Bukkake Club

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He receives an invitation to a party at work.
7.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/23/2002
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The Bukkake Club Chapter 1: The invitation

I'd worked at my present job about nine months when I received the invitation. It arrived in a company envelope, and simply looked like any other inter-office correspondence.

However, when I opened it, there was a card inside, which read:

"Congratulations. You have been invited to become a member of a very exclusive club.
If you wish to discover what the club has to offer, please come to the following address 6 PM Saturday night..."

and here it gave an address in a part of the city I wasn't familiar with.

"Please do *not* bring your spouse. Dress casually."

and in small print it asked me not to show this to anyone else, and to report to the company physician sometime during the day.

I looked around and saw one other guy with a card like mine. He had as puzzled a look on his face as I probably did. I also noticed none of the ladies had received one. From that and the statement about no spouses, I figured it must be some kind of men's club. However, the bit about seeing the company doctor confused me, so I couldn't really figure out what it might be all about.

Anyhow, I caught the eye of the other fellow with a card, and he pointed to his with a questioning look on his face. I responded with a shrug that indicated I was as much in the dark as he was.

Later on, I stopped in at the company doctor (who was expecting me), and he tested me for a few things, most unusual being one for STD's. As I was leaving, he handed me a bottle and said, "Take two of these a day. They're herbal supplements. And drink plenty of water."

I left the doctor's office, staring at the little plastic bottle, and almost bumped into the guy I'd seen across the room with a card like mine. He smiled at me apologetically, and once more gave me a look that asked what this was all about. Again, my only response was a sheepish shrug of incomprehension.

At lunch, I opened the bottle and looked inside. Just little capsules with brownish powder in them. I couldn't imagine what they could be for, but following doctor's orders, I shook one out and swallowed it down.

I ran into the other guy who'd received a card a couple of other times during the day, but he refused to say anything to me about our mutual situation. I guess he figured since we weren't supposed to show the cards to anybody else, we weren't supposed to actually talk about it, either.

When I got home, my wife, Laura, met me at the door, just like some old 50's sitcom. We stood in the doorway and kissed, maybe a little more passionately than in those old TV shows. After a little bit, we broke and asked each other how our days were and that kind of thing, before retiring to the dining room, where Laura had already fixed supper.

While we were eating, I remembered the capsules, took out the bottle and downed one. Laura saw me do this and asked, "What's that?"

"Oh, just something the company doctor gave me. He said I should take two of them a day and drink lots of water. I don't know what they're for, but he's the doctor."

"Why did you see the doctor today? Not feeling well?"

I didn't think anything about telling my wife about the card and the subsequent visit to the doctor's. When she heard what I had to say, she got this strange look on her face, then an enigmatic smile twitched the corners of her mouth, and she replied, "I see." Nothing more was said about it. By her or me.

After a rather uneventful evening, we both retired. While we lay in bed, Laura started to get frisky. She rubbed up against me, pressing her 34Cs into my side, and fondling the hairs on my chest, slowly working her way down to my crotch.

When she touched my cock and balls, it felt wonderful. Then again, it always feels good to have her play with me. I reached over and started to pinch and twist her nipples the way she likes it, but she pushed me away, saying she wanted to do something for me.

With that, Laura sat up then plunged her mouth over the head of my throbbing cock. I nearly jumped out of my skin. It was just one of those things. After seven years of marriage, I'd come to know some of the body language my wife uses, therefore I knew what was coming, but it's always an intensely pleasant shock when her lips close over my dick.

Laura caressed my hanging balls while she worked her magic on my shaft, eventually sliding one finger down and slipping it into my asshole.

Now, I'm not gay or anything, not even bi as far as I know, but I do like the sensation of having my ass played with. Once a couple of years ago, I even asked Laura to lick my asshole. She hesitated a bit, until I assured her I would clean up as well as I could. When I came back from washing, pulled my legs back as far as they would go and Laura licked my butt, it was one of the weirdest, most fantastic sensations I'd ever experienced.

