An Unlikely Encounter


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I couldn’t help but strain my focus to hear Autumn complain that was too far up and close to the screen. My heartbeat began to speed up, realizing she said it while looking up and seeing Heather.Please not up here, please not up here…I slouched further and rested my head in my hand, trying to cover my face. It was no use. Some of them sat down below, but another five of them came up near me. It was no surprise when Autumn came scooting down the aisle first, finally forcing me to catch her eye.

“Is this seat taken?” she asked me innocently, as if I were a stranger.

“Go ahead,” I mumbled half-assedly, trying my best to appear wholly uninterested in her.

I recognized some of her friends from school, but none of them were my students. I wondered if any of them noticed they were sitting near a teacher. From their carefree attitude, I felt that they were too oblivious. At leasttheydidn’t recognize me. I leaned over to my right side and asked Heather what time it was. The movie would start in just a few minutes. I couldn’t wait.

Nothing unusual happened for a little while. The lights dimmed and the show started. Autumn hadn’t paid me any mind after sitting down, and I was almost starting to feel okay about it.There’s nothing she can do anyway, what am I so worried about?The first strike came when she brought her arm down on the shared armrest between us.

I was already resting there, and the length of her skin laid down along mine. The sudden touch startled me and I jerked my hand away. She did the same and whispered, ‘sorry’. Okay, harmless accident, no big deal. I tried to concentrate on the movie. Even though it was dark, I could still see the faint outline of her legs in the seat next to me. I had a hard time restraining myself not to keep catching peeks at them.

As the movie went on, she stretched out both her arms until they were taut for a few seconds, then re-shifted in her seat. When she brought down her right hand, she lazily let it drop down intomypersonal space. Her fingers grazed across my thigh and then shyly shot back to her lap. Now might be a good time to mention that I changed into shorts before I left to the theater…

The feeling of her fingertips was a shock. I gave her an irritated glare (which probably just looked confused), and she made a silent but exaggerated frown as if to say‘oops’. I turned back to the movie, even more flustered than before. Honestly I thought maybe that’d be it. There are only so many times you canaccidentallytouch someone, you know? What I didn’t predict was that she’d drop the pretense.

It was an older place and the seats didn’t have built-in cup holders. She was handed a large drink from one of her friends and she took a big sip. She then leaned down to place it on the floor, between me and her. I tried to keep my eyes on the screen, but I couldn’t help watching her every movement. And I couldn’t fuckingbelievewhat happened next. Once she put it down, she boldly traced her fingers up my calf as she leaned up and back into her seat. She brushed me all the way up to my knee before she let go and resumed her natural position.

My stomach flipped and my eyes peeled wide.Holy fuck. Did she really do that? First I looked at Heather; she was thankfully absorbed in the movie. Then I looked again at Autumn, who pretended like I wasn’t even there. I swallowed hard, my mouth going completely dry.This is insane. How can I stop her? What if someone sees?

At this point I don’t think I was even registering what happened on the screen. My mind was racing like I was some inexperienced kid about to get caught doing something wrong.She’s my student for fuck’s sake! Why is this happening?It didn’t take long until she went for it again. She rested her arm at the base of her seat and reached her hand over to me under the armrest.

You could barely see what she was doing unless you looked.Iwas of course.God, not again…Her hand reached to the underside of my knee. With two or three fingers, she tickled my skin there. It was so sensitive that it sent waves up my leg. My body tensed in mortification. I was afraid to just grab her arm; someone would see. But she didn’t stop.Oh no… it feels good…

I couldn’t deny the gentle touch was having more than a ticklish effect on me. Whether it was just what she was doing, or whether it was because of everythingelse, I started to get hard. My heart sank at the realization. I finally managed to shift in my seat, pushing my legs away from her. She drew her hand away. Silently, I breathed in a huge sigh and looked over at her.

She brought her fingers back to her own leg and traced them up her thigh, teasingly stopping at the hem of those tiny shorts.She knew I was looking.Reluctantly I looked up at her eyes and saw her biting her lower lip, surreptitiously looking back at me. My fists clenched in frustration and I put them over my lap.I can’t let her see it.

