Good Morning Good Morning

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Her morning brought some surprises...
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Dedicated to Harddaysknight—he'll probably get it, even if no one else does.


Ellen rolled over, feeling the morning sunlight on her face even though her eyes stayed closed. She snuggled up closer behind Dave, enjoying his warmth. She'd drunk quite a lot the night before—her mouth was as dry as Death Valley, and she needed to pee something fierce. But she didn't want to get up.

She slid her hand down Dave's back, and around his hip to his limp, sticky dick. Part of her wanted more, even as she felt the soreness in her pussy. God, what a night! They must have done it for two hours or more.

Finally, unwillingly, she opened her eyes and sat up, responding to the pressure in her bladder. Before she could even focus on the man in the armchair across the room, she heard his voice.

"Good morning good morning!" said Dave cheerfully. It was his own special morning greeting—he'd been doing it ever since they began living together, in their second year of college.

Startled, Ellen shook her head and blinked rapidly, trying to understand how Dave could be in two places at once. He smiled back at her from the armchair—and Ellen gasped.

She reached back frantically, poking at the sleeping body next to her. Too late, she now remembered it hadn't been her husband she'd spent the night so vigorously fucking.

"Mike," she hissed, "get up! It's Dave, he's back!"

Mike snorted sleepily—then, a moment later, started awake as though hit by a cattle prod. Whirling around, he stared fearfully into Dave's smiling face.

"Mike, hey," Dave said calmly. "Have a good night? Ellen's quite a lay, isn't she? Just like the Energizer Bunny, she keeps going and going.

"Boy, you guys look like you're half asleep. What, were you up half the night?"

Ellen clutched the bedspread around her. "Dave," she said cautiously, "you... I... thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow evening."

"That's sort of what I figured, honey." He laughed. "Hell, you wouldn't have had this fuckhead stay the night if you knew I was coming home today. Usually you're really careful about that, right?

"But as it happens, that job in Cincinnati took a lot less time than we figured. And here I am!" he said brightly.

"So, Mike," Dave continued, "haven't seen you in a while. How's your son Andy—is that software job still going well for him?"

Mike made no reply, instead watching Dave intently while trying to grab his boxers from the floor near the bed and slip into them. Ellen was still too stunned to speak.

Watching Mike, Dave laughed and said, "no sense in trying to get out of here now, Mike—you're pretty much a dead man and there's nothing you can do."

He pulled out his cell phone and pressed a button; then, after a minute, said, "hi Barbara. Yeah, it's just what I said. Uh-huh, why don't you come in—the front door's open."

For about twenty seconds Dave continued to sit smiling in his chair, while Ellen regarded him in horror and Mike wildly scrabbled for his pants.

When Barbara rushed into the room she went straight for Mike. "MotherFUCKER!" she cried, whaling at him viciously with a large handbag. He ducked and raised his arms, but she got in six or eight good shots that left his arms and forehead bleeding before she backed off.

"Don't bother even coming home, you piece of shit!" she yelled. "My brothers will drop your crap off at your parents' house this weekend—until then you can go on wearing what you wore to come over here and fuck your whore. Maybe you can borrow her thong panties if you need a change of underwear."

She turned to Dave, her angry expression softening, and said, "thanks again Dave—and I'm so sorry."

"Not your fault, Barb," he replied. She kissed his cheek and headed back down the stairs.

Mike hung his head, tears appearing in his eyes. "Christ, what on earth am I gonna do now?" he mumbled.

Ellen grabbed her robe and dashed to the bathroom while avoiding Dave's eyes. She yanked the door shut behind her, and in a moment the sounds of the shower could be heard.

"Well Mike, I guess you should probably get dressed, get the fuck out of here and get to work. Though I suppose you don't really want to—you're not feeling so cheerful, I'll bet. But it's going to be worse tonight, when you head back to your place and then realize it's not yours anymore. No way Barbara's going to let you back in.

"Maybe you should go to the theater—who knows, maybe Barbara will turn up too?" Dave laughed. "Yeah, well, maybe not. She'll probably be packing up all your shit into boxes instead. Guess it's really gonna be you all by your lonesome, eh? Hope you don't have to sleep in the street!"

