Coming Home: Davis Brothers Ch. 06


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"No, please," Lonnie whispered. "Don't pull out yet."

Brandon pressed his lips to the side of Lonnie's head. He lifted his head up so that he could see Lonnie properly. The expression of love on the younger man's face nearly brought him down.

Lonnie looked up at Brandon, panting and struggling to catch his breath. "I love you, big daddy, I love you so much."

Brandon struggled to catch his own breath, due to Lonnie's declaration of love as much as the massively intensive orgasm he just experienced. "I love you, too, cupcake."

Brandon let his head drop next to Lonnie's. He held Lonnie close, mindful to keep his full weight off the smaller man, gently kissing and caressing him. The tenderness contrasted sharply to the roughness of just a few minutes earlier.

He could tell Lonnie was very emotional right now, trying to hold it together to keep from crying tears of joy. It amazed Brandon how powerful those three simple words were. He wanted to kick his own ass for not saying them sooner.

Their breathing slowed as they held each other. Lonnie let out a soft sigh and his legs relaxed from around Brandon and dropped against the side of the desk. His arms remained wrapped around Brandon's broad back, holding him close. Brandon's spent cock softened enough to slip out of Lonnie's body. He could feel the wetness between Lonnie's legs and knew he'd have a mess running down the side of his desk that would need to be cleaned up.

In the past, Brandon was never a cuddler. Hell, he used to always fuck doggy style, so he wouldn't have to look his partner in the face. But something about Lonnie made him throw all that bullshit out the window.

He fucked -- made love -- to Lonnie facing him, wanting to see his eyes and his facial expressions. God, the way Lonnie's face looked as he came was enough to take his breath away.

Brandon didn't mind cuddling with Lonnie. His cupcake was a little snuggle bunny. Maybe he didn't mind because Lonnie seemed to really need the closeness. It made his cupcake so happy, and that made Brandon want to do it all the more. No, that wasn't the only reason. Brandon had to admit to himself that he loved the closeness just as much.

Brandon lifted his head and looked down at Lonnie. His boy was sprawled on his desk, eyes closed, lips parted, looking as if he was nearly asleep. His pouty lips were red and swollen, and wet and juicy from their kisses. He had a vivid hickey on the side of his whisker-burned neck, marking him as taken. He looked completely debauched and totally fucked, but at the same time, there was a vulnerability about him. He was utterly adorable.

Brandon leaned down and kissed the tip of his nose. Lonnie opened his eyes halfway and gave Brandon a happy and sated smile.

The thought that Lonnie might not know how much he was loved by Brandon made him feel sick to his stomach.

Brandon already had a plan in the works. It was something big and Lonnie would know then how much Brandon loved him.

As far as Brandon was concerned, actions spoke louder than words.


Benji stood outside Ben's shiny red semi-truck cab. He craned his neck up at the open driver's side door and frowned. "I don't know, Ben. I have so much work to catch up on. This is crazy."

"It's my first long haul since I came back to work, baby. Is it crazy that I want you to come with me? After the past couple of months we've had, it'll be like a little vacation, and we could both use a break."

"I suppose... not that a distribution warehouse in Cedar Rapids would be my ideal vacation spot," Benji said with a snicker.

"It'll be fun. I promise."

"I just can't believe that Cole agreed to it."

Ben was acting so weird lately. There was that crazy business with his dad and that woman last week. Ben never explained what he got from them, he just said it was important and was part of a surprise. For the life of him, he couldn't imagine what his dad had that Ben would need. Benji had complete trust in Ben, but the insistence that he go on one of Ben's long hauls was just odd. 'Part of the surprise,' he had said.

Well, Benji had to admit that he was curious about what Ben did when he was gone on the road, what it was like to sleep in the truck. And he missed Ben fiercely when he was away. He wasn't ready to be separated from him just yet. Maybe it would be like a little vacation...

Ben helped Benji up into the truck -- making sure to grope his ass as he did -- and Benji moved into the passenger seat and buckled up. He watched Ben go through his checklist and note his log. As Ben wrote on his sheets, the tip of his tongue poked out and tickled the ends of the bristled hairs that made up his sexy horseshoe mustache.

Yum. Ben looked so rugged and manly behind the big wheel.

Ben looked back towards the sleeper mattress and smiled to himself. He couldn't wait to try out the bed. And he wasn't talking about sleeping.

Benji looked out the passenger window as Ben easily maneuvered the fully loaded semi-truck off Ace property and onto the road towards the highway. He looked back over at his big guy and smiled. "You're right. This is gonna be fun."


