Blind Draw


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"I hope you're ready, darling, because I'm going to take you on a trip to paradise," he whispered in her ear.

"Mmmmmm, I'm ready," Judy said softly.

Cal laid her gently on the bed on her back then crawled down between her open legs. He reached under her butt and slowly slid her panties off her legs. He gazed down at the prize he'd just won, a pretty pussy, framed by an unruly mass of darkish blonde curls.

He slid his fingers between Judy's lips and opened her up. She was wet and hot, with a nicely framed hole that was fairly drooling. He ran a finger up her furrow a couple of times, stopping at the top to circle her clit several times.

"Gwaaaa!" Judy exclaimed as her lust climbed ever higher. She was a fast track to a climax just from the slow, gentle way Cal was touching her.

Again, Cal ran his finger up her slit, circled her clit, then worked it back down before sliding it into her hole. Judy groaned heavily as Cal slowly, deliberately finger-fucked her. He used his thumb to work her clit in a circular motion as he quickly added a second finger in her soupy pie.

Richard took a swallow of his drink and fidgeted impatiently. Was this asshole ever going to fuck her? It seemed like all he was interested in was touching his wife, when what he should be doing was pounding the shit out of her.

But Cal wasn't that way. He was having a fine time just using his hands to explore Judy's body, and he was about to up the ante.

Abruptly, he slid down the bed, pressed his face to Judy's pussy and slashed his tongue right up her slot, ending with a nice curl up to her clit, which he tongue lashed for a good 10 seconds before sliding his mouth down and clamping it onto her clenching hole.

"AYYYY!" Judy squealed and writhed on the bed as she felt the sudden oral assault. This was a complete surprise. Richard had never before gone down on her, claiming it was dirty, although he had no such compunction about making Judy suck his cock.

Cal, however, was diving in like he'd done it plenty of times, lapping at her labia, boring into her hole, sucking her clit. He did it all and Judy jerked and moaned heavily as her orgasm reached critical mass.

With a loud cry and several high-pitched squeaks, Judy convulsed in the most profound sexual experience of her life, a full-body, all-consuming climax the likes of which she'd never had before.

"Unnnnnnh, God! Cal!" Judy wailed. "Fuck me! Please! I need it!"

Cal was ready too. He got up on his knees and got into position. He rubbed the head of his cock between her labia several times then pushed it into Judy's waiting cunt. Slowly, he pushed forward with his hips, burying his bone in her pussy as Judy jerked underneath him.

Judy now expected it to go like it always went, five minutes or less of furious humping, ending with a wet climax and her being left high and dry.

But Cal just kept working his cock slowly, methodically, making sure he found and hit all of her internal hot spots. And when he found one, he circled his cock on that spot several times before moving on to the next one.

Judy responded with the kind of enthusiastic abandon she'd never displayed for her husband. She wrapped her legs around his waist, worked her hips up in rhythm to Cal's inward thrusts and kept up a continuing vocal reaction.

"Oh! Oh! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck meeeee!" she wailed as another, even stronger orgasm build to a white-hot intensity.

Sweat glistened from their bodies as they worked as one. Cal bent down and laid fully on Judy's body, their arms entwined as they kissed ravenously, all the wanton pleasure sizzling back and forth as their tongues worked like swordsmen.

"Oh, baby, you are so good, so sexy, so beautiful," Cal whispered in Judy's ear.

That did it for Judy. Hearing Cal telling her that she was sexy and beautiful provided the spark that lit the fuse on another roaring climax, as she wrapped her arms and legs tightly around her new man, threw her head back and screamed in orgiastic ecstasy.

Richard's cock was an iron bar as he stared open-mouthed at his wife and her lover. His fist was working furiously as he watched Cal's cock churning in her pussy and listened to the liquid sluicing as Cal's cock found places in Judy's cunt he'd never visited, as Cal took Judy to a high he'd never come close to getting her to.

Cal could feel the delicious friction of his sweaty body sliding over Judy's equally sweaty body as he held on for dear life, keeping his cock motoring at a steady pace.

He could feel his control starting to slip as he felt the rusty tingle of orgasm, but he was hoping to get another climax out of Judy before he surrendered his load.

