Dave's Place


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"Yeah. I'll be there or here I suppose for quite some time. I'm going to do as much of the work by myself as I can."

It took Dave almost two hours to eat his meal and get out of the cafe. Everyone in the building, well every male in the building and a few of the females, stopped by his table to talk about the old house. He even got a couple of leads for someone that might be able to help him.

Dave wasn't in any great hurry to get the work done on the house so didn't rush out and hire help. Money wasn't a huge consideration but it was a consideration. His income was in the Caymans and he only gave himself a small salary as an employee of his company so he didn't have to pay U.S. taxes on the amounts he left offshore. If he used money from the business to do the work he'd have to pay tax on the excess amounts.

One morning Dave was lounging under his favorite beer drinking tree resting from his exertions when two young women walked into the yard and cheerfully greeted him. Dave was almost unable to speak when he saw them. They were both tall for women, maybe five feet eight inches or so and cute as a bugs ear. He'd seen them both around town and the blond worked in the cafe occasionally. He'd seen the other, hispanic girl sitting in the cafe talking and laughing with the blond from time to time too but he didn't know their names.

They both had their hair in a pony tail and were wearing cutoffs, tight cutoffs, with the cheeks of their delectable asses peeking out and a slight camel toe visible. They had on tight knit tops and no obvious bra straps showing. From the way their nipples were tenting out their tops he was sure there was no bra on either.

They were both almost bouncing with repressed energy and the blond smiled before she said, "Hi Dave. We've been watching you work and mom said you'd talked about hiring some help but we haven't seen anyone helping you. We both work part time in the cafe for mom but don't make much. Tina and I wondered if you would hire us to help you?"

"So you're Twyla's daughter? I've seen you both around off and on but didn't know."

The blond giggled and said, "Yep. I'm Jan, well Janice but I go by Jan, and this's Tina. We're twins and do everything together."

Dave looked at the two very different girls and said, "Twins?"

Jan laughed and replied, "Well, we have different parents but we're twins sortta. We were both born the exact same day but twenty minutes apart in the same hospital so we call ourselves twins. We've been best buds like forever."

"I did think about hiring some help but just haven't gotten around to it. There's several things that would be easier with help but I don't have much money so I've been putting it off. I'm not in a real big hurry to finish the work so just let it go. I just want to be able to move in before it gets cold this fall."

The two girls looked at each other for a moment before Tina said, "Anything we can make would really help. We're both going to college this fall and need to earn as much as we can. We don't know a lot about building things but we can do lots of things if you show us how."

"Well, maybe I can use a little help along. I remember what it was like to be a poor college student. What year are you in? What's your major?"

Jan said, "We're starting our second year. I want to be a grade school teacher and Tina's going for something in computers."

They chatted a few more minutes before Jan said, "We have to go. We promised mom we'd help awhile today. Catch ya later."

Dave watched while the two beauties sashayed down the street and entered the cafe. He watched them the entire way and felt himself stiffening while he did so. Damn, he thought. What I'd give to sink my cock into that. After they were out of sight, he stood and returned to his work. He was pulling windows out of the house and replacing them with triple paned PVC windows. Each window opening had to be resized so he could use a standard sized window instead of having to purchase the more expensive custom built ones. That was much, much cheaper but way more time consuming.

Just before noon Dave quit and walked to the cafe for his lunch. This time when he walked inside and went to 'his' table Jan and Tina both bounced up to him and greeted him. Twyla had started for his table when she saw the girls approach him. She smiled and returned to the kitchen that the girls had just exited.

"Hi Dave," Tina caroled. "What can we get for you today?"

"I think I want the chicken enchilada platter today please and an ice tea."

Jan smiled and said, "Coming right up. You'll like it. Tina and her mom made it and their cooking is just the absolute best."

When he finished his meal Dave walked to the register to pay. He smiled when Twyla greeted him as she said, "I won't say that's a first but those two sure made a bee line to you this afternoon. I usually have to tell them to wait a table if I'm busy in the kitchen with Tina's mom."

