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She fantasized about being seduced by the 'Manny'.
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His car drives up in front of my house every day. The big black Bronco parks in front of my lawn and he gets out, each day, and meticulously locks the door, slings his bag over his shoulder and walks into the house next to me. Every day. At 2:40 precisely I go to the window and pull the curtain back, each day, and hold my breath when I see his shiny black detail job, bite my lip when he puts the car in park and turns off the engine. I groan silently each time he fixes his dark chestnut hair in his window reflection and walks up the stone path to the house, smoothing his hand down his relax fit jeans.

I’m not sure when he started working next door, or when I first started noticing, or even when I started noticing him. For the past few weeks I’ve been glued to my window watching his every move. He comes over to my neighbor’s house every weekday at the same time and leaves anywhere between 6:00 and 7:30. It took a few moments to realize what he actually did there because I knew for a fact that Jack worked at an accounting firm in the city and Marie was a nurse at the local hospital, but as I see their two twin girls running up the street with their matching backpacks and their older brother, Jack Jr, trailing behind with a smile slowly forming on his sweet angel face, I knew instantly. He was their Man-ny.

The sky was beautiful Friday afternoon and as the children trail into the house after the man, I ease myself outside and to my garden. I get a closer look at his car, but other than that, he has never come outside with the children when he watches them. He’s never seen me before, or at least that I know of. I’ve never met his eyes, or been spared a glance of that amber glaze his eyes become when he sees the children. A look of pure happiness; he loves those kids. So I gave up before I even began and went to my gardening.

About an hour goes by and I don’t even realize it until I decide to do some heavy remodeling in my sea of flowers and Marie pulls up in her little Volvo. Home early. I look down at my dirt streaked clothes and sigh, walking quickly into the garage to hide. I know that he’ll be coming out soon and I can’t have him see me like this. I’ve dreamt of meeting him and having him see me in a delicate baby pink sweeping gown, my dull brown locks shimmering and swept up from my ordinary face, tendrils I never knew existed in my waves framing my face and a healthy glow covering my body to make his mouth water. I look down once more and frown at my jeans with dirt all over and the white tank that looks like it has seen better days. Not to mention the fact that it’s as low cut as a shirt can get and even though some people think that’s sexy, when your breasts are sweating and covered in mulch, it takes some of the sexiness out of it.

Fifteen minutes have gone by and when I grab a large bag of much needed mulch, I step out from my garage just in time to see him standing before my lawn about to get into his truck. I freeze like a rabbit before two glowing headlights when he sees me looking at him. What do I do? What do I do?? In my panic, the bag falls to the ground and lands on my foot. The bag falls forward and as I lean to make sure my foot is okay, I lose my balance. My clumsy body is making a fool of herself right now and I fall on my behind, crushing my new flowers just planted fifteen minutes ago.

“Are you okay?”

I look up at my secret admiration and the concern in his eyes makes me feel more than okay. I feel great. And the smile on my face must have reassured him because he held out a hand to me and grinned his cheshire grin right back at me. I place my hand in his and instantly felt heat, a burning painful heat that took the breath out of my lungs.

Before I could remark, he says, “Oh, your hand’s bleeding.”

The burning pain is a gash on my hand that I’ve given myself slipping and landing on my shovel. He cradles my hand and lifts me up, telling me that it’s not that bad and dragging me into my house. He walks me to my kitchen and sits me on the table like a little girl as he wets a rag to wash my hand. It happened so fast that it didn’t faze me that this man, this stranger was in my house and helping me. But he wasn’t really a stranger. He was someone that I’ve been loving from afar and admiring through my curtains every day. But he could never know that. So I was just silent and patient as he washed my left palm with warm water.

When he asked for a first aid kit, I pointed to the cabinet under the sink and he instantly went to work. Washing my hand with antiseptic and wrapping it with gauze made his eyes go hard and serious. It must have looked like he was performing surgery.

“How are you feeling, Anna? Better?”

