Green Eyed Monster

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Rose is a thorn in my side.
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I disliked the new girl immediately. She was dressed like a two-dollar hooker and had all the grace of a road accident.

"Rose." I pronounced her name slowly, letting the tone of my voice slide over her like an unfriendly hand. It had the desired effect. She flushed and looked down.

"You took that name because of your hair," I further accused.

Instantly she shook her head. The long red waves rustled softly against her creamy skin. "No, I was born so."

"Shut up. Get on your knees and address me properly."

Clumsily the girl plopped to her shins. "M, Mistress?" She looked up at me with her leaf-green eyes, hoping she'd gotten something right.

"Eyes down!" I stabbed a finger toward Hell.

A trace of a tear started to show beneath the excessive make-up. I sighed. I had been too hard on her.


My assistant shot into the room as if kicked from behind. "Yes, Mistress?"

"Get her cleaned up and take her to the robing room. Bring her back here on—" I consulted my calendar— "Tuesday at two o'clock. And teach her some manners!" I snapped.

Tasha led the snuffling newbie away. I simply could not understand how a novitiate this green had made it through the gates of this House. Disgusted, I went about my chores as chief administrator. But the new girl's beauty haunted me. I had trouble getting her out of my mind.

* * *

Rose was trouble from the start, trouble for me, anyway. Something about her eagerness to please bugged me. Even for a sub she seemed too docile, too willing to do as she was told. And she learned quickly. Tasha reported that Rose was possessed of an uncanny devotion. Whether the girl was polishing stair railings or sweating in dance class, she gave her complete attention to the task at hand.

This made me frown all the more. As CAO of the House, one of my primary duties was to see to it that no girl was presented to the Goddess until the novitiate could move, speak, behave properly in every way. Then, of course, the slave's real training would begin. It seemed that Rose would be ready to be presented very soon — too soon. I didn't like it, and I didn't like her.

Tuesday afternoon my hands were cramped from clenching my daybook too hard. The little bell rang, signifying that my appointment was ready.

"Bring her in."

My breath caught at the lovely creature that Tasha led into my office. Rose was gorgeous. She walked on all fours with the grace of a Lipizzan. The cut of her green blouse supported her breasts and held them out, as if they were hors d'oeuvres being offered up on a tray.

"Look at me," I commanded.

Rose obeyed, instantly shifting to a kneeling position, knees apart, hands behind her on the carpet. The green blouse made her eyes lambent as jewels. The girl's hair was loosely pulled back from her temples, framing her Hollywood face. Her expression was one of beatific servility as her breasts arced up and out.

My eyes traveled along the décolletage that walked the tightrope between demure and slutty. Below the shirt was the flat belly of a teenager. I had to work to keep my face impassive.

Rose's micro-mini hiked up her smooth thighs. In the shadows I thought I could just detect ...

"Take off your skirt," I ordered. Instantly Rose pulled the wrap aside. I was barely aware of the ripping sound of velcro, for this time I really did have to bite down hard.

Tasha had shaved the girl's pubic hair into a perfect red heart.

I couldn't stand it, I really couldn't stand it. "Excuse me," I said abruptly, and stood up from my desk. For the first time the novitiate lost her composure. Her face registered surprise, even though she hung onto her ability to keep silent.

"Hold that pose." I tried to keep my voice stern, but it cracked.

Tasha followed me into the hall.

"Mistress, what's wrong? Surely the Goddess will be pleased."

"I know. I know She will." I gulped back tears. The strength of my reaction made me angry with myself. I took a deep breath and got hold of myself. Tasha looked worried but I ignored her concern.

I turned toward my private study and flapped a hand in the direction of the office. "Take her away. Train her for two more weeks. Keep her out of my sight." I ducked into my sanctuary without looking back.

* * *

Two weeks slid by in the blink of a lash. I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that Rose would be so beautiful as to be almost ethereal. The Goddess would be pleased, all right. I was so jealous I could hardly see straight. Rose was probably being groomed to replace me. Sure, I was CAO. Under my guidance the House ran smoothly with nary an error. But what if Rose became number one in Her bed? What if I were kept on as no more than a glorified dray horse? I would just die. It would just kill me.

Yet where else in the city could I go? This House was my home, my life. I thought of the other Doms in the region. There weren't many. Master Tomlinson was cruel -- I couldn't survive living there. Mistress Bowen did not appeal to me in the least. I made a face, remembering how She dressed Her girls, like peasant milkmaids. Ugh. And I couldn't imagine living and working outside -- in a world that didn't understand --.

The little bell rang. I steeled myself for my duty.

* * *

Rose made not a sound as I led her into the Goddess' sunroom. She must have practiced her breathing. A sidelong glance told me she was moving. Otherwise I would have thought she was dead.