Mike didn't even attempt a reply. Head down, he gathered up his clothes and left the room.


When Ellen emerged from the shower, in a robe with a towel around her wet hair, the bedroom was empty. She crept downstairs and came timidly into the kitchen, finding Dave at the table with a cup of coffee and a plate of eggs and toast in front of him. He'd put out a cup of coffee for her as well.

She sat down and gazed at him mournfully. "Dave, I... I'm so terribly—"

"It's O.K., Ellen, really. What a day, huh?" Dave laughed cheerfully.

Baffled, she shook her head a little. "No Dave, I am ... I am SO sorry, so ashamed that you ... found us like that."

Silence. When she couldn't bear it any longer, she said in a tiny voice, "what ... are you going to do?"

He laughed. "Me? Nothing, El—it's certainly not up to ME to do anything. How about you? What are you going to do to fix this? Got any great ideas?"

"No, but—I mean, can I try to explain? I mean there's ... I didn't ... I know this is terrible, but—" She paused, shuddering a little. She sipped her coffee.

"But it was the first time, I swear. You were away, and I was out shopping, and I ran into Mike in town and we had some tea, and then..."

"Stop!" Dave shouted it, his hand raised, all cheerfulness suddenly gone.

And then, more quietly, "just don't, all right El? Spare me the bullshit. I've known about you and that scumbag for more than six weeks."

She gasped, but said nothing.

"There was a beautiful day, back in early May. I was feeling just great and I suddenly couldn't stand being in the office, so I took off and strolled around for an hour. I was on the path that goes by the old Doubleday High School, and there were the two of you, on a blanket in that little clearing in the woods. You were sucking his dick, and he was holding your head and grunting, 'oh baby, you're the best!' "

Dave grimaced and pulled out his phone. "Want to see the pictures?"

Ellen just shook her head, staring at the table.

"I don't know why I was even surprised, you know? It's not even anything new, anything different. That's the exact same damn place I caught you with Mr. Henderson the gym teacher, damn it, back before we got engaged.

"You remember? You gave me that shit about how he was just teaching you to do 'summersets'? Except your skirt was off and your tits were hanging out of your shirt, and there was cum on your leg?"

Suddenly Dave slammed the table with one hand, making her jump. "You couldn't even find a different place to fuck around on me?"

He got up and started pacing, holding his cup. "I can tell you one thing. That was the first day, the very first day in six years I stopped feeling stupid about that pre-nup my dad insisted on. Boy, he saw through you far better than I ever did."

"And now—" Dave's smile returned, though his eyes were narrowed. "Now everything's going to be fine, I think. I'll be out of here in a few hours with my stuff and the place'll be yours. Hope you can handle the mortgage and the utilities alone, El. I'm moving into a beautiful little condo downtown, right near work, where everyone you see has lots of energy, there's a lot going on, you have a chance to meet new people."

Pulling out his phone, he again pressed a button and waited a minute.

"Hey Rita, it's me. Yeah, all done. I'll see you in about half an hour... Yeah, save the parking space for me, thanks... thanks, and you're lovely. Bye!"

Ellen was weeping now, distraught. "Oh Dave, I ... I'm so sorry, I've been such an idiot! I don't know what to say to you."

"I don't know what you COULD say, El." Then he pulled on his coat and checked his pockets for his wallet and keys. Turning, he grabbed a big legal envelope off the top of the microwave and put it in front of her on the table. He leaned over, touching her cheek with his hand, almost tenderly.

"I've got nothing to say—but it's okay."

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26thNC26thNC11 days ago

Great writing. Tight little story, short and directly to the point. His easy going reaction didn’t make them feel any more at ease than if he had been furious.

AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Wonderful slice of life. Envy the maturity of the MC.

AmbulAmbul12 days ago

Very short and sweet. No agonizing here. I liked it.

Btrying2Btrying212 days ago

Harsh and to the point. Done. Move on. Like it. John

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