"I'v seen them in here before but today was the first time I've met and talked to them. They came around asking me for a job. Said you'd sent them."

"WHAT! You're kidding. No, I didn't suggest they ask you for a job. I just mentioned you had talked about hiring someone part time to help with some of the heavier work. I can't believe they asked to help with your remodel. I won't say they're lazy, they're not, but they are very particular about the kind of work they will do. They help here occasionally but gripe about it constantly. I can't believe they want to do the hard work they'd have to do if you hire them."

"So you wouldn't recommend them then?"

"No, I didn't say that. If you give them a job they'll do their darnedest to do it right and they'll give you a fair days work for their pay. I'm just surprised they were willing to do the work and asked you about it."

"Oh. I didn't say anything about hiring them. I've been trying to do as much as I can by myself to save money but I will need some help soon. Do you think they're strong enough to do some of the heavy work? Do they even know anything about building?"

"Jan doesn't but Tina's dad is a contractor and she used to go to the job sites with him when she was younger. I expect she knows quite a bit.

"So, how was your meal? You surprised me when you didn't get your standby hamburger today."

Dave laughed and said, "It was really good. I still like your burgers but I wanted to try something different and I really like good Tex-Mex. It would've been perfect with some chips and salsa."

"We've talked about doing that but we'd have to charge a little more and couldn't just bring them early like they do in Mexican restaurants."

"I get that but to me it just makes a Mexican meal. You ought to work on a good pizza too. I hate to have to drive to the county seat when I want pizza."

Twyla laughed and replied, "You don't want much do you? You know we can't have that large a menu in a small place like this. Maybe you'd like to come work here and pay for all that extra inventory?"

Dave laughed and said, "No, not really. I was just saying."

Twyla smiled and Dave stood, ready to head back to his work. She followed him to the register and took his money then they each went their separate ways again.

The next morning Dave had just barely started working when Jan and Tina showed up, dressed similarly to the day before. "Hey Dave," Tina said. What're we doing today?"

Dave frowned before he answered, 'Well, I was going to try to finish repairing the siding so I can paint it in the next day or two. What're you two doing today?"

Jan looked slightly guilty or, maybe scared, and said, "Whatever you want. We're willing to try anything."

Dave didn't know how to answer that. It seemed the girls thought he was going to hire, or had hired them.

He wasn't sure what to say or do and just stood for a moment. The girls began to look worried and even started to turn and leave when he finally said, "Well, if you're sure you want to do something here I suppose I could use the help but you're not dressed to do anything too dirty or hard."

Dave looked around at the work that needed to be done and had a thought. He was working on the back of the house replacing damaged siding and damaged boards but the remainder of the exterior was ready to paint. He'd already chipped the loose old paint off and feathered the edges so all that was left was painting. "Tell ya what," he said. "I'm still working on the back of the house but if you want to paint the exterior you can do that. The paint's on the front porch and, as you can see, I've still got the scaffolding set up on the side so I could begin at the top."

The girls smiled and almost jumped up and down in excitement. It was all Dave could do when he saw their still unrestrained breasts bouncing inside their tight tops. Jan said, "Come on Tina. Let's get started." They turned and hurried toward the front of the house and their new job.

Dave never knew from one day to another how long the girls would work or if only one of them would be there. Normally when one or both of them weren't there he would find them working in the cafe when he went for his lunch. Of course, he didn't work on his house all the time either because he had to work on his website from time to time. Occasionally he even had a small programming job that kept him from restoration work too. He chose to do that in the cafe since he didn't have his internet set up yet, not living in the house because it wasn't done.

By the end of the first week the girls worked for him they had completed the painting on one side and the front of the house. They applied two coats and it looked awesome. They also become very good friends with Dave and, he was sure, they were teasing him with their fine bodies. They had too many 'oops' moments when he could see down their tops when they wore loose blouses and, several times one or the other wore a damn mini skirt to climb ladders and paint in.

