Felicia Opens the Door

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Felicia is reawakened by her son on Valentine's Day.
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The doorbell rang for the second time.

Felicia stood, her hand grasped the doorknob with white knuckled resolve not to turn it, open it, and answer it. As if holding back the evil that stood behind it, this door was her only protection from what was out there. She wasn't expecting anyone or anything. Who could it be, she wondered? Her panic loomed larger than her sanity. Anxiety controlled her and she was frozen in place with apprehension.

Suddenly, the door grew larger and claimed her, she imagined. The door dominated her. This inanimate door took on a life of its own breathing, seething, pulsating, and nearly bursting open to claim her and the inside of her house as part of the evil that was beyond this closed and locked front door.

She leaned forward and looked out through the peephole, but there was no one there.

"Who is it?" she said through the door. No one answered. "Who is it?" she asked again without response and adding to her growing consternation.

This is the door she hid behind. So long as she kept this door closed and locked from what was out there, she was safe. This is the door that sheltered her and saved her from reality and from the heaviness of the outside world. This is the same door she crumbled against and wept when they gave her the worst news, not once, but twice. Maybe, this time, the door had come for her. This was her door of death and maybe by not opening it, again, she would live. Yet, hiding behind this door and locked away in her house was not living. She was the walking dead.

She never left her house anymore. With the proceeds realized from her husband's insurance policies, there was no reason to go out there anymore. She had everything she needed delivered to her front door, paying for it by credit card in advance, and peering out the peephole and talking through the door.

"Leave it on the stoop, please." And go away, she wanted to add, but didn't.

Never was there anything good behind this door. It was once the door to the outside world and to the life that flourished on the other side, now this was the doomsday door of her self-imposed prison. It was the door that those who wanted to gain access to Felicia stood behind and left finally when she stood on the inside looking out through her peephole to see who it was. Her family and friends came in droves wanting to talk to her, console her, and comfort her. One by one, those who came, and who weren't allowed in, never returned.

She feared more bad news. There was no reason for her to open this damn door. She remembered when she opened the door and saw the two sergeants resplendent in their uniforms standing on her doorstep serious in their mission but with sympathy in their heart for another fallen soldier, their comrade in arms. He was a hero, they told her, but she stopped listening to their words after they said that her husband was dead. How can this happen twice? First her husband and now her son, this loss is too much to bear.

No one came to her door anymore after paying their respects for first her husband and a year later her son. She hadn't come to terms with having her husband taken from her and now her son. The best parts of her were blown to bits in the desert of a land of terrorists and suicide bombers. It was all beyond comprehension why strangers would kill her family. She died, too, only she hadn't fallen down yet. She was still standing, still breathing, and still grieving.

Now, weeks later, no one called her after telling her how sorry they were for her loss. They were done consoling a grieving widow for the loss of her husband and a grieving mother for the loss of her son. They had done their duty as relative and friend. What more could they say that hasn't been already said? There was nothing more they could do. There was nothing they offered she wanted.

Besides, she wouldn't allow them entry by her locked front door. She didn't want their sympathy. She didn't want their food. She didn't want them in her house. She wanted her husband and her son. She wanted to be left alone with her pain. Though they were done and Felicia was now free to live with the inconsolable pain every day, they continued on with their lives, while she stayed home, mourning and losing more of her mind.

"Tick, tick, tick..." The clock on the mantle kept time of life. She knew how long she had lived; she didn't know how much longer she had to live with this pain, suffering, and misery. More than once she thought of suicide. Only, she couldn't do it.

She was glad that before her husband left for war that she gave him a night of passion to make him want to take the extra care he needed to return home to her. Only, the terrorists had other plans for her husband and blew him to pieces at a security checkpoint. There was not much left of him to bury in his flag draped coffin.

Her son, so much like his father, thought that he could avenge his Dad by killing them. The vehicle he was riding was one without armor plating. Her outrage in losing her son to budgetary cutbacks and lack of concern from those same politicians who, with their words of rhetoric and waving flags, had sent her men to fight their war was silenced by the political pressure of more useless words and ineffective action to end the war and bring them home. Congress quietly swept there misdeeds under Washington's rug and the public quickly forgot about it when headline news replaced that with another Britney Spears scandal.

Everything was so perfect. They had a good life. They were so happy. Her husband had a good job and did his duty to his country as a reservist after serving in the Gulf War. He never figured he'd be called to active duty again before 911 happened when the twin towers fell in a deadly dust that devoured every American and deterred every thought with revenge. When she kissed him and waved her good-bye, as he boarded that plane, pride in her husband doing the right thing for their country replaced the thought that she'd never see him alive again.

When her husband died, when they told her the news of his death, after everyone had abandoned her leaving her alone to her misery, she only had her son left to console. They had one another. They were the only ones who really knew what it was like to lose someone they loved so much.

She felt guilty for going to his room that night. In hindsight, she felt deeply disturbed for doing what she did with her son. Only, she wasn't thinking right. Never would she have done what she did otherwise. All this time, while her son was away at war, she felt guilty for showing her son more love than a mother should. Now, that he is gone too, she was glad that she had given him what he wanted and what she needed.

