Daughter of the Witcher Ch. 05


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Annikki tried not to show her disappointment, though she was just a little worried now. "Did you love him?"

"No," he shook his head, "it was only something that we could do together if we both needed it. I want to mate with you, Nikki." He looked away for a moment, "If I knew what to do with a female such as you are."

She held him a little tightly then, so he guessed that he'd said something right and he kissed her.

"I'll show you everything," Nikki smiled, "you don't have to feel foolish. Can I tell you something?"

He nodded, so she went on. "I want you, Ren. I knew it as soon as I saw into your beautiful eyes. You do not have to feel badly about anything. I fall for you whenever I look at you and I cannot help it."

She reached over and touched his cheek, stroking with her thumb. "I know that we need to learn about each other. But I want to be your girl. What that means is that you will be my boy."

She laughed a little then and it made him smile. "We can be fools for each other. It is what I want with you, so, ..."

She reached down between them and he felt her fingers as she took hold of him to stroke him a little.

"Lift your head," she whispered, and then she slid her other arm into the space. She did have to tell him that he could put his head back down onto her arm. Before she went on, she took his hand and guided it to her mound. She was surprised then. She'd been about to explain what to do for her and what not to do for her when her eyes fell closed and she sighed as she felt his fingers begin to gently manipulate her.

When he saw her questioning look a little later, he shrugged, "I did not say it because I do not know if it was really mating, but I saw my oldest sister playing with her boy once. But he was leaving to go another island. The next day, she missed him and I saw her cry. She was the closest of my brothers and sisters to me, so I wanted to make it better for her. She told me how she missed her male already and then she taught me to please her like this. You have a little hair here where she had none, but that is all that is different.

"But you didn't mate with her?" Annikki asked and he looked as though he didn't know what to say as an answer. "I played with her a few times just as I played with my male friend in almost the same way.

Annikki was a little confused so she asked him to describe this form of play and it turned out that he meant sliding his shaft in between her legs.

Annikki laughed a little, "Do you want to do that with me first?"

He nodded, asking her if it was allowed and she nodded, laughing again as she grabbed him to roll them over so that she was on her back. Ren looked confused until after she'd kissed him for a little while. "The only things that are not allowed are to hurt me or to hurt my heart, Ren." She explained the second concept and he shook his head.

"You have helped me and you care for me. I know this," he said, "You are so good to see and touch and you want to mate with me. Nikki, ... I almost have no words. Just , ... please show and tell me how you want anything from me."

It took a little fumbling, but after a minute, she had him between her thighs and against her labia and though it was unseen by them at that point, Annikki's clitoris had already figured it out and had emerged from its little hood. They were humping the next instant as he kissed her and licked her ear and throat. Ren was happy and Annikki was pleased too.

Ren lifted up a little to look at her, "What happens when I must -" He searched for the term that he didn't know, but Annikki smiled up at him and she nodded, "I will wash the sheets tomorrow. When it comes out of you, just let it go, Ren. We are just starting, and I think this is already good enough to call it mating in a way."

She reached up and touched his hair, "And we are agreed, are we not? I want to be with you. I would be proud to feel what you give to me between my legs. It will be wet and sticky, but it will be yours and that will make this girl proud."

He smiled and nodded and she could have floated away right there. Annikki had been fucked by men before and not wanted it, though she'd had no choice. There had been a few that she'd chosen and an even smaller number of those had begun to please her a little. She was always very happy when she'd been with Cuilén because it was so easy to see that he cared and was gentle for such a large man.

But this was different.

And that was fine with her as well. He might be inexperienced, but she didn't see it as a problem.

She'd already had a talk with Louhi and Cuilén about this. She knew her place in what Louhi said was to come and she also knew that if this worked between them, that Louhi would undertake his education as well. She just had to get him started and this was the first match for them in a bed. He felt wonderful against her down there and though she was surprised, she also knew that she could finish this way with him. As good as he was, Cuilén didn't get her there when they'd tried this.

