Bounty Hunter Blues

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Bounty Hunter dominates his Bounty.
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"Is that too tight?" I asked.

Sandra tried to move her wrists and was satisfied that she still had circulation, "No, no, that's fine."

"Alright then, let's go, we've got a lot of miles to cover and I'd like to get on the road." I firmly griped her upper arm and escorted her to my Ford Bronco outside. She hesitated at the door of her tiny apartment and held the cuffs up, "the neighbors." I took a jean jacket she had hanging on a coat tree and draped it over her cuffed wrists.

"Thanks" she said, "at least you got heart."

"And a lot of muscle too," I holstered my Colt .45 A1 in the holster I have at the small of my back and let my shirt dangle over it. When you're taking in a Bail Jumper it pays to respect the neighborhood there are in, who knows what trouble might be lurking in the neighboring residences.

The harsh Nevada sunlight bounced off the desert patina and burned itself into my retina before I got my sunglasses on. I still saw a large yellow dot in front of me by the time I got the truck and placed Sandra inside. As a precaution, I took a second pair of hand cuffs and looped it through the passenger door handle, just in case she got any ideas. It was just a precaution, she was wanted on a possession beef back in Los Angeles and we were on the north side of Reno.

By the time I got myself behind the wheel and the engine started, that big yellow dot had dissipated and I began to mentality map out my route back to the county she had skipped from. I figured that if the weather held, we could take 395 down the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada's and get to Van Nuys, and my money, in about nine or ten hours. The weather seemed a little cool, but there were no clouds in the sky and no winter storms were expected in the Sierra's so we had a good chance.

Driving down Pyramid Highway to interstate 80, I took a closer look at my warrant. She was in her mid forties and looked as if she could pass for thirty, easily. She was thin, with long legs and ample breast. She was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a sweater that fit her like a second skin. There was no bra under that sweater, I could tell, I could see the nipples poke little mounds in an otherwise smooth surface. It crossed my mind about investigating that a little further, but, having a job to do, I put that thought aside.

We pulled out onto the interstate and the land of never ending casinos and headed west to the 395 interchange. She began to talk, which was alright by me, it would keep me alert for the next five hundred miles. She was concerned about what the system had in store for her and what I thought about what would happen to her. We discussed this at length as we made the cross over onto 395 heading south.

By the time we crossed over the California Border and headed into Bridgeport the wind had picked up and it looked like one of those quickie storms were brewing. The radio said that snow was possible in the higher elevations and may get up to a foot before morning. By the time we passed the Bodie turnoff it had begun to snow. I was getting a little worried now. Hopefully, the snow would not get serious and force us to stop. The outside temperature was around twenty five and my car heater was working overtime. As fate would have it, by the time we got to Lake Owens, the snow had closed the highway down to one lane in either direction and you couldn't see twenty feet in front of you. After stopping at several motels in the area, I found a prosperous night manager who let me rent his trailer in the back for fifty bucks a night. Making our way in the snow to the trailer was an event. We were both cold and tired and just a bit edgy. We slipped and skidded, fell, helped each other off the ground only to fall back down again. Everything was icy and slick and fresh powdered snow was sitting on top of it.

Inside the trailer, it was surprisingly warm. Apparently, the night manager had the heater going and the place was actually pleasant, for a trailer. I cuffed Sandra to the door of the tiny bathroom as she used it and found the fixings to make a couple of cups of instant coffee. I also discovered that there was a TV hooked up and I was delighted to find that all two of the local channels were in full operating condition. One of the stations interrupted it's re-run of Bonanza to tell the viewers that the sudden storm might be here for at least two days. The California Highway Patrol had officially closed 395 between Lee Vining and the Mammoth turn off.

I re-cuffed Sandra to the table in the kitchen area when she had finished peeing and told her to make herself comfortable, we were going to be there a while.

"Bummer", she said, obviously not in any hurry to get to a jail cell.

"Yeah, I bet. You hungry," I asked?

"Starved," and she occupied herself with the troubles of little Joe on the TV.

"I'll go get us some burgers," and got my meager coat and opened the door of the trailer, "Oh, and don't go anywhere," I slammed the door of the trailer before I could get a response.

