Convenient Arrangement Ch. 03

Story Info
Jasmine learns a new look.
2.8k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/19/2006
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Author's Notes

Before reading this story please be aware that that some people would label this work as obscene and pornographic in nature. It contains several themes including transgendered, homosexual and lesbian issues in addition to graphic sexual descriptions.

To make the action flow more freely and the stories light-hearted, I have taken a socially naïve approach and have not included the usual protections that intelligent people would choose such as condoms, birth control and out safeguards against sexually transmitted diseases. Such risky behavior as those exhibited by the characters of this story should not be followed.

If any of these topics make you uncomfortable please look elsewhere.

If this sounds like a story you might find interesting, enjoy.


Work hadn't been terribly challenging over the past few months but that's just as well since my mind hadn't been totally on the job. In fact, totally was just more of the same when the mail had arrived and one of the envelopes stuck out. I snatched it up, looked into the hallway outside my open office door for any traffic and then tore the envelope open, tearing to get into it quickly with shaking hands.

Jim. Here is your next assignment. Show up at the attached address at Noon this Saturday. Come as you are and leave J at home. Oh and hey. Thought you'd like a souvenir from the other week. Enjoy!

Included in the envelop was a CD. My mind could only imagine what was on it. I was tempted to drop it in my laptop's drive but with my company's paranoia about its employees I didn't need the content to be burned to copies and spread around my workplace. I had no doubt that I couldn't be recognized from the disk, provided the video file or pictures weren't THAT sharp and close-up, but if the content came from my computer it's understandable that a connection could be made.


I jerked back to reality at the sudden appearance of a person in my doorway.

"What's up?" I asked, slipping the disk and note into my suit jacket with a shaking hand.

"Ready for the meeting?"

"Yup." I said grabbing my notes and leaving my office.

The week finally concluded with the completion of Friday. Despite trying to finish off some work from home on Saturday morning it didn't happen. I slept in late, ate breakfast, showered, shaved and found myself at 11:30 with a twenty minute drive across town.

I couldn't wait until Saturday to find out my fate so I swung past the address on John's letter the day I had received it but hadn't found it. I tried again Tuesday and finally located the non-descript address. I had pulled into a parking lot between two, numerically adjacent street addresses and finally found the side door, only the address above it in heavily painted numbers. No other signs indicated what was behind the door and as I sat there with a bag of fast food from next door, no one came or left through the entry.

After finishing off my chocolate shake I kept watch for another half an hour before heading home. At least I had managed to locate my meeting place for Saturday.

Here again, I found myself sitting in the parking lot. I had made better time and found myself sitting in the same parking spot twenty minutes early. Still no one came or left the mysterious doorway while the minutes slowly crept by. I tried to pass the time with music but it was fruitless. I was loaded with the usual flush of emotions, anticipation, eagerness, anxiety, anger as my clock clicked 11:59 and I stepped from the car, looking around.

No one seemed to notice my presence as I walked to towards the building, trying to control my walk and appear casual to anyone who happened to be nearby.

It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dimly lit interior. Once they did I could make out the various racks and shelves lining the walls beyond the small counter and cash register immediately in front of me.

"Hello." The 'woman' behind the counter said, leaning against a display case, cigarette hanging loosely from her bright, red lips, the long ash threatening to escape from the tip. It was apparently from the first few seconds that she might have been living as a woman now, but she hadn't always. The second thing clear about the situation was that she had done from being one of the ugliest men in the work to one of the ugliest. No one was going to mistake her for anything other than what she was especially when her husky, smoker's voice boomed from her lips.

"Ahh. I have an appointment?" I said, hesitantly.

Her disposition changed instantly and she jumped up, walking towards me, the tip of her cigarette finally falling to the hole-strewn industrial carpet.

"Come on back." She said, beckoning me to follow her behind a curtain that was strung across the opening of a door.

Like the front area, the back was deserted. Unlike the front, the back was smaller and more brightly lit, mainly from a bank of lights in one corner, ringed around a mirror mounted to the wall behind a beautician chain sitting nearby.

"Have a seat."

She began removing a few items from a drawer nearby and laid them out like she was ready to perform brain surgery. I sat down in the 'retired' chair, which looked like it had been ripped violently from a barbershop thirty years ago and tried to remain calm.

