Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 01 Pt. 01


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"Do you think you're screwing it up?" I asked.

"I don't know... I mean we have little fights, like every couple does," she began, and I nodded in agreement. "I think it's like... when these feelings rise up in me, I get upset, and then I take it out on him. It's not fair to him, I know, and I know the problem's totally me. I wish I didn't get upset. I wish I didn't doubt myself. Then everything would be better," she said, putting her head down.

"I see..." I replied. At this, Annie reached into her pocket and took out her phone, opening it up and glancing at it. As she scrolled through her phone, she smiled. "I'm sorry, it's just... when I get worked up, I take a look at pictures of him... or us together... and it calms me down, you know?"

I smiled and nodded, but as I did, a new thought rose into my mind.

Up to now, I was giving her the same advice I would have before. Even though my worldview had been forever changed by recent events, I wasn't sure yet how deep those changes would go and when they would reveal themselves. I knew my boundaries had been forever altered, and I knew that I would probably be crossing them again in the future. But I didn't know when and where I would do so. But for the first time, with literally the first patient I'd met with since my return, I felt the new me rise to the surface in a way it wouldn't have previously. And before I could think twice, the new me spoke.

"Can I see?" I asked, glancing at her.

"Oh... yeah, of course!" She said, feeling dumb for not thinking of that before. "Here... it's my favorite picture of him." She passed me her phone and I took a look at Annie's husband for the first time. I did my best to control my reaction, but just... wow.

Her husband was something special.

The picture was of Annie and Eddie at a party together, cans of beer in hand. Eddie was tall, maybe a good foot taller than Annie. He looked to be in very good shape without looking like he tried. He dressed well, with a slim shirt that highlighted his fit chest and nice arms without looking like some preening douchebag. And glancing at his face, I couldn't help but note that he was very, very attractive. He had a warm, friendly smile. A five o'clock shadow added some ruggedness to his handsome, boyish face, with friendly looking eyes. He had nice, dark brown hair, looking stylishly unkempt. God, he was actually really hot...

I could feel my nipples harden already.

In the picture, he had his arm around Annie, with her pushed in against him, a huge smile on her face, the love she felt for him was obvious. It was clear this was a couple that was madly in love with each other, and this is what caught my attention most of all.

"He's pretty hot, isn't he?" Annie asked.

"Well..." I paused, trying to hide any outward reaction I might be having as I handed her phone back to her. "You did a good job," I said with a diplomatic smile.

"And he's a schoolteacher at a pretty fancy private school, so he's so good with kids. I mean... he's literally perfect! I don't know how I got so lucky," Annie effused. "He's, like, the perfect man! So, please Jen... help me. Help me not screw this up. I love him, and I know he loves me. He's a great husband, and he has a great job, and he's hot, and he's great in bed, and he's way more patient than I deserve. He's the best husband I could ever ask for, so please... don't let me blow this!"

I nodded and smiled. The old me knew better. The old me would never think the things I currently was thinking about. But I had tasted the other side, and I couldn't forget it. I couldn't help but follow these new instincts of mine, damn the consequences. Damn the fact that Annie was my patient and my friend. As wrong as the outcome would be, I knew it would be worth it. I knew deep down that my future was in that direction, and I couldn't resist walking towards that beacon. Not just because of the immediate lust and attraction I felt for Eddie, but the intellectual curiosity that had been stirred inside me by Gina and Matt. I had to play this out, even if it meant Annie would be demolished in the process. Even if it meant she would be so riddled with insecurity that she could never fall in love or be even be happy again. Even if it meant I would take advantage of her total trust in me, the work I was doing could prove to be so much more significant than such things. I looked up at her smiling, expectant face.

"I think I should meet your husband," I said to her, and she sat back slightly at this.

"I, uh... I don't know..." she stated shyly. I feared part of her already suspected something, but I quickly shook those thoughts aside. She was just nervous about making her fears apparent to her handsome hubby.

"He knows you come to see me, right?" I asked.