We ate the burgers and watched TV sitting next to each other on that tiny little bench seat in the kitchen. The snow was not letting up outside and both of us were thankful for the propane heater warming us considerably. Somewhere around two thirty in the morning I woke to the static hiss of a station that has signed off for the night and found Saundra comfortably nesting on me. She was breathing evenly in a deep sleep with her head on my shoulder for a pillow, one wrist still handcuffed to the center pole of the table. I noticed her scent now and it was pleasant. She felt good nestled on my body and I did not want to disturb that in any sense. I wanted to put my arms around her and just hold her and caress her, but she was my charge and I was bringing her in. It does not pay to get emotionally involved with a bail jumper. So I woke her up.

"What", she said testily, irritated that her sleep was interrupted. "Time to go to sleep," I said as I unlocked the hand cuffs from the table.

"I was sleeping," she was lethargic and not too willing to move, "and I was having a nice dream too."

"Until I fucked it all up for you," I nudged her off the tiny bench and shut the TV off, "Come on lets go, it's bed time for you."

The bed in the bedroom was a king sized bed and took up the entire space. Looking around, I couldn't find anyplace to cuff her too with the sole exception of the vent hatch above the bed. Which would mean having her sleep sitting up all night, this would not do. But, one had to make do with what one had. So I cuffed her to the vent using both pairs of hand cuffs that I had and that gave her enough room to move around, but not lie down.

"Get ready for bed," I told her and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, your not gonna leave me like this are you," she called out after me?

"Just get ready for bed, I'll figure something out."

"You be sure to let me know what that is, when you get to it."

"You'll be the first to know," I assured her.

I popped a can of soda and watched the snow falling outside. It was becoming clear to me that we were going to be stuck here for a couple of days or so. We were going to have to come to some kind of agreement between each other or things would get nasty soon. I was going to have to make nice and develop some sort of trust with her, as far as I could without letter her get out of my sight. In the bedroom, I heard her shoes drop to the floor and I thought that was going well. I could hear the rustle of material and I figured she was getting herself undressed, and that was a good thing. I considered sleeping in the dinning area, because the bench around the table could be made into a makeshift bed, but, I did not trust her to be by alone for hours at a time. She skipped once to avoid jail, she would do it again. The only other option was to use the same bed she was. That way, I would be sure to have her where I wanted her. I looked around for something to help hide the key and found a couple of those elastic hair bands women use to tie their hair back and thought that would work OK.

When I entered the bedroom I found her with her pants down and trying to kick them off her ankles. She had light purple panties on and her sweater was still on. She had a flustered look on her face and was struggling with her pants. I grabbed one end of them and gave them a yank and they came off without a hitch.

"Thanks," she said and looked around and sort of tugged at the hem of her sweater as she tried to figure out how to get it past the shackled hand. I sat on the edge of the bed and took off my boots and pants.

"Who, wait a minute big fella, you may be taking me in but you sure as hell ain't gonna fuck me." There was a hard edge to her voice and she sounded as if she could back up her implied threat.

"Don't you worry," I said, "your virginity is safe with me." And I took off my shirt and peeled back the covers on the bed.

"Wait a minute bucko," she was getting loud and scared, "This ain't right, you can't do this."

"Relax," I told her, "either you hang like that all night long or, I chain you to my wrist and you lie down. What would you rather have?"

She was considering hanging all night long, I could tell. She was processing a thousand different ways to avoid this, but in the end she said, "OK, But I swear to God, If you touch me, you'll never piss straight again. Got it?"

"I got it," I said wearily. I undid the cuffs and she rubbed her wrist.

"Now," I said, "if you want to sleep in your sweater, be my guest, if not, remove it now and I'll cuff you and well get some sleep."

She took her time considering what I said and let out an exasperated sigh and took the sweater off. Seeing her in her panties and nothing else was something straight out of Playboy. She may have been in her early forties, but she took great care of herself and it showed.

"Go ahead and look, buster, 'cause that's all you're gonna get.." She said it with a hard edge.

