Distractions Ch. 08


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"I am so sorry," he said in a hushed voice. "What did he do to you?"

That wasn't what I'd expected to hear. Without thinking, my eyes flew open and it took me a minute to adjust. The harsh lights and my teary eyes cast a haze around Gavin's beautiful features.

He was staring down at me as I finally managed to look up at him.

"I am so sorry," he said again. He bent his head toward mine stopping when our foreheads touched. He was silently asking permission for him to go any further. I didn't say yes, but I didn't flinch when his lips got closer to mine.

His lips touched mine tenderly as if he were trying to restrain himself. "Baby, I am so sorry."

The sudden movement of me throwing my arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer shocked him, but he quickly recovered as he hugged me back. I didn't realize I was sobbing into his shoulder until he tired to quiet me.

"I swear to god, I won't let him hurt you ever again." He took a deep breath. "I'll fuckin kill him."

I sobbed harder. This was embarrassing, but I couldn't stop. The sincerity in his voice was tearing down all the defenses I'd build up. I clamped my mouth shut in effort to quiet my sobs, and he told me not to. He wanted me to let it out. Talk about showing weakness.

I sat on the edge of his pool table in his apartment clutching myself to him. If my life depended on it, I don't think I could have let him go. His hands let go of my back as he wrapped my legs around his waist. Seemingly without an ounce of effort, he lifted me in his arms and held me to his chest. He settled me on his waist with his hands clapped underneath my bottom.

"I – I'm to – too heavy." It was the first thing I said and it came out in gasps as I tried to control myself.

"That's what you're worried about?" He asked as he stepped away from the pool table. He was standing like he didn't have a full-grown human clutching onto him for dear life. "Don't worry, I got you."

I felt the muscles of his hips and torso shift under me as he began to sway to the music I hadn't heard until now. My sobs had quieted, and I wasn't sure what was next. Gavin continued to dance while holding me, slowly lulling me to sleep. My head was pounding and I was still certain in the back of my mind that there was still time for him to change his mind.

The music continued and he shifted and swayed. I lay my head on his shoulder as he turned to inhale the scent of my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of him beneath me. His hard chest was pressed against mine, and I could feel the faint pitter-patter of his heartbeat. Neither of us spoke as he danced with me in the middle of the floor, the pool game long forgotten.

He has to be sick of holding me,I thought as I attempted to disentangle myself from him. I was about to unwrap my legs from around his waist when I felt his hand on my thigh.

"No." He pulled back to survey my face. "I like this. Let me hold you."

I tightened my legs around him, pulling myself closer to him in the process. I hadn't noticed until now that he was still hard. He ignored his arousal as he continued to hold me to him while swaying to the music.

I wasn't sure how long we stood like that, but I stirred when I felt him reach behind him first with one hand then the other to untie my boots and slip them off my feet.

Gavin turned and started walking. I began to panic when I realized he was walking towards his bedroom. As he walked down the hall, he kicked off his own boots, leaving them in a haphazard pile in the hallway.

My breath started to quicken - not in a good way; in that way I knew something bad was about to happen. He kicked his door open and closed it behind him. I couldn't breathe, and I wanted to get out of his arms. This was the perfect way for my short-lived happiness to end.

Gavin walked to the edge of his bed, and I tried to get away from him.

"Shh," he said. "Nothing is going to happen. I promise." I stilled, but I still didn't completely believe him.

With me still hanging off him, he pulled the comforter back and crawled into the bed. I was willing to let go so he could move freely, but he wouldn't have any of it. He held me tighter as he climbed into the bed with me dangling underneath him. Silently, I marveled at his strength.

He laid me down gently on the bed and shifted slightly so he wouldn't crush me beneath his weight.

I knew what was supposed to happen, but I didn't want to ruin it. I had to do this right. With a shaky hand, I snaked it down in between us. I sighed trying to force Wilson's sneer from my mind. My hand was still shaking when it connected with Gavin's belt.

My eyes flew open as I felt Gavin's steely grip on mine. I'd messed up already, and Gavin was about to tell me how bad it was.

"I told you nothing was going to happen." I looked at him like he was crazy. "Nothing is going to happen, and I mean it. You need to rest."

