Enough was More than Enough


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I twisted her nipples hard as I also pushed up my dick and started to climax myself. I was pushing up with all my might as she moaned and tried to drive her pussy through my back. I was done, drained and sore as she still moved my semi erect dick in and out of her cunt.

"Now that's exactly why I love this bed. There's no way we could have done this on a normal mattress," she said bending over to kiss me and finally rolling off onto her side. "You're not half bad. With a little more experience you could develop into a good sex partner."

"Good?" I replied.

"All right, maybe better than average. I won't know till round two."

I didn't have to worry about cleaning up because before I could say a word Debby had her warm mouth on me."

"Just lie back and let me do the driving."

"Deb was good or at least the best I'd ever had. She used more than enough spit and worked not only my dick but the boys below also. She'd get me to the point of cumming before backing off. She did this three times before finishing the job. Deb took me to the top of the mountain and pushed me over the edge. Most girls pulled off and jacked me off, but Deb kept sucking until I was empty and my dick started turning inside out. I had to pull her off, it was starting to fucking hurt. We dozed off for what must have been about two hours. I woke up and she had one leg over me and was nestled under my arm. I gently worked my way out of the bed without waking her and took a much-needed piss. When I came back and saw her lying naked I got hard again.

I got between her legs and lightly licked her still swollen clit. After more than a few licks I saw her smile, spread her legs wide as I now worked a finger or two in her as I continued concentrating on her nub. Her hands rubbed my head as she gave me instruction on what felt the best. Being a professional I knew how to follow instructions. Finally she'd had enough.

Deb just pulled my head up to her lips and the rest of my body followed. I slipped in between her legs as the wrapped around me. We kissed as I worked myself in and out of her. I didn't slam my dick into her, it was slow methodical strokes as I worked it all the way out before easing it back into her. This went on for about fifteen minutes before I felt her legs hold me in tight as I felt her pussy latch onto my dick and climax. I followed shortly after. This time I rolled off her, grabbed her and the comforter and stayed that way for the rest of the night.

It was about eight thirty in the morning when I finally woke up. Debby was still sound asleep and was totally intertwined with me; I was going nowhere. I thought about last night and all the time I'd spent with her and made a decision right there I wanted to get to know her a lot better. She fascinated me not only because she was good looking, but also she had a brain and could adjust to any situation. Very few men could even make that claim. By nine thirty she started to move and at nine forty-five she opened her eyes.

"Morning love, how did you sleep?"

"Like a log," I said smiling.

"See, I told you; it's the water bed."

"Well, I think you also had something to do with it."

"Someone's got bad breath this morning. Come on, let's take a shower."

I never in my twenty-four years had a shower quite like that one. I had my first prostrate massage and blowjob in the shower, all at the same time. By the time she was done, I was clean on the outside and inside both. Being the gentlemen I am, I returned the gesture as Deb probably woke up the rest of the building; at least her two roommates.

We spent Saturday morning in bed and Saturday afternoon and most of the evening talking, eating and making love again. I was sorry to leave Sunday, but I had work to do for Monday morning. Deb said goodbye to me totally nude at her front door. I tried to say goodbye to her pussy be she laughed and said if I got her started again she wouldn't let me leave until she was satisfied which could take all day. We went back to her bedroom.

That's how it started and continued until Christmas. I went to her family's house Christmas ever and we had dinner with my mom the following day. My mom pulled me aside and asked just how serious it was. I showed her the ring.

That night after a great lovemaking session, I slipped the ring over her nipple.

"If we get it pierced, this ring would look great, unless you want to wear it some other place." She screamed and said yes before I even asked her. This was the best Christmas ever.

Debby got a job in a high profile marketing firm named G & K. She did her normal research and found that, based on the upper managements ages, there would be a turnover in about five years. Just enough time to make her mark in the company she thought. She was driven; maybe a better word would be obsessed.

She worked harder than any two people there and I thought they took advantage as they piled the work on her. She didn't mind but I started to because of her long hours and trips out of town.

