Dreams Ch. 05


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Greg, who'd been head of the kitchen and meals committee, raised another idea several of us had kicked around, namely, hiring one or two people to cook, landscape, shop, run errands, and such for everyone in the family. He said, "Right now, we have the space. If room and board are part of the package, it could be very appealing in this economy for someone to work with us."

Kate said, "I think I know a couple that might be interested. Both college educated, cute, motivated, but out of work. Tony and Jasmine – everyone calls her Jazz."

Greg reminded her, "They've got to fit in and be tolerant of our ... err, life style. If no one objects, I suggest Kate have them come up to the house and talk to some of us."

There was no objection, and Kate said she'd call them and see if they were interested in a most unusual job for a while. The discussion also turned to how much we'd be willing to pay for all those services.

We discussed financials for almost an hour, talking about reserve investment, and future construction projects including a barn large enough to house all our cars and provide some storage. We were all ready to chip in some additional funds to make some of these things happen as we preserved the prosperity of the family. I was amazed at the buying power the "Family" had when we amassed some of our funds.

Tom was playing moderator, and when we reached the time he thought we should stop in that area, he announced we were moving on. He turned to me.

I talked about membership starting by sharing the views I had gotten from the family about what 'membership' meant to them: basking in the intentional love of the community we'd formed, of course the sex, and having a home unlike any other. I could have gone on but I kept it short.

Next I talked about the visions I saw for where we were headed if we stayed about the same size, and if we opened up membership. There were some warning flags I raised about growing too large.

I drew a strong distinction between members that were 'live ins' versus the 'commuters.' In one sense we were at capacity in the house, however, at night because of our coupling habits and our general desire to never sleep alone, there were usually three or four bedrooms empty. I talked about the pros and cons of 'hot beds' for new members, as well as the need for one's own space for clothes, dressing, and just private time. I addressed the capacity of the kitchen too; now easily able to serve at least fifty or more with some advance planning. More typically, however, whoever had meal duty was preparing food to serve the 'live ins' plus four, five, or even ten others.

Then I raised the issue of new members, talking specifically about Annie, Pam, and two others suggested by family members. They all wanted to live in.

Then I shifted into talking about children, since I saw the decision closely linked. This was a more delicate discussion.

Family members that wanted to have children within the next three years included Tara, Beth, Marcella, and me. Pam, if she joined us, already had a six year old; that might mean five children added to the family in the near future.

I studied people's looks around the circle. Bill and Debbie had already birthed Kate, Brian, and Beth. They were looking forward to being grandparents. Greg and Linda fit in the same category, although their kids were grown and had moved far from the area. Alan and Karen had also launched their children, having started when they were quite young. Annie had a twenty-one year old in the military on his second tour in Afghanistan. Kate intended to wait at least a decade.

I talked about the implications of having children around the home: bedroom space, additional expenses, playground space, curtailment of our spontaneous sex sessions around the house and beside the pool as the children aged, chaos around meal time, need for parenting from everyone in the house – males included, and the portent of special needs kids should the situation arise.

I also listed the other possibilities for dealing with the situation: pregnant family members move out and get their own place, essentially becoming single mothers; and dropping out of the family entirely – the family not being children friendly, so to speak.

Chet said, "That would break up the entire family if you did that. I like kids."

Peter said, "Having kids is part of being in a family."

The murmurs around the room all favored having the kids in the house, even immediately adding a six-year-old if Pam joined us.

I said to everyone, "OK, we're going to do a secret ballot on this because there are politically correct things to say and then there's how you really feel about this. You've all known this was on the agenda for a week too." I passed out pieces of paper and pencils to everyone in the room.

"There are two questions I want you to answer in order, on you piece of paper. First, should we limit membership; 'yes' means to stop admitting new members such as Annie and Pam and the others, 'no' means we have open enrollment and continue to grow." Everyone made notations on their pages.

I went on, "The second question is 'Shall the house and family be open to children?' 'Yes' means there are no limits on family additions; 'no' means there need to be some limits and further discussion or ideas are needed." Again, everyone wrote on their pages. As they wrote I said, "You can add a comment or two to any of these questions too."