Every night, she heard her son crying at the loss of his Dad. She tried being the brave one as best as she could. She tried being his strong parent. Only, she was human, too, and she succumbed to her weaknesses. She needed someone to hold her, but there was no one there, just her and her son. And now he was leaving her, too.

She relived what she did every day since her son left for war with guilt and remorse. Now, she relives it with satisfaction and happiness. She did what not many mothers would do. She slept with her son. Only, she no longer thinks of it in those terms. Now, she remembers is as, she comforted her son.

It was late and she couldn't sleep. She heard her son having another nightmare. Normally, she'd go to his room, sit next to him, and rub his back and whisper the things she did when he was a baby twenty years ago. Only, this night, she needed someone to hold her and to whisper the things that she needed to hear.

She stripped off her nightgown and in the light of the full moon; she went to her son's room naked. It wasn't a sexual thing, she thought, until they started getting in to it more sexually and when they both had an orgasm. As soon as she did, the guilt overwhelmed her as much as the grief. Now, she felt dirty, vile, and wicked. How could she do that to her son? She was his mother. She felt that she had used her son instead of comforted him. She felt weak and just as evil as what awaited her outside that locked, front door.

Before that, her reasonable but twisted logic prevailed telling her that it was just what a mother needed from her son after the loss of her husband and what a mother needed to give to her son after the loss of his father. Truly, she had feelings of innocent love and not sexual lust. In her grief, she had convinced herself that she was doing the right thing. For a while, she believed that until guilt consumed her grief. Yet, now, she is glad she did what she did hoping that the last thoughts of her husband and son were of her.

She pulled the covers back enough for her to get beneath them and in bed with her son. As soon as she did, she felt horny. As soon as she did, she had gone beyond the point of no return of the relationship of mother and son. She just wanted to hold him, she said to herself in her efforts to convince herself to go through with this. She just wanted to feel the warmth of his body against hers. She never thought of it as a sexual thing, until she stripped off her nightgown before entering his room and her selfish desire replace her reason. Besides, it was too late because now she was there in bed with her son naked. It sounded like a good plan when she was alone in bed. It was more for comfort than it was for pleasure, she convinced herself to believe.

Only, it quickly escalated and sexual gratification encompassed the both of them with their passion, lust, and desire for one another. Nonetheless, it was something that they both truly needed at that time and it was okay at that moment. For that moment in time, she was not his mother and he was not her son but two grieving, needy people who needed some solace from their sadness and suffering.

She was so cold and her son's body was so warm. She spooned him and as soon as she did, she knew that he was naked, too. He felt so firm and so strong. He felt how her husband used to feel before beer and fast food fattened his body and lack of exercise eroded his muscles. She felt comfort in hearing his breathing and in feeling the beat of his heart. With her breasts pressed against his broad back, the feeling of him in her arms was electric and for a moment, the sensation of him made her forget her grief. With thoughts of her Honeymoon night, she pretended that her son was her husband. The feelings of holding him replaced her feelings of sorrow. He gave her peace for the first time since those soldiers appeared at her door and she felt that she was doing the same for him, too, as he was finally sleeping peacefully without that frightening nightmare.

They lay there for some time before he noticed her. He reached his big hand behind him and touched her knee up to her thigh and continued higher feeling her hip. The gentle touch of him felt good and released the womanly feelings in her. It was something that she needed. When he turned towards her, she didn't turn away. She hugged him and kissed his cheek and neck.

"I love you, baby," she said.

"I love you, mother" he whispered kissing her full on the lips.

It was a kiss she had never experienced before. It blanked her mind from the pain. The kiss awakened feeling in her that she had not had since she made love that very last time to her husband before he went to war for his country.

She closed her eyes and allowed his tongue to part her lips. They kissed again and again. Even though his kiss and his touch released sexual feelings, it was not a sexual kiss as much as it was a kiss between mother and son. For her, the incest part of it was out of the equation now and was not even a consideration, but it would rear its ugly ramifications later. For now, it was a kiss that transgressed the relationship of mother and son. It was a kiss not of desire but of need. Of course, the desire was there, but they both needed this. They both needed to experience life to deal with death.

She wanted him to touch her. She wanted him to reach behind her and feel her ass, cup her buttocks, and press his manliness against her, as had her husband done so many times before. She needed to feel his desire for her to reawaken her desire to live. When he did finally touch her, the feeling of his hand controlled her passion and she reached her hand down and touched him. She left her hand there in contact with his penis. She was content just to touch it without feeling all of it. Immediately, his erection grew with his lust for her. She cupped his testicles and felt the full length of him with her hand before her fingers took control of his passion. She slowly stroked him as only a mother could stroke her baby boy.