I stared at him in shock as he removed my hand from his belt and brought it his lips.

"What about you?" His erection had to be hurting him by now, but he didn't look the least bit uncomfortable.

"I'll be fine," he said as he tucked my hand into his. I was about to open my mouth in protest, but he silenced me with a kiss.

His lips teased and tasted mine. I couldn't do anything but melt into his touch. Words couldn't describe the relief I felt. Wilson would have been demanding I put his thing in my mouth and make him happy. But Gavin was content with just cradling me in his arms. Maybe there was hope yet.

Gavin broke the kiss and tucked my head under his chin, our fingers still entwined. I chanced a look out the window and saw the sun low on the horizon. The brilliant colors of the sky and the sound of Gavin's heartbeat under my ear slowly and gently pulled me under, and I fell asleep.


I knew it was a dream, but I couldn't seem to wake myself. I was in Wilson's apartment; we had been talking about nothing in particular. This was how the dream had always started, and I couldn't make it stop. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie. He was acting distant and he hadn't paid much attention to me since I got there. We had just gotten back form a party at one of his friend's houses.

At the party, he'd been every bit attentive as a boyfriend should be. He always was when we were in front of other people. I thought things would get better after he promised me they would, but when he got back to his place, he slipped right back into his old routine. To be honest, I liked it better when he was ignoring me.

Vaguely I wondered why I even bothered answering the phone when he called me anymore, but I was his girlfriend, he said he'd wanted to see me. I had blown off my brother and Gavin to be there, and I was having a miserable time. I wondered what they were up to.

A raunchy sex scene appeared on the TV and Wilson, enthralled, leaned forward. I rolled my eyes at the girl on the screen. The movie didn't have to show everything for me to understand what was going on. I rolled my eyes at the sounds the girl was making. No one made noise like that during sex, at least not in my experience.

Wilson turned to me, a sudden glint in his eye, and I tried not to cringe. I knew what he wanted, and I was surprised it had taken this long for him to express his want. He stood and turned his back to the television. He was staring down at me with that far away look in his eye.

"You know what to do," he growled as he started unbuttoning his pants.

But this time, something was different. This time I told him no.

He dropped his pants and grabbed the back of my head. His cock was bouncing in front of him standing only at half-mast but my struggling was causing it to fill with blood.

"C'mon baby, you could get it right this time."

I felt the bile rise in my throat as I tired to untangle his fingers from my hair. If I could just get away from him, I knew that everything would be okay, but it seemed like the harder I struggled, the harder it was for me to get away.

Wilson took a step closer and tried to force himself into my mouth. With all the strength I had, I pushed at his body, but it wasn't enough to get him away from me. He was overpowering me, and I couldn't escape.

I felt his hands leave my hair and I tried to get up. His hands were on me so fast they felt like shackles as they pressed me deeper into the couch. I could just give in and let him do what he wanted. He would be finished in a minute, then he would leave me alone, but something was different.

I didn't give in I kept struggling. I was thrashing around as I tried to get more distance in-between us. I was pushing and kicking trying not to look into his face. I heard someone call my name, but I was so caught up in trying to get away from him that I didn't recognize the voice right away.

"Isabelle!" They shouted it again. It sounded like Gavin, but what was he doing in Wilson's apartment?

"Isabelle, wake up!" My eyes flew open, and for a second, the darkness of the room seemed even more oppressive than my dream had.Where the hell was I?

"Isabelle, it's only a dream."

I could feel what was around my wrists, pressing me into what had to be a bed.

Gavin's voice was coming in clearer now, and I stopped struggling. He was sitting on top of me holding me down. I instantly relaxed. "It was just a dream."

Even in the darkness I could see the concern etched across his face. I wanted to dissolve into tears, but I forced myself to keep it together. I didn't think it was fair to let him see me cry anymore.

"You saidhisname." Gavin's features hardened as he let go of my wrists. He slid off me and lay down on his side facing me. I was still lying on my back staring up at the ceiling.

Now was not the time for this conversation.

"Yea well, everyone has nightmares, right?" I said trying to keep my tone light. I tried to remember where my shoes and jacket were.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing," I snapped. If I could just get us back into the role of best friends, I would be able to deal with him better. I wasn't sure how to deal when he was acting like...this.