I collected the folded over pieces of paper as Tom called a short break. The two of us counted the 'ballots' as several in the group looked on.

In the end I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Everyone gathered around.

Tom was better able to speak than I due to the emotionally charged issues at hand. He called the meeting to order again and announced, "The votes are unanimous. We do not limit membership and we're going to have some children." I started to sob against Beth's shoulder. I didn't realize I'd been so anxious about this subject until I saw the tally unfolding. I was going to be a mother. My family was going to stay in tact. Everyone applauded.

Tom restored order again, and then said, "There were a couple of written comments. Two stated the timing should be left up to each mother to be. Another comment asked are we going to 'couple up' so that we know the parentage? I forgot that those things had been on the agenda."

Linda drew herself up in to matriarchal figure she could often be in the household as the most senior female. She sat on the edge of her chair, and all eyes turned to her and a hush fell over the room. She spoke softly, "My dear ones, and I love you all, but parenting isn't something you vote on – although I did vote, yet it bothered me and I've figured out why."

"Children are the result of two people loving each other. Now, in this family we share that love with multiple partners. I feel the children that result from our partnering should have multiple parents reflecting the many points of love we find in this family. In that love we share with each other, we have worshipped spontaneity, humor, tolerance, and compassion. We have shunned what felt like it would be restrictive. So my friends don't further manage the situation. We all feel the same; it's time to let nature take it course, when it wants to, and how it wants to."

Linda sat back in her seat. There wasn't another comment in the room.

Tom waited a long personal moment as he reflected on Linda's wisdom, and then said, "Other comments." There were none. I was holding Tom's hand so tight I realized I was probably cutting off circulation to his fingers.

He turned to Mar and said, "You were going to comment on the social comings and goings for the family?"

Mar smiled broadly and said, "I only have one announcement: orgy four weeks from tonight – guests invited, same rules as last time only we'll have more bedrooms available."

Everyone applauded and the meeting broke up.


Sunday afternoon Annie and Pam showed up with a two surprises, one for Dave, that ultimately changed his life, and the other proved to be a joy to all of us. I saw their car coming up the drive about two in the afternoon. There were four people in it, and I went out to meet them even though I was topless.

Annie and Pam got out, along with a tall handsome guy that used a cane, and a young girl. The man was about thirty, and upon introductions I learned his name was John Morrison. He looked pleased to be greeted by a half nude woman.

The young girl, age six, was Amanda – Pam's daughter. I was a little sensitive to what she might think, but she seemed to think little about my semi-nudity, and no one made any fuss about it so we all just let it slide.

Annie said they wanted to introduce John to Dave before we got social. They wanted Dave to talk to John; Pam pointed to John's legs. He didn't seem the least self-conscious about them. He turned to me and said, "Some rag head blew them away in Iraq a couple of years ago – an IED. I'm used to it now; it's just the way it used to be, only I have metal legs now – and a cane for balance." He waved the cane in the air slightly.

I led them all through the house to the rear patio where I'd seen Dave reading as he sat in his wheelchair. Dave looked up at us, and introductions were made. He seemed particularly happy to meet Amanda.

Annie said to him, "Dave, I know you've been agonizing over the loss of your leg, and that's why I thought you should meet John. He's been through the same thing – twice over actually. He has some insights that you might like to hear. I think the two of you are a lot alike."

Dave looked surprised and unsure about whether he was 'up' for this discussion. I kissed him on the side of the head, and said, "Please, Dave; talk to John. We want you to heal – inside – and get back with us the way you were."

He grumbled and looked away from us, "I'll never be back to the way I was."

John stepped into the talk and spoke in a commanding voice, "I felt the same way two years ago, and I'm here to tell you that you WILL, if you want, go back to the way you were – even better, because you'll be stronger physically and mentally than you were. There's a toughness you can develop that'll see you over the bad spells."

Dave's head had whipped around to look at John as he spoke – and spoke with such authority.

John turned to the four of us and said in a more conversational tone, "Why don't you leave the two of us alone for a while. This talk should be just between us guys." He turned back to Dave and asked, "Mind if I sit a while?"