"I mean... yeah, he knows I talk to you. He doesn't pry or anything. He's super understanding with me, because he's fucking perfect in every fucking way. It's just... I don't know, this is a separate thing for me. This world... and my life with him. It just feels weird to bring him in to this." Annie said. "It's like your work friends hanging out with your real-life friends." I smiled warmly at her.

"I assure you that this is perfectly normal. I've brought in friends, spouses, parents. Trust me... it helps. Openness and honesty is always the best policy." I said, openly lying to her for the first time. I wasn't mentioning the fact that the last time I brought in other people to help a patient, I ended up working against my patient, facilitating the path that led to her ending up in a mental facility after her husband was stolen from her by her own mother. And it was all because of me, and my actions. The fact that I was able to permanently alter three people's destinies from right here in this chair was a sensation of power that was almost intoxicating. A new sensation that I couldn't ever forget. A sensation I couldn't resist repeating. "You're gonna be spending the rest of your life with him, right? This is something you should get to the bottom of now."

"Maybe he'll be weirded out by you being a sex therapist. I mean, I know we first met before you pivoted into that, but it might be hard to explain," she threw out there, searching for anything.

"He sounds like a smart man. I'm sure it can be explained to him," I replied patiently.

"I don't know..." Annie said, unsure. "Do you think this is really necessary? What do you want to talk to him about?"

"If you're worried about me sharing your secrets or anything like that, don't worry. Doctor-patient confidentiality applies. I can't say anything we've discussed here without your okay. I'll just talk with him about a few things. I know you're concerned about him cheating, so let me... feel him out a bit, get to know him. I have a good read on these things, and I can pick out a cheater pretty easily. I'll talk to him, give him the once over, and give you the thumbs up once I can clear him. And honestly, from your descriptions, I don't expect any issues. Trust me Annie... I can give you the peace of mind you crave. So you can trust him when he's out of your sight, and not imagine him with another woman. So you can have faith in him that he's not out there fooling around on you when your back is turned. So you can watch him texting on his phone and trust that he's not chatting up another woman. Annie... I truly think this is for the best."

Annie thought it over for a bit, weighing her options. It was clear she didn't actually want to involve Eddie in any of this, but the temptation of peace of mind was too much to resist. Finally, looking shyly up at me, she nodded her head.

"Okay..." she began, "I can talk to him about it." But she still sounded slightly uncertain.

"C'mon," I said, standing up, urging her to do the same. I held out my arms, and she moved forwards. We shared a nice comforting hug, and despite my best efforts, my large boobs were pushing against her chest. I patted her on the back comfortingly, trying to make this as friendly of a gesture as possible.

"It'll turn out alright," I told her. "It's for the best. It'll be okay."

"I know..." she admitted, relenting, all but ensuring she'd be inviting her husband to meet me.

I smiled warmly, already imagining Eddie pumping his no-doubt big cock into me...


Later that day, once my last appointment was complete, I stayed in my office, beginning to organize my notes. Stepping away from my desk, I moved towards the door of my office, opening it up and heading towards the waiting room. Walking down the small hallway connecting my office and the waiting room, I pushed open the door.

Sitting at the front desk was Ashley, my receptionist. A young woman a couple years out of college, she was warm and friendly and eager to please. A cute blonde, she always greeted my patients with a friendly welcoming smile. My office was small. We had three different people who traded shifts working at the front desk, an office manager, and another therapist in house who was typically long gone by this point in the day. At the moment, it was just me and Ashley in the office, and for most days where this was the case, we walked out together, but today would be different.

"Ash, you can head out," I told her. "I have some notes to take, and I don't want to keep you."

"Oh... okay. Are you sure? I mean, I don't mind staying..." Ashley chirped. I waved her off.

"No, it's fine," I stated.

"Well... let me just put these files away, and I'll head out," she replied.

"Sounds good. Have a good night, Ashley," I said.

"Okay... thanks! You too!" she stated, ever friendly. She was a good one.