So, anyway, my wife knew I liked having my butt played with, and her finger wiggled around a little in my tight little hole, while her mouth and tongue did some major work on my cock. The combination was getting me close, but I was trying to hold back, since I wanted to cum in her pussy.

I caressed Laura's long, reddish hair and said, "Hold on, baby, I want inside you. I want to fill up your pussy with my cum."

Laura pulled off my cock long enough to say, "Okay. You can fuck me, but don't cum, yet. I want you to save your wad for a few days. If you can hold off cumming till Saturday, I'll suck you and fuck you and give you whatever you want, every night this week."

It was then that I reminded her that I was going to the club meeting, whatever it was.

She said, "That's okay, there's a lot of evening to go on Saturday. Trust me, it'll be worth it." She started to climb onto my pole as she continued, "Besides, I'm going with the girls Saturday afternoon, and probably won't be home till after dark, anyway."

Laura had met a few of the wives of my co-workers and some of my female co-workers at an informal get-together my immediate boss had for me shortly after I started. She hit it off right away with some of them, and they had formed a pretty good friendship, getting together quite frequently. Initially, Laura had had some misgivings about moving here, away from everything and everybody we knew, but meeting people she liked and could commiserate with helped ease the transition.

Slowly, my wife lowered her pussy onto my hot erection. I moaned in ecstasy as the hot, fluid grip of her cunt grabbed onto my cock and threatened never to let go. It was a matter of the greatest concentration to not orgasm on the spot. Laura rocked slowly back and forth on me, sliding her pussy the full length of my dick, causing the most fabulous sensations throughout my entire body.

Even though her pace was slow, I was so worked up already that I was almost ready to cum at the slightest provocation, and my wife's pussy is always provocation enough. When I started to get *really, really* close, Laura stopped moving entirely, and let the sensation subside, although with her still sitting on me, the sensation never went away completely.

When she decided that I was calmed down enough, Laura started moving again. It didn't take very long this time for me to get worked up nearly to the point of no return, but my smart little wife again knew just what to do.

We sat and waited for a long time this time. Finally, Laura slid up and back on my cock again, and this time it only took four strokes before I got too close.

This time, though, instead of staying impaled on my member, Laura lifted up and completely off me. I moaned out my protest, but she reminded me, "Remember, if you can hold off until Saturday, I can assure you that it'll be *well* worth your while."

I whined, "By Saturday, I'll have blue balls so bad I won't be able to stand up!"

She replied, "Please, Tom, try to hold off. It won't be easy..." and with a smirk on her face she continued, "and I intend to make it harder and harder..." then, more earnestly, she finished, "but I *know* you won't regret it. Please?"

I sighed. "Alright. I'll put in a herculean effort. This may very well be the hardest thing you've asked me to do. But since you ask so nicely, I'll try."

Laura grinned ear-to-ear. "Oh, thank you! I can hardly wait till Saturday!"

I wanted to ask her what she had in mind for Saturday, but she turned out the light and said, "Now go to sleep. You've still got three more work days before Saturday is anywhere near."

Sleep. Right. If I'd tried, I could probably have driven nails with my cock, it was still so hard. How the hell was I supposed to sleep? Nevertheless, Laura was right, so I settled in and tried my best to get some rest.

Well, I must have fallen asleep at some point, because the next thing I remember is my damn alarm clock going off.

I got up, went into the bathroom, and got ready for work. My wife works kind of a weird schedule where she starts two hours before I do. Now, this means she gets *off* work two hours before I do, but I like to sleep in in the morning, and sometimes it's kind of nice to have the house to myself.

So, off to work I go. The commute wasn't bad, so I got to work feeling pretty good. However, the first face I saw was the other guy with the invitation card. Instead of avoiding me, he actually stopped me at the door and asked me, "Did you receive an invitation to a get-together for some kind of club?"

I thought about playing dumb and fucking with his mind, but I could tell this whole thing was eating at him a little worse that it was me. "Yeah. Any idea what it's about?"

I saw a part of him relax when he found out he wasn't the only one to receive a mysterious invitation to a club that we weren't supposed to let anyone else know about. "Not a fucking clue. Did you take the pills like the doctor told you?"