As Annie, Pam, Amanda, and I walked back into the house I looked over my shoulder at the pair. John had hiked both pants legs up to reveal he'd lost both legs below the knee. Amanda came up beside me and held my hand, allowing me to lead her into the house. It was a very engaging move.

Pam produced a bag of toys, and set Amanda in the corner of the kitchen. The child seemed quiet and content with the activity.

The three of us sat at the kitchen counter. I asked where John had come from. Annie smiled and pointed at Pam. Pam laughed and said, "I dated him in high school – he was an athlete and good student, and since he came back from Iraq we've gone out a few times. It's nothing romantic, but I watched him go through hell when he came back. I heard from a friend what had happened, so I went to say hello and express my sympathies. He was sort of where Dave is at the time, but I watched him grow over the past two years. Besides being one of the best damn insurance agents in the state, he also does a lot of volunteer work with guys like Dave and soldiers coming home that have been damaged. He's a great guy."

I raised my eyebrows and teased her as I put on a kettle to make some tea for us, "And there's no chemistry there?"

Pam said, "I could muster up something, but he's got a steady girl. I don't want to complicate his life by coming on to him."

Annie jumped in and said, "Can I change the subject?"

"Sure," I said.

She was silent for a moment, and I guessed what she intended to ask. Finally, it came, "How did the meeting go yesterday?" The question was appropriately vague so that it left me miles of room to give her any answer I wanted; even ducking what I knew was her real question about moving in with the family.

I looked at both Annie and Pam. They both hung anxiously on what I might say. I moved around the counter to Annie, and hugged her. I extended my arm to Pam, and the three of us hugged for a moment. I kissed both of them, not in a sexy or passionate way, but to signal to them how welcome they were.

I whispered to the two, "Welcome. Welcome to the family."

Annie signed and I felt dampness on her cheeks. Pam uttered through her tears, "Thank you. You're saving my life."

The girls hung around most of the afternoon before heading off. The afternoon was warm and so Amanda had great fun swimming in the pool, and then chasing some geese down by the pond. I felt some real bonding with each of them.

A week later, on another warm Saturday afternoon, Kate and Greg escorted a nice looking couple around the house. I saw the rest of the interview team heading off in another direction with smiles on their faces. Kate stopped and brief introductions were made to Tony and Jazz, the couple the family might hire to help us run the house and growing family. Tony was a tall, strong, swarthy man in his mid-twenties. Jazz was a pixie blond with narrow hips, a bubble butt, and a full top she hid partly in a multi-layered top that revealed just enough cleavage to make her highly appealing. I hoped they'd take the job. They were both nice eye candy to have around.


Orgy II, or O2 as it got shortened to, occupied everyone's thinking about planning and preparation in the weeks leading up to the event. Marcella's organizational skills came forward in glorious fashion as she organized teams of us to work on drinks, hors d'oeuvres, decorations, special effects, the guest list, layout of the house, and a hundred little items from her list. Much to my surprise she'd made notes after the orgy the previous October about what she liked and would change.

I got assigned to the 'special effects' team with Alan and Arrow, and also to the 'guest coordination team' with Mar. We were supposed to take each of the orgy rooms and create a special theme that would heighten the sexual experiences of the family and guests.

Frankly, I wondered about 'guests.' I mean, how do you invite someone to an orgy? 'Hey, babe, some friends of mine are having a fuck fest... wanna go?' or 'Do you happen to be into wild and promiscuous sex? Some friends of mine are ...' or 'Am I remembering that you like unusual parties, well ...' None of these seemed like good 'pickup' lines and I couldn't think of any others that would work, but that wasn't my problem.