Gavin sighed and brushed some of the hair from my face.

"Then what would you like me to do?" His voice had grown husky.

"What time is it?" I asked changing the subject.

"Because I could think of a few things I could do." He continued as if I hadn't just tied to derail him. "Well, they would involve you too, of course."

I rolled my eyes in the darkness. This was comforting, despite my breakdown earlier and the nightmare that was still sending shocks through me, we were right back to where we used to be. That felt good.

"And what did you have in mind? No more alcohol I hope." I grinned to myself. I was tempting fate and I knew it.

"Well, now that you're awake, we could play Parcheesi, perhaps Scrabble." I laughed out loud. "Or we could do something else." I raised an eyebrow. "Charades has always been one of my favorites. I would be willing to show you some of the pretty amazing things I could do with my hands." He looked so smug I couldn't stand it.

The quick retort died on my lips as I felt his paw land on my breast. He found my nipple through the fabric of my shirt and bra and began to trace his finger around it. I moaned out loud.

"Or," he continued. "We could watch a movie, or go get something to eat, but something tells me you won't want to leave this bedroom."

My brain fogged over, and I couldn't concentrate. His lips landed on my neck and I shuddered.

"What makes you think I want to play Charades with you?" I asked trying to keep my tone conversational. We both knew the kind of Charades he was talking about.

"Why don't I let my hands do the talking?" He snaked his tongue along my neck to my ear. He sucked my earlobe into his mouth and did something with it that made me gasp.

I made an effort not to protest as I felt the heat of his hand creep lower down my stomach. I prayed he couldn't feel the butterflies flapping in my belly as his hand connected with my bare flesh. His fingers drew lazy circles on my abdomen as he waited for me to answer. When I said nothing, he slid his hand further up under my shirt, bunching the fabric as he moved his hand higher and higher.

I tired not to get ahead of myself as he bent lower to kiss and lick my neck. I was fast learning that this was a place of great pleasure for me.

In one motion, he shoved my bra above my breasts as his fingers met with the resistance. He palmed a breast in his hand and I couldn't stop myself from arching into his touch. He rolled the bud of my nipple in his hand as he continued to kiss his way down to my chest.

His mouth landed on my other nipple. He captured the pebble in his mouth through my shirt as he continued to stoke my arousal to even greater heights. I forgot about everything, all I wanted was more of his mouth, and more of it everywhere.

Gavin was making mewling sounds as he tired to get as much of my breast into his mouth through my shirt. I was breathless at the sight of this gorgeous creature sprawled across me, worshiping my breasts. The fact that I couldn't see where his hand was going made my senses that much more heightened.

He shifted and slid his knee in between my legs. I felt my panties stick to me, held in place by the wetness Gavin was coaxing out of me. I moaned as I felt his knee start to move back and forth between my legs.

I moaned and tangled my fingers in his hair. I wasn't sure which sensation to concentrate on as he moved his kisses back up to my neck. He captured my lips with his as he shifted on top of me.

I could feel his erection pressing into me from behind the rough material of his jeans. I clutched at his back as he slowly ground into me making it known exactly what he wanted from me.

This was so much different than that night in the coffee shop. That night, he'd been drunk, and I'd been caught off guard. Then we'd just succumbed to an attraction; him to what he wanted, and me to his angering good looks. Maybe I was reading too much into it, which I have been known to do, but if I wasn't – this would be SEX. Not just a hump in a bathroom,sex.

But if this didn't go well, I'd loose my best friend. If this didn't go well, I'd never be able to look him in the eye. I couldn't do it.

I could feel the panic starting to rise in me from his silent demand. For just a second, I faltered, but Gavin felt it. He stilled with his erection still pressed into me.

"I'm nothing like him."

With a fire and intensity I'd never seen before, his eyes shone brightly through the night. My heart seized and my throat clutched. I didn't trust myself to speak. Today had been filled with more than my fair share of emotional exchanges, and I didn't think I could handle another.

A slight nod of my head was all I could manage, but the look that passed between us assured me that Gavin understood what I was trying to say and in so many words, I understood him too. I was relieved the words weren't spoken out loud. Words lead to expectations and unmet expectations lead to disappoint. Leaving things unspoken was probably a good thing.