It seemed that she left me alone for another ten or fifteen minutes. I tried to relax and will my erection away. But the more I thought about it, the worse it got. I was actually gettingharderagainst my will. It was insane. I was so embarrassed; the whole situation was sowrong. And it was making mehotter. I couldn’t help but think about her body and all my fantasies I’d been having about her. And now here she was, next to me. There was no denying that this would fuel my growing obsession even worse.

I saw she put her arm on the rest between us. I literally felt the increasedthumpin my chest. She lightly tapped her fingers along it, then she rolled her arm and started idly picking her nails with her thumb.She’s fucking teasing me…I knew something was coming. As much as I dreaded it, I felt even worse about hopelessly anticipating it. It was so twisted.

Her arm inched closer over into my seat until finally it quietly dropped down into my lap. She turned her hand around so her palm rested against my thigh. I bit the back of my tongue as it happened, wondering how I would get out of it this time. My shorts mostly bordered between our skin, but her fingers reached out across the fabric and lightly scratched the top of my bare leg. The movement also let her pull my shorts up a little bit, allowing her more access.

I cautiously moved one of my hands over to push her away. She slid down to the outer side of my leg and traced along my thigh. The feeling was electric and went straight up my leg and into my cock. A shiver went through my body which made my hard-on jump even worse. I looked up and over at Heather to see if she noticed.

She hadn’t… yet. But she sensed my gaze and looked at me. I felt light-headed; I was about to get it now. I forced a weak smile at her. She returned it blithely unaware and turned back to the screen. All the while, Autumn’s fingers traced and tickled along my left thigh. I tried to swallow down the huge lump in my throat.I can’t believe she didn’t notice!Finally I managed to get control of myself and I grabbed Autumn’s hand with my own, pushing it away.

She offered a light, teasing resistance. I forced her arm back to her own lap, pressing her hand down on her leg. She pulled out of my grip and my hand slid down to touch her naked skin.Oh wow…I only stayed there for a moment, closing my eyes in disbelief. My fingers involuntarily squeezed her thigh before I managed to slowly drag my fingers off of her. I didn’t feel my heartbeat in my chest anymore. I only felt in between my legs.

My girlfriend still hadn’t noticed.When’s this damn movie end?I watched on in anxious irritation. I wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of this theater and away from Autumn.Well, besides fucking Autumn anyway…I rubbed my temples. God, I couldn’t think like that. Why did I want her so bad? My entire body was flushed with heat. I realized I was thirsty as hell.

I thought about getting up to go get a drink; that would even get me away fromher. I abandoned the idea in short order though. What if she followed me out? Maybe I could scold her… That might even be good. But then I abandoned the idea. There was no way I was going to get up right that minute. I would walk right in front of a bunch of students, including Autumn, with an uncontrollable erection.

And so I continued to wait. You can say what you want about me. There was probablysomethingI could have done. Everything is easy inretrospect. But at the time I was petrified of someone seeing what was happening. Because if someone saw, they would obviously see that Ilikedit. Nobody will care if I say I didn’twantto like it. And there goes my life, branded as a pervert teacher.

I could tell the climactic scene was about to occur. The final showdown between the main villain and hero was fast approaching. This was the only relief I got: knowing it would be over soon. My mind mostly turned on trying to squash my throbbing dick. I tried to think of other stuff. All thoughts were replaced with Autumn.How will I hide it after the movie ends?I figured it wouldn’t be so bad if I shoved my hands in my pockets right away. With Heather behind me, she wouldn’t even notice. I’d be okay by the time we got to the car… Or I’d just say I was frisky for her.

Here came the big gross-out scene. The hero had a chain around his neck, choking him. His face swelled and his eyes bulged. It looked like the villain was going to reach in and pop his eyeballs, forcing everyone to squirm as the scene dragged on. Heather, being sensitive about exploding pupils, covered her face with her hands, cracking her fingers to peak every five seconds or so to see if it was over.

