Bound by Pride Ch. 09


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"Hey..." a woman cried out in alarm. Electra turned as did the others as two men started to fight. Electra sighed and stood. She approached the two men as one grabbed a knife.

"Stop." Electra said loudly as she pushed her way between the two struggling men. The knife slid into her chest as the man wielding it threw a wild swing hoping to slash his opponent.

Both men turned shocked to Electra who looked down at the handle sticking out of her chest. "Great... just great... I liked this shirt." She said angrily. She reached into her front pocket and pulled out her badge. "Sit." She ordered the two men after letting them study her badge.

The waitress who had served them watched her surprised; she blinked for several moments before reacting. "Mike call an ambulance."

"No Mike don't bother." Electra told him, "Call your sheriff though." She looked down at her chest again. She grabbed the handle and yanked it free, pressing a towel to the bleeding wound, she put the bloody knife on the table. She glanced a movement out of the corner of her eye, she turned and saw Mayhem sneakily stealing her fries, "Stop stealing my fries." she protested, she heard movement and turned back to the two men. "Sit down." She ordered the one who had stood. "Do you know what the penalty for attacking a federal agent with a deadly weapon is?"

Both men shook their heads.

"Yeah well you're just lucky I'm immortal, anyone else would have died from that wound." She told them. She waited no more than ten minutes before the sheriff walked in.

He walked over to the waitress. "Afternoon Kim, you called."

She nodded and quickly explained as she walked him over to Electra. He glanced around, his eyes spotting the bloody knife and became concerned. "Why hasn't an ambulance been called?" He demanded as he started to check the two men over.

"Because one isn't needed." Electra told him firmly. He turned to her. "Agent Luis FBI." She showed him her badge and he finally noticed the towel she was holding to her chest. Electra removed the towel and peeked down her shirt, "See it's sealed," she showed him the pink scar, "by tomorrow I won't even have a scar."

"Do you know what they were fighting about?" He asked.

"Nope... just came over to stop it." She turned and went to return to her meal, frowning when she noticed her plate was gone, "Not funny... where's my food?" She asked.

"Getting reheated." Gale told her.

Electra smiled and sat a few moments later her plate was put down. She ate as swiftly as she could as the others had finished.

The sheriff walked over. "Do you want them charged with assault?" he asked holding the bloody knife in a tube.

"Nope... no point, it was an accident, no harm no foul." She told him.

"Only a Were would say something like that after getting stabbed in the chest." He said slightly amused.

"Only an immortal Were," Gale corrected, which caused the Sheriff to stare at them with a dumbfounded look on his face.

Electra smiled as she drank the last of her drink, she stood and the others copied her, she dug into her back pocket and pulled out her wallet, looking at the cost of their food and put down two bills, which would cover it and a tip before returning her wallet to her pocket as they left.


Mayhem and Electra yawned as they entered their room, today had been a big day and they could barely wait to crawl into bed and cuddle. Mayhem was the first to spot the heavy box waiting for them on the bed; she grabbed the note on top as Electra wrapped her arms around her and nuzzled at her neck.

'Mira dropped this off while you were out.' She read in Bastion's flowing script. She trembled as her tiger rushed forward; it knew it was time to claim her mate.

"What has you shaking?" Electra asked once she removed her lips from Mayhem's skin.

"My surrogate is here."

Electra smiled and started to tug Mayhem out of her clothes, when she was naked she cupped Mayhem's breasts from behind and gently started to fondle them as she licked and nipped at left side of her neck. Mayhem's knees went rubbery at the attentions of her mate. She groaned when Electra took her earlobe between her teeth and gently bit down.

Electra released the earlobe, "so... are you going to make me yours now." She whispered seductively into Mayhem's ear before biting it again. Mayhem growled, she turned around and forced Electra onto the bed. She took off her visor, as this room was dark enough for them to go without the device. Her eyes, which were normally blue, had changed to yellow, her beast was close.

"Strip." She growled sexily at Electra.

Electra fumbled for a moment but quickly complied, sliding her visor off her dark brown eyes shifting to copper as she let her beast come forward. So far Electra and Mayhem had kept their beasts out of their sex lives and their beasts had understood, they would come forward when it was Mayhem's turn to claim until then they let their human sides come to terms with their relationship.