When she felt his hand on her breast, she needed him to suckle her nipple, as he had done so long ago. She reached her hand around the back of his neck and pulled his head towards her cradling him as she would her baby. She kissed his forehead and ran her fingers through his soft hair, as he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked it. She hummed the lullaby she used to hum when he was a baby, only she could no longer remember the words, just the melody. His other hand felt her other breast and his fingers fingered her nipple. He switched his actions to her other breast, sucking that one and caressing the other while she imagined her husband.

As their passion grew, so did their desire for one another and her reason to live again. Only, for the first time, she feared the worst. A glimpse of the future held her thoughts in place and terrorized her reawakening with foreboding for her son. Having had completed basic training, this was his last night home and she had a mother's premonition that her son would not return alive from the war. What could she do? There was nothing that she could say to keep him from his duty to avenge the death of his father. Her mind could not make the connection that it was okay for her President to murder her husband but it was wrong for a mother to love her son.

As she had done with her husband, she wanted to give her son something to remember should he suffer the similar situation of his dad. She slid her body down and took him in his mouth. It was not a sexual thing, as it was more a loving action to the basic need of a mother to experience her son and a son to experience his mother. The feeling of him in her mouth gave her a peace that she has not had in some time and she hoped that by doing this for him that she was giving him a similar peace. With thoughts of blowing her husband, she blew her son.

He reached down for her and she moved her body up to his. They kissed and he rolled her over easing his body on top of her. She positioned him inside her with her hand and rolled him over. She wanted to control the action. She didn't want her mother's love confused with and ruined by her son's lust. It wasn't about sex, she convinced herself. It was about love. Thinking that was the only way she could do this now. She'd think otherwise about it later.

That night, more than a month ago, was the last she saw of her son. He left with his friend for the airport the next morning. She couldn't bear go with him. As much as she wanted to be with him those last few minutes at the airport, she still couldn't go beyond that evil front door to leave this damn house.

Now, still standing motionless by the front door, every memory of her last time with her son went through her mind. Involuntarily, her wrist twisted her hand and the vaulted door opened a crack with a creak. The box that leaned against the door fell inside.

She picked it up, closed and locked the door, and carried it to the living room. There was a card attached and she opened it.

Hi Mom,

No longer could she see to read through her tears. She dropped the card and fell to the floor sobbing. After she composed herself, she picked up her dead son's card and read it with shaking hand and heavy heart.

Hi Mom,

I sent this early hoping that it would get to you for Valentine's Day. I will never forget the sacrifice you made for me for doing what you did that night. You saved me with your love and gave me the strength to continue. I feel better now. And even though this is Hell on Earth where I am stationed, I'm at peace.

When I saw this dress, I thought of you. We have a guy here who can get anything on the black market. I hope it's your size. You need to go out and go on with your life as have I.

I want you to dance for me on Valentine's Day with a man who will appreciate you for the woman you are.



She fell into herself again weeping soulfully. She could see him writing this card. She could feel his excitement when he saw this dress. He was such a good son.

She moved the tissue away with her hand to reveal a beautiful red, silk dress. She looked at the tag, size 6, her size.

For her son, she opened the front door and ventured outside for the first time in more than a year. In his memory, she went to the Valentine's dance they were having at the VFW in town. Those who saw her there were shocked to see her. They didn't understand the motive of why she was there so soon after the death of her son. They didn't understand why a grieving widow would appear at a dance wearing a red dress.

It didn't matter to her what they thought. Her son bought her this dress and wanted her to wear it tonight while she danced with a man who appreciated her.

She sat alone most of the night. Those who knew her stayed away from her and ignored her comforted by their twisted thoughts that they didn't know what to say to her, a widow who lost her husband and a mother who lost her son.

The man, who made his way across the hall, introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Mario," he said with a sad, little smile. "I think that I know what you are going through. My wife and I came here every year for the Valentine's Day dance. I lost her to cancer last year." He played with the button of his sport coat as he talked to her only occasionally making eye contact. "She made me promise that I would come here tonight and dance for her."

They danced and even though nothing more came of it other than two wounded people having a dance, a drink, and some delightful conversation, she was no longer a prisoner to her house. Now, with the resolve to continue living her life, she was able to open her front door and go outside.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
wkwimpwkwimpalmost 8 years ago
emotional yarn

I don't think it is quite as good as your later stories, but oh how emotional. I've lost my wife of many years, and so feel the pain. Thanks for writing straight at me.

Bill Wimpenney

greenhawk46greenhawk46almost 11 years ago
nicely done

interesting story thanks

gperry2843gperry2843over 11 years ago
Yes only you,

and I won't give Freddie the credit for this one, from the tenor of this story, Susan only you could make it right this is a beautiful story. You should be both proud and elated with the praise this story garnered.

k99rkyk99rkyabout 12 years ago
i am hiding from the world.

unbelievable moving story. thank you.

3 years i have stayed in my flat for my own reasons.

it's true people don't come round.

it's easy to live life from the internet & a phone.

at least my world is my own.

i will get out there one day.

IllicitwriterIllicitwriterover 13 years ago

One of the most poignant incest stories ever. I teared when she opened the package from her son. Absolutely brilliant portrayal of a mother's love and loss.

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