Chiara and Annie Ch. 05


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I started slowly grinding myself onto him, feeling him touch every corner of me. Marc was gently caressing me, making me squirm on him. I started bouncing on him, grinding down onto him with every downstroke. Rocking my pussy against him. Marc began thrusting his hips upward, bouncing his knob against my cervix. I moaned and cried out, I couldn't help myself. I didn't care if Marc's parents heard us, they knew what we were doing. We started moving faster, getting closer and closer to cumming. In the back of my mind it registered that I heard the door open. I didn't care, I was making love to my man. Suddenly I felt Marc's cock expand in my pussy and flood my insides with his seed. My back arched and I threw my head back and came, talking to God and calling out Marc's name. I slumped onto Marc's chest, breathing heavily.

Suddenly we heard slow clapping from the direction of the door and turned to look. Annie was leaning up against the door, totally naked, with a lopsided grin on her face.

"That was the most beautiful, erotic thing I've ever seen in my life. You two are gorgeous together."

Marc threw his pillow at her and she ducked it easily.

"I just came in to tell you the bathroom's free, and this is the welcome I get. Yeesh!"

"And you just happened to come in while we were fucking sis?" asked Marc with a smile on his face.

"Well, I heard you, and I thought I might get a quick peek to make sure you were doing ok." she snickered.

I laughed and told Annie that she was just a perv and wanted to see us in action.

Annie blushed, "well maybe, and your action was very good!"

Marc rolled out of bed, his semi hard cock pointing at Annie. "Well you girls can compare my style if you want but I'm going to take a shower." He stepped around Annie and walked out to the bathroom.

I sat up in the bed and Annie joined me. I asked her how long she'd watched us having sex. She said only a few minutes but it had really turned her on. To prove her point she took my hand and slipped it between her legs. I could feel the heat and wetness on my fingers. I easily slipped two fingers into her warm pussy. Annie pulled me to her and kissed me long and slow as my fingers stroked in and out of her. I didn't realize how long we were at it until Marc cleared his throat. We both looked at him with goofy smiles.

Marc shook his head. "Yeah, that was pretty hot to watch. Bathroom's yours Kiki, make it snappy mom isn't patient when shopping's to be done."

I gave Annie another quick kiss and ran to the bathroom, forgetting I was naked. I was in and out and squeaky clean in record time. I ran back across the hall to our room and got into my Waterton U sweats and tee shirt. Everyone was waiting for me at the door.

"So where are we going shopping? I thought we did all the shopping yesterday."

"Honey today we're going to do some special shopping at a place called Angelo's." Sarah said with a gleam in her eyes.

"Angelo's?" Brett asked incredulously.

Sarah gave Brett a look that could've melted steel. "Yes dear, Angelo's. We want this official right?"

We all got in the car and headed to Angelo's. On the drive across town I asked Annie what Angelo's was.

"Angelo's is a little hole-in-the-wall jewellery shop. Most people don't even know it exists. Angelo makes all of his jewellery on site, it's all custom made and gorgeous."

"Uhm Sarah? Why are we going to a jeweller's?" I asked. I was starting to feel very stupid.

Sarah smiled at me. "I realize things are moving fast, but I'm not going to let my son propose to you in front of both our families without an engagement ring."

If it was possible for me to feel more stupid it happened right about then. "Oh, yeah, right."

Annie and Marc both laughed and I eventually joined them.


Annie was right, Angelo's was a hole-in-the-wall, from the outside it looked maybe twenty feet wide. We got buzzed in and there were two sets of display cases on each side of a centre aisle. Angelo came out of the back room and smiled when he saw Sarah.

"Ciao Signora! How can I help you today?"

Sarah exchanged kisses with Angelo then explained that we needed an engagement ring for me right away.

Angelo looked at me then gave Marc a friendly elbow to his ribs, "The redhead, she has the firey spirit no?"

Marc laughed and blushed as Angelo started unlocking cases. "You are very picola, mmm how you say, small. So we find a ring that will look as beautiful as you but doesn't look too big on your hand."

Angelo started pulling out trays with rings on them. Annie and her mom were getting right into it, passing me rings to try and trying on a few themselves. I felt bad for Marc and his dad, they just kinda stood around and waited for us girls to decide how much it was going to cost them.

We finally decided on a ring with a central diamond and two smaller diamonds on either side. There was only one problem, it was too big.