"Sure. They look like some of the herbal supplements I take sometimes. I don't think they'll harm us."

He looked kind of anxious when he asked, "Do you know what they're supposed to do?"

I laughed a little. "No, but I really doubt the company is going to give you anything that would really fuck you up. Did you take yours?"

He played with a button on his shirt like some little kid who'd been chastised. "Yeah, I guess I just took them because a doctor told me to."

I was starting to feel pretty confident in front of this guy's obvious anxiety, "Then just keep taking them and we can find out what this is all about on Saturday, okay? You *are* planning on showing up, aren't you?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm so curious about this now, nothing short of my own death could keep me from finding out what this club is." He leaned in to me and whispered conspiratorially, "Especially after telling my wife I was going out to this thing on Saturday, and having her turn into some sort of sexual wild woman. She wouldn't let me cum, though. I don't get that. I'm so frustrated right now that I'd fuck almost anything with willing pussy."

Well, *he'd* sure gotten over the little kid shyness thing. I glanced at my watch and noticed we had only a few minutes to get to our desks, so I asked him, "What's your name? I've seen you almost every day for the past couple months, and I still don't know what to call you."

My new friend held out his hand and said, "Todd May. And you are..."

I took his hand and replied, "Tom Revere. Pleased to meet you. We'd better haul ass."

The next three days passed with little event. Well, not exactly *little* event. Each night when I got home, Laura would be there for me at the door, and each day, she'd be dressed more and more provocatively (thank god we haven't decided about kids yet).

Friday night, Laura said that there was going to be a special appetizer for the evening meal. She had me stand out in the hall until I heard her call my name. Going into the dining room, I was stunned, but aroused to find that at my place at the table, my chair was in its normal place, but on the table in front of it was my wife, on her back with her legs high in the air.

"Come and get it, honey!" She called out cheerfully.

Well, I'm no dummy. I'd been fucked and sucked royally for the last three nights, and not allowed to cum. I was horny as all hell and dashed right over to my place at the table and buried my face in Laura's nicely trimmed, red-haired snatch. I licked her to three orgasms before she rolled off the table, saying that she had to save some for tomorrow night.

We ate (food, that is), then puttered around the house until it was time for bed. I climbed into bed, and immediately started to get hard in anticipation of the workout I expected to get. Laura didn't disappoint me, and without preamble, she stepped into the room and immediately plunged her mouth over my cock.

Now, I'd been taking those capsules ever since I'd received the bottle, and I was getting toward the end of the supply. I was starting to believe that they were some sort of aphrodisiac, because I'd been hornier in the past few days than I could remember. Then again, I'd been getting fabulous sex each night and not allowed to climax. That could also account for my extreme horniness. However, my greatest fear - terminal blue-balls - never developed, thank god. Maybe that was another effect of the pills.

The past few nights had been shorter and shorter in duration, because the more times we had sex with me not being able to cum, the quicker it took for me to get close. I didn't mind, though, I was getting head and some pussy every night of the week, yahoo! I definitely didn't want *this* to end! Laura certainly didn't mind. She nearly jumped on me every chance she got, the past few days. She was getting hornier by the second the longer all this went on, too.

Saturday finally came. Even though I hadn't for four days.

I looked at the city map I'd bought when we first moved in to get an idea where I was going for the club meeting. Fortunately, with a six o'clock start time, it would still be light out, and would make finding the place *so* much easier.

About 3, a horn honked outside, and Laura peeked through the curtains and said, "There's my ride. I'll see you tonight." She gave me a peck on the cheek and that enigmatic smile from a few days ago and dashed toward the door.

I watched the car pull away from the curb, then went upstairs and lay on the bed. Feeling like I needed a nap, I set my alarm for an hour, then dozed for a little bit.

When the alarm went off, I sat up straight in bed, my system thinking it was time to go to work. As I quickly woke up, I remembered what day it was and why I'd set the alarm. Shutting the alarm off, I went to the bathroom and took off my clothes, in preparation for a quick shower.