My practice was located on the second floor of a business park. The office was nice, maybe a bit cozy, but I didn't need a lot of space at the moment. Sharing the space with the other therapist allowed us to split costs, making the whole thing very affordable. As I stepped into my office, I surveyed the surroundings. The couch and my adjacent chair were in the center of the room. My desk was near the door, and it held my computer and stacks of files. The room itself was warm and inviting, with a nice carpet and smooth leather furniture. I had a big bookshelf on the wall, lined with various academic texts. Below it were some cabinets, where I kept my personal patient notes for later reference under lock and key. On the far side of the room was a window which overlooked the parking lot out front, and near it a small desk, where I'd take some work when I wanted a slight change of pace.

I set my blazer down over a chair and ran my hands through my hair, relaxing a bit now that I was done with my patients. I sat down at my desk and pulled up my notes. Within seconds, my fingers were clicking at the keyboard.

My plans involving Annie and her husband were top of mind. Was I really gonna do this? I mean, this was kind of the turning point. I could pull back and ignore what I'd just done with Matt and Gina and continue my normal existence. I'd crossed a major line and gotten away with it. The only ones who knew the truth were on my side, and the patient whose expense it was all done against was currently in a mental hospital. Sure, she'd seen it all, seen me taking part in her downfall, but her rantings and ravings could be easily dismissed. And honestly, she was probably so broken that even she didn't know if what she saw was actually real. I wasn't worried about that whole thing coming back to bite me in the slightest.

But it was unlikely that I would always be so lucky. These were very dangerous waters I was dipping my toes in here, and the wise thing to do would be to pull back while I still could. It would be the smart, sensible thing to do. The me of even a few months ago would stop and play it safe.

But I'd felt something. I'd encountered a thing that I'd never be able to forget or ignore, no matter how much I tried. Sure, it was a huge risk, but I just had to follow the hot fire into the darkness. As much as I saw the dangers, I had to pursue this. I had to keep going, even knowing the risks. This was too good to be dismissed due to some sense of propriety or fear. I had to push through and be brave. Don't be the Dr. White of old. I had to take what I'd learned and follow this path further. I had to be more like Gina.

I typed up my clinical notes quickly, keeping all my official work above board. Once the boring stuff was done, I switched over to my personal notes, and it was there that I let my true thoughts flow onto the page.

What made the thoughts of poaching another woman's husband so exciting? Was it just the thrill of the hunt? The idea that you could drive a man so crazy that he would throw away a serious, loving, committed relationship just for hot, nasty sex? Or was it the feeling of superiority? The feeling of proving yourself better than someone else? I still didn't know for sure.

Thinking this way reminded me of the immature way girls in high school would talk and behave. When they went on the attack against another girl, they were ruthless. They attacked each other's looks and bodies, unleashing a battle of the fittest, where only the strong survived. Those queen bees eventually eliminated all their rivals and claimed the hottest guys for themselves. And in their wake, their rivals would never be able to fully recover.

I was such a good, well-behaved student that I kept my head clear of all that mess. I fully admit that I didn't have a huge social presence in high school, and it was quite possible that most of those popular girls didn't even know my name. I was perfectly pretty and friendly, but I was so quiet and unassuming that I was no doubt considered a non-threat to their thrones, not that I ever considered making any sort of move in that direction. I didn't register with them in the slightest. This allowed me to watch them from afar and study them a bit, like the chronic people-watcher I was. And hell, I was such a non-threat that they literally sometimes had secret conversations right next to me, unafraid that I would say or do anything about it. And honestly, they were right. I was the mousy, dressed-down, nerd girl, and they... they were the queens of the school.

Of course, all those girls were world-class stunners, and they knew it. Gorgeous, with perfect butts and huge breasts, it was easy to see how they rose to the top of the food chain. My mom had been vigilant in steering me clear of those girls, as if aware of the damage they could do if you crossed them. As if girls like that were a timeless threat, as much of a danger to me then as they were when she was younger. She always said, "Beauty fades. It's what's in your head and your heart that matters." And that sounded great and all, but I had a Facebook page, and I was able to see what fate had befallen those evil, nasty, bitchy high school girls. Those girls who had nothing of substance inside, whose outer beauty hid the vile, ugly demonesses within. And guess what?

They were living the best lives.

