Camping With The Girls


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Now I wasn’t quite sure what the official protocol was for this situation, so I just flopped onto my knees, licked my lips and started to eat. I figured that Brenda, being the smart girl that she was, would figure out what she wanted to do.

Sue tasted sweet and a little salty and I just could not believe how wet she was. After five or six licks I slid a finger inside her and then two with no resistance whatsoever. She began to move slowly in time to my fingers and tongue. At one point I was rubbing my nose along her slit when I glanced over at Brenda. She was staring at Sue and I. She was biting her lower lip and softly rubbing her fingers on the outside of her pussy.

It was probably the most erotic thing I have ever seen and I almost came right then and there.

Suddenly I heard Sue moan loudly and she clenched her legs together so tightly I thought my eyes would pop out of my head. I felt moisture flow from her. When she finally relaxed I crawled up on top of her. I nuzzled her opening with the tip of my cock and kissed her before rolling off to the side. She opened her eyes and looked at me, smiling.

“Okay, now I’m off the hook,” I said.

Sue looked at me strangely. “What do you mean?” she asked.

I smiled at her. “Since I got you off the first time I get another shot at you later. You said so yourself.”

She giggled. “That wasn’t quite what I said. I think it was more like there being no second chance if the first didn’t get me off. But don’t worry, Bennie. We’re going to have a lot of fun this week.

I felt a hand on my hip and looked up to see Brenda smiling at the two of us. “Okay, Sue was your appetizer. I guess that means you’re my first course Ben. Now roll over.”

I rolled on my back and closed my eyes as Brenda lowered her head to my cock. I felt her mouth surround the tip and move down my shaft. I felt her tongue slide along the underside. As she touched the spot where all the seams meet I started doing multiplication tables and anything else I could think of to keep from coming.

I felt the tip of my cock begin to slide down Brenda’s throat and knew that math wasn’t going to help. I felt my balls contract and that tingling feeling start. By the time she started to back off a little I was past the point of no return. I started to come as her tongue flicked that little spot again.

When I opened my eyes I could see a little trail of my come sliding out of the corner of Brenda’s mouth. She had that evil gleam in her eye again as she leaned over me and kissed Sue full on the lips. I was torn between watching her face and sucking on the nipple she so conveniently and unintentionally offered to me.

The nipple won.

When she pulled back I looked over and I could see Sue licking come off of her lips.

Then Brenda kissed me and for the first time I tasted my own come. Salty. A little bitter.

She was still looking evil. “So Bennie, you done for the night? I have to admit I’m a little disappointed in you.”

My mouth dropped open and I didn’t know what to say. “Look, you two kept me so hard all night I’m surprised I didn’t come when you unzipped the tent flap. I’ll be ready again in a minute or two.”

Brenda laughed and kissed me. “I know that, Bennie,” she said as she broke the kiss. “I just couldn’t resist teasing you about it.” She looked over at Sue. “Ready for your appetizer? You’re the only one who hasn’t had something to eat yet.”

The “scared-deer-caught-in-the-headlights” look passed across Sue’s face again for just a moment before she nodded. Brenda just kind of eased back and rolled over.

Sue started by licking her nipples. Now this I had to see. As Sue would say, it’s private true confessions time. I have never really known what to do with a woman’s tits. I’ve fondled and squeezed and licked and sucked the nipples, but I knew that there had to be more ways to play with those particular toys.

Sue took me to school.

I don’t know if she felt awkward after she started to get into it but she never let it show once she started. She was swirling her tongue around one of Brenda’s nipples and gently squeezing and pulling on the other one with her hand. She would take one in her mouth and suck on it, just hard enough to create suction, then back her head away, pulling and stretching it out. Brenda would gasp and moan whenever Sue let it slip from between her lips. Brenda’s nipples continued to grow until they seemed to be little mountains.

I was fascinated as Brenda snaked her hand between her legs and started playing with herself as Sue sucked on her tits. She only moved her hand away as Sue started heading south, licking down her belly. She did pause at the belly ring and use her lips to play with it for a minute or so.

Did you know exactly how erotic it is to watch one woman using her tongue to fuck another woman’s belly button?

By this time I was hard again. I took over on the breast that Sue had been fondling. That way I could watch as she ate Brenda’s pussy.

Hey, may as well learn something, right?

Sue used her hands to spread Brenda apart and then began to slowly lick her slit from bottom to top, rimming her tongue around the opening she found. Every time she would slide her tongue into Brenda I could feel her shudder and hear her heart beat faster. After a little while she began to suck on the lips. Then Sue would drop her face a little and lick the area between Brenda’s front and back doors, then quickly move up and softly squeeze her clit between her lips.

After Brenda came the second time I couldn’t wait any more.

I moved over behind Sue and grabbed her at her waist, lifting her to her knees. When she was up as high as she could go and still stay in contact with Brenda’s pussy I slowly slid my cock inside her.

I guess she really did have a thing for doggie style, after all.

