Ask Me Why


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"You're talking shit," replied Jack. "Nobody wants to suffer, and nobody wants someone else to enjoy seeing it. What the fuck do you really want?"

"I did you wrong, Jack. I spent most of my life being an asshole. You caught me in bed with your wife, but you didn't kill me like you wanted. I saw the old shotgun propped against the wall when I came downstairs. Laura only saw your ring on the table. To this day, I've never seen a person in as much pain as Laura felt that night.

"I owe you and I got no way to give you payback. My life isn't worth shit. You can see that. The only thing left for me is dying. It's going to happen whether you're here or not. I'm just offering you a chance to watch me die. It might bring you some peace and it won't hurt me in the least," concluded Harding.

"How would your wife feel about that?" asked Jack. "It seems pretty damn macabre to me."

"I told her what I did to you and Laura. She understands how I want to do something to ease my conscience. My dying won't win me forgiveness, but it'll help you feel better, so she accepts it. I would ask that you don't cheer or applaud when the grim reaper takes me. That would hurt Beth and she doesn't deserve it."

"Why'd you do it, Chuck? You had lots of girls. Laura was all I ever had or wanted. You fucking ruined it!" snarled Jack at the ill man.

"Because I was an asshole. Because I could. How the fuck is that for a reason? It wasn't until I met Beth that I realized what an asshole I had been," admitted Chuck. "I didn't give a shit if your marriage ended. Laura didn't mean anything to me. That's how low I was. It's embarrassing as hell to admit."

"It wasn't personal?" asked Jack. "You weren't trying to ruin my life or break us up for some reason? I always wondered why you'd go after a married woman when you had so many available."

"I hardly knew who you were. I wasn't thinking about you, except that I was tapping some guy's wife," confessed Chuck. "She's a beautiful woman, so I wanted to try her pussy. That's all she was to me, a little married pussy on the side."

"If you weren't so sick, I'd kick your ass!" threatened Jack.

"If I wasn't so sick, I'd want you to do exactly that," replied Chuck. "I've grown up, a bit too late, admittedly. There's no excuse for my actions. I realize it now. A bullet between my eyes would be too good for me."

"You miserable bastard," growled Jack. "I'd be doing the world a favor by holding that pillow over your face."

"True, except you'd be in a world of trouble. Killing a dying man is considered the same crime as killing a robust, healthy person," reasoned Chuck. "Why don't you just stop in when you can? There's a good chance you'll see me go to the happy hunting grounds."

Jack had never been as angry as he was at that moment. The guy wrecked his marriage simply because he wanted a strange piece of ass. To Jack, Laura had been the perfect wife, a woman devoted to him, willing to share the rest of her life with him. Then Chuck Harding decided he'd like to try some strange pussy!

"I think I'll take you up on your offer, asshole," replied Jack vehemently. "I'll be pissing on your grave in a few days, motherfucker!"

Jack was true to his word. He visited Chuck Harding several times a week, although he didn't mention it to Laura or Kansas. He knew his intentions were morbid, at best. The third time Jack stopped in, Chuck's wife, Beth, was there with a small boy.

Jack nodded to the woman and took a seat, but he soon rose and left the room. It was impossible to revel in the death of even the vilest human while his wife and young son were present. Jack vowed to himself that he would not end his death watch. Harding deserved exactly what he was getting.

The next time Jack stopped in, Chuck was in a pensive mood. "You left because my wife and kid were here, didn't you? It's harder to enjoy my death when you see the innocent people affected by it, isn't it?"

"I'm here to see you die. I have no quarrel with your family," replied Jack. Even as he spoke, Jack realized he sounded pathetic. Was this the kind of man he was?

Chuck started telling Jack about his son and the things the boy enjoyed. Then he went into detail on how he met his wife and how she had turned his life around. Jack knew full well Chuck was trying to gain sympathy. He also knew it would never happen.

Jack stopped to see Chuck on Christmas Eve. The man had become noticeably weaker since Jack had first seen him. This time, Jack had a purpose and he quickly got to the point.

"Chuck, I hate what you did, but I can't maintain my hatred for you. I've given it some thought and I realize the best revenge is to live well. I'm here to tell you I'll make certain your wife and son will never go wanting. You'll die knowing the man whose life you ruined is caring for your family."

"I can see where you might think you're getting revenge that way," replied Chuck weakly. "You're really not very good at the whole vengeance thing. I hate that I did that to you and Laura, but it somehow turned out to be a good thing for my family. That's some irony. A despicable act ensures the future of my wife and kid."

"It's the best I could come up with," offered Jack. "I won't be stopping in anymore. I don't want to see you die, or even suffer. That's gone. It gives me no pleasure."

"You realize you're pretty much telling me you're forgiving me, don't you?" responded Chuck. "You've found it in your heart to move past what I did to you, something no man can ever be expected to forgive."

"I never said that, but you can think whatever you want. I really don't give a shit," retorted Jack.

"Tell me this, Jack. I hurt you almost beyond your ability to endure. How can you forgive a miserable bastard like me, yet not find it in your heart to forgive a woman who loves you like Laura does? What have I done to gain your forgiveness that she hasn't?

"I saw the relief on your face when you let your hatred for me go. Imagine how good your heart would feel if you forgave Laura. Imagine her in your arms, maybe having your children. Wouldn't that be better than punishing her?"

