Celestial Completion

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Seek, and you shall find.
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A lady of eighty years told me this story.

“I was working as a nurse in a hospital. One day I turned a corner in a corridor, and standing there was a young man in pajamas and dressing gown. I had never seen him before, but his nurse told me he had been very ill, in fact, near death. He had made a remarkable recovery and was now just starting to walk around.”

I stood looking at him and he at me. What I can only describe as an electric current seemed to pass between us. In that instant, we both knew. Within two weeks were engaged, and in a month married. We were together for fifty-five years. Now he has left this earth, and I must wait in patience until the time I rejoin him.”

Thinking about what that lady told me gave rise to the following story.

The Story

I knew I was ill, very ill, yet I felt no pain or discomfort. There had been pain, terrible pain, but now, nothing. I felt hands touch me, and voices a long way off.

What sounded like male voice said, “He’s in a coma.”

A female voice responded, “Is he in pain?

“No, he can’t see, hear or feel anything.”

“How long?”

“Another day or two at most. Just check that drip, there’s nothing more we can do now.”

They were, of course, wrong about my not hearing. I heard, but the words had no impact. I knew they applied to me, yet it was as if they were talking about someone else.

I knew that those who had been speaking had left my room. I was alone.

I felt suspended but found it hard to define how I was suspended. Between reality and unreality? Heaven and earth? Being and non-being? Time and eternity?

A black whole opened and I fell into it. Nothing. No time, no space. Oblivion.

Suddenly I was awake, eyes wide open, all my faculties sharper than I had ever experienced before. I was still in my hospital room, but it was radiant with light. Someone was with me. I struggled to see who it was, but could see no one.

“Do not struggle my love,” a voice said. It was a female voice, soft and mellow. It seemed to come from both within me and yet outside me.

“I have come to complete the union you have longed for.”

A misty shape formed beside my bed. I could not see who or what it was at first, then slowly it resolved itself into a woman, yet none that I knew or had experienced in life. She was naked and beautiful – very beautiful. She was all the fantasies I had ever had of women, yet beyond all of them in her loveliness. Light seemed to emanate from her, giving lustre to her whole body.

Despite her words, “Do not struggle my love,” I strove to fit what I was seeing into the categories I had learned throughout my life. She seemed a spiritual being, yet had a solidity that did not fit into my concept of spiritual. The spiritual was insubstantial, having no reality beyond human self-delusion.

She gave a gentle laugh, “You will know when it is right for you to know. I have come to you to give you a foretaste of what awaits you.”

I became aware that, although I was still in my hospital bed, I was no longer covered by sheets and blankets, but lying naked. I also became aware of, and in earthly fashion was embarrassed by, an erection. I wanted to hide it from the woman’s sight, but she spoke again.

“No, now you must let go. You must let me start the union that has awaited you all your life.”

With that she moved, or perhaps floated, over me. In terrestrial terms, I would have said that she now slid my penis into her vagina, but I felt no sensation, no feeling of warmth or moisture, yet an indefinable stimulation there was. Perhaps a tingling sensation best describes it.

The thought entered my mind; “This is nothing compared to the fleshy reality of the sexual intercourse I have experienced with so many women.”

Then a convulsion. I felt my penis grasped with a vice like grip that I had never experienced before. Women had flexed their vaginal muscle round my penis on many occasions, but their grasp had been a flabby attempt compared to what I was now experiencing.

It was electrifying. It was not one flesh stimulating another. It was a melding in which two became one. It was total fulfillment, a completion of the self. There was no orgasm as I had experienced before, yet the satisfaction was perfect. It was a flawless consummation.

The figure moved away from me, yet I felt she was still with me, locked in total union.

“That begins what you will soon experience in all its fullness,” she said. “We shall meet again very soon.”

She slowly faded away, and for a moment, I knew I was in my hospital room, once more covered by sheet and blanket. Then the great darkness again, and a distant voice, “He’s going.” I was falling through long dark tunnel with in the distance a light. As I drew closer the light became a figure…the figure of the woman in my room…the woman with whom I had become one. Her hand stretched out to me.

“Welcome Kenton. I said I would see you soon. You know my name of course?”

“Raven,” I replied, then wondered how I had come up with such a name.

“You’re wondering how you knew my name? I’ll tell you Kenton. You have known it since your birth, because I have always been the one destined for you. Actually I was called raven because of my black hair.”

Although she was the same woman who had come to my room, she had changed in a way I at first could not identify. Then it hit me; she was now a solid, fleshly reality, rather than the ethereal figure I had previously encountered.

“Yes,” she laughed, “I’m solid reality now. You see, you were supposed to have met me in your terrestrial life, but I was killed in a car accident before that could happen. The union that should have happened during your lifetime could not take place, so in such circumstances, special permission is granted for us to unite with ourselves as death approaches.”

I was confused. What did she mean by, “unite with our selves”?

Raven seemed to know my questions before I asked them.

“Darling, there are many things you have yet to understand. You are in new dimension, and the things you have been used to like time and space, are of little concern to us here. But let me try and explain about being united with ourselves.”

“One of your earth people got it partly right. He said that each human being had two gender aspects within them, one female, the other, male. The physical male still has within him a female aspect, and the female a male aspect.”

“As I said, this is only part of the truth. You see, in earthly terms, and even quite unconsciously, each person goes in search of their other half. The female seeks the male part of herself and the male the female part. It is here that the sentimentalists are partially correct when they talk of ‘marriages made in heaven.’ Sadly, few people seem to find their other half on earth. It is only here that they achieve final union.”

I thought I understood, and said, “You mean people meet the members of their family that have died here?”