"I'll transfer you right away. Please hold." Lonnie tapped the 'hold' button, then pressed the 'intercom' button. "Brandon, you have a call on line one, Ralph from Floor and Tile Surplus."

Lonnie watched the blinking light for a few seconds and frowned when it hadn't been picked up. He got up from his desk and walked over to Brandon's office. The office was empty. He looked over at the bathroom door to see that it was open. He shook his head and picked up Brandon's phone and pressed 'Line 1'.

"I'm sorry, Ralph. Brandon stepped away from his desk. Can I have him call you back? Okay, thank you."

Lonnie hung up the phone and went in search of his man. He had a pretty good idea where he was. He pushed through the back door exit, stepping into the back parking lot. The sudden bright sunlight had him shielding his eyes with his hand. He looked over and sure enough, there was Brandon.

Brandon stood by the dumpster smoking a cigarette, talking to a guy who was wearing a green 'Bug Zappers' polo shirt, the name and logo of the company next door.

Lonnie couldn't help but check his man out. Brandon was wearing his ball cap backwards on top of his head and a pair of sunglasses. His beard was looking a little scraggly around the edges. Even though Brandon was talking to the bug guy, with his eyes hidden behind the Oakley knockoffs, Lonnie knew that Brandon was watching him. Brandon's hand discreetly reached down and his fingers cupped and pushed his bulging package, shifting his dick into a more comfortable position.


As Lonnie approached, Brandon took one final drag, dropped his cigarette butt and stomped it out using his work boot, exhaling his smoke upwards away from his friend. The bug guy did the same.

"Brandon, Ralph called again. He wants you to call him back as soon as possible."

"Thanks." He turned to the bug guy. "Corey, this is Lonnie, our new office manager."

Corey was a handsome man, in good shape, and his salt and pepper hair gave him a distinguished look, but he wasn't really Lonnie's type. Lonnie gave Corey a friendly smile and held out his hand. "Hi. Nice to meet you."

Corey shook Lonnie's hand. "Corey Lawrence. I own Bug Zappers next door. It's very nice to meet you." Corey held onto Lonnie's hand as his eyes slid up and down Lonnie's body. "Very nice."

As Corey pulled his hand back, his fingers lightly stroked the inside of Lonnie's palm.

Lonnie felt embarrassed at the older man's obvious attention. It wasn't that he was interested, not at all, but the man was shameless. Lonnie heard a grunt from Brandon and turned his way. The sunglasses and blank expression didn't really give away what Brandon was thinking. Didn't Brandon know the man was hitting on him? Didn't he care?

"How long have you been working at D and A?"

Lonnie heard the question and looked back at Corey. It took a second to process what the man was asking since he had been concentrating on Brandon. "Uh, I've been working here almost two months now."

Brandon looked back and forth between the two men.

What. The. Fuck!

Was Corey hitting on Lonnie right in front of him? And why wasn't Lonnie getting pissed off? Did that motherfucker Corey just wet his lips while looking at his cupcake? And now he's making a stupid lame-ass joke about some god-damned bugs? Wait. Did Lonnie just fucking giggle?

"So, if you ever need anything, you give me a call," Corey said as he pressed a business card into Lonnie's hand. "My cell phone number's listed there."

Oh, hell no!

Brandon snatched the business card and crumpled it up and tossed it at Corey. It smacked his forehead and bounced onto the pavement. Lonnie gasped and looked up at Brandon, his jaw dropped in shock.

Corey looked at Brandon like he had lost his mind. "What the hell, man!" He furrowed his brow at Brandon and rubbed the middle of his forehead.

Brandon grabbed Lonnie's hand and yanked the smaller man to his side. He spoke calmly and clearly, trying to keep the rage from his voice. "Lonnie's not just my office manager. He's my partner."

Brandon glanced down at Lonnie, expecting his boy to be majorly pissed off at his caveman-like behavior. But, goddammit, Lonnie was his! He didn't know what the hell to think when he saw that Lonnie had a huge grin on his face.

"Oh." The shock of the whole situation was clearly written all over Corey's face. He held up his hands palms out, in a gesture meant to try to calm Brandon. "Oh, I'm sorry, man, I didn't... Hell, I didn't even know you were gay."

"Yeah," Brandon said. "I am."

Corey turned to Lonnie. "I apologize."

Lonnie shrugged a shoulder. "It's okay. You didn't know."

"You wouldn't happen to have any brothers, do you?" Corey asked with a wink.

"No," Lonnie said with a laugh.