I snapped a cuff on her wrist and one on mine, and then I took the key and threaded it through the hair ties and wrapped it around my ankle. Should she make for the key, she would have to pull my upper body to it and that would certainly wake me up. I took a look around to see if there was anything she could smack me in the head with and decided she was weapon free.

"OK, ok, now get under the covers and go to sleep."

She slumped under the covers and tried to roll over, but the steel umbilical cord that attached us would not let her. Clearly exasperated she flopped on her back and let out a resigned sigh. Then she pulled the covers up to her chin, glanced in my direction with daggers in her eyes and turned her head away. I lay still and listened to her breathing. When her breathing leveled out I knew she was asleep and I shut my eyes and forced myself to relax enough to get a couple of hours of shut eye.

I felt the tug on my wrist before I was awake and knew she was making a try for the key. I snapped at her extended arm as she was pulling back the blankets to expose my ankle with the key around it..

"Fuck," she snorted, "what are you, one of those goons who sleep with one eye open all the time?"

I slapped her with my free hand across her face with a loud smack. Her head recoiled and she let out a startled squeal and then she looked at me with fear in her eyes as her cheek reddened. A single solitary tear slowly made its way down her bruised cheek and she was afraid to move a muscle. Her mouth was part way open and she was exposed to her waist, he ample breasts hanging free. It may have been chilly in the room because her nipples were hard as rocks pointing straight out, but, the temperature was close to seventy five in there and I knew something else was going on.

Something inside of me snapped. I knew I was going to take her and take her hard and rough and I was going to do it right now. I felt my blood boiling inside of me and it had nothing to do with sex but with dominating her. Making her submit to my will, humiliating her and degrading her I felt an animal urge to devour her. All of my muscles tensed and I was lost in the same blood lust it takes to wipe out an entire Vietnamese village during the war. It must have showed on my face because she uttered two words barley audible, a whisper, a plea, a request for mercy, "please don't".

I yanked her with me as I retrieved the second pair of hand cuffs and then dragged her back to the bed. I cuffed both of her wrists together and then undid the cuffs that bound us and again attached her to the vent overhead. She was scared and she was shaking all over.

"What the fuck are you gonna do with me?"

I slapped her again, "shut up". Then I went to look for something to tape her mouth shut. I found a roll of duct tape in the kitchen and peeled off a portion and plastered it across her mouth. Her eyes were wide and her sweat smells of fear. She is kneeling on the bed and to avoid being kicked I tape her ankles together with the duct tape. For a moment I watch her squirm and wiggle trying helplessly to extricate herself from her dilemma, but it is no use, I have her now. I grab her tits and squeeze them hard and suck on one of the nipples. She tries to knee me but I easily side step her and slap her across her face once again.

"Try that again and I'll really hurt you," I tell her calmly almost disinterested.

Her nipples are hard and I suck and bite on them as she writhes in her bounds. I place my hand on her panties over her pussy and rub her, using my other hand on her ass to push her into my hand. I find the vertical slit of her pussy beneath the cloth and run my fingers along its length. I can feel her clitoris and I give it special attention. She is not at all into this and is twisting and contorting her body to try and pull away from me, but I am persistent and I keep at it. I feel a slight dampness in the fabric and I decide it's time to pull her panties down to her knees. Exposed, I have a better view of my work ahead of me. She is making muffled cries, pleading for me to stop, but it falls on deaf ears.

I spread her labia wide and begin to lap at her clit and she is still twisting and turning trying to avoid me, but soon, she settles down and allows me to lick and suck her clit. I use my fingers to probe inside of her as I rub and suck her. I lightly slap her ass and she moans a little, and I think she is enjoying this on some level. I work on her as her breathing increases in rate and I can see the rise and fall of her breast, nipples sharp and pointed, I pinch first one and then the other. Then I suck on her clit and she begins to part her knees for me, offering her body to me. I use one hand on her ass and begin to insert a finger into her ass as I use two fingers inside of her pussy while I lick her clit. She is moaning breathing hard and I can tell she will climax soon. I bring her to just about that point and then I stop everything and step away.

I see her eyes pleading with me. She wants me to continue.

"If I take off the duct tape will you be a good girl?"