“No, no, darling. Someone The One sent some time ago disposed of that piece of rubbish. He tried to make the point that here things, family relationships, friendships, are very different. Here you meet the other half of yourself, and if in earthly life you met and united with that other half, then that remains true for eternity. If you don't meet your other half in earthly life, then that half awaits you here, just I was waiting for you.”

Her speaking of “The One” puzzled me. “Do you mean, God, I asked?”

She gave her delicious laugh. “Well, yes, except that so many names have been used, and so many ideas about the reality behind the names have been expounded. “God’, “The All Being,” “He Who Is,” “Creator,” and so on. Here we just use “The One.” It cuts out all gender arguments and expresses what it is intended to express, the Being who is all things and is in all things. Just as you and I are now one, however separate we may seem, so we are all part of The One, even if most times we seem separated.”

“By the way, darling, I don’t want to rush you, but we do have a little assignment to fulfil.”

“What assignment?”

“We have to make a baby. A boy I think.”

“What!” I was not averse to the idea of making a baby with Raven, in fact, an eternity of baby making with her would not be too long, but baby making in…in what? Heaven? And it did seem sudden.

“Yes, I know, my love. It’s all very puzzling at first, but I’ll try to explain.”

“Terrestrial people imagine that by means of the sexual act, or, these days, with test tubes, they make a baby. They are allowed that illusion because it helps to keep their little egos happy. The fact is, we make the baby here, and then transfer it to terrestrials. Their copulating only sets in motion the process at their level.”

“You know, my sweet, some of their ancients nearly got it right. In some cultures girls, when they reached sexual maturity, had to serve a term as a temple prostitute. In some places women had to go on serving in this role periodically for their entire period of fertility.”

“What they thought was, that the sexual activity in the temple encouraged the gods to do their bit. It would stimulate the gods to engage in copulating with each other, thus providing a good harvest, or give many children, usually sons I am sorry to say. Of course, the very opposite is really true. Our sexual activity here is what stimulates terrestrials to sexual activity and the production of harvests and other things.”

“Now if you don’t mind, my love, we’d better get down to some copulating of our own.”

I had become aware of other people…beings…coming and going around us, most of them in pairs – male and female. There were a few alone, looking very unhappy.

“Raven, I suppose all those couples are people who have found their other half?”

“Yes, darling. Now come along, we have work to do…”

“But who are those on their own? They look rather miserable.”

“Ah, yes, very sad. They are the ones who, when they were terrestrials, actually met their other half, but renounced them.”

“Why did they do that?”

“Many reasons, my darling. Money, power, spiritual blindness…many reasons. Now darling, please, no more talk and more action.”

“But where…we can’t do it here, with all these people coming and going.”

She laughed again. “Of course we can. Its been going on all round us as we’ve talked. If you want to you can see it, and if not, you don’t see it. There’s not the same worry here about coupling in publicly.”

“But how do we do it. I mean, will it be like it was in the hospital room?”

“No, darling, it doesn’t have to be. We can have what you would have called on earth, a perfectly normal act of love making – by the way; the only sex here is derived from love. What we experienced before was the act of total spiritual union that now exists between us. The physical was there, but only secondarily. We can have that again whenever we want to. It confirms our oneness. This time we can enjoy each other in the physical sense with the spiritual present in second place. By the way,” she laughed again, “Sometimes the physical can become so intense that the spiritual takes over so total fulfillment is achieved.”

Oddly, I noticed her nakedness for the first time since I “arrived”(?}. Then I noticed my own nakedness. Her beauty now was no longer the ethereal form of the hospital, but a solid, sensuous reality. I felt powerful stirrings in my groin and a desire for her beyond anything that I had known with other women. I looked around for a bed of some other convenient place to lay her. There appeared to be nowhere. We seemed suspended in space.

“Where can we do…?”

“Yes, I thought that was coming. My dearest love, here there is no up or down, no sideways, only ‘Is.’

“What do I do?”

“My dearest Kenton, I have suffered long watching you try to find me with an endless succession of women. You knew what to do with them, so why not with me. Don’t you like my body…my breasts? They were made just for you to enjoy, just as you were made for me to enjoy. Have you noticed your penis?”

I looked, and was amazed to see that it was considerably larger than it had once been.

“You see, my darling, in a way I have made it as I want it, just as you have made my body as you want it. What’s more, even though we now have eternity before us, we shall never tire of each other. We are now our true self, one, and now exist as we were meant to.”

I tentatively reached out to touch her breast. It was firm and warm, with nipples erect.

“You see, my darling,” she whispered, “a real woman. You can do to me whatever you wish, and I to you. We may speak of love to each other, and you will want to, more than ever before.”

She leaned into me, kissing me softly and tenderly…I heard voices a long way off. At first I couldn’t distinguish the words, then slowly, very slowly, I felt myself drawn back up the long dark tunnel and had passed through to Raven. I cried out in anguish:

“Raven my love, my being….”

The voices became distinct.

“Well I’m damned, nurse, he’s pulling through. It’s a miracle, a bloody miracle.”

I struggled to open my eyes, and at first, I could see only light, then a figure leaning over me.

“You gave us quite a fright, young fellow. Still, you’ll mend nicely now. Be in to see you in another hour. Nurse, adjust that drip will you?”

“Yes, doctor.”

I looked to where I heard the voice and saw a nurse standing at the foot of my bed. I knew that voice. She came to the side of the bed to adjust the drip. I saw long black hair…the face, the figure…it was Raven. Then I saw her name badge, “Samantha.” I felt my heart plummet.

“Samantha!” I murmured in the pain of my disappointment.

She leaned over me so I could see her face clearly.

“Actually, they call me Raven, because of my black hair. Sleep now and get better. We have much to talk about and do together when you are well, my love.”

She kissed me very softly and tenderly.

I slept in deep tranquility.

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