Club Encounter

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Her obsession with a guy in a nightclub leads to a surprise.
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She stands at the bar, scanning the crowd for a glimpse if him. There! He dances wildly, long blond hair flying, eyes closed, lost in the pulsating music. She can't tear her eyes from his pale physique, wondering how he can dance in his black trenchcoat. He wears it every night, the ankle length leather must feel volcanic. She watches the razor thin goth girls dance close to him, vying for his attention. His eyes never open and he never touches any of the lust filled females. She's seen him, every closing time, grab one of the available creatures and drag her, willingly, into the night. It has become a ritual for her to try to pick the same girl he will. Not this night though, she intends to be the one he steals away tonight.

She gulps her double shot quickly, shivering from the biting flavor. Skirting the crowd, never taking her eyes from his form, moving closer to him. Near enough to touch him, she can see the sheen of sweat on his skin. Reaching her hand out, wanting to feel him, connect with him. Almost.. her fingertips barely out of reach, he stops dancing suddenly. Her eyes fly to his face and are locked with an ice blue gaze. She can't move, can't even breath looking into those frozen eyes.

"Why are you following me?" Did he say that? She didn't see him speak? How could she even hear him above the deafening music? His eyebrow arches as he awaits her answer. Opening her mouth, she cannot find the words, her eyes fall to the floor.

"Look at me!" She immediately meet his steely gaze, a sardonic smile twists his mouth as he slowly extends his hand. Everything fades from existance, there are only his silent eyes and his pale strong hand, reaching for her. She sees a delicate hand lain in his, startled to realize it is her own. He pulls her close, the intoxicating scent of leather and something feral drifts around her. She can feel his breath in her ear, she aches to press her body to his. He hasn't moved, standing so still she dares to look up at those masterful eyes. His smirk fades, his fierce chisled features set like stone.

He begins to dance again, slowly this time, eyes open, holding her gaze. She can't turn away, unwittingly she begins to sway with him. Somehow her every move matches his, like she knows the dance, has danced it forever. They never touch, she never looks away, the dance becoming more wild. She is lost in the dance, in the music, in those eyes, she completely surrenders, she is lost in him. The breathless dance continues song to song, always changing, never slowing. She is slick with prespiration, mouth parched, clothes glued to her skin. Other than his light sheen of sweat, he seems unaffected by the feverish dance. Her mind imploring her body to stop, those eyes, still on her, are all that matters, she can't stop.

He can tell she is struggling within herself, sees the exhaustion in her frame. Stepping away, he snatches a glass from a waiter's tray and shoves it at her. She stops, as he did, reaching eagerly for the liquid. He pulls back as she moves to take it, she freezes, dropping her arms to her side. Her eyes question his, but he gives no answers. Again he offers the glass, slowly moving closer to her face. She bends her head to sip from the drink, eyes still on him, fearing his disapproval. The cool water soothes her dry lips, never has she been this thirsty. He tips the glass further, she is gulping trying to swallow it all. Needing to breathe, but she cannot with the liquid pouring down her throat.

Unable to drink fast enough, water runs from the corners of her mouth, down her chin, her neck, soaking her white tank top. The rise of her breasts and her sheer bra are visible through the now opaque material. She does nothing to dry herself, somehow knowing she should not move. He passes the glass to a bewildered dancer, before moving within a hair's breadth of her. His finger delicately traces the neckline of her top, hooking the center of it. His nail runs down the front of the drenched material, she closes her eyes, trembling at his touch. His hands are on her shoulders, tugging the thin straps down her arms.

She looks down, her top is neatly sliced where his nail ran, her bra, thankfully, still covers her breasts. The torn shirt is now around her wrists, he begins twisting it, tightening the cloth into soft bonds. Her arms pulled back this way thrust her full breasts out proudly. With his free hand he traces the outline of her nipples, watching them harden instantly, a low moan escapes her lips. He lowers his mouth to her breast, she closes her eyes as he captures the hard nub in his teeth. He teases her, flicking his tongue softly then clenching his teeth firmly on her nipple. The waves of pleasure and pain crash together, leaving her knees weak. His hands snakes down her flat belly, over her skirt, coming to rest on the soft curve of her sex. Applying pressure to her hot mound while still torturing her nipple, her molests her.

Senses swirling inside her, her breathing has become ragged, she opens her eyes. Looking over his head she sees the crowd has formed around them, dozens of eyes focusing on her. Even in the dim light she notices a few men rubbing their bulging crotches, whispering and pointing at her. The few women in the circle are intently watching the show, some twisting their own nipples, one even stroking the man beside her. Another wave rolls over her, she licks her lips, moaning loudly now, as he teases her. His leg between hers, forcing them apart, not that she fights him. The hem of her short skirt is yanked up, exposing her panties, as he slips a finger past & into her. Stiring inside her, his mouth leaves her breast, looking into her eyes, he brings his hand to her face.