The only downsides were that she didn't have him inside of her yet and like this, she couldn't wrap her legs around him and it was something that she ached to do with him. She'd never felt this much from a man's heart before.

To Annikki, it felt like making love while you had a sunbeam shining on the middle of your chest.

She closed her eyes and sighed to him and she pulled his head down so that she could nuzzle against his ear a little, not minding the way that his hair was in her face then. To Annikki, it felt to her as though she was finally beginning to love with a man -- a man who was hers. And if that statement could be true, then she knew that she was on the way to being his woman. A little hair in her face was romantic to her somehow.

Her orgasms weren't very profound things when they came to her, and that was the operative word -- there had been more than one. She'd felt less when she'd been taken in her vagina by different men over her life.

And when his release came, they were looking at each other again and she closed her eyes for a few moments while he ejaculated. Like anything else about him, it was so very warm to feel.

They were young and it didn't take long before they began their second round. Annikki helped to guide him into her and he surprised her by remaining in a position where he was able to look down at her. She didn't mind, wanting then to really be able to see him as he fucked her. Her surprise came when he began to run his hands over as much of her body as he could reach. Annikki knew that the position was a little hard on his back to hold himself up and he often only used one hand for that reason.

But he said nothing about discomfort and the things that he could do with his hands...

He had her almost purring like a cat in only moments

"Ren," she smiled up at him, "I am in love with your hands."

He smiled shyly and she felt like the finest queen then.

It didn't matter to her. Ren was so good to look at and the things that he did for her with his hands on her body just seemed to take it to a new level for her. No one else had ever done something like this. When it got a little urgent for her, she let him know, pleading with him to lean a little more and fuck her really hard.

The sound of their skin slapping as they went thrilled her and she reached up and held onto him, feeling those long muscles on his body from a lifetime of swimming. She cried out, but he wasn't there yet, so she raised her legs and finally wrapped them around his lower back. It brought her a little closer to him and she asked if he liked this with her.

"Better than anything I ever knew," he smiled.

He looked at her and she fell all over again over the way that he didn't look like an ape or a he-man sort at all. He looked thoughtful.

It amazed her.

He was banging her, rutting for what looked to be all that he was worth and he looked thoughtful.

She couldn't get over it.

"I want, ..." he whispered as his chest heaved and she felt the tremors beginning in his arms, "I, ... want to do this with you, Nikki. As much as you wish. I - I - "

He lowered his head and picked up the pace even more and by then, Nikki was in full blown lust and on her way to another orgasm, promising him the moon and the stars, shrieking out his name and invoking the names of Freyja and Wotan, and blessing him because he was so good for her.

Across the hall and down a door or two, Louhi had to stop riding Cuilén in mid-stroke for a moment to hold her hand to her mouth and snicker.

"Do you need a bucket of water, Nikki?" she called out innocently.

Annikki screamed out her love then and Ren cried out as he filled her. She made no reply for the moment until she had at least a little breath in her.

"What -- what would I need , OHhhh, a-AHhhhhhhh, water for?" Annikki asked the ceiling.

Louhi laughed rather sweetly, "Why to put out the flames, my love."

"I -- I - need no water," Annikki gasped, "My hole makes enough, ... to keep the grass from burning and he - ohhh, he slows so nicely now and I will trim the verge tomorrow."

It even made Cuilén laugh.

Annikki looked up at him and pulled Ren down so that she could kiss him, "Come here to me, lover."

"Was I good enough for you, Nikki?" he asked so softly with his face buried into her cheek and hair. "Please say to me that I was good for you. I -- I want to say that I love you, but my mother, ..."

"What about your mother?" she asked, seeing that he sounded as though he wanted to hide his face even more right then.

He thought for a second and then he tried, "She -- she said to me that it only means something if, ... If I fight with a girl and can say it then, because it will be truest only then."

Annikki looked up and felt her eyes tearing a little. As far as she could tell, he knew that his mother was dead. He just hadn't said that in his tale. She knew that the sister that he'd loved and made a little love with was one of the dead ones that he'd seen being worked over by the sharks.

