Be Afraid, They Live Among Us

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Who are they? What are they? Why are they here?
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Who are They? What are They? Why are they here?

Be afraid. Be so very afraid because they live among us. We don't know who they are. We don't know what they are. We don't know why they are here. We just know we aren't alone.

Forget about being afraid of the Boogie Man. Don't even bother looking under your bed. There's no one and nothing hiding under there.

You no longer need to look in your closet before turning off the light. Except for your clothes, your collection of porn magazines and/or love letters from you know who, and the money you are hiding from your spouse, it's empty. They don't need to hide. They are in plain sight.

There's no need to pull the covers over your head, before going to sleep at night. Finally, you don't have to smear Jell-O and margarine all over your bedroom floor, so that they'll slip and fall and give you more time to escape. You can finally sleep with the light turned off because they are everywhere, maybe even living in your house, and (gulp) sleeping in your bed.

"Ma! Mommy! Help!"

Be afraid, be very afraid because they live among us. Only, we don't know who they are. We don't know what they are. We don't know why they are here.

They can change to look like anyone, your boss, your friend, your mother, your father, your sister or your brother.

"I knew there was something that I didn't like about you. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I just knew you weren't normal. Now I know why. You aren't one of us, are you? You're one of them."

They can change to even look like you.

"Hey, do you have a twin? I just saw a guy who looks just like you."

They can trick us, fool us, catch us off guard and by surprise. They are stronger, smarter, and more powerful than we are. They have more money than we do. The drive the best cars, live in the biggest homes, wear the nicest clothes, and eat the finest food.

They live longer than we do. Are they immortal? I don't know, but I suspect they are. They'd have to be to have accumulated so much wealth, influence, and power over us. They even play sports.

Tell me, why do you think Michael Jordan was so much better than any other basketball player? How did Tiger Woods get so many endorsements? If they weren't on steroids, how could Barry Bonds hit so many homeruns and Roger Clemens win so many games? I know why. They are all one of them.

When you think about it, maybe they were here before us. I figure, in the way that they have a stranglehold over the rest of us, chances are they were here before us. Chances are we are the interlopers and just as we don't know who they are, what they are, and why they are here, they don't know who we are, what are we, and why we are here.

We humans are here quite by accident and it would be funny if we are the intruders and they still can't figure us out. You could say that we've taken over this whole Earth place and made it our own. Moreover, it would be funny if they were the ones that were afraid of us.


If you want to see them in action. If you want to identify who they are, you just have to go to any rich community where their men give their women whatever they want. Surely, someone who can afford to live in Beverly Hills and Bel Aire, California, Jericho and Scarsdale, New York, Jupiter Island and Palm Beach, Florida, Greenwich and Fairfield, Connecticut, Newton and Brookline, Massachusetts, is suspect. It's not normal for someone to have all that money. How did they amass so much money...if they aren't one of them?

Maybe because there are so many of us, nearly seven billion people on the planet, they fear us, which would explain why they all group together and live in gated communities with hired security forces, bodyguards, close circuit cameras, and alarms. The rest of us live in cookie cutter neighborhoods, tenement buildings, projects, and ghettos. Don't laugh, but I think I'm on to something here.

Your first indication that they are the super, superior beings, is that they have a better education, more money, and a better lifestyle than we do. You just have to look at the list of Forbes Magazine's billionaires to identify who they are. Bill Gates is one of them. Warren Buffet is another one of them. Even Oprah is one of them.

There's just no way that any of them are one of us, human. Yeah, I know, it's scary to think that the Bush family, an entire clan of them, ran this country for eight long years. I rest my case. Say no more. Enough said.

"Look out! There's one behind you."

I know, you're buying into this now because now I'm making sense. I'm not crazy. This is all true. I finally can see it and it only took me six or seven scotches to see the truth and to identify who they all are.

"Bartender, set me up with another one and make it a double this time. Here are my car keys."

Look what those evil bastards did to the rest of us. They took our jobs, stole our 401Ks, repossessed our cars, ruined our credit, mired us deep in debt, and foreclosed on our homes. They don't want us to have anything, not even hope. They ruined us in hopes that we'd all go away and die. Only, we're still here, and you know what? It's time we fought back. It's time we took what is ours. It's time we take back all that they have taken from us.

"Yeah! Who's with me!"

Just as the villagers came for the monster Frankenstein, it's time we lit our torches and picked up our guns and ran them all out of their safe and secure neighborhoods. It's time they lived like the rest of us, week to week, hand to mouth, and on welfare and food stamps. It's time. Instead of them shopping at the best stores and buying the most expensive gifts for one another, it's time they shopped for Christmas gifts at the Dollar Store.

Unable to afford a full tank of gas, and always cold and hungry, I'm tired of never having enough. I'm tired. Look at them, they gorge themselves on champagne, caviar, and lobster, and buy diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and pearls, as if they are plastic beads.