We had talked about starting a family but Debby said it would be much easier if we waited until she made management, which according to her was bound to happen in the next two to three years. So we practiced a lot.

I made sure I was always available for this party or that dinner. Since I wasn't a dummy, I was a hit at most functions, which started a small riff between us.

"Dennis, you can't monopolize the conversation the way you do, I can't get a word in edgewise."

"Honey, I'm just responding to their questions, that's all," I said to a distressed wife. "From now on I'll watch it ok?" She smiled, we kissed and all was good again. Until I did something stupid at a social get together.

Everyone was there, even from the home office. I was social, courteous and the good supportive husband on his wife's arm. I went to get her a glass of wine and met up with a few of the big wigs from the home office. After introductions one of them made a statement about marketing research and how it's never wrong.

Having heard Debbie's thoughts so often I just repeated what she'd always told me; open mouth insert foot.

"Everyone said you were a genius and I guess they were right. Maybe we should be looking at promoting Dennis instead of his wife."

I really did try to tell them that's what my wife always told me, but I guess they thought I was just trying to make my wife look good in their eyes; anyway it didn't go over well. Not good at all.

"Dennis why don't you just put a bullet between my eye now and get it over with. You just killed any chance of me getting that position. Now everyone thinks you're the brains behind all the ideas I've been coming up with for the last couple of years. Even my boss Carl asked me if he could run a couple of ideas by you for your input."

After that it went from bad to worse. She blamed me for not getting the promotion and when I brought up the family scenario she just glared at me. Our lovemaking went from three times a week to maybe one at best. The only thing that increased were the hours Debby now worked. If she wasn't at her office working, she was in the den working on this proposal or that one. I wasn't happy especially since I was no longer invited to attend any of the social functions.

"Are you ashamed of me now?" I asked as she dressed to the nines for a function.

"No, I just can't afford to lose another promotion to you."

"I said I was sorry."

"Sorry? What the fuck do you know about sorry? I busted my ass for two fucking years to get that promotion and in the matter of ten minutes YOU cut me off at the knees. Why didn't you just keep YOUR fucking mouth closed like I told you? You just had to be the big man and put in MY two cents. Well they gave it to that asshole Tom whom I trained. And you know what, he'd got me doing most of the work for him. So, if I'm not sympatric to you I'm sorry, excuse me all to hell," she now shouted at me. "So if you don't mind, I got somewhere to go. The big wigs will be there and I'm going to try and do a little damage control. Don't wait up."

I'd never seen anyone so angry before. See didn't get home until after two I think.

After that I walked on eggshells around her. If she worked nights and weekend I found something else to do, after all this was a college town. I started hanging out with a group of young professors and their aides. We'd hit a bar or two and once in a while a downtown nightclub. I was having so much fun; I didn't want to go home to my shrew any longer because I knew for sure there wouldn't be any warmth there.

Ellen was a new hire in the Economics department. She was twenty-eight, about five foot ten and was probably pushing one hundred and fifty pounds and none of it fat. She had a habit of playing with a strand of her that just fascinated me; why I hadn't a clue.

We gravitated to one another over the course of a month and sometimes went out for drinks or dinner after work.

"Where's your wife? How come you never bring her along?"

I gave her the short version without any of the F words.

"I hate to say it, I agree with her. You did something that put her in a bad light but how long has it been?"

"About eight months since the party and she hasn't forgiven me yet."

"That is pushing it even for what you did. I would have been mad, but I would have gotten over it by now. For Christ's sakes, it's just a job not your life."

"Would you mind explaining that to my wife for me?" I asked with a little laugh.

"Not on your life. You made your bed, now you have to sleep in it. And by the sounds of it, that's about all your doing in bed too." She was right.

I didn't get home until way past ten. I'd had only two drinks so I was a long way from being drunk. I walked into our house and was met by evil twin of what used to be my loving wife.

"Where have you been and why didn't you pickup when I called you?"

