CWB - Summer Break

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Summer school break makes for Cousins Without Benefits.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/09/2020
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"Gees Stacy, you've got to be more careful! I could have been on camera here!"

It's what I said the first time she walked out nearly naked and into my video conference. I had just ended the call, within seconds of her walking by, and I had to chastise her, although I knew it would do no good. She nearly walked out on screen a couple of times after that until I figured out how to tell her from across the room, when I was on the computer, as to whether I was on a video conference or not. A simple little flag that I put on top of the monitor that she could see from the bedroom or the kitchen, did the trick, and she never again walked by almost naked. At least as long as I didn't make a mistake and remove the flag, clicking off screen, and taking my headphones off without actually shutting down the video portion. It hadn't happened yet, and as loose as she'd gotten with being naked, or teasing, or asking for sex, I was very careful to make sure that hadn't happened. There had been a couple of "near misses" by others on our conference calls, it was the hazard of putting a workstation into a living space.

So far, I'd been very lucky, not yet forgetting that I was on camera. Apparently, it had happened; an enigmatic Corporate Memo, reminding ALL that proper attire and personal conduct was required while on video conferences, raised everyone's eyebrows with wondering what had happened. It was finally explained by a friend who had been on the call. One of our female co-workers in Spain had been on a call without video, and had inadvertently toggled the video on, while dressed in only a bathrobe. That she'd been extremely bored and not really paying too much attention (it happens to ALL of us) was obvious when she reached inside her robe, scratched her breast, and then exposed her breast to look at her nipple. She didn't even realize the conference had some to a standstill until someone called her name and told her to turn her camera off. She had been mortified of course. Although the boss had really been quite understanding that we are all in unusual circumstances, and instructed that everyone was to forget that this event happened and were not to talk about it. Of course it had spread rapidly on the gossip lines before he even instructed that nobody was to talk about it.

The closest we came to an oops was when one of Stacy's school buddies had commented during one of her early on-line sessions, when I'd walked behind her camera when going to get a cup of coffee, "Who's the hunk?" The last thing I needed was someone to be saying, "Uh...Rick, you need to turn your camera off or get your lady dressed." I had gotten where I stopped, off camera, and signaled that I was coming by, and she would tell me she wasn't on or switch off momentarily. We had actually gotten quite good about observing each other's video space, but it didn't keep her from teasing me all the time.

Her "just staying with me" and sleeping on the couch had escalated rapidly once she began sharing my bed and we began a sexual relationship. Still she was sticking with her "no fucking," but anything else seemed to be permissible. If anything, our 'no sex' sexual relationship was just that much hotter than anything I'd ever been involved with. Oral sex wasn't everything, but I don't think a day went by that we didn't pleasure each other that way at least once. I've never been shy about giving oral to my ladies, and Stacy definitely appreciated my efforts, as I did hers.

Stacy had taken to teasing me more and more every day. Walking around the apartment naked, or nearly so, and often just approaching me in my living room "office" and practically attacking me. Once I'd determined that she never wore panties with skirts or her PJ's, she always caught my eye, and always tried to entice me with a quick flash. She would sit across from me, in her "kitchen" office so that, if I looked, I could see up her skirt or under her PJ shirt or whatever little nothing she had on. If I glanced up at her and she caught my eye, she'd always spread her legs a bit to entice me, always teasing.

She'd figured out as fast as I had that her little white body-hugging spaghetti strap top, so thin and tight that it did nothing to hide her areolas and nipples, was one of my favorites. She'd wear it with a skirt, parading through the living room knowing I was looking even if I seemed to not be, and then when she came back by I'd reach out and grab her and pull her to me and we'd kiss and fondle and if we had the time, get each other off.

