Calliope's New Life


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Calliope fixed her hair in the style he said he would prefer and put on a small amount of natural looking make up. She looked in the mirror and laughed, this was the most grown up thing she had worn in days!

They had driven to the doctor's surgery chatting happily, and Padraic was greeted like an old friend when they arrived. In fact, he was an old friend and was welcomed into the exam room with Calliope. She was fondled, prodded and poked as Padraic watched on interestedly. She lay on the table with her heels touching her bottom and her knees spread wide as she blushed through her first pelvic exam and pap smear, closing her eyes as the speculum entered her and was screwed widely apart. They discussed her need for better birth control with Padraic's input and settled on Depo Provera, a three monthly injection, that would allay any fears of unwanted pregnancy as long as they kept their appointments.

She had been pronounced a healthy young woman and Padraic had been congratulated on his new relationship before they left to go shopping in a home and housing centre than held a myriad of stores that were specific to decorating all rooms of the home. Calliope's typically teenage choices of loud garish colours and style did not impress Padraic who frowned at her often, and she was on the count of two for talking back to him in the store before he found something that they both could live with and enjoy. He could have, he realised, just chosen for her as in the majority of their relationship, but he wanted her to feel like her bedroom was her own space, that she had input into designing to some degree if only in the colour scheme and accessories.

The muted greens, blues and purples of a peacock coloured bedding set, lent themselves to the harsher darker jungle type themes she had favoured while still being bright and light lending them selves to the fairytale kingdom style he had wanted her to adopt. Shopping with Calliope was a struggle for Padraic. He wondered if perhaps it was too soon to give her this much freedom of choice in their purchases.

They had entered a lighting store in search of a bedside lamp to match the bedding and curtains when Padraic finally reached the count of three. Callie had offhandedly dismissed one of his suggestions and turned her back to him rudely to look at a different display, she had gasped as she heard the number. "You seem to forget who is in control here, young lady, and I will be only too happy to remind you of that fact," he threatened. "You may point out what you like from this point on, but you may no longer choose if you are going to be such a spoilt brat!" Padraic had said through gritted teeth. "We will talk about this more when we get home," he growled.

Calliope looked as if she was about to argue with Padraic again, her back stiffened and her eyes narrowed, so he cut her off before she could start, "It seems I have been far too lenient this week with you, little girl," he turned his back and went back to the lamp he had originally pointed out to her and she reluctantly followed him pouting. Seeing the pout he growled under his breath, "Don't push me, Callie."

"But Paddy," Calliope started to protest.

Padraic grabbed her arm roughly and marched her to a corner of the store. He growled, "If you move from this spot, the punishment will be much worse." His tone brooked no argument, and he left her standing there as he shopped for a lamp he thought they both would like.

Callie fidgeted nervously glancing around at the other shoppers as she stood in the corner of the store her face flaming with humiliation. Taking his time to purchase a lamp Padraic retrieved Calliope and walked her from the store holding her hand tightly. Padraic was angry surprisingly not with Calliope as much as with himself. He reminded himself again that she was new to his world and his rules. She did not seek him out as Shelly had, knowing the full extent of the type of relationship he sought. Calliope needed more time to adjust and understand his rules applied everywhere, not just at home. Though his anger had mainly turned inward, he frowned down at her letting her know she had done the wrong thing.

They walked out to the car park and Padraic popped the boot loading their purchases into it. "Now, my girl, I had more shopping planned while we were out but after your behaviour," Padraic shook his head as if considering her. Turning to look back down on Calliope, he said, "We can go home now, and you can face your punishment immediately, or you can kiss me and apologise and promise to be a good girl for the rest of the day. This might very well be your last chance to make a choice today so choose carefully." Padraic mouth curved into a smirk.

Callie tilted her face up in surprise at his words and almost leapt into his arms peppering his face with kisses as she apologised for forgetting the rules and promising to be the best girl ever. Padraic laughed and held her tightly uncaring as other shoppers looked in their direction. Finally he put her down, and they walked back into the shopping centre.