"I think," she whispered, "that your mother was a very wise female who raised a fine son. For now, we have not had a fight yet, so I can say that I already love you enough to say it in a beginning way. Do you love me like that, Ren?"

He nodded, though when he tried to say it, she only heard his breath behind the words. His voice had broken for the moment. She thought that her heart would break in her joy when she heard him anyway.

"Was I good for you Nikki?" Again, no sound, only his soft breath.

She laughed a little and he was ejected with a quiet groan and she apologized as she pushed him up a little so that she could look at him. She did her best to look serious then.

"For one moment, I think that I saw the womenfolk of my ancestors, "she whispered to him leaving a soft little kiss on his nose, "and they were cheering you."

She pulled him down then and she hung on as tightly as she could. "I cried it out toward the end, but it was not only foolishness of a girl, Ren.

I love you because I want to love you. Because it is what we both need. We will have our fights and you can try to say it to me then. It would likely make me love you even more for the hearing of it."

She slid her hands over him and it felt so good to her to do it. "You wanted a female and now you have me. I knew when I saw what I needed to. The hardest thing will be to have to learn what you need to live here with me."

He thought about it for a moment, "What if you could live with me in the sea, Nikki?" He raised his head and pushed himself up to look into her eyes. "Would you wish for that with me?"

She looked startled, "I -- yes! I would like that, but I cannot be without air for long and I hate to be cold."

He smiled a tiny little smile at her and he kissed her nose very briefly, "It is not cold. It is so like what the seabirds do in the sky. You can fly like that as much as you wish and you can keep your breath inside for a long time. I have never done it, but I have seen many of my friends with their females swimming slowly and mating too."

Annikki thought that it sounded wonderful, "But I thought that seals mate on the land."

He snorted a little playfully, as though what she'd said tickled him somehow. "They do," he nodded, "They come out and mate on the rocks or the sand. There are other kinds of seals who only mate under the sea, Nikki.

But I am not any of those. I am not a seal. I have heard that we are called the children of the sea. I am enough of my mother's kind to take a female as mine, if she gives herself to me in trust. We have always taken females from the land, those who loved us enough. It is the reason why we are feared by the mothers and fathers of human girls. I can give what I am to you -- if you want this with me.

But, ... I am some of both things. I have enough to take a bride so that she can live in the water. I just, ..."

He struggled for a moment to find the way to say it. "I am some of both and I can do for my female if it is wanted by us both. But I cannot do for any young which we might have between us. There will not be enough of the blood there for it. I think that they would be more human than anything."

Annikki saw that he looked to be concerned that it might be seen as something of a deficiency in him. She didn't really understand the whole concept of what he was talking about, but in any event, she didn't want him to think that she saw him as any less for it.

She chuckled a little, "It is far too soon for us to even have thoughts like this, but for me, if it was to be decided now, it would be enough for me if any that we had were good swimmers."

He understood and laughed a little. "I do not wish to make you think that I want babes in the next month, I only saw what I think would be true."

She pulled him over so that they were on their sides again. "I wish to know more, Ren. But I must say that I do not wish to be away from Louhi either. We are old friends and close we are. She has her man and I want you as mine. I would say yes to anything that you want of me as your woman, but I need her as well like you might need the sea. How can we do this? If there is a way, then I would say yes to anything that you ask of me."

"I do not need the sea," he said, "though if I had my wish, I would like to be a little near it. I need water. There is enough in this place to show you what I think to do."

She knew that he was talking about the warm pool. But he hadn't seen it, she thought. "How could you know of the water here?"

He shrugged, "I feel it. Will you come? Can we go there now?"

Annikki threw the covers off and got out of bed, offering her hand, but saying nothing about the direction or anything more. She wanted to learn a little about this sense that he had. Ren reached for his seal skin and carried it with him.

Not that it was a hard thing to find, bit he walked them directly there in another moment.