I looked at my phone and saw I'd missed three calls from Debby. "I never even heard it go off and it wasn't on vibrate. What did you want?"

"I came home to an empty house and wanted to know where in the hell my husband was."


"What the hell do you mean why?" she spit back at me.

"You heard me, why did you want to know where I was? Why, do you even care?"

"That's a stupid thing for you to say to me. You're my husband, of course I'd want to know where you're at when you're not here."

"I never ask you where you're going or try to keep tabs on you? In fact, I don't think I even care any more now that you mention it."

I couldn't tell if it was a look of anger, sadness or just shock on Deb's face as I turned my back on her and walked away. She didn't scream, shout, yell or even call out my name; all I heard was silence. I walked up to our bedroom, changed, brushed my teeth and went to bed alone. I think that was the very first time.

I woke up alone in our waterbed. I was starting to hate that bed. With two people sleeping in it, it was comfortable but with me alone I kept hitting bottom. I dressed and expected to see Debby downstairs somewhere but she was already gone. I know she didn't sleep with me but at this point I didn't care any longer. I'm not going to put up with her shit any longer.

After work I moved all my clothing and personal items into our spare room. I wasn't getting any sex any longer and I barely even saw Deb any more.

"I'll be late tonight," she said calling me on my cell phone.

"And I'm supposed to care? Why don't you just stay the night with whom ever you're sleeping with? This way it won't be so obvious." She hung up on me.

I had dinner and drinks with Ellen. "I think Debby's having an affair. She told me she was going to be late and I told her just to spend the night with her lover, that I didn't care anymore."

"Wow! What did she say?"

"She just hung up on me."

"You know she may not be having an affair. With what you've told me, she could just be a workaholic, which is almost as bad sometimes. Did she ever get that promotion?"

"Not a clue. We don't talk much anymore, especially about her work."

"I can see why. Why don't the two you sit down and try to figure it all out? From what you told me before, you had a great marriage."

"I think had is the correct word. I'm tired of paying for a stupid statement that anyone with any intelligence would have taken with a grain of salt. But you're right; it's way past the time of snipping at one another anymore. I wanted a loving wife and family and I'm still young enough to have it. If not with Debby than someone else," I said looking right into her eyes. We finished our dinner, danced close to one another and forgot about Debby, at least for tonight.

Saturday Debby was already having breakfast when I came downstairs.

"Will wonders never cease, you still do live here, I wasn't sure anymore. Any coffee left?"

"A whole pot."

I got myself a cup and sat down across from her.

"I got my promotion. Tom fucked up and they gave it to me."

"I guess congratulations are in order. How many people did you have to sleep with to get it? Three? Four? More than four?" I asked.

"I didn't have to sleep with anyone. I got it on my own merits and damn hard work."

"Well, I guess you earned it one way or another."

"There's a dinner tonight in my honor; will you come?"

I thought about what I was going to say for must have been two hours in my head but in reality was only about ten seconds.

"Not a chance in hell."

"I figured as much, that's why I didn't ask you until this morning. I would like you to be there but I understand your reasons why not. I guess I haven't been the easiest person to live with over the last year."

"Deb, you're wrong it's been great, because you haven't been here. I didn't have to worry about coming home late, drunk or not at all, because you weren't here anyway. I didn't have to worry about being turned down for sex, because you weren't here to say no. The only thing I could change, because you weren't here, was my sleeping arrangements and I'm now getting good night sleeps. So you were wrong. Deb, go and have a nice dinner and after everyone has patted you on the back and told you what an outstanding job you've done, think about this. They will go home with their loved one and all you'll have is a fucking job to keep you warm. I hope it was worth the price." I got up and went back upstairs.

I did busy things around the house to keep my mind off Debby. It was then I decided to shit or get off the pot.

It didn't take me five minutes to put it together. My brief letter took a lot more thought though. There was no pleading, begging or any other reconciliatory gestures, just points of fact. I took a shower, got dressed and before I left, I put it on the counter right next to her car keys so she would be sure to see it. I knew tonight would be interesting in more ways than one.

