Daughter of the Witcher Ch. 02


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Whenever he'd had to go to the land of the Picts, this replica was left in a place which lay hidden. The term of the storage could never be too long or the body would die.

But then Louhi came to the dreadful scene where it had ended a few years later. The man had returned after engineering the deaths of Taran's family. News of it had not reached the island yet and would not for some time, but the man wanted to gloat a little over what he'd done to take from King Taran what he saw as the equivalent to what he'd lost himself some years before. He revived his somewhat artificial lover and after feeding him for some days and taking time to get him a little used to being animated once more, he'd spent a long time giving in to what he'd needed from the original.

As usual, it had left him sore and spent, but unsatisfied.

But the next time that he'd left the island and returned, he'd found the place broken into and the man gone.

When he'd entered what had been a temple to that point, looking for his creation, he'd been met by almost all of the holy men and there had been a tumultuous magical battle in very cramped quarters and though all of the priests there had been killed outright or mortally wounded to die minutes later, the younger man had perished before he could revive his only chance to kill the holy men easily.

She was looking at what had occurred before the eyes of this man next to her. The mind had been closed down, but the recorder had been running all the same watching from the stone shelf.

She watched what he'd seen of it and then, hours later, she'd watched the aftermath as one very old priest had been helped inside by an acolyte. He gave instructions to the learner in a tongue which Louhi had no knowledge of and he spent several days over the inanimate body of the replica of Taran. He stopped only to eat what the young man brought to him and he rested only an hour or so at a time, but when he was done, this copy was prepared and stable and would not need the now-dead man's care.

The old one was helped out of the temple and that night the door was closed and the space before it filled in.

A fluttering impression drifted through then of the aged King Taran being placed in the care of an old holy man. The old man said some words of a kind and there was darkness.

Another, more recent memory came to her of the door being opened again a long time later. From what she saw, the acolyte was by then a priest himself and an old one, so the old master must have since perished, she thought. Then she saw that the old priest had been the one who had cared for the dying king.

She watched as the body of the king was placed on a nearby shelf and the bearers left, talking among themselves of why the body showed no signs of decomposition and held none of the smell of death over the time that it had taken to transport it to his tomb.

After they'd gone, the old priest entered a little unsteadily and began another ritual.

The king's body was gently and carefully unwrapped from its shroud and then much of the king's consciousness had appeared quite suddenly in the mind of the still-young replica. That done, the last of the life in the king left him.

From what she saw on the ancient face, it had not gone well and though he tried to revive the second king, he'd failed at it and he eventually left, giving orders that the tomb be sealed.

As other thoughts and notions passed her, she saw the more recent time of his awakening only about a year before.

Louhi said nothing of it, though she'd joined in the conversation now and then.

She tried to see a reason in it all and the only thing which came to her was that what had been done had been found out by the holy men and that what came after was their way of resetting the balance of events. They'd wanted their king to rise again a young man.

She wondered about the young woman who had never seen her man again. She wondered who had reset her balance.

She moved her knee away as she reached for a little more food.

Did she still have any want of him? She asked herself this for a few moments and it came to her that none of this – what had been done – had been a want of this man. He'd been born, grew into a man, met and loved the girl who would become his wife and loved her with everything he'd had.

He'd been pulled out of that and his mind and body changed in ways that he'd also not wanted to happen. He'd had no will of his own for most of his long existence. Louhi couldn't imagine it.

Then he'd had more of his thoughts and feelings overwritten once again with the dead king's consciousness. She felt for him, but did she still have the want of him next to her in the bed that night?

Did she still have the need to copulate with this man?

She almost shook her head to clear it of these thoughts, but she stopped herself because she didn't want to have to come up with an explanation for it. She thought back to her first look at him in the common room downstairs and then later right over there in the doorway. She thought about him during their first interactions, trying to determine if what she now knew of him really mattered to her.

He was an anomaly for certain – even to himself. But he looked to be very intelligent in a quiet way and most of the anger in him was only out of his confusion and frustration at the changes which he saw around him with nothing seeming to fit at all to what he'd remembered.

So sometime long after everyone had given up manipulating him for their own ends, long, long after all of the players had gone to their graves, this one very confused individual had awoken all alone in his tomb and crawled out.

Was it his fault, any of it?

Had he done anything at all willingly? Had he even had any will in him at all from the taken one's side of it?

Finally, did she still like this strange king inside of him in a newer body, the one who sat just as confused in that body and had no knowledge that the body was not his own, other than what he'd assumed of it in wonder as he'd looked back into the tomb?

Louhi was a rather powerful entity herself, but underneath it all, she was still a woman, with a woman's heart driving her, just the same as any other woman. She just knew a little more about some esoteric things and the dark ways in which they could be used because of who she was.

The answers to all of these questions came to her and she smiled to herself as she leaned over and kissed him.

Taran was just a little shocked at the suddenness of it, but he recovered quickly and responded to her. Annikki had been waiting to take her cue from Louhi anyway and now rose up on her knees to join in to a three-way groaning, sighing kiss for a few long moments.

