Ferret Girl Ch. 04


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He went on sniffing and then he smiled softly, and Kate felt her own grin beginning.

"A little, ... " He sniffed again, "a tiny little bit of, ... onion and, ... bratwurst, Kate, but it does not smell bad or anyth-"

She kissed him and slid her lips against his with a tiny chuckle, "Bratwurst and potatoes and a little onion and oh my fucking God, Jürgen, please tell me that these are erotic smells to you, you mighty Teutonic beast, you."

He chuckled then, "Actually, I do not come from -- "

"Never mind that, "she hissed, "Just tell me that it arouses you before I run over there to the counter and slather margarine on myself if you think you'd like that better. If I had popcorn here right now, what I'd do with my buttered fingers shouldn't even be talked about."

He laughed and Kate loved it as she laughed too.

She let go of him and stood up in front of him as she slid her cut-offs down and stepped out of them. "I would, you know. You can bet your reserved and polite -- and bloody gorgeous ass, I would."

He watched as she pulled her long T-shirt over her head and slowly sank to her knees.

"Stand up. Jürgen. Please stand up for me. I want those shorts and that shirt off you right this second."

She didn't have to tell him twice or even hesitate and she looked up at the magnificent male that she'd seen in that postcard sunset.

Jürgen looked into her green eyes and he was lost for a moment, but Kate reached for his legs then. "I want to say something, Jürgen. I don't even know if a mare can do what I want to do right now for my stallion. If they can't, then I pity the poor dears. I've never done this the way that I now feel that I can't do in any other way, so please bear with me."

She brought her face to his genitals and pressed her forehead against the underside of that lovely fat rod with a sigh as she softly kissed and licked Jürgen's scrotum for several minutes, groaning and whimpering softly as she did. She couldn't explain it to even herself, but she knew that she needed to feel the heat of it against her face. She licked everything so much that she felt that she ought to stop now and then, but she heard his soft hisses and they encouraged her.

As she pressed her face against the underside of that hard thing, she loved the soft slickness of that skin on her cheek as she slowly kept on, licking and sliding, until she was near the end and it was only then that she took it in her hand and drew it toward her a little to slip her tongue into the bit of skin which still covered it.

Jürgen gasped at the sensation and he laid his hand so carefully onto her head, feeling the short hair and groaning as she moved the foreskin back and slid that wonderful thing inside of her mouth.

They both groaned and he felt her hand as she caressed his muscular flank and he didn't need to even think about it.

He just knew where her other hand was, because she began to move a little there on her knees before him.

It didn't take more than a few minutes because that was about as long as Kate wanted this to last with her knees on the linoleum like this. The fact that he responded to her desire for the length of this interlude came to her in as much of a thrill as anything else about him.

She wasn't a mare and she knew it. It was just a pleasant comparison, that was all, but she also knew then that she had what it took to get them to heaven in their way, just another sign of his perfection to her as a mating partner, that was all.

So simple. So much.

When he came, she was ready and she took almost everything. She'd wanted to try for his second-last squirt onto her cheek , but she missed it and had to settle and she didn't mind a bit. She'd had her little orgasms and she knew that they had all night. What was more important to her was what she was trying to tell him with it.

She sat back and looked up again along that long hard body and she took the slightly softening organ from her mouth.

Jürgen looked down at her wet face and he smiled, since it seemed the only thing that he could do without feeling stupid. His eyes grew a little larger then as he watched her work a little more from him onto her lips before she slid her soft and lovely tongue over one lip and leaned a little so that he could see her as she looked up, sliding the head of him over her face.

She lifted up then and took him back in as she reached up to touch his chest and slide her wet fingers down over the ridges of his rock-hard abdomen with a sigh.

He could smell the juices that she was leaving as her mark on him and he knew it for what it was. When she looked up again, she kept the wet end of him against her lips and spoke so very softly to him.

"In case you need to hear it, stallion. I want to be the mare for you. I don't give a shit about when we're working. Just be good to me and I'll be good for you."