There was no questioning it. Those girls had won in life in all the ways that counted. All the girls in my school's ruling class had ended up marrying incredibly handsome men who also happened to be rich and successful. Rich, young CEOs, or actors, or athletes, the girls of my school had it all covered. Some had married their high school paramours, i.e. the Homecoming king, or the school quarterback, and their pairings had only spurred them to even greater success together. These girls were winning. They were happy.

And the worst part was... those women looked even better than they did in high school. That thing about beauty fading? Bullshit. All of them were still smoking hot, their butts were just as full and juicy as they were back in high school, and their mammoth breasts were still just as round and perky, if not more so. It was infuriating!

You might think they had nothing going for them other than their looks. Sure, for the most part, their personalities weren't always exactly winning, to say the least. But as far as their intelligence goes, while there were certainly a good number of them whom you wouldn't ask for help on your homework, some of the smartest and most talented girls in school were among this ruling class.

Our valedictorian, a girl who got a full ride scholarship to an Ivy League school, was a true maneater, going from guy to guy, sampling them all. Her social standing was fully cemented when she seduced her rival's dad, for no other reason but to sow chaos. And she had done it, breaking up his marriage and demolishing her rival's family in the process. She was now married to a guy whose net worth was in the nine-figures, they had four beautiful children together, and she didn't even have to put all that education to any sort of productive use. She had it made.

One of her best friends was this girl who was well known to present a perfect image to her teachers and parents and other authority figures. But as soon as they were gone, she could be a vicious, cruel, evil little bitch to those she didn't like, and there were many of them. She could go from being the teacher's pet to be a pure demon cunt in a snap. She could find just the right way to tear down girls she thought were lesser than her, spilling pure poison from her lips as she ripped other girls apart beyond comprehension. She also spoke four languages, got straight A's, and was already taking college courses by her junior year. The teachers all loved her, and none of them ever saw the bad shit she was doing. Her reputation protected her from any damage whatsoever for her bad behavior. She was now a very popular writer who was married to a man known for his charity and generosity in addition to his great wealth. Plus, she had six beautiful children.

One other girl was one of the most talented young violinists in the nation, able to play that instrument so well it was as if it was an extension of her. By her senior year, she'd been recruited to join one of the most exclusive conservatories in Europe. She'd also famously set up a very notorious pool party which ended with her and her best friend tag teaming another girl's boyfriend in the pool house. The two girls went to town both on the taken young man and each other until that other girl caught them. Instead of stopping, they just kept going, until the other girl ran off sobbing with most of our class watching. It was the stuff of legend even back then. She was now widely regarded as one of the most talented violinists in the world, married to a pretty famous actor. I'd seen her play a few years ago. Her music almost made me cry.

The point I'm making is that those bad girls that you told yourself would get their comeuppance eventually pretty much never did. They knew themselves fully, even back then. They knew how to get what they wanted, and they had succeeded beyond anyone's wildest expectations. These girls had worked all of their many assets in order to gain a life of luxury, and it was hard not to give them a slight bit of grudging respect for their success. It was impressive. Sure, these were the mean girls, the queen bees, but with such intensely attractive, demanding young women taking what they wanted, it was all but assured that there would be no negative karma coming their way. Only good things. Only success. Because girls like that never failed.

Now, to be clear, I'm honestly not that hung up on my high school days. I had moved on from that thinking long ago. But after my experience with Gina, my mind started making parallels to the behavior of those high school girls. At first, I interpreted the way those girls thought to be an immature worldview, one where these girls truly believed that being so unbelievably hot and sexy overrode all other considerations that normally mattered. Girls that were incredibly beautiful usually knew it, giving them a somewhat unappealing personality, as they never had to adapt to norms due to their intense appeal. On the other end, girls who maybe weren't so blessed looks-wise or body-wise had to cultivate a personality that made them stand out to prospective partners. Often, a guy would balance the attractiveness of a girl with an appealing enough personality when choosing a girlfriend. But these girls were making their argument that they were so undeniably hot and sexy that they could do whatever they wanted and get away with it, because their overwhelming appeal made up for their noxious behavior.