"All right," Corey said with a exaggerated sigh. He looked down at his watch. "I'd better get back inside. Talk to you later, Brandon. Nice meeting you, Lonnie. Gimme a call if this one doesn't treat you right."

"You don't have to worry about that," Brandon growled.

Brandon and Lonnie walked back into the D and A offices, still holding hands, neither of them speaking. When they stepped into Brandon's office, Lonnie shut the door behind them.

Brandon sat down in his chair and pulled out his phone to look for Ralph's contact information. Lonnie dropped onto his knees in front of Brandon's chair and pushed his thick thighs apart.

Brandon looked down at Lonnie, eyes wide open, jaw dropped to his chest. "Lonnie?"

Brandon swore that Lonnie's eyes went glassy. "You got jealous and you claimed me. You said you were gay. You said I was your partner." He took in a deep breath and it stuttered as he exhaled. "For all those things, you're about to get the blowjob of your life."

"Oh, fuck," Brandon groaned. As Lonnie lowered his zipper, Brandon leaned his head back and closed his eyes.


Ben helped Benji down from the truck cab and they walked together towards the rest stop bathrooms. Ben was done driving for the night and they'd spend the night here before continuing on in the morning.

Benji covered his mouth and yawned. He looked around the darkened parking lot and noted the semi-trucks parked there, apparently stopping for the night as well.

He followed Ben into the restroom, the door opening with a loud creak that echoed through the empty bathroom.

After they brushed their teeth at one of the sinks, they both took a stall to do their business. Ben moved into the first stall, and Benji left an empty buffer stall between them. He just had to pee, but he was pretty sure Ben had to do more. And he sure as heck didn't want to hear -- or smell -- Ben going to the bathroom. He had more than enough of that. And thank god Ben had the use of both of his hands now!

When Benji finished, he went to the sink and washed his hands. He moved to the side to wait for Ben. He leaned over and peeked under the stall and saw jeans pooled around a familiar pair of size fourteen cowboy boots and knew that Ben was still there.

When the outer door creaked open, Benji quickly stood upright and leaned back against the wall. A burly man in a Pete trucker cap walked into the restroom and he eyed Benji up and down as he approached. Benji gave him a nervous smile and looked away, wishing that Ben would hurry up. The man walked into the stall previously occupied by Benji.

Benji tapped his fingers against his thigh, nervously waiting. He glanced back over to Ben's feet and was relieved to see him starting to move around. His eyes slid to the stall he came out of and he drew in a sharp gasp. The trucker had the stall door partially open and was openly jerking off while staring at him.

"C'mere, boy," he grunted through his teeth. "Suck me off. Make it quick." He wagged his fat dick at Benji.

Benji gasped again and pushed himself off the wall as Ben exited his stall.

"Let's go," Benji hissed quietly to Ben, trying to pull him away.

Ben frowned at Benji as he went to the sink and washed his hands. "What's wrong?"

Benji nodded his head over to the other guy, who was standing in the stall door. He had put his dick back in his jeans, but he had his hand cupped over it.

"He your boy?" he asked Ben, tipping his chin towards Benji. "You share?" He squeezed his dick through his jeans, making sure Ben knew what he wanted from Benji.

Ben growled and his face went red with anger. Seeing that the situation could get out of control real quick, Benji grabbed his arm. "Ben. Don't."

Giving the man one last scowl, Ben put his hand on the small of Benji's back and quickly led him out of the building to the parking lot.

As they walked back to the truck, Ben was muttering and cursing under his breath. Benji grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Ben, it's okay. Let it go."

Ben stopped and let out a sigh. He looked down at Benji. "I'm sorry. I just get so fucking jealous, I see red. The thought of that motherfucker looking at you like that while groping himself... It's so fucking disrespectful."

"He didn't know that I was with someone. And you know I'm not interested in anyone but you. I'm yours, Ben."

Ben looked down at Benji, his eyes still burning with rage. He repeated Benji's words, for Benji's benefit as much as his own. "You're mine, Benji."

"Only yours, Ben."

Ben took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Benji was right. The man didn't know that Benji wasn't available. Ben was going to take care of that very soon. In a few days, everyone would know that Benji was taken.

Either way, Ben would be more careful with his Benji at the truck stops and rest areas. No way in hell was he going to let anyone look at his baby like he was some kind of 'good buddy' looking for tricks. No fucking way.

Once they got back into the truck, Ben moved between the seats and opened the curtain and crawled into the sleeper. Benji followed him in, closing the curtain behind him. They got undressed in the dark, cramped space. Benji helped Ben yank off his cowboy boots, then the two of them dropped their clothes onto the floor.