A week or two before she left she'd actually worn it around the house without a skirt, just the top and totally nude otherwise, and when I hung up from a non-video call, she came straight to me, straddled my legs and sat in my lap. That time she'd made no attempt to do anything for me, she just wanted me to get her off. I'd pinched her nipples and then sucked on them through the cloth, my fingers playing with her below until she pulled my head to her chest, shuddered in orgasm, and then afterward she just stood up and walked away without so much as a 'Thank You," leaving me with a hard-on and a huge distraction for my next conference call. She'd gone into the bedroom and come back out dressed, but I'd seen her smirking at me from her 'desk' at the kitchen table all afternoon, knowing and loving that she'd left me in a state of unquenchable arousal. That afternoon the calls had seemed interminable, but the sex that evening was phenomenal.

A few days later I had been right in the middle of a video conference, she had been in the kitchen where I could see her through the gap in my monitors. This one was a formal business meeting with clients, so I was "completely dressed" with a button up shirt and tie above my normal gym shorts. I had gotten to where I seldom wore anything except gym shorts, there was just no reason to get "more" dressed than that. I had several pair, but there really wasn't much need for anything else. If I had no on-line meetings, I often wore nothing but the shorts; for 'work' meetings I usually wore a polo shirt and the shorts, and for "formal" I wore the button up and a tie that came off and went back into the closet as soon I was done.

I was concentrating on the monitors, not really paying attention to her, and when I glanced up I found her eyes locked on mine. She broke out into a smile when she locked with my eyes and reached down between her legs. Her tongue ran out between her lips, and her hands rose back up to tweak her nipples, eventually slipping under her shirt, pushing it up and off. For once she had a bra on, but that didn't stay on for long, falling to the floor with her shirt, as did her skirt moments later. Now totally nude she proceeded to pleasure herself to orgasm, all while looking directly at me while I was trying to concentrate on an international conference call. I had a raging hard-on, barely able to concentrate, but when she stood up and started walking toward me naked, I know my eyes must have bugged out. I put it on mute, ready to kill the video. "Stace -- I'm on video."

She sauntered across the room toward me, and I knew she was being naughty, but with the conference call on-going, I couldn't really do anything other than what I had. I was about to click the video off, which probably would have elicited a comment of "Hey Rick, where'd you go?" or similar, when she stopped behind the monitors and my worktable. She said nothing, her eyes never leaving mine, and gradually dropped to her knees. She crawled under from the backside, her hands reaching my shorts and cock just as I was called upon to contribute. I pushed her hands away to start with, but now I was locked front and center in everyone's screen. I couldn't reach down and push her away without it being obvious that something was going on, so I just tried to ignore her. But she was having no mercy, her hands pulling my shorts away, exposing my erection, and going down on me.

It was all that I could do to keep from letting anyone on the call know I was responding to her mouth and hand. She went straight to taking me in her mouth, her hand alternately stroking my cock, or sliding between me and the seat to cup and squeeze my balls. She had me in her mouth, bobbing, her tongue swirling around driving me crazy; I wasn't sure what her hands were doing until suddenly both hands grabbed a leg of my shorts, jerked, and even from under my bottom on the chair they slipped free without a problem, leaving me nude from the waist down. She wasn't content with just teasing and playing with me, she was intent on sucking me off, all while I was trying to talk. I couldn't help myself, when I came, I grunted and wanted to grab her head, to force her away from my cock, trying to not indicate on screen that anything was going on, but it must have been quite obvious.

"You OK Rick?" Mary, the legal counsel for our side asked.

Shit. I grimaced, grabbed my stomach instead, and rocked my head sideway. "Yeah, just a bit of an upset stomach," I lied.

"Oops!" Jerry from Business Development chimed in, "That's one of the Covid symptoms, nausea and upset stomach. Your face is a bit red... How's your sense of taste?" I'd recovered enough in those few seconds to be able to act normal again.

"Nah, I'm OK. Just a passing moment."


"What got into you, you little Imp!" I said an hour later when I'd finally gotten off the call and been able to move away from my computer station. Stacy had taken my shorts once they came off my legs, so I was still naked from the waist down, and she'd remained totally nude.

"What, you didn't like me taking care of you?"

"You know I love taking care of you, and you taking care of me, but not during a conference call. Shit, you almost got me in trouble."

"Maybe I wanted to get you in trouble," she said, standing and stepping up to me. She put her arms around me, pulling my head to hers for a kiss.