And Judy was close, as her delirious moans were telling him. He picked up the pace then, grunting as he worked his cock back and forth with a passion he hadn't felt with a woman in a long time. Again, he brought his lips close to Judy's ear.

"That's it, baby. That's it, lover," he cooed. "Let yourself go, surrender to the feeling, give me your love, give it to me. Come on, you're almost there."

"Yessssssss! Yesssssss!" Judy hissed. "Make me your lover, fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme, dooooooo ... unh ... it!"

With a sharp shudder, Judy's body went rigid for one second, two seconds, three seconds, then she exploded. Her body thrashed and she threw her head in every direction as the powerful sensations wracked her body.

That was more than even Cal could handle. He gasped, then grunted hard, buried his head in Judy's shoulder and his cock as deep as he could in her pussy, and cut loose with a volcano of molten hot cum.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" he panted as he emptied himself in her womb. They held each other in a death grip, their mouths frantic in their need to be together, to communicate their lust.

Richard had hoped he could hold off his own orgasm in order to get sloppy seconds, but the awesome sight on the bed rendered that hope futile. He swore as a jet of cum exploded out of his cock and splattered on his stomach.

When it was finished, he slumped back in the chair, drained. He closed his eyes for only a second, it seemed like, but the powerful climax and the amount of whiskey he had drunk that night hit him then, and he was quickly sound asleep.

He awoke to a pounding noise in his head and light streaming through the window. He opened his eyes and glanced toward the bed. For a second it didn't register, but suddenly his eyes flew open and he stood up quickly, only to sit down just as quickly as the room began to spin.

But when he regained his equilibrium, he stared at the bed, which was empty. Then, he thought, OK, she's just in the bathroom. Even a blind girl can find a bathroom in a hotel room, he surmised.

He stood up slower this time and that's when he realized that Judy and her meager belongings were gone.

It was Cal who had noticed that Richard had passed out. His orgasm finally abated, after a long time of clenching his cock to squeeze out little afterbursts of cum as Judy clenched her pussy to help him.

Judy's heart was soaring from the ecstasy she'd just experienced. Every nerve ending on her body was tingling from the glow of the most unbelievable feeling she'd ever had.

She wanted more of this, much more. Cal had opened up a whole new world for Judy, and she was ready to plunge right in.

Cal rolled off Judy's body onto his back, gathering her in his arms, and that's when he saw Richard with his head thrown back and his mouth open. He knew opportunity when he saw it.

"Judy?" he said softly. "Richard is asleep. He passed out."

"That figures," Judy said. "Oh well, that just gets him out of the way for awhile."

"Judy, I have to ask you the most important question you'll ever have to ponder," Cal said. "I want you to think about this carefully."

"Think about what?" Judy said.

"You, me, us," Cal said. "And him."

"What about him?" Judy said.

"Do you love him?" Cal said.

"Richard?" Judy said. "Not a chance. Never have. My father told me that if I didn't marry Richard that he'd put me out of the house on my own. I think he was tired of supporting me and by then he had a girlfriend who could do the housekeeping chores I'd been doing since my mom had died when I was 19. I'd always been conditioned to think that I couldn't make it without someone to take care of me. So I said yes when Richard asked me to marry him. And I must say, he didn't show his violent side until after the wedding."

"Would you like to get away from him?" Cal said.

"What are you talking about?" Judy said.

Suddenly, Cal jumped up and climbed out of bed.

"Come on!" he said softly, but urgently, pulling Judy up with him. "Get dressed quickly, get your things together and let's get out of here. I want more of this, so do you, and I don't want to have to worry about Sleeping Beauty over there."

Judy didn't hesitate. She got up, felt around for some shorts and a T-shirt, slipped them on, slid her tennis shoes on her feet, stuffed her things in her one overnight bag, grabbed her cane and softly followed Cal out the door.

Cal led her to the elevator, then they took it up to his floor. Once they got into his room, they embraced again. Judy was giggly, like a little kid as she kissed Cal feverishly. She didn't want to ever leave him.

Cal chuckled warmly as he finally got Judy calmed down. He fixed them both a large drink, straight Sprite, and handed Judy hers.