"Signorina, don't be upset, I gonna size it to fit. You come back in a hour okay?"

Before Brett could say a word Sarah, check that, mom whipped out her credit card and had Angelo swipe it.

We found a little eatery nearby and had a late lunch. I was feeling really nervous as it got closer to seven. This was a huge step for anyone, and here I was at eighteen taking a leap of faith with a guy I'd only met a month ago. Then I looked across the table at Marc and my insides just melted. He was everything I could hope for in a man. Oh god he caught me staring, and he smiled at me. Marc's mom caught my eye, smiled and mouthed "you'll be fine" at me.

I looked at the time on my cell, the hour had passed. Brett paid the bill and we headed back to Angelo's. We got buzzed through again and Angelo was grinning at me, "Picola signorina! Come, come we try the ring."

I walked over to the counter and he held the ring out to me. I mean it was 'The Ring'. I nervously took it and slipped it on my finger, it fit perfectly. Sarah and Annie both oohed and aahed over it. It looked beautiful on my hand. Not too big, not too small. Marc was starting to look nervous now too, now that he saw me with a ring on my finger. I looked up at him and smiled mouthing that he would be fine. Before we got home Sarah insisted that we buy me a nice little dress to wear.


Five minutes to seven, I had my laptop set up on the coffee table and Skype was running. Annie had done my makeup and nails and had tried to make my pixie-cut look sexy. Marc was in dress pants and a nice shirt and tie. He looked like he was going to pass out as he paced the floor. Brett had a bottle of Champagne chilling and Sarah sat patiently, calm cool and collected.

Seven o'clock, mom's Skype account bings on. I hit a few keys and wait for her to accept the call. Suddenly her face pops onto my display, followed by an image of her and dad looking into the cam on her laptop. I pull Marc down to sit beside me.

"Hi mom, hi dad, you remember Marc right? We Skyped a few times?"

Marc waved into the camera, "Hi Mr and Mrs Lanceri, it's nice to see you again."

Mom and dad said hi to everyone, then Brett cleared his throat and motioned to Marc. Marc looked at me and I smiled at him and nodded. He looked into the cam again and took a deep breath. "Mr and Mrs Lanceri, you know Chiara and I have only know each other a short time. And I know this will seem like we're rushing headlong into something without thinking, but I love Chiara, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I would like to, uhm would you, wow this is harder than I thought. What I'm trying to say is that I'm asking your permission to marry your daughter. Not right away, we want to finish school first.

Mom just about jumped out of her seat and dad had this funny look on his face. We sat quietly waiting for their response.

My dad got in before my mom, "Well Marc, from what Chiara's told us and what we heard from your parents, you seem to be a level headed young man who thinks things..."

"What Dan is trying to say is welcome to the family Marc" mom interjected.

"You're sure about this Chiara?" my dad asked me.

I smiled with tears in my eyes, "Yes daddy, more sure than anything in my life."

"Then I'll have to agree with Kris, welcome to the family son."

We all cheered and I gave Marc a big kiss. Brett got everyone on our end to calm down then he looked into the camera, "There's only one thing left to do here folks then we can pop the corks. Marc, I think you know what comes next."

Marc looked nervous again. I whispered 'I love you' to him and that seemed to calm him down. He got down on one knee in front of me and opened the ring box.

"Chiara Lynn Lanceri, will you marry me?"

Call me a sap but I cried. I nodded and said, "Yes, oh god yes!"

Marc put the ring on my finger and I kissed him, then kissed him again. I kissed him a third time to make sure this was all real. Looking at my laptop I could see my mom was crying and dad looked a little misty too. I looked around the room and I saw Marc's dad shaking his hand while Sarah and Annie held each other and cried. Annie saw me looking a bit lost and rushed to me and gave me a full on kiss right in front of my folks. When we broke our lip lock she grinned at me and said "Welcome to the family little sis!"

Sarah was right behind Annie and hugged and kissed me. "Yes sweetheart, welcome to the family."

Suddenly there was a roar like a bull elephant, "Where's my future daughter-in-law?"

Brett came at me and picked me up like I was a rag doll. Kissing me on the cheek and hugging me until my spine creaked.

When everyone settled down again my dad and Brett popped the champagne together and poured all around. Toasts were made and drinks were drunk but my favourite toast was from Annie.