Sue moaned loudly. I guess the vibrations felt pretty good to Brenda since she started moaning again herself.

I started to move in and out of Sue, first slowly and then gradually picking up speed until I hit a comfortable stride.

Sue shrieked as I reached around her and started rubbing her clit with my fingers. I felt her pussy contract and squeeze me so hard I had to stop moving. As she relaxed I started to move a little, then decided that I had to have Brenda.

With my dick still inside Sue I looked at Brenda. She had an angelic smile on her face and nodded at me. I pulled out and Sue flopped over on Brenda’s leg. I slid on top of Brenda and kissed her.

Sue had been wonderful. She had felt better than any of the other women I had been with. All three of them. But as I entered Brenda for the first time I came to the horrible realization that if the two girls had indeed asked me which one of the two of them I wanted I would have chosen the blonde I was sliding into at that moment.

I don’t know how to describe what I felt. I loved Sue. I really did. But Brenda was perfect.

As I continued to move slowly into Brenda her hot wetness enveloped me. I looked straight into her eyes and, for the first time in my life, I truly joined with a woman. Not just in body, but in spirit as well. We were connected at the hips of course, but we were also connected through the eyes. I could feel her looking into me. I could feel the pleasure I gave her. I could hear her thoughts.

I could feel the delicious friction of my dick moving in and out of her. I began to kiss her, and as I would slowly push my cock into her she would push her tongue into my mouth with the same rhythm. As I sped up or slowed down, so did she. If I would go in just a little, she’d brush her tongue across my lips and pull back.

We both moaned together as we moved faster and faster, rushing from pleasure into ecstasy and eventually into orgasm. Our fluids merged completely inside Brenda and I collapsed on top of her. It wasn’t just a part of me inside a part of her; we had melted into one being, both sharing the pleasure and consciousness of the other.

I’m not sure how long it was before I came back to my own body. Once I finally did I started to roll off of her. As Robert Heinlein once wrote, a man should always carry his own weight when copulating. I agreed.

Brenda whispered “No” and wrapped her arms around my back and her legs around my butt. “Don’t leave me.” I felt myself grow soft while still inside her and a complete emptiness when I finally slipped out.

I felt Sue kiss Brenda then she leaned up and kissed me. “I’ve never even imagined seeing something as beautiful as that,” she said with great sadness in her eyes. She knew.

My world crashed around me. Without meaning to, Brenda and I had hurt her.

Brenda reached out and rubbed Sue’s face softly. Each smiled at the other. Brenda looked beautiful but Sue just looked sad.

When I woke up the next morning the sky was bright blue through the mesh at the top of the tent. Brenda and I were wrapped completely around each other. It was a little tough knowing where her parts started and mine ended. As I untangled myself softly and quietly I discovered that there were too many arms.

I turned my head and found Sue’s arm draped over our legs. Apart from that there was at least three inches separating her from the rest of my body.

I took turns looking at each of them. Eventually I got up and left the tent without putting anything on and relieved myself at the base of a nearby tree and quickly washed up a little.

The little head was getting hard again and I couldn’t argue with it. Oh well.

I headed back into the tent clearly intending to make love with Brenda again. I knew that Sue would wake up and see and I didn’t want to hurt her any more than I already had, but the little head was in charge. I justified it in my mind by telling myself that we had already hurt her so much a little more wouldn’t matter.

To paraphrase an old dead guy, the best-laid plans of mice, men, and little heads often go astray.

As I crawled went back into the tent and closed the flaps behind me I heard movement behind me. I turned to see what it was and watched as a shaft of sunlight came through the roof and lit up Sue’s face.

She looked like an angel. At that moment I knew that she was truly the most beautiful woman on earth.

I guess I had lost my mind. Brenda was gorgeous. Helen of Troy would look like a bad drag queen beside her. But Sue looked like…well…like magic.

She was perfect.

I cringed inside when I remembered the pain on her face the night before after she watched Brenda and I make love. In the kind of rare moment of awareness a man gets only once in his life I knew that all three of us had completely misinterpreted what had happened the night before. Suddenly everything was clear to me.

My problem was how to make certain Brenda and Sue saw it as clearly as I did.

Not knowing what else to do, I crawled over and pushed Sue’s legs apart. I began to lick her softly, looking up at her face the whole time. I needed to see her when she opened her eyes and realized what was happening. I needed to see if she would fall into me the way I did with Brenda.

She started to move around a little and get moist. Her eyes opened and I could hear her mind call out to me. She never opened her mouth but she called to me.

She smiled.

I crawled up and slid between her legs, my cock pressing at the front of her opening.

Both of us heard my thoughts.

I nodded as she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me into her.

I was looking into her eyes this time and I fell into her just like I did with Brenda the night before.