Without another word she reached up, pulled off my glasses and went to work, immediately dabbing on foundation. I had never had my makeup applied 'professionally' before and the erotic thought, in such a repulsive atmosphere, had caused an instant erection inside my pants, thankfully hidden beneath the smock, also apparently from the 70's, that she had quickly wrapped around my neck as though I had come in for a quick trim.

Working quickly and efficiently, stopping only for bouts of severe smokers cough, she worked across my face and around my eyes before finishing off with my lips a slight burning sensation peeking my interest.

She disappeared for a moment allowing me a quick look in the mirror and I was both impressed by her work, apparently it's easier to work on someone else than one's self, and that I managed to look feminine, even without hair, jewelry or clothing. I took a quick peek at my lips and could almost imagine that they looked somewhat pouty, slightly enlarged, either through the appearance of color and outlining or due to some substance that had been applied.

I wasn't alone long as she came back into the room sweeping in with various items.

"We'll start with the ears." She replied, slipping on a pair of latex gloves.

"Ears?" I asked, confused.

She reached up with grabbed my left, positioning the lobe in a small pistol gripped device that fired upon command and made me jump with a start, more from surprise than from the sting.

"Hold this." She said, passing a small gauze from her grip to my left hand.

She repeated the performance on the right ear and within minutes, I had a matching pair of simple, gold studs in place. No going back from now and hopefully the small holes, that I've noticed on coworkers and friends while wishing I could do the same, wouldn't be too noticeable.

"If you plan on taking these out at night, make sure they go in every few days or they could heal over."

I nodded, which seem to placate her.

"Now for the hair." She said with a flourish.

Several wigs were gently laid upon the table next to us, looking like well groomed road-kill.

"We'll try some blond looks, but with your dark hair we'll probably end up with brunette. Maybe chestnut. A touch of red highlights could work for you too."

She slipped each on, tousled it a bit with her fingers and pulled it off a second later, running through the first batch, six wigs in all, before turning with a couple more, one that eventually was a hit with her. I liked it, along with several others so we were both happy.

"I think this one works best." She commented, apparently satisfied with her decision, not bothering to ask my opinion.

"Let's go with a French manicure since it goes with your new role." She said, pulling out several sets of fake nails, several that matched her description. "Should probably go with quick set glue instead of press-on I think."

Again, I nodded but I don't think she even noticed, satisfied with her one conclusions. Five minutes later I was sitting there with a perfect set of nails in place, having carefully dry fitted each before adhering them in place with a small dab of clear glue. When I was finally told they were 'dry' I tapped them on the chair and were amazed by how solid they felt, as though they were a part of me. So different, in fact, than the easy to remove press-on types that I was used to using.

"Nail polish will take those off after soaking." She said, as though reading my mind.

A quick spray of perfume finished me off apparently and I was sent into the next room.

"Everything is laid out in the changing room per the instructions I was given. Go ahead and get changed. I'll meet you out front when you get done."

Without another word she disappeared back into the store's front area, leaving me somewhat baffled. I took a look around and found, through one of the few remaining doors, the changing room, really nothing more than a small closet with light and a mirror. A small corner table held various items of clothing next to an empty chair inside. I closed the door, there was no lock inside, and began to strip down, standing completely nude in the tiny room, studying my appearance.

From the neck up I looked like a woman, somewhat attractive but better looking than I thought possible. From the neck down I looked like a fit male, trim around the waist and hair free, save for the small amount that still flowed around the enlarged erection jutting out from my groin, ruining the effect.

I couldn't help but reach down and stroke the enlarged organ standing stiff in front of me. The effect of seeing a well manicured hand, it's fingers and long nails wrapped around it, caused the usual sensation, a tingling along the shaft and a dizzying, light-headedness in my head. I could have easily kept it up until I finally exploded, a stream of hot cum shooting out but I didn't see what I could have done to discard it easily so I slowed down before reluctantly stopping all together.

My feminine hands worked through the pile of items on the chair and my heart began to race as I sorted through them. I slipped the first item, frilly white panties, up my legs and around my hips, the flimsy material failing to reign in the erection trying to push away from body. Next came a pair of matching nylons that stopped at mid thigh and hung there on their own. I found the shoes next and found that the size 11's fit perfectly as I stepped into the platform shoes with 6" stiletto heels. I couldn't help but laugh at the 'fuck me' heels I had on, having seen an exotic dancer wearing the same basic, strappy shoes as she swung around a pole at a neighborhood strip joint up the street.

