Astarte Ch. 04


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When his feet were secure, she reached up and opened his pants to pull out his dick. With a combination of hands and lips, she soon had him erect. From somewhere, she produced a condom which she placed in her mouth, and, with a motion which denoted a lot of practice, pushed her mouth down his prick. When she withdrew, Kyle's four inch long dick was perfectly coated with the condom.

Standing up, she drew the tee shirt over her head, leaving her as bareassed as when she was born. "Strip!" she ordered, looking at Deon. "Girls, feel free to entertain yourselves anyway you want; just keep your hands and mouths off my husband's dick. He is to get no help except what he can see me doing." She turned to look at Deon, whose erection was bobbing in space before him.

"OMG! A grownup cock! Kyle, since we started dating, I've never even looked at another man; never even wondered what it would be like to have a big cock in me like I hear other women talking about. Now look at the present you've brought me. Mister, I don't know your name, and I don't want to know it. Just get that cock over here and start fucking me!"

When Deon first started servicing Terri, Mandy spoke up. "Is it Terri? You know, Kyle hates to do oral, at least on me. And you have the only other available cock. Since he's in no position to object, would it be okay if I made Kyle eat me? Mary and I could tip him onto his back."

Terri smiled. "That's a great idea, and they say blondes are dumb. Just turn him so he can watch me when he's not busy with you two."

By midnight, Deon had come four times. Each time, Terri had taken her cummy quim to Kyle to clean with his tongue. The condom he wore hung down with nearly a half cup of cum weighting the receptacle end. Terri playfully nudged it. "Got more, to fill this up?"

Kyle simply groaned. Between his wife and his girlfriend, not to mention Mary, he had eaten more pussy tonight than since he had left high school. It was all he could do to keep his gorge down after cleaning the cum from his wife. Just the thought of eating cum turned his stomach. It just wasn't something 'real' men did.

He watched his wife sashay back across the room to the little nerd. She crawled onto the couch and positioned herself between his legs. She pushed her face into his crotch and began bobbing it up and down. "Damn, that little guy had a prick made for a porn star," he thought. He wondered if he'd ever be able to satisfy his wife again; indeed, if she'd even feel him in her.

With his peripheral vision, he noticed movement on the couch. His wife was turning around and assuming the doggie position. Nerd was up on his knees behind her. Christ! Didn't he ever get tired? What's he doing? His cock is aimed too high for Terri's pussy. OMG! No! Not her ass! She had never let him in there, now she was giving it up to some guy she just met. Oh, shit, Terri. Did you have to...and in front of me. He turned his head to look away, and looked into Mandy's bare pussy. Fuck it! He thought, and closed his eyes.

In a few minutes, he heard Terri as her orgasm approached. Her breathing started coming in pants, her vocalizations were something that sounded like oh uh oh uh oh uh...until her final climactic scream caused him to open his eyes and look at the doggie position, Deon clearly in her ass; her body rigid, head thrown back so she was screaming at the moon.

As he watched, Deon began to move rapidly. Kyle immediately understood the motion and was not surprised when the smaller man froze in mid stroke, only to begin mini-thrusting in a few seconds.

When Deon stopped, Terri pulled away from his cock and stood up to walk to him, an evil grin on her face. She stopped with a foot on either side of his face so he was looking directly into her perineal region, coated with the telltale signs of her recent activity.

He shook his head, saying "No, Terri, please, no, not that, please," as she lowered herself to his lips.

She looked down into his eyes between her thighs. "We're almost done, lover. Are you going to fuck around some more?" He shook his head. "Sweetie, if you want this night to end, you better use some tongue on my ass to be sure you get it all cleaned out. Otherwise...I'm not sure what I'd have to do, but you can be sure it'll be worse than french kissing my asshole. Maybe cleaning the cock that reams yours? Would you like that?"

Kyle shook his head as vigorously as he could, his tongue busy laving Terri's pucker. Her smile was small comfort as the contents rolled into his mouth. Both the taste and the texture were different than when he had cleaned her pussy. The thought of what he was taking in made his gorge threaten again. Finally, Terri rose to her feet. Her next words elicited a sobbing "No!" from him.