I didn't have to tell her to kneel in the center of the room. This was as it should be. Undoubtedly Tasha had taken Rose through the ritual hundreds of times. Sunlight lazed a golden tongue over the girl's midriff, glinted in a few strands of her flame-red hair. She looked fabulous.

I turned my back on the dazzling sight and took my own position, kneeling, two paces in front and two paces to the right of the novitiate. In my left hand I held Rose's leash. It was only for ceremony. Of course the girl wasn't going to go anywhere.

Except there, I thought bitterly. My eyes flicked involuntarily to the playroom door. My mind filled with images of the Goddess running Her fingers through the red heart between Rose's legs. Surely the Goddess would bend Rose over, command the girl to spread her legs and lift that micro-mini skirt. The Goddess would paddle that creamy ass to a shade of blushing pink, even red, while Rose struggled not to cum.

I was picturing the new girl's nipples hardening with lust when the Goddess swept in. Immediately I dropped my eyes, but not before I saw Her face light up at the sight of Rose.

* * *

That night was a terrible night. My mind ran wild, hellishly distorting my happy memories of time spent under Her Divine hands. In my imagination, it was Rose receiving the torture and delight, instead of me. I choked as I thought of what the two of them were doing. Rose would be the best submissive the Goddess ever had, and I would be out on my ear, or relegated to the status of a mere worker bee. I cried torrents of tears, biting my sobs into the pillow so no one would hear.

Time passed, and the Goddess didn't send for me. I lay alone in my bed. I didn't masturbate, not only because I didn't have permission, but because I had no interest. It was Her touch I longed for, not my own.

Eventually I grew resigned to my fate. I still did my job as accurately as ever, but had no sense of humour. I went through my days by rote. I stuffed back my sadness and anger. On occasion I would pass Rose in the hall. She carried the glow of a fulfilled woman. Her happiness made me sick.

It was especially hard to keep my composure during my weekly business meetings with the Goddess. I did it, though. I clamped back my emotions and concentrated on the affairs of the House. Once or twice I thought She gave me a thoughtful look, but She didn't ask, and I volunteered nothing.

Then one night, about six weeks later, She rang for me. I could hardly believe it! Frantically I raced through my toilette, combing perfuming and buffing myself. I made myself as polished as possible in the space of about fifteen seconds.

Outside Her door I paused, willing my heart to calmness, smoothing my breathing to a state of grace. Then I gave a timid tap on the wood.

"Come." Her voice caressed my ears.

Once inside I slid into a position of supplication. I had ached for this moment and feared it would never come. Yet here I was, back where I should be, yielding completely to Her every whim. My heart did a little dance of joy in my chest.

Ironically, I was almost unaware of being led into the playroom, so delirious was I to be back. The Goddess directed me to the horse. I lay perpendicular upon it, my face in the oval massage mask.

"You've been sending me mixed messages," She said, and my tears began before a single physical touch.

"Goddess." Tears choked my voice.

"In our weekly meetings you've been pretending that everything is okay, yet your demeanor is sullen and miserable. Is it not so?"

"Yes, Goddess."

Whack! A sharp blow landed on my naked backside. The rush of sensation exploded through my system. I was not quite able to stifle a groan.

"You lied to me!"

This time I really did cry, for the utter shame of it. "I — I didn't mean to, G—"


Emotions boiled through me, shame and arousal and pleasure and pain. I spread my legs just a little farther, as far as I could, hoping the next blow would land on my center. Please, Goddess, spank me!

But She made me wait. "You were jealous, isn't that right?"

"Yes!" I cried.

Then the rain descended. Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! She did not stop until my bottom resembled the Rose of whom I'd been so envious. The Goddess herself was breathing hard when She finally rolled me over.

"It will please you to know," She panted, "that Rose is gone."

"Gone?" I stared, blank and uncomprehending. "Why?"

Her lips curved in a smile. "My darling, Rose was a gift, from Master Tomlinson to Mistress Bowen. He knew He couldn't train the girl to serve a Goddess, so He sent her to be trained by Me."

I lay still, in shock. Then, "I'm sorry I ever doubted you!" I buried my face in Her neck and wept.

The Goddess cuddled me in Her arms. "Don't ever doubt Me again." She petted my hair. Then She pulled back a little and gave me a wolfish grin. "Or further punishment will have to be arranged."

Thanks to rgraham666 for consultation. Please vote! Thanks, L8.

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rgraham666rgraham666almost 17 years ago
Very nice

An interesting little look into a world not often seen.

The emotions of the central character were very well done.

Nice work.

HB1965HB1965almost 17 years ago
Good Story

Is there going to be more? It feels unfinished, but it sounds like it could be good.

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