Electra rolled onto her side as she went to see what was inside the long box. Mayhem crawled on top of her and started to nibble and lick at Electra's neck, Mayhem's hands stroking Electra body. Electra flicked the catches and opened the box. She gulped in surprise, as she had never seen a cat surrogate before, it was a cross between a human penis and that of a cats. It was long with a cone shaped head and covering almost the entire length were backward facing barbs that made her sex clench in anticipation.

Mayhem pulled her shoulder back to the bed so they could kiss; their tongues ran across each other's and across their sharpened teeth. Their bodies shifted as their beasts grew impatient with foreplay, when they had completed their shifts they were both in hybrid form. Mayhem growled gently as she ran her nose down Electra's body. She stopped when she got to the object of her desire, pressing her nose to Electra's sex, took a deep breath, and scrunched her face up showing her teeth and sticking out her tongue as the juices flowing from her mate's body triggered her mating instincts.

She pushed herself up and started to roll Electra over and into a position in which she could take her. Electra moved with her needing Mayhem's possession as much as Mayhem wanted to possess her. Mayhem growled as she saw her mate before her waiting for her to claim her. Mayhem quickly remembered that she hadn't put her surrogate on. She reached for the device, her big paws handling the device easily, and inserted part of it into her body. It quickly swelled and locked its self inside her.

She nudged Electra further onto to bed.

Shouldn't we do this on the ground? Electra asked as she moved to the centre of her bed.

No. Mayhem told her and moved up behind her, she knelt behind Electra and sat on her thighs. She used her paws to push Electra's backside down. Electra let Mayhem push her into position; Mayhem pressed her nose to the base of Electra's spine and ran her tongue up her mate's body as her arms locked around Electra's waist. Her licking path lead to Electra's neck, she pushed her head and chest down to the mattress before she wrapped her mouth around Electra's neck to keep her in place as she went to join their bodies. Her beast didn't know how Electra's beast would react to the barbs on her surrogate, tigers on the receiving end of mating would attack those mating them when they withdrew or thrust, her teeth bit a little harder, a warning to her mate and to protect herself.

She didn't want that to happen so she made sure she had a good grip of her mate's neck and hips before bringing their bodies together. She was crouched over Electra as she moved her hips, looking for her mate's opening, she kept missing, striking Electra's clit and lips but not what she wanted. She growled as Electra moved and tightened her grip, Electra was not going to get away from her; Electra ignored her and let her body lower further hoping that this would help.

Mayhem realised what she had done when she finally found her mark. She relaxed her bite a little and thrust forward, sinking more than half of her length inside her mate, she growling gently, seductively against Electra's neck as her moist heat enveloped her, echoing Electra's low whine of pleasure. Mayhem tightened her bite as she went to pull out to sink her full length within her mate.

Electra growled and tried to get out from under Mayhem as barbs on her surrogate pulled painfully on her love channel. Mayhem growled a warning and bit deeper, her teeth breaking the skin as her grip on her mate tightened. She thrust, sinking her entire length within her mate. Electra growled as Mayhem started to jerk her hips in small movements, letting the barbs move in small motions; Electra's claws dug into the mattress beneath her and bared her teeth, as she wanted out.

Mayhem ignored her; she knew Electra would adjust if she just gave it a little time. Her thrusts slowly started to bring pleasure to her mate, she knew the moment this happened as Electra started to push back against her thrusts and her claws pulled back from the mattress. Mayhem started to make a deep thrumming noise in the back of her throat as she felt Electra's sheath squeeze her making her thrusts harder to make.

Electra started to quiver as the barbs rubbed against her g-spot pushing her quickly to that point where nothing mattered but the delicious friction and the pleasure it would bring. Mayhem growled as she felt herself cum, shooting her own desire into her mate's body. Electra growled in frustration, she was so close.

Mayhem shifted her body knowing Electra was pissed at her but knowing that she would soon forgive her. She placed her paws on Electra's rump and in one fluid movement, with a growl she released her bite and pushed her body away from her mate, tearing her member forcefully from Electra's body. The friction of Mayhem's body leaving Electra's triggered her orgasm.

Electra growled as her body violently climaxed leaving her quivering in a heap on the bed. Mayhem lay down for several moments to come down from her own high. She quickly got control of her body, went back to her mate, and started to lick at Electra's thighs, slowly making her way to her mate's centre. Her paws kneaded her mate's backside with her large paws; she started to purr as she lapped at Electra's core, tasting both her mate and her juices. She kept licking for several moments before she moved to cover Electra again, needing to take her again.