"Okay, lover, your turn to get cleaned up by the mouth here." Upon hearing her husband's reaction, Terri squatted next to his face and pulled his head into her crotch. "Listen, you piece of shit, you have a choice. You can clean this man's cock now, or after he uses it to fuck your ass. Your choice. Then you get to choose how you're going to behave the rest of the time you're in school and I'm working my ass off to keep you there. What's it going to be, now or later?"

There was no hesitation. "Now," he choked out. He felt the ties on his arms and legs being released.

"On your knees, Kyle. Do it properly. Without hands. I want to see you swallow him, like you try to make me swallow you."

Kyle opened his mouth to accept the erect, feces and cum coated member. His tongue tentatively encountered it as the rigid organ entered his face. A hand on the back of his head pushed it forward, toward Deon, then pulled it back only to push it forward harder, forcing the invading penis down his throat. He gagged and almost vomited. Between the foul musty taste and odor, and the slimy texture of the mixture, it was all he could do to keep from vomiting all over Deon's legs.

A sense of relief swept over Kyle as he felt Deon step back and pull his cock from the tackle's mouth. Still the taste and odor remained. Terri, in a suspiciously solicitous tone, asked, "Need to wash your mouth?" He nodded. When he felt hands on his prick, pulling off the condom, he began to panic. They wouldn't; they couldn't! They promised, once he cleaned the cock, he was done. And, then, realized he had no choice.

As soon as the condom's contents cleared his mouth, Kyle bolted for the bathroom. The retching sounds were clearly audible in the living room for several minutes. Kyle and the girls got dressed. "Will you be okay after we leave," Mandy asked Terri.

"Yeah. I'll send him back to the dorm until he's ready to forgive me for tonight. He knows I love him, no matter what he does, and he loves me. I'm just thankful he didn't join a frat. I think that would have been more than we could have handled."

Deon nodded. "I'm going to go talk to him for a minute, then we have to be on our way." He found his way to the bathroom. Kyle was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall, next to the ivory throne.

"What the fuck do you want?" Kyle asked, his voice hoarse from the upchucking.

"Just to make sure you're basically alright. And to offer some advice. I want you to think about how you hurt your wife, and how to make amends for it."

In response, Kyle snorted. Deon heard Astarte talking to him. "Terri's not your wife, is she?"

Kyle looked at him, shocked. Nobody knew the truth of his and Terri's relationship. "What do you know?"

"I know she's your older sister, responsible for you since you were fifteen, when your parents were killed in a plane crash. How did you become lovers?"

"I'm not sure lovers is the right word. She was giving me hell for the way I had been treating a girl I was dating. I was being a shithead, as usual, treating her like she didn't matter. Anyhow, Terri was ragging on me for being an inconsiderate sonofabitch. I lost it. Went berserk and attacked her. I guess I beat her pretty bad. I blackened her eyes and cracked some ribs.

"When I regained control, she was lying on the floor, not moving. I was scared shitless. I thought I had killed her. When she opened her eyes, I was so damn thankful, I promised God, never again. I got her cleaned up, and taped up her ribs. She needed help with bathing and her hair for a month or so. I started sleeping in her bed so I could help her in the night, just getting into and out of bed to use the john.

"When she was healed, she asked me to stay, said she had gotten used to having me there. It wasn't long after that we started having sex with each other.

"When I got the scholarship, we talked and she agreed to help me. In return, I had to promise to behave, pay attention to my grades, and not screw up. Her neighbors think I'm her husband, and I'm listed that way on my college records. I visit her three or four nights a week, to take care of her needs.

"Not just sex. She's in a business where it's hard to meet men the right age, and all her co-workers are at least ten years older than her, with families, so there's not a lot of socializing with them. I'm about all she's got. She needs somebody like you, somebody smart she can talk to about stuff, not some thick headed jock who's only interested in where his dick is going next."

"I'm glad to hear you say that, Kyle. It shows you care about your sister, and you need to do that. What happened to you here was all my fault. I told Terri what to say, what to do, just like I told you to bring us here."