He knew my name. How did he know my name? The confusion must have shown on my face before he laughed, still holding my hand and said, “Marie told me your name. She gave me your phone number in case of emergencies. I’m not a psycho stalker, I promise.” Putting it that way kind of made me feel like a stalker, so I just smiled and said that I was fine. When I asked him what his name was and he replied his name was Gregory, I heard the word roll off his tongue and slid through my ear like a piece of silk ribbon being thread through my entire body.

For the next moment I didn’t know what to say, do, think. I was lost and floating away from myself. We both stopped and stood in silence, unsure of our next moves.

“Thank you for taking care of me.” I started, unsure of myself. “That was nice of you.”

He grinned a shy grin that looked like he was bashful of his heroic act. I wanted to let him know it was ok, that I wasn’t making fun of him. With my right hand I cupped his face and said ‘Thank you’, again. It brought his eyes back to mine where I saw them bleed to the fierce amber glow that I’ve dreamt about. The same golden gaze that I wanted to stare into for hours while he held me. “Don’t mention it. It was my pleasure.”

I still had his face cupped in my hand and he still held my injured hand close to his. This intimate position was all I ever wanted. My legs were parted and his body was pressed so close to me that I could feel the hard muscles of his thighs on the insides of mine. When I looked down to see how close he was, he pulled back. Unsure and embarrassed, he started to stammer and stutter, telling me he was sorry and that he shouldn’t be so rude. He began to pull away and before I could help myself I tugged him back to me. I’ve needed his everything for so long and it was right there in front of me, so I took it.

I kissed his soft, sweet lips and felt his body tense at my action. I made a mistake, he tensed. The panic is setting in and the fear drips all over. I pull back, and before I can let go, he grabs my body and devastates me with a mind trembling embrace that makes all thoughts and fears disappear. He tasted so warm, so safe and he felt so smooth and so cool. His lips broke from mine and they took my neck as a captive, setting his teeth to me as a starving man to his first taste of a new meal.

And in the heat of this passion, I told him. “I’ve wanted this for so long. Every time you came out of your car in the afternoon, I’d watch you and want you all at once.” With each confession, his hands held me closer and his lips tasted me further. He pressed his body to mine as I sit on the kitchen table, dangling my feet off the edge. He’s becoming hard at my thoughts and brought his face back to mine for a taste.

The delicious flavor of him filled my mouth and I couldn’t keep my hands off of him. Now that he was in my arms, I didn’t want to let him go until I was finished with him. At once I craved more of his flesh and dove my hands under his shirt, feeling the smooth skin of his back and chest, tight with my fingers caresses. He moves back a bit and breaks the kiss to remove his shirt, tossing it wherever shirts land when they were forgotten. No one knows, because after they are off they are no longer necessary.

I marveled at the newly revealed flesh like a new toy and pulled him closer to my mouth. His flesh was warm and sweet under my lips, and made my tongue tingle at each lick. I ran my mouth over his chest and stomach. This moment took on a whole new level of fantasy. It made all dreams come true and wishes fulfilled.

“Anna? Gregory?”

Marie’s voice brought us back to reality like kids with their hands caught in the cookie jar. Gregory pulled away and before he could find his shirt, Marie walked into my kitchen. “There you are. I saw you fall outside and wanted to make sure you were okay.”

The innocent concern in her voice makes me feel so dirty, so foul sitting there telling her I was fine through kiss bruised lips. “Gregory saw me fall and took care of me.”

She smiled at me again, and then looked at Gregory, “He’s always patching up my kids. You couldn’t be in better hands.” Her voice started to trail off when she noticed Gregory didn’t have a shirt on and he was standing intimately close to me.

I pointed to his shirt on the ground and said, “I got dirt and blood all over it and told him to take it off so I could wash it. It’s the least I can do, right?” Marie smiled and nodded, accepting that lame excuse but I know I would have some explaining to do later.

After making sure I was alright, she left and I awkwardly dropped my head to my chest. Gregory moved towards the door and it figured he would leave. We were caught doing something we shouldn’t and at my insane confessions, it would make sense that I scared him off. The door closed and before I could drop from the table, the dead bolt slid into place and I look up to see Gregory smiling at me.