Much to my surprise, however, various family members reported they were bringing a total of ten guests to our Saturday party. Alan and Karen were bringing another couple they'd been intimate with on and off over the years – Don and Sara. Walt was bringing an old girlfriend named Lynn that he thought might actually like to be a family member; Lynn wouldn't come without her best friend – another woman named Val. Duke had gotten Steve and his new wife Angie to come up from Texas, along with Aaron who was still trying to get reassigned. Aaron was bringing a 'date' named Jane. Debbie was bringing a friend named Alice; Mark was to bring a woman named Kat; and Peter had befriended Adam, a new man at work he thought would be a sterling addition to the event. With the additions we'd have thirty-five at the orgy. I secretly love crowds and having sex in front of a group!

Mar had me make sure each of the family members bringing guests had adequately prepared them for what to expect. We didn't want any naked guests streaking into the night when they realized they'd arrived at our hedonistic pleasure palace.

One Monday evening, it was also my job to bring Annie and Pam up to speed on what to expect, or, of course, to offer them the opportunity as we all had to opt out. Annie knew the score from our previous talks and with discussions she'd had with Dave and Fran when they were in the hospital she worked at, plus a few chats around the house. She'd 'told all' to her sister. That part of the job turned out easier than I thought it would be.

Pam asked dozens of questions, such as: 'Can you have sex with several people at the same time? Is it all right to just watch for a while? Will there be other people there my age? What about my drooping boobs? Can you join someone else; for instance, if you see something going on you want to be part of? Who takes the initiative and how? Is there a 'safe word'? Were you sore the next morning? What's it like to be in a threesome? Foursome? What's it like making love with another woman? How do we know everyone is 'safe'? Will people talk later? Am I a slut for doing this?'

We talked for a couple of hours about the event. It helped me re-attach to some of the underlying philosophies about pleasure, love, and interconnectedness with people in an intimate way that were important to me.

While Annie, Pam, and I were talking Mar came into the living room with a downcast face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Dave wants to opt out of Saturday. I was hoping he'd be 'up' for the event, particularly after talking to your friend John last week. He seems happier, and we even talked about him getting a prosthesis, but he's worried he won't perform well – I think his ego is all wrapped up in this. He hasn't had sex since the accident, well except for masturbating he confessed."

Annie said, "Let me have a talk with him. Is it too late to see him now?" Mar pointed down the open hall to the sunroom door. Curtains on the door gave Dave privacy, but also showed whether he was asleep or awake when the light was on.

I watched her sway down the hall, and actually got a little turned on as I watched the sway of her hips and the shimmy of her breasts. Dave was about to have 'an experience.'

Pam and I grinned at each other. She said, "Annie's needed a project for some time. Dave is going to be her project." She paused and added, "I hope Dave likes blowjobs; Annie prides herself on being one of the best in the country."

A few minutes later, I noticed the light in the sunroom went out. An hour later, Annie came out of the sunroom door, adjusting her clothing and looking like the Cheshire cat. She acted surprised to see Pam and I still sitting in the living room. She said, "Dave's coming on Saturday and he'll be fine – or perhaps I should say cuming." She laughed at her humor, collected her things, and led Pam out the door to go back to her sister's apartment in the city. Annie planned to move into the house in about a month, and Pam only after her lease was up at the end of the year.

To be continued.
List of Characters
Men (Including Those From Earlier Chapters)

Tom Ransom – 36 – Handsome. Dreamlover?
Peter Winslow – 32 – Scandinavian
Dave Wescott – 31 – Smart. Gentle.
Duke – 40 – Texan. Bar pickup
Aaron – 35 – Texan. Bar pickup
Steve – 32 – Texan. Bar pickup
Greg White – Late 50s – Owner of Niland Springs home
Josh – 32 – Ariel's brother
Walt – 26 – Marcella's brother
Bill Cariola – 50 – Beth's step father
Brian Cariola – 28 – Beth's brother
Mark Hendricks – 45 – Dave's friend from work
Chet – 30 – On Bill's work crew
Arrow – 30 – On Bill's work crew
Alan Vessy – 45 – Fran's flirty friend from work
Don – 45 – Friend/lover of Alan and Karen; married to Sara
Adam – 32 – Friend of Peter
Tony – 30 – Hired by Family with Jazz

(Characters appearing only briefly not listed).

Ariel – 29 – Story teller.
Marcella (Mar) – 29 – Ariel's best friend from work