"Why? What'd I do to you?"

"You were feeling my date up on the dance floor, and when she objected, you refused to stop. Plus, you've been leading Mandy on, letting her think you two were going to get married. For some reason, that just pissed me off, more than feeling up my date.

"Now it's time for you to make a decision. Continue with your sister as your wife. I don't know how long you've been able to pull it off, but apparently you've been successful at it for a while. Just stay faithful to her. Or, divorce her, so to speak, and let her be your sister again, so you both can go out and sport fuck all you want. But it's one way or the other, not both. Decide what she means to you. Find out what she wants. Make a grown up choice."

Deon pulled his car into the lot by the dorm hosting the orientation attendees and parked. The melee in front of the dorm was more than he wanted to contend with in his SUV. He made his way into the lobby and began to search for Sally. An outbreak of raucous laughter drew his attention to a crowd near the front windows, centered around a tallish green haired...Sally? "What the fuck?" he thought, walking to them.

"Sally, what in hell have you done to your hair?" he asked, as he made his way through the crowd.

"Deon!" she squealed in delight. "Don't you just love it? When my roommates discovered I was part Irish, they all decided I should go green. So we mixed up some shampoo and food coloring. I think it looks cool."

Deon reached up and ran his fingers through his sister's hair. It came away covered in a green powder. "We'll see. If we can't at least tone it down, your mom will kill both of us. It looks like it might wash out, mostly. Maybe Astarte can help us fix it so your head will stay on. C'mon, the car's in the parking lot. Where's your bag?"

Sally was talking a mile a minute, describing her activities since she had checked in two days ago. In addition to the rapidity of her speech, she wasn't able to maintain a clear and coherent train of narration, flitting from thought to thought, often changing stories in the middle of a statement.

Deon recognized the signs of an insomniac high. Between the planned activities and the mischief she and her roommates had provoked, she hadn't slept since Thursday. From the time he pulled her from her circle of friends to pulling into his driveway, fifteen minutes later, all he learned was that she had had a great time.

He turned sideways in his seat and looked at Sally. Softly, he reached up and placed his fingers over her mouth, silencing her. She turned to look at him, her large blue eyes bright with excitement. Slowly he pulled her to him and kissed her. "Sally," he whispered, "I know how wound up you are, and how excited you are, but I want you to go in and take a nap. Go and sleep for a couple of hours or until I come to wake you. Okay?"

"Will you come make love to me first? Then I can sleep." Deon grinned and nodded.

Inside the house, Mary and Mandy were just getting out of their shared shower. Last night, after his marathon copulation with Terri, Deon had claimed he was worn out and needed sleep, leaving the girls on their own. Both were still highly aroused from teasing Kyle and watching Terri and Deon fucking like minks in heat.

Mary had discovered she liked the taste of pussy, and the touch of a woman's tongue even more. She also learned she enjoyed the feeling of power inducing an orgasm in another woman gave her. It had been a most satisfying evening, in many ways.

The recent virgin and the blonde were engaged in a passionate farewell kiss when Sally and Deon entered the house. He grinned when he saw the two nude women entwined in each other, oblivious to Sally and him. He coughed, alerting them to their presence. "Hi, girls. Mary, can you drive Mandy back to her sorority. Sally's on a sleepless high and I have to get her calmed down before she crashes."

"Be glad to. Which one and where?" she asked Mandy.

"It's Pi-U- Sigma, right on Oakenstaff Boulevard, across from the Art Building. It's only a couple of turns from here, about ten minutes one way. I can show you my house. It's one of the oldest sororities on campus, with the oldest, continuously occupied sorority house in the state." Mandy grinned. "You can come up and see my room; meet my roommate. You'll like her; she went LUG last year because her grades were slipping, but I don't think it helped much."


"Lezzie until Graduation, but she's been so horny this summer, she barely passed the courses she had to make up. Personally, I think she needs..."

