Hipster Chicks Love Big Dicks


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But Eli would never get that chance.

The young man spent a couple nights in jail as things were being sorted out. He finally found a sympathetic ear, and when Eli explained to his own shame what had happened on the plane, he was finally able to get out of jail with only a few minor charges. He rushed home, hoping to finally locate his wife and talk to her. But when he stepped into his house, he found it half-empty. As he stepped slowly through the crumbled remnants of his past life, he noticed most of his wife's stuff was gone, as was the illicit contraband that had gotten Eli into this mess. The only signs of life he saw were the unkempt bed sheets, indicating that sex had happened here, and the wedding band sitting discarded on the kitchen table.

Eli's world had crumbled around him.

As time passed and he tried to rebuild, he never heard from Steph, at least not directly. He called her family, and he didn't know what interaction they had had with Steph but they were clearly very upset with Eli, either for his actions on the plane or the fact that he had let her fall under the sway of the handsome predator named Bill. They didn't know where Steph was at the moment and they didn't seem to be too interested in letting Eli know that information anyway.

Eli called Steph's friends and they were either clueless or deliberately cagey with him. Some of them knew what had happened, Eli surmised, but they had likely chosen Steph's side in the split. Eli didn't know how much of an interaction Steph had with any of them, but he knew there was at least some who had talked to her recently.

Eli never once saw her after he received the divorce papers, as everything was handled through lawyers. He had to come to the realization that Steph was gone from him now, and he would never get her back. He would never get to apologize. He would never get the chance to explain. He would never see her again.

Steph was in another world now, a world he would never get to see or understand.

This was the beginning of a bit of a downward spiral for young Eli. He had tried to rebuild himself enough to get in a few relationships, but they always seemed to crumble, for various reasons. For one, Eli was still very hung up on his now ex-wife. He dated girls that were very similar to Steph, and it always ended the same. Eli didn't know what cosmic force he had pissed off, but every single one of the girls he dated after Steph cheated on him. Every one.

They would be all nice and sweet and loving, and understatedly sexy. They would probably be considered hipsters, like Steph and Eli. All of them were caring and intelligent and thoughtful of major world issues, the farthest thing from vapid, sex-crazed airheads. But inevitably, after a few months with Eli, they changed. These facades disappeared and they would eventually cheat on the idealistic young man. They would be nice and loving at first, and then they would grow apart. And then she would step out on him.

He caught one of his girlfriend's in the act, catching her riding some young douchebag stock broker in their bed. Some punk with a smug smile and a huge cock, treating Eli's hot girlfriend like a sex object built to please his massive cock. She was so much like Steph, at least the pure, sweet Steph he once knew. But this douchebag's overwhelming cockiness and bravado, his deep pockets and his huge cock, that stuff was what ended up mattering to her in the end, not the love she got from Eli.

He caught another girlfriend in a bar, happily chatting up this young frat guy from the college. His eyes were glued on her chest whenever she looked away. Whenever he had the chance, he would be doing filthy air humping behind her, miming himself slapping her ass and motor-boating her huge tits, making his friends on the other side of the bar burst out laughing. He was so unbelievably rude, so disrespectful, and it was so obvious to Eli that his girlfriend would simply be another notch on the bedpost for this fucker if she fell for his seemingly transparent act. But for some reason, Eli's normally confident, mature girlfriend wasn't immediately repulsed by his juvenile act. It was almost as if she found his cocky demeanor weirdly charming. Eli initially wrote it off as her simply being amused by this douchey frat-bro's obvious attempts at seduction. Amused by his unsubtle innuendos and mistaken confidence. Eli knew his girlfriend well, well enough to know she would brush aside a douchebag like him with ease.

Or so he thought.

When Eli was at the bar, ordering drinks for him and his girl, he heard the frat guy chatting up his buddies. It was clear that he knew that she had a boyfriend, but that didn't matter to him. He claimed that he could tell she was desperate for a real man, that he was positive that he had her THIS close to swallowing the load of cum filling his balls. Eli knew his girlfriend well, and knew she wasn't that type of girl. Sure, she was super hot, and her breasts were just massive, but she was mature and nice, not the sex-crazed slut he seemed to think she was. Eli hadn't even brought up the idea of hooking up with her, knowing she was not the type of girl to jump into the bedroom that quickly.