Taran had wondered about them a little earlier by their actions so it didn't take him any time at all to see that the two women were lovers. He'd guessed as much anyway from the moment that he'd seen that there were two of them in the room to start with and the obvious comfort between them. A pair of women might travel together, though it could be a risky thing if there were no men around to keep other men away. These two were traveling alone and they were managing it, though he didn't see how so he assumed that they were far more than the young witches that he'd thought them to be at first.

They had to be, if they'd come all of this way with just each other.

Sad to say, but a lot of the world was still a 'see it-want it-take it if you think you can get away with it' sort of place in a lot of ways. As he felt them leaning against him and rubbing a little, he supposed that they'd already shown him that they were different if they could have gotten here from where they'd said that they were from and no one had taken them to sell off as slaves for a little quick gold – after trying them out a little first, of course.

Like a lot of his recent life, it wasn't what he necessarily thought of as right, but it was there, whether you agreed with it or not.

He was the closest one to the wall and out of their pressing against him the way that they had been, he'd leaned back against it and Annikki saw a chance for herself, so she stood up without a word and placed her feet on either side of him to look down at his face and smile as she thrust her hips in his face a little. He looked up into her eyes and he almost laughed when he saw what she wanted and he nodded, taking her small hips in his hands and pulling her to him.

Annikki leaned forward and placed her forearms against the wall as she felt the first of his very warm and so nicely-done kisses against her mound. She was already wet for him and had been since she'd kissed his face, the gesture opening her floodgates wide right then. As he slurped and sucked those lips, Louhi sat back a little and watched; a little overtaken by the way that this looked so erotic to her.

She loved Annikki very much and she guessed that she had since they were just a pair of little girls who could always manage to get along and play well together. They'd never had a single fight back then that she could remember. They just couldn't find each other every day a lot of the time back then. Now they were all grown up and it hadn't been a planned thing or even more than a shared curiosity between them once in a meadow at the end of a horrible time in their lives, but since then, they'd made a real love out of it and didn't plan to ever stop, it they could.

They both still wanted a man now and then when the need overcame them, and they'd shared a few quiet hopes of finding ones for themselves at some time, but what they shared had to either go on hidden or with the knowledge of those men at some point. They'd already decided that.

Annikki had a little thing about her that Louhi also loved, though she'd been reluctant to even give it a try when they first began. Between themselves, Annikki had always loved to lick Louhi anywhere at all, going over Louhi's body wetly with her mouth and tongue to settle eventually onto her mound and lips after a rather lengthy circumnavigation. She often drove Louhi wild with it, never relenting until the white-haired girl was little more than a sloppy, quivering, and most often gasping mess – no matter how she'd tried, beseeched and even begged the smaller blonde to stop after her loud and shuddering orgasms.

She just went on, and Louhi was helpless in it. She'd even tried grabbing a hank of Annikki's hair in a bit of desperation to pull her mouth away and it had worked – until she'd let go and that little she-demon was gnawing happily on her mound again the next second.

"I cannot help myself, Louhi," she'd said back when they were getting to know one another intimately, "I love the smell and the sounds that you make for me. It all pushes me more, and the taste of you, ... oh, better than honey, and almost as intoxicating as mead to me. I could die there."

"Well, see that you don't." Louhi had chuckled, "I'd hate to lose you in any way, and that would be so silly to have to tell of."

At the time of the conversation almost a year ago, Louhi had seen Annikki's hungry stare beginning again and said, "Oh no, ...

Please, sweet one, just a little rest if you don't mind or I think my own heart will stop."

Annikki had looked up and smiled very sweetly as she'd closed the trap, "Alright, but I wish to find another place until you are ready again. You will fall asleep once more if I let you and then I would need to tickle you awake for the next round."

Louhi didn't want to think about that possibility again, so she'd nodded, thinking that her lover would settle onto her breasts again. But instead of rising, Annikki had sunk lower down and tried to push Louhi over. The next thing that Louhi knew, she was every bit as lost in a new sensation. She'd allowed it, though, and now it was something that they often did for each other after a bath.

That was all fine and good, and it was pleasing in a gentle and very intimate way, but Annikki had expressed another desire and Louhi had disagreed then.

"One day," she whispered back as she ran her hand over Louhi's head while Louhi licked her anus, "I hope to find a man who is very gentle with me. If I ever find one like that and he proves himself so, then I think that I would like to offer him the little place where you are now."

Louhi didn't know just what Annikki had expected her to say as a reply, but she hoped that she wasn't expected to just jump onto the cart. "Then I wish you luck with that, Nikki. But that is where I leave that road. I like what you do to me and it feels so nice – even your fingertip, but right there is where the ox stops for me. I do not ever want that."

From where she sat, Louhi now had a fine view of Annikki's perfect little ass right there in front of her - and – Annikki was preoccupied at the moment. Louhi grinned.

The perfect time to strike.

And so she leaned forward and placing her hands over Taran's she leaned in, tilted her head upwards just a little as she extended her tongue.

It was all that she could do to keep herself from laughing. Annikki was stuck on two tongues at the same time and couldn't stand the tickles yet couldn't tear herself away from either of them, just trying to keep her legs holding her up a little longer.