Jürgen nodded then and he reached down to help Kate up. She didn't really know what he was about to do. She had a thought then that she should have had a dishtowel or something handy for this moment so that she could wipe her face. William had made a big deal out of not wanting to kiss her after she'd sucked his cock for him, not that she'd ever really done it that often or put anywhere near as much into it for him.

She gasped a little when Jürgen embraced her and held her tightly against him. She looked down a little, but he leaned his head down until she got the idea and raised her face to him in a little wonder.

He looked only a moment. It was all that he'd wanted -- to look at her face and then she felt his kisses and his cheek against hers as he did it while never taking his lips from hers.

When the moment was past, Kate threw her arms around him with the whimper that she'd felt hanging in her throat and wanting to be let out for all of that time and she hugged him with everything that she could put into it.

He chuckled softly into her ear, "I have never had the thought that I might be a stallion before today. But for a mare like the beautiful woman that I hold feels herself to be, I find that it is a very nice thought."

She let go of him and took his hand, "Where do you want to go, Jürgen? I just know that your bed is made and crisp and clean and all. I just got up this morning and now I wish that I'd made it. The way I feel right now, you could have me right here on the floor, but -"

He chuckled quietly, "So then it might smell of this fine body a little? Lead me then. That is what I want now."

In her bed later, she looked up at him as he held her, not quite on top of her and only speaking in low whispers as they worked out what they wanted if this could be made better. Kate was already feeling his semen as it left her and though she had no desire to become pregnant at the moment, the feeling still came to her with just a tiny touch of regret.

With any other man, it had been all that she could do not to jump up and wipe it off for the tickle that she felt and the way that it kept reminding her that someone had um, had her, as it were.

The way that she felt now, she'd have carried it around all day as long as she could feel that it was there just a little bit now and then.

She still didn't want to get pregnant and she was so thankful now that she'd arranged to get extra months of her prescription from her quack, but she did so like this feeling -- just as the gentle reminder that it was and the tiny little regret that it was leaving her to a degree.

She wondered if it was this way with draft horses.

The next time that they did it, Kate was thrilled that Jürgen asked her if she wanted to try to approximate the horses as much as their bodies would allow, so she nodded and knelt in front of him, facing away so that he could mount her.

This had never been a position that she'd liked before for the way that she had to present her ass out there along with her sex for the man. William had sealed a lot of things for himself the very second time that he'd slapped her ass.

The first time that he'd done it was when she'd asked him not to do it again.

Kate knew that a lot of women even liked that a lot, but she didn't. It just reminded her that she was a big girl and as far as that went, she was too big that way.

But Jürgen had shown himself to be better. He'd taken a lesson from the stallion, it seemed. Before he'd allow her to present her ass to him, he'd held her down and the things that he'd done with his tongue had raised him in her mind to rather near the level of a god with a lower-case 'g'.

Even as she'd lain there, a weak and sloppy mess, his hands told her so much in the way that they moved over her body and she moaned and lolled around like a happy cat for the attention.

When she felt that she had the strength for it, she'd mentioned something to him a little shyly as she'd caressed his head while he'd suckled at her breasts and lamented that he had but one mouth for her.

"I've been thinking," she sighed to him, "and I think that if that girl horse out there in the field could even have orgasms as often and as wonderful as you've given me tonight, well, I don't think that she would have any way to let her big boy know about it. For all that I know, he might not even care all that much and I have a pretty strong doubt that he'd stop or even slow down if she did.

I'm sure that he'd just keep on banging her until he was done himself, and the way that I look at it, well, it's his right to do that, since he's claimed his mare and all. That's the way that I think it is with them. Once a stallion chooses a mare in nature, it's because only the best would get a shot at her and that one would likely try rather hard to kill any others who even stood a little close.

So this time, Jürgen, that's what I want to do with you. You just go on until you're finished in me and never mind my plaintive little noises, alright?"

He blinked at her for a moment, but he could see that it was what she wanted for this and so he nodded.