"Are you extra horny today or what?"

"Yeah, I start my period tonight and I just wish I could fuck you, again and again." Her hands were all over me, and in just moments she was dropping to her knees to suck me -- again. We ended up having more sexual activity that day than any day since she'd been with me -- just without any actually fucking. That night after we'd gone to bed, and I'd fingered her off, she unusually got up and went to the bathroom. When she came back, she had panties on, and she did indeed start her period that night.


Shopping on-line, virtually anything is only a click away. I hesitated for just a moment when I selected the new sheets before doubling up and making it two sets. Stacy had suggested I get another set so we didn't have to wash and dry and put them back on all in the same day. Like an idiot I'd put it off long enough that when the corner ripped out of the bottom sheet, I really didn't have any at all. No matter, I'd just fold the upper sheet in half for tonight. Without Stacy there, gone home for nearly two weeks already there weren't two of us in the bed anyway. But that didn't mean I didn't have her on my mind when I ordered them.

My mind drifted away from what I was doing for a minute; anytime anything came along that made me think of Stace I found myself daydreaming about my cousin. I remembered the first time I'd shopped on-line, her coming out of the bath partially wrapped in the bath towel that was too small to totally cover her. Was that just before or just after we'd started having sex? I couldn't remember, decided it must have been before, but regardless my mind shifted to towels. Clicking pages, I found myself on the bath towel page and looking at the sizes. I knew what size I had; I'd thought they'd been adequate right up until then -- but I hadn't bought them so sexy coeds could walk around the apartment half naked either. I selected a larger full-size towel, and then did the same, doubling the order so we'd have two new ones. The old ones were still good, so we'd have backups. I was satisfied, ready to click check-out, but first I clicked back onto "past purchases" page to see what I might have used up.

I immediately wished I hadn't; the one item that I really hadn't thought of was front and center: condoms. Although Stacy and I were having sex, we weren't having intercourse as she'd stuck to her "no fucking," just "Cousins With Benefits" rule. My mind slipped back to the last week she'd been with me, remembering how hard it had been to keep my prick out of her pussy, how she'd teased me with her body relentlessly, how the sex had been phenomenal, just that it wasn't fucking. Several times she'd masturbated herself against my cock, rubbing up and down with her clit riding against my erection, of which at least one time I'd also cum. So what reason would I have for condoms now? Stacy gone home, me working from home and meeting nobody? No drinks with the guys at The Twisted Nickel after work? No checking out the free women in my apartment building, or at the gym, or anywhere else? Would Stacy be back in the fall? If she did come back, would we continue as we were? Or would we forego our 'no fucking' rule? Was she on birth control? I reached over and clicked the 'add to cart' button; even though I had no prospects for an immediate use of a condom, it is always better to be prepared. I clicked 'buy now' and immediately Amazon started processing my order. As late as it was, I knew that it probably would not be at my door the next day but would be the day after. I clicked out of the program and turned around, greeted by the empty and quiet of my apartment. I couldn't help but wonder what Stacy was up to, remembering the last few days and the trip to take her home.


She was on her side facing me, cuddled to my shoulder, my arm fondly wrapped around her body. Her hand was stroking up and down through the hair on my chest, our lust sated for the moment. "Just two more days," she said. "You're sure you want to drive all that way?"

It was nine and a half hours by car, but the alternative was an airplane flight, or perhaps a day long train ride with a 7-hour layover in the middle. There was no telling who her fellow passengers would be, or whether they had possibly been exposed or were carriers of the virus. "Absolutely. Do you know we've already reached 1.5 million cases and a hundred thousand deaths, and it's not even June yet? There's no way I'm taking a chance on you being infected by some idiot who thinks they don't need to wear a mask. I told you, I have an 8 am call on Friday, and I can be done for the day by 10 and we'll be there in time for dinner. And besides, I'll get to see Mom and Dad and be back to sleep in my own bed on Sunday."

"You think it's OK to see them?"