Debby saw the two pieces of paper on the counter just before she left for her dinner alone. She read the first one.

Dear Debby

You once told me that there wasn't a test in the world you couldn't pass. I didn't believe you at first but you proved it to me time and time again. Now for the kicker. The other sheet contains the most important test you'll ever take as my wife. It's the type you said you do the best at, true and false questions. With your expertise it shouldn't take you more than a few seconds since there are only three questions, plenty of time to take it and make your dinner. It won't be graded on a curve, it's an open book test but it is a pass/fail exam. I'll grade it when I come home tonight that way we can talk or not.

Your husband, Dennis

She put down the letter and picked up the test.

Question #1: You still love your husband Dennis?

Question #2: You think your job is more important than your marriage?

Question #3: Do you don't want a divorce?

I had dinner with Ellen. I told her what I'd done and she just stared at me.

"You're kidding right? You just left it there without talking to her?"

"What would be the point? If she answers any of them wrong our marriage is over. Hell there's not much left of it anyway. I want a normal marriage with a loving wife and a family. Even the thought of a white picket fence and a dog works for me. I'm tired and refuse to go on like this any longer. So, at least I'll know tonight."

"Dennis, you've got to call me when you go home. There is no way I can wait until tomorrow, the suspense will kill me."

"I got a better idea, why don't we do it together. This way you'll know the same time as me," I said smiling at her. We both knew the results of the test would affect our relationship going forward.

The house was dark and as soon as we got through the door I kissed her and she kissed me back. I didn't want to go into the kitchen and look at that stupid test. I wanted to take Ellen upstairs and do what I'd wanted to do for months but couldn't because I was still married. I took a deep breath and we walked into the kitchen.


Our son just turned eight and was driving me ragged. There was no way I could keep up with him and our daughter. For the first time in my life I started to feel old.

"Honey," my wife yelled. "There is another one of those socials planned for Saturday do you want to go?"

"Do we have to go?" I asked.

"Not if you don't want to go."

My family came first over any damn job. I'd told the kids we were spending Saturday down by the lake and it would be after seven before we got back.

"He understood but said he wished we'd try to make it to at least a couple functions this year."

"Babes, he likes you a lot better than me, so the next time he asks, tell him we'll make the Christmas party and his retirement dinner."

"Honey, he's not retiring for a long time."

"I know that," I said with a smile on my face.

I suppose you want to know whom I ended up with? It was a no brainier.

Ellen and I went into the kitchen and turned on the light. I picked up the test and it was like dejavu all over again. I didn't even need to grade it, just like that night in my office all those years ago. I put it back on the counter. There were tears in Ellen's eyes as I reached out to her and held her for what must have been twenty minutes. I then took her by the hand, took her upstairs and made love to her all night long.

You see, just like that essay test all those years ago, the paper was blank; she didn't answer a single question. The only thing she wrote on the note was the following:

"You were supposed to give me the right answers to the first and next to the last questions. Without that information I couldn't figure out the pattern. It looks like you won this time.

And I had... Big time...

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26thNC26thNC3 days ago

Man finally realized what she was and took the proper steps to get rid of her.

GerMagGerMag4 days ago

5* I really did like your story. You could question if they really did love each other enough to want to fight for each other. I guess not, if you give up that easily.

Old_Fart2Old_Fart28 days ago

This is a great story about cheating NOT being simply about having sexual/emotional relations outside the marriage/relationship. If a partner isn't there (within acceptable reason), they aren't in the relationship...

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

4 stars from GW on a solid story . I went to school with a guy who was a genius . He said he was smarter then anyone else in our class and also said he could read faster . Sadly he found out that I could read at almost a 1000 words a minute in eight grade . He could read at about 750 or so . Too bad he could not relate to people worth a darn . He almost raped a sweet girl who become well known for her Art abilities

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

When she's cold and absent for a year, it's time to call it. She wasn't interested in a good equal relationship, just getting what she wanted. Not good wife or mother material

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