For the rest of the day, Calliope was the perfect girl for Padraic, remembering her manners at all times. Stopping briefly for lunch they bought everything they needed to redecorate her room as well as doing some grocery shopping on the way home. He no longer gave her a choice from a range of things on the shelves; instead he held up two or three items that he preferred and let her choose from those whether for her room or with the groceries he bought. Creating a new understanding for both of them, Padraic wanted her to feel as if she belonged in his house and by his side, but she also needed to realise he was always in control at the same time. It was a delicate balance and one they both needed to compromise and work at.

It had been a rocky two weeks, but Padraic admitted Calliope had done well to accept so much of what would be her role in the new relationship he brought to her life. He constantly needed to remind himself of her naivety where his lifestyle was concerned as his past girls had all come to him with knowledge from within the lifestyle. He also realised after today that he would need to be gruff and extremely controlling for a while longer, until her place was firmly entrenched in everything she did. Only then could he relax his guard and rely on her not to push his rules.

His desire to be her authority figure, her hero, her everything, as a Daddy should be to a little girl drove his thoughts as they pulled into the driveway of their home, late that afternoon. Leaving all of the groceries and shopping in the car he took Calliope inside and into her bedroom, "This is not a game, Calliope," Padraic said seriously. "This is our life together. I am the Daddy, you are the little girl, and while you may have thought of it as a game when you called me Daddy all the time you have had time to understand that we have a unique relationship, but a relationship all the same, built on love and trust."

Calliope looked up at him not quite understanding what he was getting at. "I am sorry I was naughty this morning, I won't do it again," she tried to placate him.

Padraic frowned at her apology, "It is not enough to be sorry, Callie. You need to start showing me you understand what we have is real and not a game. You need to understand and accept how much I love you and want to look after you. You need to show me you will follow the rules because you want to, not just because you have no choice." He looked at her thoughtfully, "I have been too lenient and realise you do not truly understand the rules and consequences of breaking them. You will stay in your room tonight and think about it." He turned abruptly and walked out to unpack the car leaving her staring after him.

"Fuck!" Calliope yelled at his retreating back, "I was good! I was so good all afternoon!"

Padraic reeled around on her, and grabbed her by the arm marching her down the hallway to the room she had first stayed in when she arrived at his house. "This isn't a game, Calliope! Yes, you were good after I made you stand in the corner of the lighting store, but I shouldn't have to punish and humiliate you like that to gain your obedience. I shouldn't have to punish you, anymore, I don't enjoy it any more than you do." He looked at her and frowned, "You need to know and follow the rules and always be good, not just when I make you. I love you, Calliope, but you will learn that this is not just a game anymore. This is our life, together!" Padraic looked at her sadly as he pushed her into the small room, she was cursing and crying as he spoke over her again, "Think about everything that had happened since I bailed you out of jail, going back is still an option I guess. If you can't follow my rules here," he closed the door and locked it.

As he walked away, he could hear her cursing and crying. He loved her spirit and fire, and he certainly didn't want to break it entirely, but she needed to learn that she belonged to him now. Tomorrow was cleaning day for his gorgeous girl, and he knew there would be more shocks and surprises for her to deal with and he would need her total obedience and trust in him.

After locking Calliope in the guest room, Padraic had gone to unpack the car starting with the groceries. He took his time putting them all away and started to make a light dinner for them both. Placing her food on the tray he took it into her. She stared at him sullenly as he unlocked and opened her door. Placing the tray on the small table he growled, "Eat your dinner, Calliope." Then he turned and left her again returning to the kitchen, knowing this was the cruellest punishment he could give her and wondered briefly if she would respond the way he wanted or if he would see more of the nasty foul mouthed little whore he had taken in over a week ago.