"I talked to them just yesterday. They really haven't gone out in a month, and they're getting food delivered just like we have. They've been in quarantine, and so have we. That's about as safe as we can get." Her body was totally relaxed against mine and I sensed she was getting sleepy. "You ready to go to sleep?"

"Just about."

"You are an insatiable thing, aren't you?" I said, understanding that her "just about" meant she would be ready to sleep as soon as she came again. That's the way it always was with her.

"Not insatiable, but I do sleep better right after I've cum." Her barely breathed response was exactly what I expected. I let my hands roam her body, slowly caressing. She rolled on her back to open herself to my touch, my fingers finally reaching her pussy where they slowly drove her over the top. As always, afterward, she rolled onto her other side, her bottom cuddled to me. That she'd suckled my cock and made me cum just half an hour or so before was enough for me tonight; I didn't ask, nor did she offer to return the favor to me. If we hadn't pleasured each other so soon before, she almost always took care of me at the same time, but tonight I didn't need it.

She pulled my arm over her shoulder, my hand filled itself with her breast, just holding her. "So nice when it's slow like that,' I heard her whisper under her breath. I listened as her breathing slowed, not acknowledging what I'd heard, and soon I knew she was almost totally asleep.

The scent of her hair filled my nose, my naked body feeling every place it was touching her naked body. Finally, my own mind slowed and almost drifting to sleep I heard myself whisper, "I love you Stacy."

"Mmmm," I barely heard, and then a "me too." When I awoke in the morning, I wasn't sure whether that had really happened or whether it had been a dream.


"Well? Tell me about what's happening," my Mom started at dinner. We'd let them know when we thought we'd arrive and were actually almost an hour early. The interstate was virtually traffic free the whole way, and even going through the city at rush hour had been at full speed. "How has it been with Stacy staying with you?"

"It's been fine," Stacy interjected so I didn't have to answer. I'd felt my heart rate jump as soon as Mom started asking questions; could I lie to her? I'd never been much good at not confessing the truth to her. "His couch makes out into a bed and it's been perfect. I'm more of a night owl but he starts so early. When he gets up in the morning, I just sleep in his bed until I need to get up." It was amazing how she said the truth in a fashion that made me believe it.

"I can't believe you Rick!" Mom stated with indignation. "She's your guest, you should be giving her your bed and sleeping on the couch."

"Mom!" I answered, shaking my head in exasperation, "She's family, not a guest."

"Exactly! We used to give up our bed to your grandparents when they visited, and you should be too."

"It's OK, Aunt Danni, it's working fine. The couch is visible in the background when he's on his video calls so this way the bed is all cleaned up for him and he doesn't have to remember to do it. It's perfectly fine. And besides, I'm not a guest, I'm living with him."

"Well, it's certainly not the way we taught him to take care of guests, is it Bob?" she said trying to elicit support from my Dad.

Stacy giggled. "It's ok, I assure you, Rick's taking really good care of me." Her foot under the table moved sideways against mine, and I knew that her meaning was a lot more intimate than Mom and Dad had taken it. At least it was until I looked up at Dad, meeting his eyes and the inkling of something in the background. Could he have clued in that Stacy and I were having a sexual relationship? I tried not to look guilty, ignored his pensive face, and looked away.

We didn't stay long after dinner, excusing ourselves almost immediately afterward so I could take Stacy to her parents' house and then returned. For the first time in weeks I slept alone that night.


I hadn't needed to go to the office but a few times after they set us up to work from home, but there were those infrequent occasions. I'd managed to keep it to barely once a month -- twice in April, once each in May and June, and I managed to skip July completely. But now, Friday of the first week of August, I had to do it again.

On each of the previous trips to the office, except that I could tell people had at least intermittently been there, it had been almost devoid of people, and those that were coming in were following isolation procedures. The building had hand sanitizer inside the main doors, on the wall of the elevators, and right outside the corporate office doors. Even then, we had three full floors for our several hundred US employees, so the chances were slim that I'd actually have to interact with anyone. I'd taken my computer, gone to my office and, as before, found that I was the only one there. I did what I had to, but then had to go down to the bottom floor to deliver some documents after I printed them out.