"It's time."

With more than one million species of known insects in the world and possibly another nine million species unknown and yet to be identified by entomologists, there are more than ten quintillion insects in the world. Did you know that half of the identified 4,000 species of mammals are rodents? Now, there's a scary thought.

"Rats! I see rats everywhere, two legged ones. If I don't see a rat, then I see a damn bug. There are bugs everywhere."

Yeah, I know, they didn't name nickname listening devices as bugs for nothing. Do you see that spider on your wall or that fly flying over your head, it could be one of their spying devices watching and listening to us.

"Don't laugh. I'm not paranoid. I'm not crazy. It's true. They are listening to us and watching us right now."

With so many bugs in the world, that's a sure sign that they not only don't trust us but also that they are afraid of us. They monitor us by using bugs, not real bugs, but tiny computers they build to look like bugs.

"Look! There's one! Kill it! Kill that sucker. Slam it's tiny computer head into the wall. Look at it run. Squash it!"

There's something much worse living out there among us than the imaginary Boogie Man. Oh, yeah. We don't even know what it is. We have names for them, but we don't know who they are, what are they, and why are they here.

Are they vampires? Are they a new breed of vampires that have morphed to coexist with modern life and live among humans unnoticed? Instead of sucking our blood, instead of killing us or turning us into one of them, they do something more insanely evil and dastardly worse than that.

They suck our hard earned money from out of our hands. They are our bankers, insurance executives, Wall Street financiers, and credit card tycoons. They are the ones who control who we pay and how much we pay.

Are they werewolves? Are they a new breed of werewolves, an intelligent being than can change from monster to man or woman and back again? Instead of pouncing on us to take our lives, they take more than that.

They rob us of our security, our vehicles, our homes, our jobs, and our money. They are disguised as politicians. They are easy to recognize. With their hands buried deep in our pockets, they can talk out of both sides of them mouths, while smiling and not listening to us and not caring about us.

Are they a witches? Are they a super new breed of witch that has grown more powerful over time and through the centuries? Are they angry how they were perceived, singled out, and hunted and killed during the infamous witch hunts?

Have they already cast evil spells over us and given us poisonous potions in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe that we just don't know about it, yet? They are disguised as healthcare professionals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and pharmaceutical company executives pretending they are here to help us, when they are here to kill us after taking all of our money for prescription drugs we don't want or need.

Are they Angels? Have they always been here, living among us and disguised as religious zealots, preachers, Bible thumpers, and holy members of the church pretending to help us and wanting to save us? What is their purpose? What is there mission? What do they want?

They want more than our soul, I fear. They are the priests, the Bishops, the Cardinals, and the Popes, here to steal the innocence from our children. Then, turning a blind eye to our pleas for justice, they close our churches leaving us nowhere to follow our faith and to pray. They are evil.

Are they Devils? Have they always been here, living among us and disguised as friends and relatives waiting to harm us? We're on the wrong side of the law, I'm afraid.

They are lawyers, the litigators, and the ambulance chasers, who live to sue us and to throw us in jail, before taking all our money in frivolous lawsuits. They are judges who return the worst criminals back to society without so much as bail or probation to delay their return hoping that they will prey on us and murder us in our sleep. We're doomed.

Are they Aliens? Did they land here long ago and now unable to get back, unable to leave, they are stuck here. Maybe their ship was destroyed and they somehow survived the crash and adapted to Earth's atmosphere. Maybe their planet and their universe was destroyed and now they are here to take over our planet and our universe.

They are the billionaires, the richest of the richest, the most powerful and the most influential. They are here on our planet biding their time, accumulating whatever additional wealth they can, ready to buy and take over the world in our absence. They continue to live on, long after we die.

Who are they? What are they? Why are they all here?

Certainly, they are all here, vampires, werewolves, witches, angels, devils, and aliens. Tell me, are you afraid? Are you afraid? Well, if you're not afraid, you should be, that is, unless you are one of them, too.

"Bartender, you'd better call me a cab. I think I'm going to be sick."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
You Are Quite Correct.

Because sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily,

"dogs" plundered of that which is holy,


"swine" despoiled of those which are pearls;

to the extent where

knowledge is increased


it is the time of the end -

a time of Trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time.

You are quite correct........

they are sure here -

that which then were no more than "dog," and "swine;"

amongst thee.

fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
another great rant

And readers (annoyingmousie et al) send me death threats for my diatribes against the onepercenters!

Well, I need the laughs!

The reason I do not write monster stories is that all the monsters I know, pretend to be human.

To quote me "Ordinary people do heroic duties, ordinary people commit monstrous crimes. Sometimes they are the same person."

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
you are on to something

sadly the only thing going on here is our fellow mankind putting the screws to us i wish they were aliens it might be a little better to take very well done!

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