"So wet, aren't you?" Showing her the slick finger that was inside her hot sex, bringing it to his lips, licking her juices off. He releases the shirt holding her wrists, she moves her arms slightly and he glowers at her. She stops moving, realizing he wants her still bound for him. He takes her face in his hands, pulling her close, she can feel his breath on her lips. His mouth crushes hers, tongue forcing in between her lips, probing her velvet mouth. His teeth seize her lower lip, nibbling gently at first, then sinking into the tender flesh, tasting her blood. Licking his lips, he leans back to look at her, the thin trickle of blood from the pin pricks in her bruised, lust swollen lips.

He slides down to her neck, sucking softly on her skin, grazing her collarbone with his teeth to feel her stiffen. Down her stomach, flicking his tongue in her navel, biting the waistband of her skirt, tugging a little. He pulls away as he reaches her fragrant snatch, spreading her legs farther apart, inhaling her scent. Looking down at him between her legs, his hands gripping her thighs, her juices are pouring over her panties. It seems an eternity that he kneels there, just looking at her, smelling her.

Without a word he thrusts his face into her dripping sex, causing her to gasp in shock. Her head rolls back, she moans louder, pressing against his mouth. His fingers snake in, pulling the material aside & his thick tongue drags across her lips. Ripples of pleasure radiate through her body, as she writhes on his face. His teeth scrape her, sending bolts of pain between the pleasure waves. She can feel her climax nearing, so close now, spreading, building. A hand on her arm jerks her away, smashing her exposed back against the rough wall. His eyes flare at her, she is suddenly afraid, eyes pleading, finding her voice.

"It wasn't me, I didn't move!" A thick man steps in front of her, scowling down at him. She realizes now that someone has informed security of their torrid show. The crowd around them curses & boos at the gruff man.

"What do you think this is, a whorehouse?!" He stands slowly, a demonic look clouding his features, eyes burning white-hot.

"You want to fuck her then get the hell outta here! Don't come back no more, neither!" A snarl curls his lip, a growl rumbles from his throat, his hands clenching into fists.

"Don't try it, boy." The man sneers at him. He launches at the bouncer, knocking him to the ground, forcing the air from his lungs. Sucking air, trying to get up, the man never sees the boot coming at his face. Blood gushes from his shattered nose, his limp body slumping back to the dance floor. The crowd pushes in, attacking the fallen man, stomping and spitting on him.

She is pressed against the wall by a burly man with a nose ring, her arms pinned behind her, still tangled in her top. He grins lewdly down at her as he begins groping her breasts roughly. She twists and tries to kick him, but he just presses her harder against the wall. She srceams, but it is lost in the roaring of the crowd. His mouth lowering to hers, she tries turning away but he yanks her chin toward him. Clamping her mouth shut, squeezing her eyes closed she struggles harder against him, horrified to feel his bulge on her crotch.

His weight lifts from her body, she almost crumples to the floor, catching herself unsteadily. Her eyes open to meet those familiar ice blue ones, her heart leaps and she smiles, knowing he has saved her. He turns her back to him, pausing to lick the blood from her scratches, quickly removing her cloth bonds. He slips his coat off, drapes it around her bare shoulders, then turns her to face him. Somewhere in the background she hears screaming, feels panic spreading through the crowd. Looking over his shoulder she sees her attacker, limp on the floor, a gaping hole where his throat was, a bloody pool spreading around him.

She gasps, shock spreading through her, she begins shuddering violently, struggling to breathe. Seeing the terror in her he grasps her arms and gives her one firm shake so her eyes will turn to him. His eyes speak to her, soothing her fears, calming her, then he kisses her softly. She knows she is safe, nothing can hurt her as long as he's near.

"We have to go now!" She nods and he leads her through the chaotic crowd, forcing bodies out of their way. Hearing sirens approaching, they burst out an exit into a dark alley. She pulls back, trying to regain her composure, he turns to her. All she can see are his glowing eyes as his mouth claims hers in a deep kiss. She is breathless when he breaks the kiss, a dark fog swirls in, which quickly envelops her...

She finds herself in a sea of silk, the cool fabric lapping at her bare skin. The moonlight bathes her in its luminous glow, the edges of her vision hazy as she looks around. She shivers as the night air dances across her body, jumping when a voice asks, "Are you cold?"

Her head snaps around & there he stands wearing only his jeans. She shakes her head mutely, unable to find her voice. His eyes seem to burn, holding her gaze as he mounts the bed. She trembles, suddenly completely aware of her nudity. He kneels there, not touching her, not moving any closer, just looking at her. She moves tentatively to her knees in front of him, looking up into his eyes. He leans closer, so near that she can feel his cool, sweet breath, his mouth almost touching hers. Her lower lip quivers with anticipation as she unconsciously she holds her breath.

His mouth brushes against hers, not a kiss, just skin grazing over skin. She sighs as he kisses & bites along her jaw, his hand darting up to tangle in her hair. His other hand lands on her breast, firmly kneading the yielding flesh. He grips her thick mane tightly, holding her head still, keeping her neck taut as he devours her. Her hand on his chest tries to push him away even as her hand on his hip tries to pull him closer.

