Auto-Genesis Pt. 02


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Mary regarded the cupful of her semen. It smelled so good and sweet that she was sorely tempted to drink it, but forced herself to wait. Looking around again, she saw that there was a sink on the other side of the room. Dammit! She wouldn't be able to pour the cum into the drain AND keep the portal plugged at the same time! So she steeled her nerves, shrugged and upended the cum of warm babybatter into her mouth. As a futa who'd masturbated more times than she could count throughout her life, Mary was no stranger to the taste of her own cum. But this time it somehow tasted different, sweeter and thicker than usual. As she gulped down the milky substance, Mary figured that its sweet taste and thick texture was probably due to her abstinence for the last couple of weeks. Within a moment, the cup was empty and Mary let out a loud burp that she was glad no one else was around to hear. Far in the back of her mind a little voice reminded her of the fact that the room was being monitored, but she ignored that voice handily. With a glance at the x-ray monitors, Mary realized that she still had quite a bit of spunk left inside of her. There was nothing left for her to do but repeat the process until she was emptied of her own sperm to the point where she could dismount The Bike without making a huge mess.

Five cups and a very full stomach later, Mary had accomplished her goal. She gently withdrew her cock from her well-used pussy one more time and took a deep, cleansing breath. There was still a large amount of cum inside of her body, sealed up inside the confines of her womb, but she no longer felt like a bloated elephant, pregnant with her own seed. With a wicked grin, Mary marveled at the fact that she was most likely pregnant in a whole other manner. She dismounted The Bike on somewhat rubbery legs and practically waddled to the door that would lead her to a warm, satisfying shower. Her tummy was still taut with the fullness of her own seed, but at least she hadn't left a gigantic puddle of goo on the floor when she walked. Some of it ran down the insides of her thighs, though. Her cock, still long and thick, dangled and slapped wetly against her thighs with each step and still oozed a few drops of unspent cum that mingled with what slowly drained out of her pussy. It was only then that Mary remembered the vaginal plug- she could've used that at first instead of forcing herself to drink her own cum. With a shrug, she decided that, although somewhat tawdry, she enjoyed the solution she'd come up with much more. With weary muscles, Mary opened the door and went to go take a shower.

As she stood under the warm water's spray, Mary could hardly believe that she'd actually done it. Something so taboo and kinky that even futa who engaged in incest frowned upon it! Self-cest! She'd done it to herself and what a WILD experience it had been! She couldn't have imagined how pleasurable and satisfying it would feel, but when she was done, Mary found herself wondering why she hadn't done it before. It was so thrilling and exciting and... HOT. NO ONE could have fucked her as thoroughly and completely as she'd fucked herself- no one! Mary looked down at her swollen tummy and gently pushed on it with her palms flat. She immediately felt her warm, thick seed begin to pour of her well-fucked pussy, travel down her legs and watched as it pooled in the shower drain. She couldn't get over how MUCH she'd cum inside herself, either. Never in her life had she cum so much, so hard. And the fact that she'd done it TWICE was just awe-inspiring. She hadn't had a double orgasm with her cock like that since she had been a teenager, when she was still new to sex and the pleasures it could bring. If she could get on TV right then and there, still naked as a jay-bird, she'd shout to the rest of the world that they have absolutely no idea what they're missing out on. Self-cest wasn't stupid or wrong- it was inevitable and the most natural thing that a futa could do! No messy relationships, no worries about STD's of any kind (not that futa ever really worried about such things, thanks to the Dryden virus!)- and a baby created from self-cest was sure to be a perfect combination of your best attributes. Why MORE futanari weren't doing it was a mystery- it's the most amazing sex act since auto-fellatio!

Mary resolved, as she stood in the shower, to try this again, as soon as possible. If, of course, Dr. Stiles would let her. If not, then she'd have to figure out a way to create her own Bike, using her savings. The concept itself seemed pretty straightforward. It would take some work and she'd have to brush up on her engineering skills, but she felt that she could do it if she had enough time and resources available. And she would, too, if it came to that. One thing was certain: nothing would stop her from enjoying what she'd just experienced again! Even if it meant that she'd have to carry her babies to term, she'd do it. The act of being her own broodmare was just too powerful to not do it as many times as possible. Mary simply couldn't think of a better mate than herself. She idly wondered if it was possible to marry herself? Wow, wouldn't THAT be one for the history books?

Mary finally got herself clean and was surprised to find that her clothes were waiting for her. Someone must have quietly put them there while she was showering. Mary quickly got dressed and when she stepped out of the private bathroom, she found Dr. Stiles standing the hallway waiting for her. The look on the good doctor's face, however, was strange. The woman looked as though she'd seen the most stupendous thing in the universe but couldn't find the words to describe it.