On Friday of the first full week Dave called them into the back yard where they normally sat and rested underneath his 'beer drinking tree'. As best he could, he kept track of their time and arbitrarily decided the hourly rate since none of them had discussed pay. After the girls arrived and sat down at his invitation he handed them each a stack of bills and said, "This is your pay for the last week and a half. Since we never discussed pay, I asked around and got a figure for the kind of work you're doing. I hope it's enough."

To his surprise, neither of the women looked at or counted the money. They each just stuffed it into the pockets on the tight shorts they were wearing that day. They had to stand to do that and as soon as the money was safely in their pockets they both bounced up to him leaned down and, to his surprise, gave him a kiss that was much hotter than just a thank you kiss.

Tina was on one side of him, leaning her thighs and crotch on his arm and shoulder. Jan was on the other, hand on his shoulder and a thigh also rubbing his arm. Tina said, "Thanks Dave. I'm sure the pay is fine but you didn't have to. We never asked for pay, we just wanted to help you. It gets so boring around here since most of our friends have left town and school's out at the college. Besides," she said as she pressed her crotch closer to him. "We like being with you. Can we come over tomorrow and just hang instead of working?"

"Uh, sure I guess. I was going to do something on the house but you sure don't have to."

"No, I mean, could you not work please and just let us hang, maybe party a little?"

Dave thought a moment, a short moment, and replied, "Sure, I suppose. I sure don't have any deadline here. We've got the outside almost done and it can be completed well before it turns cold. That was my main plan for the summer. I want to get a couple rooms inside done so I can move in before it gets cold. I'm sure I can do that so a day off will be fun."

Both girls smiled and hugged him tighter before they sat back down. They all drank a couple of beers before the girls left. They had to clean up and go help Twyla in the cafe with the Friday evening crowd. Dave had to adjust himself after they left because of the kisses and how they rubbed against him. Of course, watching them walk away didn't help any!

Dave was still sitting outside with his morning coffee when the two girls arrived the next morning. They came around the corner of his house carrying a cooler between them. In the other hand, they each had a sack of what appeared to be groceries. They quickly walked toward him, dropped their load and bent to give him a quick kiss. Dave almost spilled his coffee when they kissed him and asked, "Wow. What brought that on?"

Jan looked at him with a strange expression before she asked, "Didn't you like it? We're sorry!"

Tina looked, sad maybe, when Dave asked his question and he found himself rushing to say, "No, nothing like that. You just surprised me. What sane single man wouldn't like two beautiful women kissing him? What all did you bring? I thought we were just going to hang and chill. I feel bad now because I didn't get anything special."

"Don't feel bad. We just brought something to drink and some burger and dogs with the fixings. We've seen how you like mom's burgers at the cafe and we wanted to have a cookout so we brought it. You don't mind do you?"

"No, of course not. So what do you have in mind for the day since it's your party?"

"Not much, really," Jan replied. "Like we said, just hang, drink some drinks, swim a lot and grill the burgers and dogs." Jan grabbed his hand and tried to pull him out of his chair. "Come on," she said. "Let's go swimming. It's already too hot to just sit and drink coffee.

Dave allowed himself to be pulled up and followed the laughing girls down the path out of his yard toward the deep swimming hole at the back of his land. It was only about 150 feet and he could already hear people splashing and talking loudly as they frolicked in the stream. He pulled back slightly and said, "Wait. Wait. At least let me get my swim trunks."

"Oh, come on," said Tina. Those old shorts look fine to us. Besides, we don't want to wait. We're hot."

"Yeah, I can see that," Dave muttered.

Jan smiled and said, "What did you say? You think we're hot?"

"Uh yeah, but I'm sorry you heard that. I shouldn't have said it."

"Bull. Of course you should. All women need to know their men think they're hot. Especially if they mean it. You meant it didn't you?"

Tina hit Jan on the shoulder and hissed, "Quiet you idiot."

Dave looked surprised when he heard what Jan and Tina said but decided he really hadn't heard them correctly and let them pull him on toward the stream. Soon they were all swimming and splashing with the other couples in the water although it seemed Jan and Tina spent most of their time talking to and playing with Dave.