Electra growled as she felt Mayhem grip her hips again and take a hold of her neck, she felt Mayhem start her movements again and knew they were both in for a long night but she didn't care.


There was a bash on Electra and Mayhem's door, which flung open, Electra and Mayhem jerked awake and turned to the door.

Sage bounced into the room, "Guess what?" She said excitedly ignoring their sleepy looks.

"You're an annoying brat." Electra growled as she squinted to keep the light out of her eyes. She grabbed a pillow and lobbed it at Sage. "Get out."

Sage dodged the pillow. "Nah... not it... come on guess."

Mayhem glared at Sage through slitted eyes, "You have three seconds to get out before I electrocute you." She warned. "One..."

Sage backed away as she knew Mayhem had just figured out her ability and that she could use it well. "Darrel was caught trying to flee the country." She said as she ducked out of the room.

"WAIT GET BACK HERE." Mayhem yelled she pushed herself to her feet and scrambled off the bed; she threw on some clothes and glanced around for her visor. "Annoying... little..." She mumbled as she scooped up her visor, cramming it on and racing from the room.

"SHUT THE DOOR." Electra ordered as Mayhem raced out of the room.

Mayhem raced back, "Sorry." She shut the door and raced after Sage to throttle her to get all that she knew. She saw Sage a set of stairs down from her, Sage poked her tongue out. That made Mayhem see red, she jumped the banister and flung herself at Sage. She crashed into Sage and they both slammed into the wall. Keira watched them wrestle with wide eyes; Ghan stepped before her to protect her from the two wrestling women. Sage cursed as her muscles seized as electricity surged through her body.

Bastion appeared from nowhere, he seemed to have a sixth sense about mischief in HIS house. Both women were suddenly apart and hovering mid air. "How many times do I have to tell you Sage... no fighting in the house?" He growled.

"She started it." Sage said with innocent denial over the accusation.

"You did you little brat... you don't just drop a bombshell then run." Mayhem growled as she reached to try to throttle her. Bastion put them further apart. She pointed and threw a bolt of lightning at Sage. Sage sighed as the bolt went wide and struck a light fitting blowing the globe.

"No..." Bastion growled... "You..." he glared at Mayhem. "Don't use your powers until you can control them."

He didn't know when Amy appeared and he didn't care, he was in charge of this house. He growled as he heard something crash and break, "Temperance." He growled he was torn between the trouble he could see and the mischief he knew Temperance would be up to. He glanced back to Amy. "You deal with this." He said as he unceremoniously dumped both women on their back sides and raced from the landing muttering that Temperance was the spawn of a daemon and more hassle than Wolfgang and Gillian combined when they were cubs.

Amy chuckled and thought that at least Temperance was keeping him on his toes. "Okay... you two." She said to Mayhem and Sage. "Sage you should not have gone and barged in on you sister and her mate. I was going to tell them the moment they left their room. Mayhem... until you have full control of your power please don't use it in the house." She turned back to Sage. "Fix the light and clean this mess."

Sage pulled a face, "But I didn't..."

Amy glared playfully at Sage, "I know but clean it up. I need to speak to Mayhem." Sage pushed herself to her feet muttering about the unfairness of it all. Mayhem got to her feet, racing down to join Amy they walked away from Sage's venting.

"How was he caught?" she asked tugging up her pants which had slid precariously down her hips, only just realising that she had pulled on Electra's pants and Electra was much more voluptuous than she was.

Amy sighed and gestured to enter the library/office that she had claimed as her own. "He was trying to get into South America where it would have been almost impossible for anyone but me to find him. However, Kris and Jack had their enforcers ranging over the border and picked him up. He will be brought here for judgement."

"Did he say anything?" Mayhem asked.

Amy went red, "no... Kris was the one, who stopped him, she... well let's just say for what remains of his life he will be eating through a straw."

Mayhem snorted to keep from laughing; it took her a moment to compose herself before she asked, "What did she do?"

Amy grinned, "she said he was attempting to evade capture, and that she was forced to stop him with a crow bar to his face... twice."

Mayhem chuckled as she could picture that. "Will he be able to talk at his hearing?" Mayhem asked.

Amy thought about it. "Probably not... her pride healer had to wire his jaw shut in nine places so that it could heal."

Mayhem gave her a confused look, "she had his wounds treated?"

Amy nodded, "no choice in the matter, she had to have him seen to as if she didn't it would make us no better than him."