"But this is not sea water," she said and he nodded, "I can sense water and whether it is pure or fouled. I can tell it if is fresh water or water drawn from the sea."

He stepped into the pool and then he knelt and looked up, "Please, Nikki, get in with me and kneel like this."

She joined him and as he took her in his arms, he smiled at her, "This is something that I can do for you. You have said that you wish for us to go as a pair of lovers. I want this too and so all that you must be able to do here is to decide and believe."

Annikki looked confused and he saw it so he asked her to hug his neck and he spoke into her ear softly, "I meant that you should decide that you really want this and then you need to believe in me. I can do this then very easily for you. It is a little like what Louhi did for my hands, but if you believe in me, you will be able to swim very deep with me in the sea and you should be able to hold your breath for almost as long as I can."

"I wish for this, Ren," Annikki whispered to him, "I liked what you said about flying under the sea. Can we really do that together?"

"Well, not here in this tub," he chuckled, "but yes, and will be able to do it in two ways -- like a seal, or like a selkie in water. I cannot really tell it any better. It is a little like being a human and a seal at the same time. Do you wish to see?"

Annikki nodded and she kissed him for a long moment, "I wish to know of this so much."

"Then believe and hold your breath," he smiled, because he had already done what he could.

He sank into the shallow water and as she watched him, she saw that he was not a seal. She looked over and she saw his sealy skin still there on the edge of the pool. She looked back down at Ren and she saw that from perhaps the hips up, he looked different in his face, with a short snout and long flippers again on the ends of his arms, but from there back, he looked like a flesh-toned seal with front and rear flippers.

She suddenly realized that he looked like a seal-ish version of a centaur. Annikki was amazed, but then she remembered that he'd instructed her to hold her breath so she inhaled deeply.

She didn't feel any different, but she wanted to be against Ren more than anything, so she eased herself down and slipped under.

She found moving around to be remarkably easy -- far easier than she remembered of the last time that she'd been swimming. She knew why when Ren slid up against her and she felt the changes in her body. She was just like him now, with the same appendages on a similar body. It still felt familiar, so she knew that that part of it hadn't changed, but, ...

Annikki stuck her head out of the water while still lying down. It astounded her. She raised her arm and saw the way that it now ended in a flipper.

Ren's head emerged from the water then and he looked concerned. "Did you need to breathe?"

Annikki realized that she still had her breath and she shook her head, "This is, ... oh Ren!" She hugged him tightly.

"You can change when you wish," he smiled, "Later you can try to be a seal. But you should see how long you can hold your breath first."


Beathag looked up from the bed at the way that Màiri sat hunkered over a bowl of water by candlelight.

"Are you not cold, Màiri?" she asked, "I see you sit there for so long now and it is cold in here. You left instructions that no fire be lit. You make me cold only to see you."

"Shh, chatterbox," Màiri smiled without looking up. "Scrying is a slow thing, as you know. I need to do this often because the laird has shown us that he is not to be trusted. The same for my instructions; this night I want neither our foes or our supposed friends to find us. We are still useful, so I do not suspect anything foul from him, but I try to seek a way out for us all. We lead good men and women, but he gave us no home and winter comes. I think that he means us to live with no shelter and all die for it."

She fell silent for a time, trying to make something appear a little clearer to her. "Besides," she murmured, "When I am done, I am counting on lying in your arms, so the cold will not last long."

She saw something then -- or rather someone. Watching for a few minutes longer, she sighed with a smile and set the bowl aside carefully before she slid into bed with Beathag -- who hissed a little as she tried to steel herself for it.

Màiri kissed Beathag and thanked her for this. Beathag asked what she'd been staring at so intently near the end and Màiri smiled.

"I have found someone very strong and able. I only do not know if she might wish to help. Now I must seek to find her and then we must all be careful. We are strong, she and I."

Beathag nodded, listening intently, but she heard nothing more.

"And?" she whispered, trying to prod Màiri into elaborating.