Calliope heard the key turn in the lock again and looked at the closed door sullenly. "I don't care," she told herself, "People have been leaving me on my own my whole life. This is no different." It was different though. She wanted Padraic to come back, to smile at her and cuddle her and love her. So much had happened in the short time she had been with Padraic, it seemed so much longer that they had been together. She hated disappointing him and the punishments he gave her but more than anything since they had formed their unique relationship she hated when he left her alone or ignored her. It brought back painful memories of the time after her real father's death.

Calliope eyed the tray of food, she wasn't hungry, but she knew not eating would only get her in more trouble and the punishment last longer. Sighing loudly, she got up and sat at the desk picking at the food and realising she actually was hungry after all. Calliope had finished the meal and curled up on the bed again before Padraic came back. Unlocking the door he looked at her tray noting she had finished all of her dinner and nodded, "Good girl. Bath time, then." He turned and left leaving the door open for her to follow him.

Calliope followed Padraic quietly to the bathroom and stood still as he undressed her and lifted her into the bath. She loved the large triangular shaped spa bath of their shared bathroom, and she stretched out in the warm water relaxing as Padraic went to get her tray and finish cleaning the kitchen.

Calliope was clean, and her skin beginning to prune when Padraic came back in. "I am really sorry," she tried to apologise again.

Padraic frowned at her, "You need to start showing me that you understand what we have Calliope. I love you, but I will not put up with such bad behaviour when we go out." He towelled her dry, led her into her room to and dressed her in her pyjamas. "Now you will have an early night to think about what happened today, and how we can make it better next time we go out," he kissed her forehead and lifted her into her own bed.

Calliope was stunned, and her lips trembled as she asked, "I have to sleep here?" She watched him nod and continued, "All alone?"

"Yes, my baby," he said softly, "But tomorrow is a new day and we will both start everything fresh, a clean slate for both of us." He tucked her in and left the room, heading back into his own room to read a book before he slept and keep an ear out for her in case she needed him.

Calliope lay awake for some time after Padraic had left the room. At least when he spanked her for being naughty, she didn't feel as awful as she did right now. She hated been left alone to dwell on her own thoughts of years of loneliness before Padraic made her begin to trust and rely on him. She had been in an unwinnable position when he had first started to train her. Hard and uncompromising he had bent her to his will utterly. As the days went on though, he had shown less of a forceful nature and a more nurturing persona as she began to accept him as and his lifestyle as well as her place within it.

Watching the door, Calliope desperately wanted Padraic to come back and get her, she thought about getting up and going into him as she could see the light shining through their shared bathroom but knowing he was already grumpy stopped her from leaving the bed. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but her thoughts just whirled around in her head even faster so she laid there her eyes on the dim light through the bathroom doorway.

Padraic finally closed his book and went to check on Calliope, finding her still awake he walked to her bed and smoothed her hair, "Go to sleep," he murmured softly and sat on the edge of her bed as she closed her eyes.

As he looked down on her and stroked her hair, he almost gave in as she whispered, "I don't wanna be in here all alone, I don't like this bed, can't I sleep in yours, please?"

"No, baby," he whispered still stroking her hair, "Now sleep." Padraic stayed with her until she fell asleep before returning to his own room to sleep himself.

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grrlslavegrrlslaveover 10 years ago
I don't know...

Still love this story and you are such a gifted writer. That said... here's what... He wants her to heal, love him, trust him, etc but he keeps reminding her that she was and still is a whore. That would keep her in an unhealthy place and is he really a loving "daddy" if he does that??? No wonder she doesn't want to call him that. Great story though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
this is the most amazing series

I can not get enough of all the different characters and the sex is mind blowing...

taniqndstaniqndsalmost 11 years ago
the rules

i just reread this stoy anticipating the next chapter and wanted to point out that Paddy said rule 1 was daddy knows best i may be wrong but i thought it was that he would always love Callie.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
so happy that the story is continuing...

i can't wait to read more about this pairing. just love them. also, please write more on kate, merri and william (loving wives but could also end up in the bsdm category). i just love daddy, mommy, and little girl stories in the bdsm category (or in the case of this story, incest due to paddy being her unlce lol).

thank you for posting and writing these stories. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

please more of this story...

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