Nathanael chose this moment to enter the room. "Just the person I was looking for." He said and walked up to Mayhem.

Mayhem gave him a guilty look even though to the best of her knowledge she hadn't done anything wrong.

"Why are you giving me a guilty look? What have you done?" He demanded to know.

Mayhem thrust her hands into her pockets, which made the jeans she had pulled on fall down a little, forcing her to again pull them back up. "I picked a fight with Sage." She told him.

He hummed for a moment but shrugged, "doesn't matter, I came to tell you that you can start training. I'm sure someone will help but don't ask Electra... her body type and training is wrong for your body type. I'm guessing that Rhiannon or Guinevere would be a better match for you." He smiled, "Maddie can also start training, I hear Ghan is teaching Keira, Maddie should join her if Ghan doesn't mind." He said before he left the room.

"Wow... I get to work on my body now." Mayhem said pleased and bounced a little remembering to keep a hold of her pants to keep them up, she didn't know why she bothered to keep tugging them up as she wasn't modest.

Amy smiled, "I'll get Guinevere in here, Rhiannon's spending her time teaching Maddie, bringing her to her age mates' levels and won't have the same amount of time to help you get fit and build your body up. Guinevere however has time in spades." Amy sent the request along, one also for Ghan and Rhiannon to come and see her.

All three walked in several minutes later. Amy smiled at them, "Guinevere, would you like something to do while you're here?"

She gave a relieved sigh, "yes please... books although fun can bore me."

"Mayhem has been cleared to train; Nathanael thinks you're a better match for than her mate." Amy explained.

"We can start as soon as you're ready." Guinevere told Mayhem as they left together.

"Maddie has also been cleared and Nathanael was hoping that you could train her as well as Keira." Amy told Ghan.

He nodded, "I'll take the cubs as well. Maybe some discipline and tiring play will keep Temperance from driving Bastion to a crime of passion."

"Serenity, Thais and Maddie have lessons in the morning, Boadicea said she was willing to take Temperance, teach her to play chess or something." Rhiannon informed both of them.

"That's okay I only teach Keira in the afternoons anyway, in the morning she spends her time reading Were law and meditating." Ghan said.

"Good the cubs are covered and hopefully this will keep Bastion from blowing a gasket." Amy said relieved. "Now if only I could get Sage out from underfoot..."

Wolfgang had walked in at the beginning of Amy's sentence, "I have that covered." He said as he joined them. "She's going to go into enforcer training, she's old enough now to start her training and I have three others who are ready."

"She only has a month until she goes back to school." Amy reminded him.

He nodded, "I know, the others in the group are her age, they go to high school as well but show all the promise of being good enforcers. It's not the full time training adults go through but part time, like a cadetship." He explained.

Amy nodded, "sounds good to me."

Bastion stormed into the room holding Temperance in a firm grip, he was red in the face and looked seconds away from a complete mental snap. He released her and gave her a nudge forward. Amy took a deep breath and waited for Bastion to calm down before he started to tell her about his latest grievance with the little girl.

He took a deep breath and released it, "If I see her in my kitchen this side of her nineteenth birthday I will seriously hurt her." He warned before he turned and stormed out leaving Amy to find out what Temperance had recently done to warrant such drastic action.

Amy crossed her arms and waited for Temperance to admit what she had done. Just as Temperance opened her mouth, Amy's phone rang. Amy sighed held up a finger to stall her daughter as she picked up her phone.

Elsewhere in the house, Electra's work phone rang...

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Hungry_VaginHungry_Vaginover 1 year ago

The stat thing happened while I was reading this chapter, I had a sudden allergy attack when reading about Mayhem roaring with her pride. ; ) Powerful stuff! What a great story! I can't believe I haven't seen it before now.

Hungry_VaginHungry_Vaginover 1 year ago

The stat thing happened while I was reading this chapter, I had a sudden allergy attack when reading about Mayhem roaring with her pride. ; ) What a great story! I can't believe I haven't seen it before now.

DoctimeDoctimeabout 10 years ago

The authors imagination stretches the limits of my mind!!!!!!! XD

barbette_sgbarbette_sgover 10 years ago

Loved the story...a few distracting items but it doesn't detract from the story :D

reader018reader018about 12 years ago
ohhhh come on!!!!

i wana know what temp did to piss off bastion this time!!! love how she is giving him payback for amy haha!!!!

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