Well, it wasn't all that quiet between them that time. Kate bucked back against him feeling freer and wilder than she thought that she ever had when making love with anyone. She just leaned forward on her elbows and looked back at him whenever she could while Jürgen did his best to rut into the mare that she wanted to present to him.

Kate loved the slap of his body against hers and she moaned and even growled to him down low in her throat. She did feel her orgasms and when each one came to her, she tried to steady herself, knowing that her stallion wouldn't stop and would continue to plow her right through whatever she felt.

She even raised her head and cried out -- long and soulful wails to him, but as each one passed her by like little waves when she'd sat on a beach as a girl and watched them slip past her toes, she reveled in this all the same, and that wonderful Germanic beast kept railing her on and on and on.

The words slipped out of her once, even though she tried to catch the phrase but was too late.

She turned her head to look at him again, a little hopeful that it hadn't been said too loudly or that maybe he'd been too lost in his pleasure of her to notice it. As she'd looked back, Jürgen had said nothing out of his consideration for her feelings and he'd just laid one of those strong hands on her flank and caressed it even as he slammed into her and went right on doing it while the other held her hip so that she couldn't get too far away.

She knew it when he came, from his sounds and the sudden seizure of her hips with both strong hands so that the male side of the species made certain that every drop of his seed was passed to the female. He held her a little rigidly and thrust in small strokes again and again, perhaps eight or ten little thrusts held for a moment at the end and Kate knew somehow that she ought to show him a little of her gratitude then so she'd mewled a little to him each time to let him know.

She'd just had an orgasm not long before, but that was alright to her. They stayed like that until he slipped out of her and then Kate eased herself down onto her front and Jürgen proved to her again just how different he was when he carefully and slowly laid down on top of her, taking care not to put much of his weight on his female.

"Thank you," she heard the hoarse whisper as it came to her over her shoulder and Kate smiled.

"Thank you, Jürgen, darling. I hope that I've been good for you, because if I have my way, I think that I'll be wanting a lot of that from you -- that is, ..."

"Shh," he hissed, "I heard what you said, Kate. I want that too and I am willing to try very hard to make it so that we might, go on from this, ..."

He stretched to bring his face a little closer to hers without having to stretch too far, but it didn't work, so he moved a little and eased his hips and his genitals onto her ass and leaned down on those arms and hands of his as he hung his head down and nuzzled against her ear and cheek a little.


Kate blinked for a moment. "That's not the same as 'darling', is it Jürgen? I mean, it's something like that, but -- "

He chuckled softly and nuzzled her ear a little more, just shy of the point where she'd have to flinch as she saw him in the dresser mirror, a huge man who now looked down at the large and statuesque girl he'd just mated.

"It is much the same thing," she heard him say softly, "but I tried to put something more into it."

Kate rolled the front half of her over to face him, though the rest only made the trip partially. She looked up and Jürgen was smiling softly.

"Well, I could think of no other words which you might have ever heard and understood. All that I have ever heard Englanders say about my language is that it is so ... guttural, when their own carries the very same root and origins. We laugh about it all the time."

"Lieb-ling?" she asked.

"You will need practice to get the sound, my love, but you almost have it," he smiled even more, clearly delighted that she was beginning to understand, " 'Liebe' means 'love' and the rest is a form to pass the emotion on to one person from another who one loves.

Kate," he whispered into her ear so very softly, "I have never seen a woman more beautiful than you. In my life, I have never known anyone even close to you. The most magnificent woman in the world, and she speaks to me of herself as though we are horses.

I understand all of the reference and it is just as erotic to me when I think of you, but we are past that now for a little while and still I am here with you. And you wish now to struggle over German?"

She spun farther under him and grabbed what she could to pull him down, "I don't bloody care, Jürgen, my fine and mighty lover, I'll work on it later, if you don't mind. Just hug me and I'll be fine."

"We are not horses now?" he asked with that same soft and mirthful soft smile.

She shook her head, "No. We're two people who fit together really, really well, though one of us tries to help the other one to speak a little better."