Eventually, Louhi had to back away, just to get a proper breath so that she could let out the giggles which were right there in her over this retribution.

Louhi reached out to take Taran's hardness in her hand and she began to stroke him as her other hand reached down to give herself a little pleasure as well. That didn't last long, though.

She moved to recline a little and with a bit of care, she found that she could lick that thing and suck on it as noisily as she wanted. He was a little trapped here and she was taking full advantage of the opportunity. Her mind kept on working as she spread her legs again and began to tease herself a lot more. He tasted wonderful and she was having trouble trying to remember a little of the last time that she'd had one of these in her mouth. It had been the fool goat-herd, she remembered.

Well this one was far better to her, she decided.

She drew her head back and looked at it glistening wetly there in front of her for a moment just before she began again, getting her tongue into the play as she moved it over and past her lips in both directions, never pausing long enough to give him much respite.

It ended for her a moment later and she opened her mouth again while looking at that beautiful thing once more. Oh, how she could just do this all day, she thought, as she groaned loudly and took it in as best she could.

That was when another difference came to her. She really couldn't do this all day – as much as she ached to, a little. Well, not if she planned to use her jaw for anything that night or most of the next day. Even as quickly as she'd been able to bring the goat-heard to his gush, her lips had gone numb in the doing of it.

What the hell did she think would happen with this fine toy?

Annikki began to sink down a little cautiously, not wanting to land awkwardly on her friend. Louhi saw it as it began and she held her hand up against her bottom to get her to pause.

"Half a moment, sweet one and I will help," She sat back a little and began to help Annikki ease down and move her legs forward a little so that things would line up. Louhi helped get them together and then she sat back to watch.

Annikki began to kiss Taran so slowly and softly, asking in her way for a little gentleness right then, as she moved herself up and down on him, making tiny motions as well to get settled. Louhi moved to get nearer and began to squeeze the small breasts for Annikki and it went well after that. She only had to pay attention to see the point where Annikki wanted to bounce on him and seeing that, she sat back to tease herself a little more.

Annikki was lost in bliss and working as hard as she could. She hadn't had a decent fuck in so long and this man left the term in the dust of the road far behind. She gasped whenever he did anything just a little differently. She groaned when she allowed herself to settle onto his spike now and then for a moment. She moaned ceaselessly any other time.

And when she came, Annikki threw her head back and let it out, a cry and a little laugh at the same time.

It had been what Louhi had been waiting for and she began to try to rub her wet sex right off. She knew the girl that she loved so much. This was the sound that Annikki made when she was really feeling it.

By their agreement, if the man didn't look to be particularly close to his gush, the one of them who'd just had a satisfying orgasm was to allow the other one a turn. If the man did show signs of being close, they had to ask him and if he was, then the one who possessed him at that time could ride it out with him.

But Taran easily looked as though he could carry on for a while yet, and so Annikki got off, leaving him with a soft kiss and her thanks.

He looked a little puzzled, but then he saw Louhi lying back on her elbows, smiling at him, "You bring that here, my new friend, and I will help for a turn now."

He crawled right over and though it was a very new thing for him, he waited, allowing Annikki to get them joined before he mounted Louhi properly and they began to fuck languidly to start with. Louhi had intended to have just a little quiet conversation with Taran at this point. Not anything long or deep, but something spoken between them anyway because she loved the way that he spoke.

His kisses delayed it as they distracted her – though it was the sweetest distraction. Up to now, no one's kisses could move her the way that Annikki's could and she just accepted that. But Annikki, no matter how much the feeling was on them, kissed like, ... well, like Annikki, still so very grateful and so in love with her white-haired girl.

Taran didn't kiss like that.

Then again, she marveled as her very breath was stolen from her...

Taran didn't kiss like any man that she'd had before in her life and there had been a few between her and Annikki as they'd wandered.

She kissed him back, returning the whole repertoire, determined to give as good as she got from him and she managed it, making him groan into her mouth just as she moaned into his while their tongues slid around together. His kisses were so moist and soft, so she kissed him softly.

She kissed him hard when it was what he gave to her.

She kissed him so wetly to match what he did when he did it that she felt something drip onto her chin and she couldn't have cared less right then. She was being taken by a wondrous thing lying on her, a male who knew what he was about in the business of mating. He lowered his head and she held him tightly as she rocked him.

He told her that she was so fine.

She told him that he was so good for her right now.

He began to grunt a little as he plowed her a bit harder and she paced him easily, amazed that they fit so well in the match.

She licked the rim of his ear and cooed at him that he was a beast, and a very fine one at that.

It made him chuckle low down in his throat and Louhi could feel it against her chest.

She nuzzled against the side of his head, smelling the clean scent of washed hair and the intoxicating smell of a good man, as young and healthy as she was. She'd already raised her legs for him as she rocked.

Now she reached for his back and his ass, if she could manage it.

She did and she opened her eyes to find herself smiling into Annikki's face, and Annikki nodded.

But then, Taran began his gentle kissing and licking and nipping attack on the side of her throat and that was it for Louhi.

The orgasm which she knew must have been coming to her overtook her from almost out of nowhere it seemed and she howled out his name as she held on tightly, bucking as he almost roared in his gush.