Now there’s something I need to explain so you don’t get the wrong idea about what was going through my head at that moment. Being with Brenda was the most intense feeling I had ever had. It was the most intense feeling I could even imagine. I felt like she and I became the same person. I felt her pleasure and she felt mine. We came at the exact same moment. We were truly just one person. That physical and spiritual joining created a completely indescribable ecstasy.

Sue was the same. She used her legs to pull me into her and lifted her hips to greet me. I looked into her bottomless blue eyes from only a couple of inches away and felt her pleasure with every stroke of my dick inside her. She smiled and exhaled every time I slid out and gasped every time I came back in. Her body felt my pleasure as I was inside her.

I looked into her eyes and knew that what I had felt with Brenda the night before was the same as what Sue and I felt with each other right then. Sue said “Me too” softly and we began to move faster.

For only the second time in my life I came at the exact same moment as the woman I was making love to.

No. Not making love to. Making love with. It’s completely different and if you don’t know what I mean nothing I can say will explain it to you.

Like Brenda did the night before, Sue wrapped her arms and legs around me and held me inside her. The only difference was that, unlike with Brenda the night before, I didn’t completely fall out of Sue as I softened.

Eventually Sue kissed me lightly on the neck. “I want to keep holding you like this,” she said softly, “but I really have to go pee.”

I laughed and rolled over. That’s when I saw Brenda. She was smiling and crying happy tears. She cuddled into me and covered me with her love.

We didn’t make it to any arches that day. The three of us stayed in the tent, naked, just caressing each other. Oh, we left to go to the bathroom and to make lunch and dinner, and we got active, either in pairs or a threesome six or seven times. I’d guess that of the twenty-four hours that day we probably spent twenty of them touching at least one of the other two.

I learned a few things that day. I learned that three people can know exactly what each of the others needs and wants without verbal communication. I learned that two women can make love to each other with the same spirit, ferocity, and tenderness that a man and a woman can share. I learned that sex may be physical, but love is purely spiritual and eternal.

But most importantly I learned that jealousy had no place in my life.

I could be inside Brenda and look at Sue and she would be happy for the two of us. Brenda smiled and would cry those happy tears every time she watched Sue and I together. As I watched the two of them share with each other I simply loved knowing that they were completely happy and one with each other.

I learned in a physics class that a triangle was the strongest form in nature. Each part was supported by both of the other two parts. A triangle can resist hundreds of times the amount of force needed to destroy any other geometrical pattern.

Brenda, Sue and I were the three lines of a triangle.

Through the course of the day we tried every combination we could think of. There was hardly a minute when one of us was not trying to give pleasure to at least one of the other two.

We sat by the campfire that evening completely naked and masturbated for each other. I took Brenda leaning over the picnic table and Sue took me with her fingers at the same time. After Brenda came I spun around and grabbed Sue, pushing into her from behind. This time it was Brenda’s fingers I felt entering me.

Eventually we made it to six arches. I remembered to take my digital camera with me to five of them. I discovered that my camera had a self-timer. Each of us has a copy of the three of us naked and together at each one. We each have a picture of the two girls eating each other in a sixty-nine and of me fucking each of them at each arch.

I hated it when Sunday came and we had to go back to school.

That night Sue came over to my room and fucked me silly. I don’t think I had any choice in the matter, even though I wanted her just as badly. The next day Brenda and I got together in the stacks on the fifth floor of the library. Later that evening I walked into their room and found the two of them masturbating each other. That night we wound up with mattresses pushed together on the floor of their dorm room and all three of us making love.

I was glad that they were as comfortable with each other as I was with each of them. Each swore that she had never done anything with another woman until that first night at the Gorge. I’m not sure why that mattered to them since I didn’t care at all.

I’m still not sure who suggested that Brenda get a strap-on.

We all spent the night back at the Gorge after exams ended and before we had to move out for the summer. That night Brenda admitted that she pulled out one of the pictures that we had taken on the first trip and masturbated to it at least once a day. She also told me that she loved me. Sue cried when she heard that and Brenda began stammering that she loved Sue just as much. Both Sue and I kissed her until she was quiet. We knew.

The next day Brenda decided to go to summer school and took a one-bedroom apartment on a summer sublease. Sue decided to move in with her over the summer and find a job nearby instead of going home. I called my dad and told him that I had already found a job and had decided to stay there as well. He eventually found out I was living with two women but he never found out it was just a one bedroom apartment. I told him to watch “Three’s Company” reruns and he’d understand. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. I’m not sure how we’ll explain it to him after the three of us graduate next May since we’re talking about making this a permanent threesome. We’ll figure that out when the time comes.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

baaaad english!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"walked over to Brenda and I." that's piss poor english; it means "walked over to brenda and walked over to i" don't tell me YOU talk like that!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing such an erotic Love story.


G5902G5902over 2 years ago

February at the beach, overlooking the surf, drinking fine wine, and rereading my favorite stories! Thank you for sharing such an enjoyable story!

BufoAmericanusBufoAmericanusalmost 3 years ago

Thanks for the well written, imaginative story.

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