"Are you sure there's enough room?" Benji asked as he crawled over Ben's huge body and tried to get comfortable on the sleeper mattress. He pulled the sheet up and settled down on his side facing the back wall. Benji wasn't sure how Ben slept in his truck cab at night. It seemed like it would be too cramped for his big man. Ben was super tall at six-foot-six and he weighed a hefty 300 pounds.

"Yup. We'll be in close quarters, but you'll be fine. Hell, when we sleep in our king-size bed at home, you're always all up on my side anyways."

Benji turned and gave Ben a playful scowl over his shoulder. "Oh, well, I'll just make sure to stay on my side of the bed from now on."

"Did I say I didn't like it?" Ben asked as he moved his body across the mattress on a diagonal and spooned up behind Benji's smaller form, adjusting him so that they were both somewhat comfortable.

He pulled Benji back to his brawny body and Benji snuggled back against his hairy chest. Ben pressed his hips forward, pushing his hard cock against Benji's hot little ass. He smiled when he heard Benji's breathing hitch.

"This is usually about the time when I'd be calling you," Ben said in his baby's ear. "Trying to get you to have phone sex with me."

"Oh god," Benji said as he covered his eyes and blushed. "You know that weirds me out."

"I know. One of these days, I'm gonna get you to do it, though," Ben husked into Benji's ear. Knowing how much Benji liked his facial hair, he rubbed the thick whiskers of his mustache along Benji's neck and his outer ear, while planting small kisses and flicks of his tongue. "I wanna hear you jerk off for me, hear those little sounds you make, hear you come for me. You know that every time after I hang up with you, I have to jerk off, don't you? Oh yeah," he whispered as he licked along Benji's ear. "Just hearing your voice makes me so damn hard, I have to pound one out as soon as we hang up. I fill up a sock with one of my big loads, wishing it was your mouth or your ass I was pumping full of my jizz."

Benji drew in a breath, shuddered and let out a soft moan, "Oh my god, Ben..."

Ben chuckled in Benji's ear, loving how easy it was to turn his baby on. Benji's hand slid on top of Ben's, which was resting against his chest, holding him tight. Benji gave the hand a firm push, sliding it down his chest and stomach. When Ben's hand came in contact with Benji's hard-on, Benji moaned and pressed Ben's hand onto it. Ben wrapped his fingers around the slender shaft and gave it a gentle squeeze, feeling it throb in his fist.

"Ben," he whispered. "Please."

"What do you want baby? Tell me."

"Make love to me, Ben."

Ben reached behind his head into the cubby hole along the side of the truck and pulled out a full bottle of lube. He bought the bottle especially for this trip. He jerked off a lot on the road, but he didn't need lube. All he needed was a little pre-come and his fist and foreskin took care of the rest.

Ben snapped open the purple cap and slicked up his fingers. "I got you. I'm gonna take care of you, baby," he whispered seductively into Benji's ear. "Don't I always take care of you? You're mine. I love you so fucking much. Let me show you how much I love you."

Ben slid his fingers into Benji's crease and stroked a circle around Benji's tight little hole. He stroked and fondled the pink pucker with the tip of his finger, then pushed inside. Benji moaned, gripping the beefy arm around his chest with one hand. The other grabbed onto Ben's hip and held tight.

Ben stretched his baby out slowly and gently with a pair of fingers before pushing in three fingers. He used a steady motion to open and relax Benji's hole.

"Ben... Need you, Ben. Now. Please. I can't... I can't wait."

Benji's voice cracked, and Ben could hear the wanton desire in it. He slicked up his cock with the lube and rubbed the bare head back and forth across his Benji's entrance, teasing and toying with him.

"Ben," Benji moaned. "Put it in." He pushed his ass back against Ben while pulling at his hip with his hand.

Ben pushed his hips forward allowing the tip to barely breach the muscle, then pulled back.

"No," Benji moaned. "Don't tease me, please! I want you so bad."

Ben snickered. "I got what you need, Benji. Don't I?"

"Yes! I need it, Ben."

Ben rubbed his cock head along Benji's crack, stopping when it found its target. He paused then backed up again. Benji whimpered in frustration and Ben just smiled.

"Put your big dick in me. Fuck me!"

God damn. With that, Ben couldn't resist anymore, teasing time was over. Holding Benji steady on his side, Ben spooned up behind him. He pushed forward and in one smooth motion, buried his cock to the hilt inside Benji. He pushed his forehead into Benji's neck and held on tight, holding him back against his body. Benji trembled in his arms as he willed himself to relax against Ben.