Annie stood up with her drink in her hand. "When I first met Chiara I knew she was special but I didn't know how special at first. It wasn't until she met my brother that I found out that she could end a three year misunderstanding between us. She's healed an old wound and I hope we can all love each other and never have a misunderstanding again."

I got up and kissed Annie as I cried. Marc wrapped us both in his strong arms and kissed us both on the cheek.

We all chatted back and forth between here and New York, our parents made plans to visit again and I promised mom and dad I'd be home at christmas and would bring Marc. We signed off and Marc took me in his arms as Brett and Annie cleaned up the glasses and bottle.

", thank-you for everything today. The ring, the dress, just wow!"

"Chiara, it was our pleasure. If you haven't noticed, Marc sometimes over analyses things. If we hadn't given him a gentle shove today he might've analysed your relationship into oblivion."

Marc hugged me tighter, "A gentle shove? Mom you kicked my ass over the edge, not that I'm complaining. There was nothing to really analyse either, I was just following my heart mom. Chiara is a pretty exceptional girl. I couldn't let her go after all the trouble Annie went to to introduce us. Like Annie said, we're a perfect fit."

"My ears were burning, are you talking about me again bro?" Annie asked as she came up and gave us both a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah sis, I was just telling mom how it's all your fault Kiki and me met."

"Well Marc I'll take total blame for it any day! As long as you two are happy that's all I care about."

I could hear Marc's dad calling me from the basement where his den was. I disengaged Marc's arms from me and walked downstairs entering Brett's, I mean dad's, sanctuary. When I walked in I was a bit surprised, no check that, I was amazed. He had a large mahogany desk and leather swivel chair and couch and a large plasma tv on the wall. But what blew me away was the dozen electric and acoustic guitars he had lined up against the one wall.

"Those were my brother Frank's treasures. He fancied himself a guitar player but he was only a fair to middling guitarist. When he passed away I inherited them. Marc says your an excellent player, would you mind?"

I looked the acoustics over first, selected one and ran some scales. I gave it a quick tune up and strummed a few chords. I don't know why but I started picking out the intro to Dust in the Wind. Then I started singing too. Soon Marc, Annie and mom were in the room with us, watching me play and sing. I was in my own little world, feeling the music.

Marc's dad came over to me and hugged me tight. He had tears in his eyes. "How did you know that was Frank's favourite song?"

I hugged dad back, my arms not even close to meeting across his back. "I didn't, but I've loved it since I was a kid."

He looked down at me and kissed the top of my head. "Thank you sweetie, he would have loved you too."

Marc was grinning at me and said, "If you think she's good on an acoutsic you should hear her on an electric dad."

Dad held his hands out and told me to pick one to play on. I inspected each then realized one was a '67 Fender Strat. My knees got weak just thinking about playing on a little bit of history. "Is this one ok?" I asked in a small voice.

Dad smiled and said sure, that would be fine. He grabbed a patch cable and plugged it into a Marshall stack and amp then handed me the other end. I hooked up and adjusted some knobs then started playing 'I Want You to Want Me' by Cheap Trick, through the whole song my eyes were locked with Marc's. Everyone clapped and Marc was clapping the hardest. I bowed and tried to take off the guitar but Marc asked me to sing one of my original songs. I adjusted some more knobs on the amp and turned back around to my fans. Whereas my voice had been sweet and clear for my first two songs it got a husky, smokey sound to it now that I was singing my own composition.

Annie, mom and dad were stunned by my playing and singing, Marc was grinning hugely as he came up to me and kissed me.

He turned to the family and said, "She'll be here all night! Try the veal!"

Everyone laughed and Brett stunned me just then. He told me I could have the Strat.

"Really? No I can't, it was your brothers."

Dad wouldn't take no for an answer. He insisted that his brother would have wanted it to go to someone who could truly appreciate it.

I blushed and thanked him, giving him a kiss on the cheek and another hug. "Thank you dad. I'll take good care of it."

Brett gave me another bone creaking squeeze and told me he knew I would, and we'd check in the crawl space in the morning for a good amp for it.

With all the excitement from today I was dead tired, and Marc looked wiped out too. I took his hand and asked if I could take him to bed. Mom, dad and Annie grinned, figuring I was taking him up for some fun but I knew we would probably just fall asleep.

We went up to our room and Marc removed his tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. God he was gorgeous, I still couldn't believe he was mine. I looked down at the ring on my finger and smiled.