"Doctor?" Mary asked. "Are- is everything all right? Are you okay?"

Dr. Stiles silently nodded and handed a sheaf of papers to Mary. Mary looked down at the report, saw that it had her name on it and took a few moments to decipher it. When she got to one particular line in the report, however, her eyes stared in astonishment at the words. "Subject successfully self-inseminated a total of 42 eggs," the line read.

Mary looked back up at Dr. Stiles with incredulity. "Am I reading this right, Doctor?"

Dr. Stiles seemed to find her voice again and said quietly, "You... you're amazing, Ms. Patterson. In less than thirty minutes you've created 42 new human lives. That's... extraordinary!"

Mary looked down at her tummy, which still felt quite full despite having expended as much seed as she could in the shower. She regarded her body with uncertainty. "That many? Is that... is that even POSSIBLE?"

Dr. Stiles hooked her arm under Mary's and started guiding her down the hallway. "Normally, no. If you were to try and carry all of those embryos to term, you'd either explode or they'd crush themselves to death. Either way, no human body can support let alone carry that many babies, even WITH the Dryden virus in play. So we have to get those guys out of you as quickly as possible."

Mary walked alongside the doctor, arm in arm, as though she was in a daze. "But... 42? Really? How...?"

Dr. Stiles heaved a sigh. "My guess? You probably overdid it with the fertility drugs. Our initial scans indicated that you were storing an awful lot of semen, too, so that was probably a contributing factor. As you know, the futa reproductive system is rather effective, for both our male and female organs. Sperm is more potent and our eggs have thinner protective membranes. We are quite literally made for breeding. Which is actually part of why I started this program."

Mary was slightly confused by that. "Because we're made to breed?" she asked uncertainly.

"Absolutely!" the doctor replied with a nod as they rounded a corner. Mary had no idea where she was being taken to, but in her post-coital haze, she was perfectly amenable to do just about anything right then. "You see, it's a numbers game, really. With our current social system, the binomial breeding process, the chances of OVER-breeding is very real. Two futas get involved, fall in love, have sex... statistically speaking, the chances of them both getting pregnant increase exponentially. And with the recent acceptance of incest, the numbers rise even higher. And futanari breed as true as rabbits. But! If we can learn how to make reproduction a solitary act of choice, an act of volition, the numbers go down. There's a very real risk, Ms. Patterson, that we might over-populate the planet if we keep going like we have. I've heard rumors of a secret expedition in space- we're ALREADY looking for a new planet to colonize, not because we're ruining Mother Earth, but because there simply won't be enough room for us inside of a century! If those rumors are true, then we've got our work cut out for us. I mean, finding a planet that will sustain human life is hard enough, but to make it habitable enough for us to actually live there and thrive within a hundred years will take a miracle. So my hope is that this program might serve as a sort of band-aid on the over-population front. If we can convince enough people that self-cest is a GOOD thing, then we might avoid a global disaster and stretch our time-table out by at least another hundred years."

Mary was gob smacked by this revelation. She had never really considered any of this before, but it made complete sense. "So... this isn't about changing social attitudes, but it has an actual, practical purpose?"

"Of course!" Dr. Stiles said. "How do you think I managed to get the funding for it? Changing social mores is all well and good, but it's not exactly high on a business's list of priorities. However, social stability ensures profits. If society gets over-crowded, then profits break down and the business suffers. That CIALIS can help to influence the hearts and minds of the futanari human race is really just the icing on the cake. But, really, this is all just about saving ourselves as a species."

"Wow," Mary replied, lost in distant thought. "But wait- I just made 42 NEW human lives. All by myself! Isn't that bad, considering your... mission?"

Dr. Stiles' head moved from side to side in a see-saw motion. "Yes and no. Yes, because, obviously, those lives will add to our population. But! My embryonic stasis chambers can help with that. You see, we can keep the embryos in stasis indefinitely. We can extract them for incubation all at once or one at a time, depending on your wishes. You are, after all, their parent, so you make the final decision. They can stay in stasis for as long or as short as you like."

"So what happens to them if I die before I can make my decision?"

Dr. Stiles shook her head. "I can't really say for certain. That becomes a legal issue that I can't even begin to unravel." She patted Mary's hand consolingly. "And I pray that we don't have to find out the hard way." She pulled Mary to a stop at a door in the hallway. "If you'll step inside here with me, Ms. Patterson, we can do the extraction right now."

Mary placed a hand on her tummy and felt a slight wave of panic wash over her. "When you... extract them, will they be okay? I don't want my babies to be hurt in any way," she added sternly. Hearing the steel in her own voice surprised even Mary. How had she gone from the quiet, timid futa of an hour ago into a protective mother in so short a time?