“That way we won’t be interrupted when I’m kissing you again.”

He sauntered over to me and wedged his body in between my thighs once more. His hands moved up my legs and held my hips, pulling me closer to the edge of that table.

“Now,” he said as he brought his face close to mine, “Where were we?”

Excitement ran through my veins as he savagely took my lips and pulled me even closer, his erection rubbing against the seam of my jeans. He pressed his body into mine and hit just the right spot to make me break the kiss and cry out. A ripple of pleasure soared through my body and I ground my pelvis into his, digging my fingers in hair as his lips moved to my neck. He sucked the skin under my ear, moving outward towards my collarbone and after meeting cloth, he pulled away in frustration. My tank top was ripped from my body and tossed it to the floor to meet his and bare chest met bare chest. Flesh to flesh, we pressed close to each other and I wrapped my legs around him before kissing his warm lips once more.

His hands moved down my back and gripped my ass hard, lifting me off the table and setting me to my feet. Gregory came back to my mouth and dove his tongue inside, twisting with mine and making my body shake with anticipation of his next moves. When his kisses were all he gave me, I became impatient and moved my hands to his jeans, tearing at them like all the worlds riches rested beyond his zipper. I pulled back from his lips and moved to the task at hand, disrobing him.

I pushed his body back to lean against my kitchen counter and he rested his palms against the cool marble. I wanted to see his body open and exposed, and he let me, smiling and nodding to me to continue. Dropping to the floor on my knees, I met his open zipper. Impatient hands reached up and met his hips, perfect tan indents in his flesh. My mouth watered at the sight, wanting to taste the dips and crevices in his skin. I went to the right, and holding him in place, ran my tongue from the top of his hip bone to the bottom where his underwear rested. Taking my tongue on a journey across his stomach, I did it again with the left.

His skin tasted like summer. It was warm from the sun and from our embrace, and sweet with his sweat. I couldn’t wait to taste him more. I grabbed his jeans and underwear and tore them down in one fast move that pulled his pelvis towards me, his cock in front of my eyes in offering. I took his cock in hand, and lifted it towards his belly to run my tongue up his shaft. The groan that escaped his lips was a symphony composed by a master. It sounded so good, I wanted to hear it again. So I licked him once more, this time keeping the head of his cock in my mouth and dipping the tip of my tongue into his slit. I was rewarded with another groan and a drop of cum that escaped the tip.

It was so sweet but salty at the same time, and better than any dessert I ever tasted. Instantly addicted. I wanted more. I needed more. Taking his hardon in hand, I guided him into the warmth of my mouth and took him all the way in until I had to breathe through my nose. Then I swallowed. Another symphony filled my ears.

I felt his hands move to my hair and hold my head. I usually don’t like it when men take control with their hands on my head. It makes me feel dirty and… cheap. But when Gregory threaded his fingers through my hair and wrapped the strands around his hands, my legs went weak. I instantly wanted to follow his demands and let him do whatever he wanted with me. Do what thou wilt.

With mutual groans of delight, I succumbed to his will and his will was to thrust inside my mouth hard and fast. I hollowed my cheeks and sucked hard, feeling the throbbing of his erection on my tongue.

“Anna, Anna… Oh God, that feels so fucking good…” His praise made me smile and as I did, he pulled out of my mouth and pushed me back.

Before I could say anything, he laughed and said, “Baby, you keep that up and I will cum before either of us is ready. Now if you want to keep those jeans I suggest you get them off before I tear them from your body.”

With each word that comes out of his mouth, I got a chill that drove itself through my veins, making each part of my body tingle in ways no one ever could. I don’t know what he did, or how it did it, but I would stay in this kitchen on my knees forever if he would just keep talking. And there was one more word that he growled through his lips that brought all of those chills back in my body.


I stood up and took my pants off faster than I ever have in my life, lost in the discarded clothing oblivion. I stood in front of him, naked and trembling with anticipation and nerves as he surveyed the present before him. I wanted to take a picture of the smile that curved over his face as he came closer and took what I was offering him.