"Yeah Kiki?"

"Are you sure about us? You know, getting engaged so soon and all?"

"Why baby? Are you getting cold feet?" Marc asked as he kept undressing.

"No, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one who thought this was the best day ever." I said with a grin.

Marc chuckled and smiled at me. "Yeah today has been pretty awesome. I'd do anything for you pixie-girl. You know that right?"

"Yes I do loverboy, so could you get my zipper please?" I twinkled at him.

Marc stepped behind me and unzipped my dress. It slipped off my shoulders and fell into a green puddle around my ankles. I struck a sexy pose in my lacy black thong and Marc let out a low whistle. Judging from the growing tent in Marc's boxers I had gotten the effect I wanted. Marc picked me up and put me on the bed. It looked like we probably weren't going to get much sleep.


We woke up to Annie jumping on our bed like a hyper puppy. Which wouldn't have been a bad thing if we hadn't spent most of the night fucking like rabbits.

"Come on you two! It's almost eight! Dad's getting breakfast and mom's pulling all the stuff out for dinner. We all have to get our jobs you know!"

Marc glared at Annie, "you could've at least brought us a coffee sis."

Annie gave Marc a second look and grinned, "Nice morning wood bro, I'm amazed you could manage considering what I had to listen to all night."

I laughed at her and said we weren't that bad.

Annie giggled and blushed, "So I guess you guys really didn't notice me come in and finger myself through three orgasms then!"

It was Marc's turn to laugh, he said she was full of shit and was making it up to make us paranoid.

Annie got a belligerent look on her face. "Check the computer chair, it should still be wet bro."

Marc got up and went to wipe his hand on the chair. He looked at me in shock and said that it really was still wet. I looked at Annie and asked her how long she'd been watching us last night. She said close to an hour.

"And we never even noticed you?" I asked.

Annie grinned naughtily, "Nope, you were both so into each other I could've sucked Marc off and he would have thought it was you."

She got up to leave but paused at the door and wiped the corner of her mouth, "By the way bro, you're still yummy."

Marc and I looked at each other and laughed. "Do you really think she did honey?" I asked.

"Hell I don't know, but if she did there's nothing I can do about it, what's done is done. And to be honest Kiki, I wouldn't put it past her. When she wants something she's not afraid to go and get it."

"Well it's not like I haven't been one of her targets." I said with a warm smile.

We got out of bed and made a dash for the bathroom. We shared a quick shower and dashed back to our room and got dressed double-time before going to the kitchen. We got into the kitchen and were greeted by three knowing smirks. Annie caught my eye, licked her lips then smacked them and grinned wickedly. Marc grabbed us some coffee and I asked mom if I could help with anything.

"Oh honey grab some breakfast first, you need to refuel after last night." she said with a sly grin.

Dad chuckled and Annie tried to hold back a laugh.

"Okay, lets just put it out there. Marc and I had sex last night and yes we may have been a bit loud but."

This was where dad cut in, "Sugar if you call last night a bit loud we'd better sound proof the house because you two even managed to wake me up!" he said with a smile.

I blushed then giggled and pointed my finger at Marc saying it was all his fault.

Marc looked at me and said that I was a more than willing participant, and not only that but I'd tempted him.

Annie was laughing so hard I thought she was going to fire a piece of sausage out her nose, and mom was holding onto the counter and crying. Marc and I couldn't help but laugh with them.

With breakfast finally out of the way, we got down to business for our thanksgiving dinner. Dad took the turkey and stuffing, using an old family recipe. Mom and me got veggie duty, and Annie and Marc got stuck with spud patrol. We all got busy with our projects, dad finishing first and getting the bird into the oven. We all occasionally had giggling fits as we worked. Marc and I kept glancing at each other and grinning. We couldn't help it, we just couldn't get enough of each other.

Mom, Annie and I were setting the table and Sarah set out two extra places. I asked her if we were having company and she replied that some old friends were dropping by. I looked at Annie and she just shrugged.

It was around four-thirty, and dad was taking the bird out of the oven. Mom was trying to work around him at the stove. The doorbell rang and Annie and Marc were nowhere to be seen. Mom asked me to get the door as both her and Brett were busy I said okay and went to get the door. I put on my best smile and opened the door and stood there for half a sec in total shock, there in the door were my parents.