Just as I decided to push all misgivings aside, a smile spread across his face. I was about to ask him what was so funny when he ground himself into me. His smile got wider when I groaned, and even wider when I panted his name. The full contact of his body on mine, creating the delicious friction between my legs scrambled my thoughts.

I glared at him as I opened my mouth to scold him. It wasn't nice of him to try and derail me like that. I was about to tell him so when he did it again.

He caught his lower lip in between his teeth as he tried unsuccessfully to contain his mega watt smile.

"Is there something you wanted to say?" He asked as he hovered above me. I was still extremely aware of every inch of his body that was touching mine.

"You think you're – uhhhh." Despite myself, my words melted into one long moan as his head descended to the hollow in my throat and his hips swiveled into mine.

My own smile appeared on my lips as I ran my fingers through his silky hair. I grabbed either side of his face, and stopped him from moving. He looked up alarmed until he saw the grin spread across my face, but his brows were still knitted in confusion.

"Two can play that game," I said as I slid a hand down his neck to his stomach. It seemed like he stopped breathing as I slid my hand lower; my eyes still locked on his gaze. I could feel his stomach muscles tense as I traced a light pattern on his stomach through his undershirt.

He growled at my teasing when my hands stopped at his belt. I fingered the buckle trying not to laugh at the barely restrained lust in Gavin's eyes. He was a hair away from snapping, but I liked playing with fire. Slowly I drew one finger along the zipper of his jeans, causing him to shudder. I could feel the vibrations in my own hand, and I could only imagine what this felt like to him.

His eyes closed and his jaw clenched. My smile got wider when he grunted. "Was there something you wanted to say?" I asked teasingly.

"You're gonna get it, Red."

My heart quickened, and I knew he could feel it. Unconsciously I humped myself to him.

"Get what?" I was surprised at the tremble in my voice. I couldn't wait.

"Exactly what's coming to you," he said as he clamped his teeth down on my nipple through my shirt; the hardened bud marking his target.

The mixing sensation of pleasure and pain caused me to cry out. I tried to keep it together, but I couldn't. My hands flew to his hair as I clutched him to me and rode out the waves of pleasure that were washing though me. He'd barely touched me, and already I was feeling better than I ever had.

He alternated rolling each nipple in between his teeth as he fumbled to pull my pants off. I would have helped him, but at this point, I didn't think I would've been capable of undoing the complex mechanism of a button and a zipper.

I raised my hips to help him get my pants off. We were both panting, him bathing my nipple in his warm breath, and me fluttering his hair as I tried to catch mine. He sat back on his heels and pulled off his undershirt and started working on his jeans.

"Take your clothes off."

I shimmied under the covers, pulled off my t-shirt and bra and tossed them across the room. He was indulging me as he slid beneath the covers with me, only clad in his boxers.

He kept his jaw clenched as he lay down beside me on his side with his head propped up on one hand. His other hand landed on my stomach, just like it had before, but this time, it began its journey south. Watching my face, he slid his hand lower and lower. I waited for him to finally touch me the way my body was asking for, but his hands took a detour and landed on my hipbone.

I grunted in frustration as he swirled his fingers closer and closer to my sex, but never quite hitting their mark. He said nothing as he watched my face.

"Stop teasing me, damnit." I could feel my juices literally leaking out of me onto the bed. I knew I couldn't take much more of this before I exploded.

Gavin ran a calloused hand down my thigh then back up to my waist. He pulled me closer to him with one hand. His touch was feather light when he moved his hand to catch my thigh and drape it over his legs. Now I was turned and had no choice but to look him in the eye.

I slight smile appeared on his face as he ran his hand up and down my back as if trying to memorize every curve and dip of my skin. My eyes fell to his lips as he traced his tongue along them. I wanted to, but I couldn't look him in the eye as his hand stopped on the swell of my behind and gripped me even tighter to him. I couldn't help but push back into his hand as he slid his fingers between my cheeks. He stopped briefly and teased my rosebud causing me to cry out at the unfamiliar sensation. My face heated a deep red when I heard him chuckle.