He kissed her very softly again and then he reached out his arm to stretch for a moment before he brought it back and held her with it as well, "I have never looked down on anyone who has trouble speaking. I suppose that I can learn to be more patient with you, Kate."

He thrilled to hear her peal of laughter and he thrilled even more to feel her wrap herself around him in her joy.


The morning was hot.

Stupid-hot, Kate thought as she made a pot of coffee and stepped outside in her coveralls. She went right back inside.

Far too stupid-hot to be wearing coveralls.

She put on her bikini and then the coveralls, leaving them unzipped and the sleeves tied around her waist. It did feel a little better.

She came back out a minute later with a pair of full mugs to find Jürgen sitting in a bit of shade with the notebook on his thigh as he worked to familiarize himself with it and the mapping software. He looked up and Kate almost swore for the way that a little of the coffee had slopped over her fingers.

She did manage a smile, though.

She couldn't have helped it to save her life. He was sitting with his coveralls unzipped and the sleeves tied around his waist.

She held out the mug for him, "It's not bloody fair," she glowered a little, "I can't do that without some sort of top on like this."

He nodded and thanked her for the coffee, "Well, you could, but not while we are on the clock. As it is, I don't think that I can even make a comment, Kate, other than to agree with you."

He looked off into the distance, "If it weren't for that, I think that I would make a fool of myself."

Kate tilted her head, wondering where he was going with this, "How do you mean?"

He didn't look back at her for a moment. He just sipped his coffee and then after a second, he just said, "I think that I would look ridiculous begging like that, don't you?"

Kate was back to being herself right then and she laughed.

"What is on the schedule for today, Chief?" he asked.

"More driving today," she said. "First, we've got to go for a little petrol and then, it's off to the uncharted wilds with us to find a few circle routes. I hope that you had a shower this morning. It's bound to get hot shut up inside Fanny all day in this heat."

He nodded, "Ja,"

He got up to go inside his cottage and emerged with his sidearm and his G3 and a few magazines. She looked over at him as he emerged after stowing them inside.

"We are security," he said, "this vehicle is not armed yet, but the job is still there, I think. When you call us in, tell them that we are training so that we get no calls. I think that would be best,"

He looked at her, "Or?"

Kate nodded. She had no argument to make.

She did look at him and stare when she noticed the towels that he'd draped over the seats in consideration of the heat.

He shrugged with a smirk, "I have looked through the manuals that you gave me. I saw nothing which related to a drain to allow sweat to run out."

They drove off to get fuel down at the company fuel station and then, after a quick call-in to the security gatehouse, they were off with Jürgen driving. Long before they reached one of the beaches, they saw a pair of joggers trotting through the already palpably thick air.

"I'm not all that enthusiastic to want to run in this, but I suppose that I ought to get back into running while I'm here," she said, "Would you know of any good, um, safe places to run, Jürgen?"

She watched his head turn a little as he looked out of the open driver's hatch, "By 'safe' I think that you mean a little private as well?"

Kate chuckled, "I might at that. Anyway, I think you know the plantation property pretty well, so if you wouldn't mind cutting me a little slack while I get back into it, I think that I'd love to run with you."

He agreed and they kept on until they were in what to her was largely uncharted territory and she noticed the way that he was a little careful as he drove them along through it, never revving the engine and keeping things at a slow plod. She told him where to stop for their lunch break and she opened her little cooler to share the sandwiches that she'd made for them.

He looked back at her and his mouth opened in surprise to see Kate sitting there with her coveralls open and down around her ankles. Her top was off and her bikini was undone. As he looked with a smile, she pushed the front part away to expose her closely-trimmed red bush to him as she settled herself with a sigh.

"Do you want to rub it a little, Jürgen?"

By their own admissions to each other later, neither one had thought that it was even possible to fuck inside a Ferret. It had taken a long time for them to get situated, and most of all, it had taken a great deal of sweat in that hot metal shell which cooled only slowly, parked in the shade as it was.