She nods her head vigorously. I take an end of the tape and strip it off quickly and her head snaps from side to side as I do. I gaze at the beauty of her body and the glistening of her sweat. She looks as if she has been oiled and the light in the room shines off the moisture on her body. She is glowing.

"Oh God, If you let me down I'll do anything you want. Just please let me down."

"I like you like this," I tell her, "you look so beautiful tied up like that."

"Your tongue felt so nice on me I want to do the same for you. Wouldn't you like me to suck your dick?"

"If you're a good girl, perhaps I'll let you do that. But only if you swallow."

"Anything you want, really, I'll do anything you want."

"All right then, let's see about that."

I fetched an empty bottle from the kitchen and gave it a quick rinse and dried it. When I returned, she looked at the bottle and asked, "What are you going to do with that?"

"I want you to cum in it." "Oh God," She sounded extremely afraid.

"You said you'd do anything, or do I have to get the duct tape out again?"

"Just don't hurt me," she pleaded.

I took the neck of the bottle and ran it along the length of her pussy and got it wet with her own juice. I spread her labia wide open and inserted the neck of the bottle into her. She let out a small cry and I twisted the bottle around inside of her.

"Now, I want you to fuck this bottle like it was your favorite cock."

"Oh God," she moaned and she began to move slowly onto the bottle neck. She had her eyes closed and her head was turned to one side. She was completely humiliated by the experience. But the smoothness of the glass and the way it slide in and out of her was beginning to come easy for her and she turned her head and opened her eyes and watched herself as she truly began to fuck the bottle. She had a steady rhythm going and I could tell she was getting off on it by her breathing and the effort she was putting into it. I again inserted my finger into her ass and she really started to fuck the bottle in earnest. I could feel the anus muscles tighten around my finger and she let out a long "Uhhhhhhhhhh" and her whole body was involved in fucking the bottle. She tried to get as much of the bottle inside of her as she could, "Oh yeah, stick another finger in my ass." I stuck two more fingers into her ass and all three were being pulled into her anus like a suction cup.

"Oh Fuck yes, I'm gonna cum for you baby, I'm gonna cum for you," she was breathing hard and she was thrusting herself onto the bottle with force. I had to really hold onto the bottle to keep it from slipping out of my hand, meanwhile, my fingers were up to my knuckles in her ass and I could feel the lip of the bottle with my fingers. She let out a yell, "Oh God", and she jammed herself onto the bottle and convulsed onto it for what seemed like several minutes and when she was done there was a creamy liquid running down the inside of the bottle and I felt her anus muscles expand and contract on my fingers in rapid succession. She was breathless and exhausted and she just hung from the vent, her head lolling as she gasped for breath.

I withdrew the bottle and my fingers and gave her a slap on her ass and she barley reacted to it. I undid the cuffs that secured her to the vent and kept the others on her wrists. I laid her on the bed and removed her panties. Her ankles were still duct tapes and her manacled wrists were resting on the rise and fall of her belie. I took off my boxer shorts and knelt before her on the bed.

She was exhausted, but she acted without me telling her to do so. She took my cock in her hands and raised it up and began to suck my balls. I began to grow in her hands and she began to lick the length of me. She then took me into her mouth and took me all the way into her throat and let me fuck her in her mouth. I grabbed a hand full of hair as I thrust my hard cock down her throat. She was moaning encouragements to me as I fucked her and it made me want to fuck her hard. I pulled her off my cock by her hair and told her, "Get on your knees, bitch, I'm gonna fuck you in your ass." She did as she was told and with her head on the pillows and her ass up in the air, I parted her cheeks and began to force the head of my dick into her tight ass.

She made sounds from my efforts like it was a combination of pain and pleasure. When I succeeded in penetrating her ass I sank myself up to the hilt and grabbing her hips I fucked her as hard as I possibly could. I was using my cock as a weapon a sword to vanquish and dominate this bitch.

"Oh God fuck me harder, fuck my ass harder," she cried out and I did just that. I gave her my entire dick all the way into her and slapped against her ass with force. I fucked her like I wanted to hurt her and she called out to me, "It that all you got, fuck me."