Deon missed the end of the statement as the girls disappeared into the guest room. He led Sally to their bedroom and pushed her to sit on the bed. He knelt to take off her shoes. As he pulled off the first one, both legs suddenly rose in the air as Sally collapsed back onto the bed, sound asleep. He laughed and lifted her into the center of the bed after removing the other shoe. He covered her with sheet and went to the living room and plopped down in the easy chair, marveling at how his life had changed in the past few weeks.

First and foremost, there was Astarte. Besides her amazing gifts, there were the two times they had made love. Each time had been fabulous, and each time he had come away feeling stronger and more capable at everything.

Then, there was Bertie--Professor Roberta McGee, his Art History instructor. Two years ago, she had nearly failed him when he had challenged some of the authorities she had quoted in class. Not until he had produced more recently published opinions upholding his challenges did she relent and give him his only C grade so far in college. Now, their relationship was based as much on mutual respect as it was on the physical act of sex. Their couplings came as close to making love, without love being involved, as could be.

Mandy--she had pissed him off in the bar that night, but something about her, some sense of pathos, had caught him. Last night, learning her 'lover' had used a false promise of marriage to reserve her for himself had really rattled his anger chain. It reminded him some of the story his mother had related to him about Sally's father. He was looking forward to their tryst in the stacks.

Jordan, now there was a real revenge fuck, for his sister's friend. Except he had wound up feeling sorry for her. What a fucked up family. He wondered if he'd ever see her again, and what would happen if he did. In spite of her being basically unwilling, it had been a great screw.

Mary. Wow, talk about a hidden volcano. There wasn't anything she wouldn't try once, twice, if pressed, he was sure. He didn't think she'd be home for a while. PUS, as a sorority, had quite a reputation. Ninety percent of the girls claimed LUG status, but like Mandy, had a more or less monogamous relationship most of the time with some guy on campus, for the occasional necessary relief.

Terri. Now there was a hottie he wouldn't mind seeing again, he thought, stroking himself through his slacks. He wondered what Kyle would decide. If she were his sister, he knew what the answer would be. Anyone who loved him enough to take that kind of beating and still accept him in bed, talk about true love. That brought to mind

Sally. Ahhh, yesss, he sighed mentally at the thought of his sister. Even before he received Astarte's gift, he had been in love with his sister. He had never conceived of the possibility she returned his love. Of all the human women he had made love with, he had enjoyed his times with her the most. As open as Mary, she was as much concerned about his pleasure as he was hers, desiring to be with 'him,' regardless of the activity.

Mom. How? When? It had been Sally's suggestion, but it had struck a chord and he knew it was something he wanted, had, to do. Astarte had promised it would happen, and apparently soon since it would delay Sally's starting college.

And tomorrow night, Donna, the cute buxom waitress at the diner. She was going to be working with him at the museum. She was reluctant, but with Astarte's promise and the skills Bertie had shown him, he knew he'd be in her panties tomorrow night, and the next morning.

"Deon! Where are you?" Sally called, interrupting his reverie. "I thought you said we'd..."

"I'll be right there, sweets. You conked out on me when I was taking off your shoes. And as much as I love loving you, not when you can't enjoy it."

"Well, I can now. Get that fucker in here!"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Deon telling jock not to fuck around but deon is fucking around. They both are in relationships with their own sisters. I guess as long as he tells her about it that makes it ok

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great Story

You have a great story going regardless of the first comment. Just keep it going the way you have...enjoy reading it!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Wow, the bar has been lowered with this one...

I was already struggling to find some form of relatability to the main character since CH 1, Now I don't even want to try. It's a sad shame the story has to try and support its narrative in this fashion. Poor pacing, no plot, flat dialogue, and gratingly presumptive scenarios put this series into a shallow grave from the first entry. This chapter simply put the lid on the tomb for me.

Did you actually sound it out in your head; the sheer idiocy of a woman physically screaming the letters "O-M-G" in ecstasy?


animeturtleanimeturtleover 10 years ago

I do like the mind control aspect of the story, I did not like the anal part. However it is your story so keep it up, and by the way your a good writer so keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Why didja have to go and make this gross??

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