After a few minutes Jan disappeared and quickly reappeared carrying three beers and some pool noodles to float on in the water. She handed one of each to Dave and Tina then sat astride her noodle and began sipping her beer while she relaxed and talked to everyone. Dave soon found himself joining in the conversation and becoming familiar with the others in the water. To his surprise he quickly found he was enjoying himself.

Either Jan or Tina made several trips back to the yard for more beer and, at noon, sandwiches. Late in the afternoon, with the sun low on the horizon, Jan said, "Come on you two. It's time for supper. By then all three of them were feeling the effects of the beer and thought everything was funny. Most of their friends had left by then and those who stayed were on the bank preparing or eating their evening meals as well.

On the way back up the path Dave found himself walking between the women and they had their arms around each others waist, hips rubbing as they walked. By that time they all had enough to drink that everything was funny. Jan smiled and looked up at Dave's face before she said with another giggle, "You can't even walk straight. How're you gonna handle us Davie? 'Member ya gotta cook tha burgers. Needta grill 'em then we gotta Partay!"

After Jan finished talking Tina pulled Dave's head down and before he knew what was going on she gave him a big sloppy kiss. While she was kissing him she reached out and felt the bulge in his wet shorts before she looked at Jan and said, "Don't know about the burgers but he already has one hot dog ready for us."

Dave tried to push her hand away while he spluttered and said, "Stop that! What're you doing? What would your mother say if she saw you two. You're drunk and mumphf." Dave's statement stopped because he couldn't talk with Jan's tongue in his mouth. After she shut him up with a kiss each girl grabbed a hand and pulled him the rest of the way into the yard where they made him sit in his normal chair.

Tina pushed another beer into Dave's hand while Jan lit the gas grill nearby. After the grill was fired up the ladies began pulling items from the cooler and bags they'd brought earlier. They quickly laid the food and paper plates out on the small table then grabbed a beer of their own and sat with Dave while the grill heated.

After Jan decided the grill was hot enough she said, "Dave, I think the grill's ready for you to cook the burgers and dogs now. We'll get the buns ready for the meat." She and Tina were giggling while they went to the table and began preparing the buns for the burgers."

Soon they were all eating burgers, chips and some really excellent BBQ beans Jan brought from her mom's cafe. After the meal they cleaned up and again headed for the stream and a late evening swim. By the time they got back to the stream everyone else had gone and they had the swimming hole to themselves. Their swim devolved into serious grab-ass, touchie-feelie games and kisses--lots of kisses.

After they were cooled off once again they all three headed back to Dave's yard where the girls quickly began undressing themselves and Dave before they pushed him into his tent and pulled him down on the bed.

Dave lay there in the deep dusk with the two gorgeous girls (young women) laying with him, one on each side, while they rubbed on and kissed him. Without thinking he wrapped his arms around them and, somehow, found the ability to question their actions. "Girls, what's going on here? Why are you doing this?"

They both raised up slightly so they could look him in the eyes and Jan said, "We saw you watching us in the cafe almost from the first day you started coming in. You were never rude or obnoxious like most of the boys and young men we've dated and mom really likes you. Neither of us has found anyone else around here or at college we like enough to date more than a time or two. You're the exception. We've spent the entire summer with you and you've never treated us badly.

"We wanted to date you and see if there could be anything there but you never asked so we decided to take matters into our own hands.

"Ok, I guess I can see that. You know how badly my wife hurt me and I was scared to get back out there, plus, you are almost five years younger than I am. I didn't think you'd be interested even if I did ask."

"Well, you're wrong. We were and are very interested."

"Look, I don't know what to say. I really like you both and love being around you, I can't even begin to think about choosing one of you."

The girls smiled and hugged him before Tina said, "Good. We don't want you to choose. Like we say, we're twins. We do everything together and don't want you to choose. You're stuck with both of us Dave."

Dave groaned and gently hugged each of the women while they kissed him and played with his now hard cock. Soon the women noticed Dave wasn't answering them and he seemed relaxed. They raised their heads and saw Dave sleeping peacefully while they caressed him. Jan said, "Well that sucks. I can't believe he just went to sleep on us. Are we that boring?"