Dr. Stiles patted Mary's arm reassuringly. "I promise, Ms. Patterson, that your progeny will be perfectly fine and healthy while they stay in stasis. No harm will come to them, ever. It will be like they're frozen in time. If it helps to make you more comfortable, I'll tell you a little secret that not too many people know: my daughter and I, combined, have over three hundred embryos in stasis right this minute. Many of them were products of self-cest, but some were created within my womb by my daughter and vice-versa."

"," Mary said with amazement. "Three HUNDRED?!"

"OVER three hundred," Dr. Stiles corrected. "We hope to bring that count up to four hundred before the end of the month," she added with a conspiratorial tone. "Just between you and me, Eve and I can't get enough of each other." She waved her confession off and charged on. "As may be, the point is that Eve and I check on our babies daily. Every single one of them, since we started this little enterprise, is perfectly, absolutely, 100% fine."

Mary went into the room and saw that it was fairly sterile. There was a rack of devices, little cubes that she figured were empty stasis chambers, a larger device that she recognized as the embryonic extraction device (she'd seen it in a recent news article) and a nondescript exam table. Dr. Stiles indicated that she should lay down on the table and pull up her shirt high enough to expose her midriff. When her tummy was bare, she looked up at the doctor warily. "This won't hurt, will it?"

Dr. Stiles smiled warmly and shook her head. "You won't feel a thing," she said. "I've done this on myself and my own daughter countless times-"

"At least three hundred of them," Mary supplied.

The smile on the doctor's face spread. "Give or take, yes. Each time was as painless as the first. It'll be over before you know it." With that, she placed the extraction device over Mary's stomach, pressed a few buttons and then asked, "Ready?" Mary nodded, the doctor hit a button and said, "All done!" With a flick of her wrist, she popped the stasis chamber out of the extraction device and showed its readout to Mary, who saw in big, green digital numbers "+42."

Again, Mary was astonished. "That's it?"


"But I didn't feel anything! Are you sure they're in there?"

Dr. Stiles tapped the display on the chamber a few times and then showed it to Mary. The display showed what looked like several dozen tiny globes. They looked like they were frozen in amber. "Maker, meet your progeny; progeny, your maker."

Mary's eyes got misty at the sight. Her intellectual mind was blown and simply could not fathom the fact that she was looking at 42 of her own offspring, all contained inside of a little box, but the mystery of the maternal instinct told her it was true. She was looking at her future children. She didn't know when or how, but one day she would see them all and meet them as real people.

"Hello, my sweet peas," she said to the display lovingly. "Mommy's here. I love you and, someday, I promise, we'll meet like we should. Someday." She looked up at Dr. Stiles. "So what will happen to the stasis chamber?" she asked. "Will you just keep them on a shelf or what?"

Dr. Stiles handed the small cube to Mary, who took it from her reverently. "No mother should be separated from her children," she said warmly. "They're yours and yours to protect. Keep them with you for as long as you wish. When you're ready, bring them back and we can place them in maturation chambers. Or... add to their number."

Mary's eyes lit up at that prospect. "You mean... I can come back?!" she asked excitedly as she sat up.

Dr. Stiles laughed gently. "Of course! A woman like you? You're absolutely welcome back! As a matter of fact, and this is something we don't generally put out there, but all of our initial test subjects have a lifelong membership with us, free of charge. That membership covers everything from the impregnation process all the way through to full decanting of offspring. When we go fully public as a business everyone else will, of course, be paying customers. But those who help us in our fledgling stages will be treated as VIP investors. After all, in a sense, that's exactly what you are: investors. The currency you bring, however, is not money but good will. We hope that your experiences here will be positive enough to encourage others to become clients and help break the taboo of self-cest entirely. If you can help manage that, you'd be doing us a world of good, both figuratively and literally. Remember: what we're doing here is for all futa-kind. So, as compensation, you get our services for free, until the day you die. And any offspring you leave in our care after you pass on, like I said, will be up to the lawyers to figure out, but our contracts are ironclad in that every life, both mothers and offspring, will be treated as sacred."

Mary looked down at the stasis cube for a moment and then back up at Dr. Stiles with a smirk on her face. "Over three hundred, eh?"

Dr. Stiles smiled back. "It's a fact."

"I'll see you in a month."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like the talk about the more mundane and practical aspects of the Dryden universe, and it's something that I'd love to read more about. Also, the kinky fun Eve and her mother get into is pretty hot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Needs another Chapter

It's 2020 and really needs another part.

apocolypse101apocolypse101over 6 years ago

Is there a chance of any more chapters? More would be awesome!

EinfachTollEinfachTollalmost 7 years ago

Will we ever get a part 3 to this?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
gonna be honest...

This was hot as fuck. Portal sex... Genious

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