I paused, picturing the delicious thought of being feminine enough to do that job for one day, the idea of walking around like that almost driving me nuts. But as it were, without a body to go with it, the apparent role I was going to fulfill was that of a French Maid, horribly stereotypical, but exciting nonetheless as I pulled on a black bra with shaking hands. I stepped quickly into the uniform and after slipping breast forms into the bra I zipped up the side of the maid's uniform. I carefully stepped through the crinoline skirt, careful not to tear it in my excited stated and slowly drew it up my legs before it slipped over my ass and into position, pushing out the skirt into proper position.

The look in the mirror was priceless. I was amazed at how I great I looked and despite the erection, hidden easily inside the loose material, the look was fabulous. My breath was rushing in and out as I continued to stare.

"Quit looking at yourself in the mirror and get out here so I can look you over." I heard her say.

I opened the door with shaking hand and stepped out, as confidently as I could in the high heels. It wasn't nearly as tough or comical as it was portrayed on television.

When I stepped out, the room was empty. She must have walked back out front and without a second thought I strolled across the floor, the heels clicking with satisfaction on the hard surface, another of my hot buttons.

She was behind the counter again as I walked up to her, concentrating on trying to stroll slowly and in feminine style.

"Well now." she remarked with satisfaction, "Won't your Master be pleased with you!"

I smiled, satisfied with her comments for some reason that escaped me.

It was then that I came to realize that that we weren't alone, rather several other people were in the store milling around. I looked their way, confident that I couldn't be recognized and found the couple and young man were also very interested in my appearance, wide smiles on their faces. I was embarrassed to be sure, but at the same time, greatly aroused.

She consulted her watch at was surprised at the time.

"Here's a bag." She said, handing me a plastic bag from the store. "Gather up your stuff and come back out, we're running behind schedule."

I did as she asked and was back at the counter in sixty seconds.

"That's $195 dollars please."

I must have paused for a moment but she continued to look, waiting for it to sink in, familiar with the situation. I passed her a credit card and she rang it up, somewhat pleasantly surprised that it was approved. I signed the receipt, noting reluctantly that I had used my real name.

"Thank you. Please come again."

"I'm sorry? Should I change back?"

"Oh no. Instructions were explicit. Better get back to your Master's house. You're expected there by 2:00 p.m."

"Ah. I didn't bring a coat or anything with me." I mentioned, stepping back from the desk and rubbing my hands along the uniform as though she might not have noticed.

"No problem. You'll be fine. I'll keep an eye on you."

I caught site of the time on her watch and knew I was going to cut it close and the last thing I wanted was to be late. Sucking it up, I headed for the door, wondering how fast I could walk to my car, aware that I would be out in the open for fifty feet. I was reaching for the door when it swung open and a man, waiting to come in, noticed me and stepped aside holding it open like a gentlemen, damn him.

"Thanks." I said, already breathless.

He smiled, taking me in with one long glance, his eyes roaming up and down again. I could feel his gaze follow me, not having heard the store's door closing, as I walked towards my car, other vehicles on the street and in the drive-thru next door, loaded with drivers and passengers.

Perhaps they wouldn't notice me strolling out in my uniform, the black and white material hard to miss.




They sounded distinct and it was clear that several people had seen me as I quickly climbed into the car and felt somewhat protected from view. The light changed and a couple cars swung through the drive-thru. I had waited so no one that had seen me walk out would see me depart. I had to hurry now as I pulled out into traffic and hustled across town, heading for my 'Master's' house, his street being less congested with traffic than the parking lot. My heart continued to pound as I got caught at several lights, a few inquisitive SUV owners taking a curious peek at me. Although I knew that the digital clock in my car was several minutes fast, it still freaked me out to see it click over to 2 p.m. and my car still miles from my destination. I had thought to run home and grab a long coat, despite the pleasant temperature outside but it was in the opposite direction and I didn't dare be noticeably late.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
I didn't read this story.

I didn't read this story because of the introduction. Please, just write your story and let the reader decide whether he enjoys it or not. Stop preparing him for this and that!

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