He lifted me to the kitchen table once more and moved his warm and rough hands to my breasts. They tingled with excitement and then with pleasure as his thumbs made fast but soft circles around my nipples. They hardened at his touch and I gasped, my body moving forward of its own volition. Before I could figure out the touches or sensations, his thumbs moved and his mouth latched onto my breast. I pulled him closer, moving against his body in an attempt to reach the peak my body was craving. I needed more, and I knew Gregory had what I needed.

He put the palm of his hand on my sternum and pushed down, laying on my back. The cold table met my bare skin, and I gasped but warmth spread through my body as I felt his hands spreading my thighs open, gazing upon my exposed flesh. My hands went to my breasts and I held them, massaging my own flesh with my fingers as I patiently waited for his next move.

“Mmm… I love seeing you touch yourself, it’s so sexy.”

I smiled and continued. Told him that he made me crazy, and I wanted him.

“You have me, baby. I’m right here.”

His warm fingers touched my open pussy and ran the tips from my aching hole to my throbbing clit. When he reached the top, I cried out softly when a ripple of pleasure clenched my body, and he did it again. Gregory thrust two fingers inside me and curled them upward, looking for that one… spot… there!

“Oh, fuck! Gregory!!”

I yelled out and gyrated my hips when his hand started thrusting inside faster and faster. Quickly, the orgasm that brewed inside was bubbling over the rim and before I could cum, before I could explode, he pulled out and replaced his fingers with his cock which was much bigger and much hotter. For a moment I was unprepared for the size, and I froze. I felt tight and completely full. I loved how it felt inside as his cock slid inside my warmth. So fucking good…

He rested inside me, letting me adjust to his size. When I looked up at his face, he had his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. I reached up to him, and cradled his jaw in my palm to urge him to open his eyes. I wanted to see what being inside me did to him.

“Are you okay?” he asked me. How sweet..

“I’m fine. I just wished you would start fucking me like it was your job.”

He let out a quick laugh and said, “Ask and ye shall receive.”

Moving his arm, he rested my bent left knee in the crook of his elbow and pressed even deeper inside, with a force stronger than before. The table moved beneath us and screeched against the floor. Gregory made my body tremble as he slowly pulled out and slammed back into me making the table scream again. And again. I held onto his shoulders and moved my hips up to meet his as he did exactly as I asked- his job.

His other hand moved to my head, pulling my body back and holding my hair just the way that he had before when I was on my knees doing all the work. His grunts and moans in my ears, tickled my senses and made my orgasm brew faster and hotter. I was getting closer, climbing back up to the top of the glass, ready to spill over and cum so hard I would go blind. But hopefully not deaf because not being able to hear the symphony of his cries would be torture.

My hips urged him faster and my fingers digging into his flesh urged him harder. Closer… closer… I felt my orgasm inside my body and I cried out his name as I exploded from the inside out.

The symphony in my ears changed, “That’s right. Come for me, Anna. Come for me.”

He felt each pulse inside my pussy and when my orgasm slowed, he pulled out of my warmth and spilled his hot cum all over my belly. The warm liquid trickled down my stomach and inside my thighs, dripping to coat my pussy as it hit my sensitive clit, triggered my legs to shake with a mini pulsing orgasm once more.

After he finished, he rested his head on my raised knee and let out a sigh. A contented and satisfied sigh that mirrored my own feelings inside. It was exactly what I expected it to be and what I wanted. I wanted to know how Gregory tasted, and how Gregory fucked. And how good Gregory felt inside my body and exactly what it felt like to be held in his arms like a cherished prize.

It was everything I imagined it would be. And more.

He raised his head and smiled at me through deep breaths. “That was perfect.”

Perfect? A wonderful complement but a little odd.

“Perfect? What do you mean?”

He straightened out my legs and laid his body over the mixture of passion on my belly.

“Perfect because it was exactly as I imagined it would be. Whenever I saw you outside your house, I pictured your body in my head and what you would fuck like. And it was just like this. Exactly what I wanted it to be.”

Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.

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bambi37bambi37about 13 years ago
hot hot hot

hot and very well written

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