I felt a tap on my left side (I jumped; Autumn being the only one that could scare me during this movie). Reluctantly I looked over at her. She craned her neck to look around me to see Heather’s plight. Then she looked back at me with a tiny grin and motioned for me to lean down to her. She wanted to say something.Everythingtold me to ignore her… I won’t even bother make excuses for why I leaned into her seat to let her whisper something.

So, guarded as I could be, I carefully bent over the arm rest and tilted my head. I made sure to keep my eyes on the screen, as if that’s what I was really interested in. My senses were on red alert. I could practicallyfeelher body shift as she brought her lips to my ear. I waited anxiously for her to say something, but all I got was her warm breath on the side of my face.

Then, very softly, she pressed even closer. I could smell her now. Images of our brief kiss were conjured in my mind, but then she finally whispered, “Don’t worry…I’mnot scared…”

I wasn’t sure whether or not she was talking aboutHeatherorme. My mind tried to sort it out, frozen in place, when Autumn slyly moved closer and wrapped her lips around my earlobe. Everything slowed way down for an instant. All that existed was the hot, wet feeling on my skin. It seemed like it took forever for her lips to part, but then she ran the tip of her tongue along the edge of my ear, up a little ways, then off of me.

She leaned back in her seat.

I slowly, dazedly, leaned back up into mine.

The movie punctuated with a loud crash; no eyeballs were exploded after all. I saw movement to my right, and realized Heather had just now taken her hands away and watched freely. My mind was wholly blank… it couldn’t even catch up to be in denial yet. I just sat there, still feeling the wetness on the side of my face. For a minute or two, I think I even forgot about my raging dick.

It wasthatsensation that brought me to my senses. My hard-on was practically twitching, it was so desperate for attention. I realized I wasn’t doing a very good job of covering it anymore and quickly pulled my hands over my lap again.God damn it.I knew Autumn saw it. Shehadto have. I couldn’t bring myself to look at her.I’m such a mess.

The rest of the movie was a daze. It wrapped up fairly quickly, thankfully. There were no more come-ons from my little teenage tease. As the lights came on, most of her friends got up right away. She waited an extra minute. I couldn’t afford to keep sitting and let both herandmy girlfriend see the huge tent in my shorts. So I took the lesser of two evils; I stood up and turned left to face out the aisle.

I saw her little smile as she watched my waist rise from the seat. It was obvious she saw it well before I managed to stuff my hands in my pockets.Whatever, she already knows…By now I was just trying to hide it from my girlfriend. Autumn then stood up and brought her eyes up to my own, raising her eyebrows a little bit in mock surprise. She turned away from me and started walking past the seats. I followed.

I made a conscious effort not to stare at her tight ass as she moved in front of me. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice her make a deliberate stop and take a small step back, pretending like she dropped something. Ididnotice the pressure of her ass as it pushed into my waist, against the erection I was desperately trying to hide. I had to swallow back a groan of surprise and lust. By now it was so fucking sensitive that the slightest touch drove me up the wall.What I would do to bend her over without those shorts…

Once out of the aisle, I managed to lead Heather away from the pack of teens and escape from Autumn. I did my best to hurry us to the car and get the hell out of there. It didn’t take her long to see my still-hard cock once we were inside and driving. I made some lame comment about horror movies always turning me on. She laughed, blissfully unaware of the real source of my arousal. She teased me a bit through my shorts as I drove, and I couldn’t help but to imagine Autumn back in the car with me, playing with me as I brought her home.

That night, back at my place, I fucked my Heather like an animal. It was all I could do not to groan out Autumn’s name as I came into my girlfriend.


So really, things only got worse. As you could probably guess, the rest of the weekend was a mess. I closeted myself inside for fear of havinganykind of run-in with Autumn. The way things were going, I wasn’t willing to put anything up to chance just then. Not that staying home had any effect on subduing mythinkingabout her. Heather had stayed the night. She was feeling generous and we fucked one more time before we went to bed. Again, I thought about my student and had another mind-blowing experience.