"Thanks," she said, after she'd gulped down most of it. "I didn't realize how thirsty I was."

"Lovemaking can be pretty hard work when it's done right," Cal said. "Anyway, here's what I wanted to talk to you about. I didn't want to say too much back there, because I wasn't sure how much your husband could hear, and I don't want him to have any clue, until it's a done deal."

"Until what's a done deal?" Judy said.

"Judy, do you really want to go back to Richard?" Cal asked. "Think about it carefully, because once you leave him, there's no going back. Not to him. He'll kill you."

"No. No, I don't," Judy replied after pondering the matter for a minute or so.

"Think carefully now," Cal warned. "If you leave him, you'll also have to leave your family behind. You father's already demonstrated that he doesn't have your best interests at heart. If you leave with me, you can never go back."

"What do you mean, if I leave with you?" Judy said excitedly. "Do you mean it? Would you really take me with you?"

Cal nodded then shook himself in amusement as he remembered who he was addressing. He pulled Judy up and gathered her in his arms.

"Judy, I've known you for all of about three hours, maybe less, and I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Cal said. "I've never had anyone, not even my ex-wife, who has burned herself on my soul the way you have. If you're willing to take a great leap of faith, I'm willing to help you get away from Richard and take you back to Colorado with me. We'll stay here long enough for you to file divorce papers, which can be done first thing tomorrow."

"Oh Cal!" Judy hugged his neck hard and kissed him just as hard. "You can take me anywhere you want. I love you, I love you, I love you."

"Judy, I love you too," Cal said. "Now, how far did you say it was to where you live?"

"A couple of hours," Judy said. "Why?"

"Well, it's right at midnight," he said. "We could be at your place by 2 o'clock, get all of your things together by 3 o'clock, be back here by 5 o'clock. A couple of hours rest and we could be at a lawyer's office by 8 a.m., 9 at the latest, and we could have it all done before Richard even wakes up. What do you think?"

"I think we're wasting time," Judy said. "Let's go!"


Judy and Cal lay naked on an old quilt in front of the fire in the large stone fireplace at Cal's cabin in the mountains outside of Denver. During the week, they lived in his apartment in the city, but they spent their weekends and other days off at his cabin in a secluded area well into the country.

It was the week before Christmas and they were taking some time off to spend alone together at the cabin before the final holiday rush.

Cal was running his hands softly down her back and Judy was purring in contentment. Suddenly, Judy turned toward her husband.

"God, I never get tired of you," she said in wonderment. "You are the best man in the world."

"You're full of it, but I love you anyway," Cal said with a laugh.

They kissed then, in much the same way they had the first night they met, tenderly but with an underlying passion.

They had spent the day skiing, a delightful surprise for Judy, who never dreamed she could do something like that. They had stayed on the easiest slopes, but still, it was a day to remember for Judy.

Afterwards they had walked through the crowded streets in the town adjacent to the ski resort. Judy took in everything with her other working senses, the sounds of carols playing from the shops, the smells of the pines and firs, the taste of the snowflakes on her tongue. It was all a delightful revelation to a blind woman who had never before traveled more than 100 miles from the sleepy Southern town she'd come from.

They had finished the day with a romantic meal at a fine restaurant, grilled rainbow trout and a cold bottle of white wine, then they had come home, built a fire, showered, and were laid back relaxing in preparation for love.

The previous year and a half had been a whirlwind of activity, and it seemed like everything had cascaded into a blossoming life for Judy.

After getting back to the hotel that morning, they had showered and dressed, then she had gone with Cal to sit down with his client. The man was an old friend of Cal's with lots of contacts in the city. He had taken one look at Judy and recommended a friend of his who he said was the best divorce attorney in Atlanta.

The lawyer also took a look at Judy's face, which still showed clear evidence of bruising, listened to her story and quickly drew up the papers. The divorce petition would be filed early that afternoon and Richard would be served later in the day back in his hometown.

Richard hadn't known that as he frantically showered, dressed and stormed down to the lobby searching for his wife and lover. What was the guy's name? Definitely Cal, but the last name eluded him, then he realized he'd never learned the man's last name, where he was from or anything about him.