But by the end of the night, it became clear that the frat guy seemed to understand her better than Eli did. Somehow, someway, she fell under his sway. Eli stepped away for a moment, just a moment, and in that small space of time, the frat guy acted. It was as if all he had to do was snap his fingers. By the time Eli returned, his girlfriend was straight-up gone, gone without any regard to Eli. And it was as Eli searched, panicked through the parking lot, that he discovered his girl and the frat guy having sex in the backseat of his flashy car. He saw his girlfriend of a few months doing things with this cocky fucker that she never gave to Eli. Eli saw through the steamy windows his girlfriend's hot naked body riding this arrogant frat-guy's huge dick, screaming in pleasure as she scrubbed her sweaty breasts over his smirking face.

It was clear that his girlfriend was not so nice and sweet after all.

But that wasn't all. She was far from the last girl to cheat on him. Eli accompanied his next girlfriend to a work function. It was there that his girlfriend met her new boss for the first time, an older man in his late fifties, and as soon as Eli met him he got total Bill vibes from him. Just a charming, dominant older man. Eli's girlfriend told him she didn't really like her new boss, but with his history, Eli still had his worries. So it wasn't really a surprise when Eli received an image text a few weeks later from her boss, which showed his girlfriend's lips spread wide around the older man's massive shaft, the lust in her eyes obvious.

Then there was the protest. Eli had been dating a girl who was as passionate about change as Steph was. And in that passion, both her and Eli had been arrested during a protest. The young cop who handcuffed them talked forcefully to them both, not being afraid to talk down to them, rendering both of them silent. And the way the thick meathead eyed up his girlfriend made his skin crawl. For the next few weeks, his girlfriend kept bringing up the asshole cop, talking about what a douchebag he was, calling him every name in the book.

And sure enough, at the next protest, the same cop was at work. Eli's girlfriend's passion was overflowing as she laid into him, talking about how she would not be silenced. In the fray, her and Eli got separated. A few minutes later, Eli found her, in the backseat of a cop car, riding the meathead cop's fat cock, throwing away all her beliefs, translating all that passion into pleasuring him and him alone.

Eli thought some dark thoughts at this point, wondering if all women were just cheating sluts. But then he realized that this was not the case. The truth was far more concerning for him especially. The truth was that there was something off about Eli, something in him that made every girl who dated him eventually come to the realization that they wanted to cheat on him. Not only cheat on him, but cheat on him with the worst type of guys, guys opposite to Eli, douchebag bros, bullies or older men, men who cared only of themselves. Women dated Eli, and eventually realized that Eli was the last type of guy they wanted to be with.

So Eli pushed women away. He couldn't let himself be hurt again. He was sad and alone. He had lost the will to go out and campaign against those who were in power, those who were corrupt. He had seen what they could do, and that had put him in his place.

The government had broken down poor Eli. He would never deny their power again.


Needless to say, things were going a bit better for Steph.

As she left that plane, she was under Bill's influence. She was in his thrall completely, and followed him without question.

He took her home that first night, and seeing the lavish lifestyle he lived in, the rich, expensive décor that filled his large house, any doubts were erased. This was the type of guy a girl dreams about. This was a guy who shows you a whole new world.

She was so right.

They had so much sex that first night. They barely slept. And waking up in the morning, her hot body resting under his smooth, expensive bedsheets, she felt completely content. She had made the right decision.

Bill was truly a master. He showed her levels of sex, depths of pleasure, that she hadn't known possible. And in exchange, she let him do whatever he wanted to her. She had rough sex with him in her and Eli's bed when they were moving her stuff out. And when they were done, when they lounged in her marital bed, smoking Eli's weed, coming down from the amazing sex they just had... Steph knew she made the right choice. They had left the house a mess for her husband to find. Bill had truly stamped out his dominance, and Steph would be forever appreciative.

Bill was very happy with the work he had done with Steph. She was among the best pieces of ass he had ever had, to the point where she happily began to work with him as his assistant. After fighting the government for so long, she had finally given in and joined them. She traveled with Bill, helping him in every way possible, which usually involved helping him drain his nuts before, during, and after work hours. He had warped the young wife's mind to where she happily did as he asked. She even voted the way he wanted, ensuring that all of the legislation Bill wanted to pass did.

Gone were the hipster clothes, in their place, the outfit of a young and sexy professional. At least at work. When in private, the young woman enjoyed wearing the absolute filthiest outfits imaginable. Not only did she enjoy it, she reveled in it. She loved pleasing her Daddy. She would happily wear a maid outfit when they were at home, or a sexy schoolgirl uniform. She would wear filthy skirts and tight tops when going out in public. She would wear the tiniest string bikinis when at his backyard pool. The only remnant of her past were those hipster glasses, a pair Eli had purchased for her. Bill loved covering them with his cum.