At some point I even woke up in the middle of the night, sweating from a replay of Autumn’s young lips around my ear, her soft whisper taunting me… I was so restless that I had to sneak out of the bed and into the bathroom to quietly jerk off. Yeah I was ashamed of myself, but I was also getting used to it by now.

The rest of the weekend wasn’t much different, except once Heather left, I could at least dig out the picture I found of Autumn to fuel my fantasies. I was losing control fast. There was still probably a month left of school before summer; I couldn’t stand to think about how long I could put up with her. Would she keep pushing the boundaries? Did I want her to? Is my onlyrealfear just getting caught…?

I did my best to maintain my composure the following week at school. One moment had me walking down the hall when I recognized a couple of the students that were with Autumn at the movies. Although they saw me, their eyes passed me over just like they would any other obstacles in the hallway. I breathed an inward sigh of relief, happy that I didn’t receive any odd looks or giggles.Good, maybe nobody else knows…If they did, I was doomed.

My classes went by comfortably enough, with the one obvious exception. As cool as I tried to be, I couldn’t stop myself from being at least a little flustered and on edge whenever Autumn was nearby. I hoped it was only something I could notice; that my students couldn’t tell if I was off my game. Not that they could possibly knowwhy… Unless they saw how my body stiffened every timeshecame in the room. And how I had to avert my eyes to stop myself from checkingherout.

Wednesday brought new submissions for their stories. I was still resigned to allowing Autumn to continue her current work. It was obvious that she would write about our experience in the theater. I was just about as scared to read it as I was guiltily looking forward to it.

‘She couldn’t believe he saw him at the theater. What were the odds? She almost wondered if he overheard her talking about going to the movies, and then made sure he would be there too. Her body tingled at the thought, but she was confused why he brought another woman. She decided she would try to make him excited again… she was desperate to see *it* once more.’

I swallowed hard and read on and she described in detail her excited emotions when she touched me, whispered to me, licked me… I couldn’t help but to stroke myself as I read it.

‘She asked her friends in his other classes if he was acting weird when teaching. They said they didn’t notice anything and asked her why. She told them that she must be imagining things. But she hoped… knew… that it was because of her. Did he think about her as much as she did him?’

I came then. The thought of her, somewhere else, thinking sexually about me… maybe even getting off on me, like I did to her… It was just too much. It was almost scary how on fire I was for her. When grading her paper, I had to consider long and hard how to write comments. I actually toyed with the idea of writing subtle innuendos back to her. Of course I came to my senses and realized that was insane. I settled on complete neutrality, almost only marking grammatical or syntax errors

Heather emailed me that week, wanting to set up a date to try out a new restaurant that opened up in town recently. No big deal, right? I tried to think up an excuse not to go. I justknewwith my luck that Autumn would be there. But I convinced myself that the chances were next to none. I couldn’t let her rule my life.Maybe some actual alone-time with Heather will do me some good…Never mind what I had been thinking about thelasttime I was alone with her.

So we went. It wasn’t a fancy place or anything; it’s not like it was a big deal. It was just something casual to do, spend a little time out, then probably end up back at one of our places. You know how it goes. When we got there, I didn’t even see many young people, so I was feeling fairly secure. I was having a nice conversation with my girlfriend, the kind I can share with an adult, not a teenager. It was like I wasn’t even thinking about Autumn.Much.

We had already ordered and were waiting for our food when the now-seemingly inevitable happened. The hostess was escorting two young couples down the aisle we were seated at. They came up from behind me, so I didn’t see them right away. There was only one open booth left, so it was obvious where they were going. I didn’t realize, or even think, it would be her right away. But I looked over as they walked by, in that way you always do when people are around.

She was wearing this small, white summer dress. It came down just above her knees and hugged those young curves around her hips and ass. I saw her do a double take when she noticed Heather, then she turned around and saw me. As the hostess was seating them, she made a last minute insistence that she wanted to sit on the side of the table that faced my direction. It was then I realized her dress was fairly low cut, and I could see the outline of those perky breasts…