The only thing he knew was that he'd talked Judy into going off with him, and he'd have to pay for that. But how? The front desk wouldn't help him, even if he had known the man's last name. He went back up to the room, thinking that surely Judy would have come to her senses by now.

But by checkout time, she hadn't returned, and he couldn't afford to stay another night, so fuming and cursing all the way, he drove alone back to his house. He was stunned when he walked in the door and saw that all of Judy's things had disappeared.

Apparently, while he had been passed out on a chair in a hotel room in Atlanta, Judy and her new lover had slipped away, returned to the house, packed up her things – such as they were – and had vanished.

He was halfway through a bottle of Jim Beam when the process server arrived at his door with the divorce papers. Judy had asked for nothing from him except her freedom, citing mental cruelty and physical abuse as her grounds for divorce.

After Cal completed his business that day, with Judy dutifully waiting or occasionally listening with great interest, they returned to his room, where they made love, then crashed for the night, utterly exhausted.

If their lovemaking that day was nothing like the intensity of their first coupling, in many ways, for Judy, it meant more. Cal proved that his slow, loving hand hadn't been the act of a man just out for a piece of ass. He loved her, and he told her so, over and over.

The next morning, they showered together, then they had driven to the airport. Cal couldn't get her a ticket on his scheduled flight, so he got his flight changed to one where they could travel together.

Then they got on the plane for Denver. Before leaving, they had boxed up the few personal effects Judy had taken from her house that couldn't be put on the plane and mailed them to Cal's address in Colorado. Thus, Judy had no reason to ever go back to Georgia, and she'd never looked back.

For awhile after she got settled in with Cal in Denver, she played the housekeeper, but soon she started taking an interest in Cal's business.

She had a quick mind that was well ordered, something she'd had to learn as a blind person, and she soon started showing up at his office on a regular basis. She was especially interested in architecture for the handicapped, and she showed a flair for design.

Richard and Judy's family tried everything they could to find out where Judy had gone, but they had no leads and had no clue where to look. Richard had tried to get the police involved by arguing that Cal had kidnapped his wife, but once they got a look at the divorce petition, they brushed him off.

After the divorce was finalized, Richard's drinking escalated and his behavior became more erratic, until one night he was arrested for a DUI. He lost his job, and subsequently lost his house when the bank foreclosed. He was reduced to working as a day laborer and living in an old trailer park, spending his days and nights cursing Judy and "that bastard she ran off with."

A week after Judy received official notice that her divorce from Richard was final, she and Cal went to visit a minister he was friends with and talked to him about marrying them. Judy became Judy Davidson six months after she and Cal first met.

They were both pleased at the response from Cal's first wife and his kids to his relationship with Judy. They had long hoped and prayed that he would find a good woman to share his life with and to make him happy. And they liked Judy from the start.

Cal had made some mistakes in his first marriage, but he had learned from those mistakes and he had atoned for those mistakes. He had been a good father to the kids and a gracious ex-husband to their mother.

As soon as she was his wife, Cal put Judy on his medical plan and set about looking for a doctor who could help Judy with her blindness.

As far as he was concerned, money was no object, and if there was any way to restore Judy's sight, Cal was prepared to pay for it. As it turned out, there was nothing that could be done. Judy's blindness was permanent and irreversible.

Nevertheless, the consultations with the ophthalmologist had produced positive results. Cal had learned as much as he could about blindness and living with someone who was blind, and Judy was astounded to learn just how much she could do in spite of her handicap.

She realized just how despicable Richard and her father had been for constantly telling her she had no worth because she couldn't see. Hearing Cal say she could do anything she put her mind to was one thing, but hearing it from a doctor drove it home for her.

With Cal's encouragement, she had started going out about the world by herself, something she never would have done before. In fact, just the day before she had spent the afternoon alone some place special, and she had a surprise for her husband.

But that could wait. Judy brought her lips to Cal's and they kissed hotly, their arms caressing each other. Cal rolled onto his back and brought Judy on top of him, feeling the heat of her body and the heat of the fire combine to cover him with a warm glow.

After a few minutes of furious necking, Cal got Judy to roll back onto her stomach. He produced a bottle of scented oil and poured a liberal amount all over her back. The bottle had been sitting near the fireplace and the oil was nice and warm.