Before I stepped into the tub, I saw my reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. I've never been vain before, but for a minute, I stopped and looked at myself.

I'm not a bad-looking guy, if I do say so myself. A little grey at the temples, but it's genetic. My chest isn't especially powerful, but it's what I've got. My belly needs a little toning from years at a desk, but I've seen worse. My Wife's Best Friend - while resting - is about two and a half inches long and - when ready for work - somewhere around six, six and a half inches long and about five and a half around. My balls, at that point, were hanging pretty loose, and I reached down and gently caressed their sides (where they're most sensitive) and luxuriated in the sensation that coursed through me. All-in-all, not a bad total package. It's what I have, what I am, and I'm pretty satisfied.

Anyhow, I got my shower, then found some clothes for the club meeting. The card said "casual" so I didn't find anything real showy, just comfortable. Once I was dressed, I still had at least an hour before the thing started, but I figured it might take a little time to find the place, so I left a little over an hour early, so I could be sure and find the place I was going in plenty of time.

The drive was rather pleasant as I moved from the places I knew into a higher-end, older section of town. The first thing I noticed was that the houses seemed to creep farther back away from the street the more I drove. Also, there seemed to be a lot more big shade trees in the yards these houses were situated in.

With a half-hour to spare, I found the address I was looking for. It was a big, rambling old thing, three stories tall, with a yard you could play football in. I learned that I wasn't the first one there, as there were several vehicles already parked in various places in the drive and on the lawn.

Pulling up to the door, a young kid in a suit skittered over to me and said, "Your name, sir?"

I gave him my name, he pulled a list out of his pocket, checked it, then came around to the driver's door, opened it, and told me, "Go right in, Mr. Revere."

I wasn't going to question. I already figured there would probably be someone to park my car for me, and here he was.

The front door was a big, polished hardwood thing, and I almost expected "abandon hope ye who enter" over the doorway. Stepping inside, I thought I'd walked into a hardwood version of the Beverly Hillbillies front entry.

I was marveling at the workmanship, when I heard a voice behind me. "Sir, if you will come this way." I spun around then stopped short. There was an older woman, silver hair, but great body. Her tits, while small, were still perfectly shaped, there appeared to be no slackness of the skin, her pubic bush was trimmed short, but was a salt-and-pepper color, in contrast to the color of the hair on her head. She was barefoot. How do I know this? She was completely nude!

She repeated while I got my mouth closed, "Please come this way, sir."

Dumbfounded, I followed her into a side room, where I discovered several other naked women of various shapes and sizes, and before them were men of varying stages of undress. As each man would take off a piece of clothing, the ladies would neatly fold it and place it on a tidy pile. When he was as naked as she, the woman handed the man a folded towel, who turned around and opened it, removed a small cloth mask and the woman helped him to put it on. Once the mask was in place, the man picked up his towel and went through another door farther on.

The woman who had greeted me at the door said, "Please remove your clothes, sir." I hesitated, and she continued, "It's alright. It's just part of the process."

Rather reluctantly, I started to take my clothes off. Each time I removed something, she reached out and took it from me, to fold it and place it on a pile. "You'll get them all back at the end of the night. Don't worry." As I undressed, I glanced around the room a little. I recognized two of the ladies as women in my office. I wondered if I would ever look at them the same again. When I thought I was done, the woman said, "The watch, too. Time means nothing here." I gave up my watch, feeling more naked than ever, but then was presented with my towel.

After watching the other men in the room, I turned around and placed the folded towel on the little table behind me, then opened it up. Inside, there was the little cloth mask, sort of like a Lone Ranger style mask, it only covered the area around the eyes. Something I hadn't noticed on the other men's masks, since I hadn't been close enough, was the fact that there was a number embroidered on the front side of the mask. I wondered what this was for, but the same number was embroidered on the towel. My number was 124. Standing up straight, I placed the mask over my eyes and let my assistant tie it onto my head. When this was all done, she said, "Now, sir, if you would just step into the room over there..." she indicated a doorway, a different one than the one I'd seen all the other men go through.