She eagerly offered up her body to the older man at every opportunity. And in exchange for the pleasure he gave her, she offered up anything. She even brought in her friends. At first, they were skeptical, but once Steph showed them the pictures on her phone, pictures of her and Bill going at it, pictures of the amazing things Bill had done to her, the battle was pretty much over. Whereas before, she had been disgusted to have a single dick pic of the cocky older man on her phone, now her phone was a fucking shrine to the magnificent, charming seducer. These pictures that Steph had taken for personal use, a record of her new life, a chance for her to look back with lust at all the filth she had taken part of with Bill, but she also knew she could use them as a weapon. And she had used them to lure her hot friends into Bill's vortex. And thanks to her newly found cunning and charm, she watched as Bill corrupted her formerly nice, loving friends into his cock-loving sluts like herself. Steph knew what type of guy Bill was. He wasn't looking for love or companionship or babies. He was looking for sex. So she didn't get in the way when Bill had his eyes on another woman. She didn't get jealous. No, her Daddy was her world, and making him happy was all that mattered. Steph was happy to help Bill conquer other woman, helping in any way she could.

He helped lure in one of his work rival's sexy young wife, an idealistic younger guy who was sniffing around Bill's business. A picture of his hot wife swallowing Bill's cock ended up on his desk, and his stuff was gone a day later.

Some of his targets would be sudden, like the time they met a nice, sweet young church going couple at a high end bar. Steph distracted the husband while Bill worked his magic on the wife. He banged her in the bathroom while the husband was distracted, like a dolt.

One of the most fun one was this one younger woman who lived in Bill's neighborhood. She was a college student, hot young blonde with big tits and a resting bitch face, and she would often run through the neighborhood to stay in shape. Whenever she saw Bill, she would give him a snotty look, having seen the steady flow of women going in and out of his house. Bill surmised this bitch would take to his cock like her life depended on it, and thanks to Steph helping to lure the young woman in, Bill was proven very, very right. But that was another story...

Steph was a good bitch. She was aggressive, she was sexy, and she even went out of her way to help aid Bill, doing things Bill didn't know about, all to make him happy. She was very good. Steph the sweet young wife had become a cunning, sexy, evil seductress, using her body as the weapon it was, using it to get what she wanted, using it in whatever way she could to make her Daddy happy. And she made her Daddy very happy.

With many of the women Bill banged, he was happy to treat them like property, using them to seal some business deals or help his friends get some pussy. But Steph was something special. That's not to say he didn't use her in that way, but he only did under special cases. She allowed this powerful representative from some weapons developer spend the night with Steph, in exchange for a very lucrative contract. Bill had even double-teamed Steph with another man, a dignitary from Germany, but other than that, he deemed Steph's hot ass too good of a value to just give away lightly

So, while young Eli wallowed in squalor, Bill was sitting on a beach, his body taking in the sun, as he sent a critical text to a key ally. Steph soon approached, a beer bottle in hand, wearing the tiny red, white and blue thong bikini she had bought for him. She handed the bottle to Bill, acting like his waitress, but she didn't hate it. She curled up next to him, pressing her hot body to his.

"Fuck me, Daddy," she whispered, sucking on his neck. "I'm so fucking horny."

"Well..." Bill began, stashing his phone. "Put your mouth to work and see if you can convince me," he said, smiling smugly. Chewing her lower lip, she lowered his board shorts, scooped out his cock, and swallowed his cock up to the balls. Bill leaned back, enjoying the pleasure.

Sitting on a beach. Sipping a beer. Having his cock sucked by a young hotty with huge tits. And as he looked down the private beach, he saw another young woman, a Latina girl watching them, having stumbled upon the two. The Latina girl's eyes were wide, her tits were huge, and she had a wedding ring on her finger. Bill's cock stiffened. He had a new target.

For Bill Savage, life didn't get much better than this.


Author's Note: I hope you all enjoyed me veering off from my usual fare ever so slightly. I might dabble in cheating wife fare from time to time, but cheating husband stories are still my bread and butter, so don't worry about me leaving that genre behind anytime soon. Thanks for reading.

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PlumbrPlumbrabout 20 hours ago

Great story. This one needs a series. And DD is much more believable than some of the other women in your stories. ;P

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

As ridiculous as the plot is, it is by far the most well-written corruption sequence I have ever read. I would happily read more stories about the conquests of Bill Savage, especially a slower one.

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFire3 months ago

@anonymous only 17.75 men in the world have a dick bigger than ten inches? Have you never heard of porn?

OnethirdOnethird7 months ago

What? This was fiction? I thought I had come across a documentary about airline travel, and I got the urge to book a flight somewhere.

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