years ago

ohmygod you're now one of fave daddy/daughter-cest authors i like how u write!!!!

bgdick68bgdick68almost 6 years ago
Very believeable

I loved this first part. Seems so natural for the two to get intimate. I am hard reading this. More please

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 7 years ago

I liked it but a shame she wasn't a virgin though that would gave made it a bit more special if she was saving herself for him :-)

camstevens33camstevens33almost 9 years ago

I've read this story several times, and part 2. Twistedjoe is one of the best authors on Literotica, and so far as I can tell yet, no one does father-daughter short stories as well as him. I'd love to read something novella length!

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