"Fuck you, Harding! You're the one who said I've forgiven you. I never said that!"

"Not is so many words, but you did say it, Jack," replied Chuck softly. "I'm going to die soon. I'll die happy knowing you've managed to grant me forgiveness, and you'll take care of Beth and Charlie. You really suck at revenge, Jack. It isn't your strong point. If I never see you again, please tell Laura I'm sorry."

Jack left the hospital in a rage. The dumb fucker thought he was forgiven. He wanted Jack to forgive Laura. It would be a cold day in hell when that happened. As Jack drove, he went over his last conversation with Chuck Harding. The man had gotten to him. Jack had to admit that. He never should have gone to the hospital that first time.

When Jack got home, his driveway was filled with cars. He had to drive down the street a hundred yards to find a parking spot.

He had forgotten about the party Kansas and Laura were having! It was a house warming/Christmas party. The addition had been finished for two days and the furniture, including a huge king-sized bed, had arrived yesterday. Every friend, relative and coworker of his, and Laura's, had been invited. Kansas had asked many of her friends to stop in.

He was still fuming at the last words he had with Chuck when he pushed the door open and stepped inside. Guests turned at his entrance and suddenly went silent. Laura and Kansas had been serving drinks and snacks when Jack walked into the living room.

It was immediately apparent that he was not himself. Laura had never known him to drink much, but she considered the possibility as Jack's eyes swept the room. Once his eyes fell on her, he stopped moving.

"Uh oh!" mumbled Kansas as she realized her father was in a state she had never before seen.

Jack finally took a few steps farther into the room, but his eyes never left Laura. The silence continued as everyone became mesmerized by the intensity of the emotion on Jack's face.

"What is it, Jack?" asked Laura with concern.

"Do you really want to be my wife?" demanded Jack.

"Yes... yes I do," replied Laura softly.

"A wife gives her husband all of her love. She belongs to him, only him!"

Laura's father tried to step in, but Kate quickly stopped him with a hand gesture.

"I agree," managed Laura as tears formed in her eyes.

"A husband takes care of his family. He gives them everything he has. He deserves respect," stated Jack emphatically.

Laura simply nodded, completely ignoring everyone who was watching her exchange with Jack.

"A good wife wouldn't complain if her husband took her whenever he needed her, including right now, and on that big damn bed."

"Not if he loved her, and she loved him," agreed Laura.

"Right!" snarled Jack as he moved quickly to scoop Laura into his arms.

"Kansas, close the door behind us!"

"Okay, Dad!" answered Kansas immediately as she pulled the bedroom door closed. "I'll entertain the guests, so don't hurry on their account!"

"What just happened?" asked Laura's mother. "Will Laura be okay?"

"Oh, yeah!" said Kate with a laugh. "Sis is going to be okay for the first time in years!"

It was just half an hour later when Jack and Laura sheepishly opened the bedroom door. They were freshly showered and wearing different clothes. Laura clung to Jack as their company began gently kidding them.

"That didn't take very long," observed one of Jack's equipment operators. "I hope the boss managed to get the job done."

"He did very well. Thanks for asking," quipped Laura before she quickly kissed Jack's cheek.

"Jack, I don't pretend to know what all went on between you and my daughter, but her mother and I are damn glad to see things are on an even keel now," stated Laura's father as he extended his hand. "Just don't do it again."

As Jack shook his father-in-law's hand he glanced at Laura before answering. "I don't think there's any chance of that happening. Laura and I are going to be together from now on."

"To think it was my idea for you two to live together so Kansas's adoption wouldn't be challenged. It's funny nothing ever came of that threat," pointed out Kate.

"Well, I was interviewed at school a few days later," admitted a grinning Kansas. "I told them we had a great family. Mom and Dad loved me, and each other. I knew they'd come to realize it sooner or later. I never told anyone about it because I wanted us to stay together. It was the reason we moved in with Mom."

"How come you were so emotional when you came home, Jack?" asked his curious mother.

"I guess I was trying to determine exactly who I was hurting, and why. I finally realized the pain created by revenge is mostly self-inflicted. I needed to treat myself better. Laura's going to have to suffer with me for the rest of our lives."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Really, truly honestly bad. It had so much potential upfront but the author turned it into a shallow reconciliation without any value for the reader except for that small group of wimp lovers. I spotted his response as he pretends not to care and self-aggrandizes to try claim an intelectual superiority over the LW readers. It's a little bit of intelectual fraud - pretending to be more than one is. What a loser

AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

The simple fact that Laura never accepted responsibility for the actions that led to Jack’s departure made it difficult to feel any sympathy for her. Letting her family and friends believe that she had no idea why he left allowed her to not only ignore her role, but allowed her to appear to be the victim when the opposite was true.

Where was the revenge? Chuck was an asshole, but as the old saying goes, it takes two to tango. The excuse she used to justify her behavior was weak at best and showed she didn’t respect her husband. These excuses to justify cheating fall flat when you consider that it took more than one contact by Chuck before her got her into bed which meant she allowed it to happen.

SouthdownSouthdown8 days ago

I enjoyed this almost as much as my favourite Beatles song of the same name 'Ask Me Why'

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

4 Stars from GW . The hospital scene was a bit to far out of my realm . But then again it is HDK's world so he can do what he wants in it .

Rwslacker48Rwslacker4816 days ago

Another great story. Thank you.

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