She yelps as he throws her back on the bed by the handful of her hair. Pinning her wrists above her head with one of his strong hands, he falls on her like a hungry animal. She whimpers as his teeth scrape her soft skin, her tumultuous emotions battling for control. Her hips thrust up against him, half trying to buck him off, half wanting to feel him inside of her. He grinds into her, the demin digging into her lush mound, chafing her tender skin. His mouth finds her nipple, sucking as it hardens, then biting until she cries out from the pain. She writhes under him, her body's need over coming any lingering thoughts of decency.

He releases her arms, moving down her body, his lips leaving a hot trail along the way. His mouth flutters over her wet lips, almost like a whisper, her pussy quivers. He lifts from her & she groans, her hands clutching at him. He moves off the bed, grabs her ankles & pulls her across the silken sheet to the edge. He drapes her legs over his shoulder as he buries his face in her dripping pussy.

Her whole body twitches as his tongue finds her already throbbing clit, teasing around it. He licks the length of her slit, from her clit down the valley of her ass. His tongue delves in between her cheeks, tickling the tight rosebud hidden there. She moans loudly, lifting her hips, offering her ass to him. He spreads her ass open, his tongue dancing around puckered anus before pushing the tip inside. She squeals in delight as he tongues her ass, going deeper inside each time. His finger slides inside her clenching ass while his mouth slips back up to her drenched slit.

Gripping the sheets, her body twisting in pleasure, rubbing her pussy against his face. He focuses his ministrations on her clit, sliding two fingers in her sex, filling both her holes with his digits. She can feel the fires igniting inside of her, spreading quickly throughout her body. He plays with her, the aching need building until she feels as if she will go mad without release. His mouth leaves her pussy & she groans in frustration. He quickly replaces his tongue with his thumb, rubbing firmly on her clit in tiny circles.

Her entire body seizes as she cums, her breath catches in her throat as she feels his teeth sink into her inner thigh. His fingers strumming her pussy, prolonging her climax as he sucks eagerly from her thigh. The ecstasy washes over her in waves, her body trembles weakly unable to recover from the first splash of rapture. Her head is light, the room is spinning, she vaguely feels his mouth leave her thigh & his hand slip from her pussy. He moves between her limp legs, unbuttoning his jeans & pulling them down.

He thrusts his hard cock inside of her in one stroke. She feels a million miles away from the scene now, faintly sensing him driving inside of her body. His fingers dig into her hips as he pulls her onto his cock, the pain waking her from her daze. Her legs wrap around him, her feet on his ass, pulling him deeper inside of her velvet hole. Slowly she finds the strength to move with him, meeting his bucking hips. He mauls her breasts roughly, tweaking her nipples. Her dizzy feeling remains as their hips slam into each other. She can feel another orgasm growing inside of her throbbing sex, she grabs his waist urging him on. Lifting her ass off the bed, his arm slipping around her waist, holding her as he drives his cock into her tunnel.

She sees him bite into his own arm, a trickle of his blood on his chin. His cock seems to throb & swell inside of her as she thrashes on his cock nearing her climax again. Every muscle clenches as she falls over the edge, her scream echoing around them. Feeling a wet warmth on her mouth she licks her lips, her tongue bumping into something solid. She opens her eyes, her mouth latches onto his bleeding wrist, her eyes locking with his. He thrusts into her clutching pussy a few more strokes, finally letting himself cum. Spurt after spurt of his seed fills her as she hungrily sucks on his wrist. He falls panting ontop of her, pulling his arm away from her greedy lips, clasping her to his chest. She whimpers & purrs in his ear, snuggling deeper into his intense embrace. He lifts his face to look at her, his eyes for the first time dancing with amusement.

"You are mine forever." he says assuredly before his mouth crushes hers in a demanding kiss. The metallic taste of blood fills her senses as his tongue entwines with hers, the dizzy spinning of her head is too much. Her mind is getting murky as the swirling fog mercifully claims her once again.

She awakes in her bedroom, disoriented, unsure of how she got here, she looks around to be sure she is alone. Gingerly she brushes her bruised lips remembering that last kiss. She shakes her head trying to clear the lingering bits of fog.

"That was some dream." she whispers to no one at all. She climbs out of bed, her legs just slightly unsteady as she heads for the bathroom. She adjusts the water temperature before she steps out of her clinging panties & climbs into the tub. The hot water sprays on her body, the heat soothing her, relaxing her sore muscles. She begins lathering her body with her favorite shower wash, enjoying the feel of it on her skin. The luxurious suds slide down her back & a stinging patch digs into her back. She rinses off, thoroughly dousing her back until the pain subsides, & steps out of the shower.

The thick towel is soft on her damp skin as she walks over to her vanity table. She turns away from the mirror & cranes her head around trying to look at her back. Seeing half a dozen scratches along her shoulderblade she gasps remembering being jerked into the wall.

"But that was just a dream." she breathes as she sinks to the vanity bench. His ice blue eyes appear in the mirror & his voice echoes in her head, "Was it a dream?" She sits there shaking as his laughter drifts to her ears.

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germangirl67germangirl67about 11 years ago
very nice

More plz!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

that was one of the best stories i have ever read! that was scary but it made me keep reading!! you should write another part!

great job and keep writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

awsome story! where is it going?

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