Home by the Sea

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Two cold-blooded burglars find the perfect mark.
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This story is erotic horror, set in a fantasy world of magic and monsters.

While this story takes place in the same world as all my other tales, it is completely disconnected from the characters and areas in those stories.

In fact, I'm not even sure where in the world this location is just yet, other than by the sea in a sub tropical zone similar to Southern Florida in climate.

Likewise, the timing in relation to all my other stories is unknown and largely irrelevant unless I decide to incorporate the elements of this story into something again later.

Because the story is set in my world, it does occasionally make use of "modern" measures. This is a product of my world, in which these are the common measures of the times. I hope it doesn't detract too much from the story for the readers. My world is just long established, and it refuses to change its stripes.

This story was borne of pure inspiration at work. I was contemplating the storyline for another erotic horror tale that I'm converting from an older story I wrote, and this suddenly came to me and demanded to be written.

The characters are extremely foul-mouthed, and they are meant to be. The courser language of the narrative than I usually use is likewise intentional.

I'm sure some will recognize the root of the inspiration fairly quickly. This is my first venture outside of Sci-Fi/Fantasy on Lit, and I hope it meets with approval from a different audience.

Thanks to DanielleKitten for taking the time to read this over before I put it out to public scrutiny, 'twas most appreciated and helpful. This is a newly edited version of the tale, cleaning up my older work now that I'm working with Roust Writer as my tireless editor.


Two figures, dark cloaked and masked, diligently scanned their surroundings as they guided a boat toward the sandy strip of beach ahead. The tang of the sea hung heavily around them in the humid air, leaving the approaching boat shrouded in mists.

The sea was calm and glassy in the faint light of the crescent moon, only the surge of the waves against the shore and the faint sloshes of water against the bow of the boat breaking the silence.

The keel of the boat barely scrunched into the sand when the figure in the front of the boat, the leaner of the two, swung over the edge and leapt to dry land. The person moved with a quick, silent efficiency to pull the stern closer to the beach, allowing the other cloaked passenger to disembark without stepping into the water.

Both figures then pulled the boat through the sand toward the hill rising above the beach, aiming for a tangle of driftwood and assorted flotsam pushed up against the hill by the relentless and frequent storms that pounded the region.

Upon reaching the tangle, the lean figure pulled away a section of nailed boards, which likely came from a boat wreck, revealing a carefully excavated hollow in both the tangle and the hill. The void was conveniently of a perfect size to house the boat that the pair now pushed inside.

After concealing the boat in the hollow, the stockiest of the pair replaced the boards while the leaner took up a branch and moved back along the path gouged in the sand by the keel of the boat and the feet of those dragging it.

The one figure moved up the hill, leaving the sand and loose dirt behind in favor of the grass-covered rise, while the other expertly erased all evidence of both boat and passengers from the sand.

Their tracks covered, both now lay at the crest of the hill, watching and listening for any evidence that they had been observed. With patience born from years of practice, both lay silent and motionless for a quarter of an hour, until they were sure the way was clear and they were unobserved.

Their eyes roved over the building, an old design that looked more like a fortress than a manor home. Constructed entirely of stone, it was flat roofed and sported gargoyles on each corner of both floors.

No word or signal passed between them, but they rose to a crouch simultaneously to creep amidst the swirling fog toward their objective. They moved directly toward the corner of the manor, knowing that the blind spot created by a lack of windows with a direct view of their approach would help mask their movement toward the structure, should anyone glance outside.

Once again, they crouched in silence upon reaching the stone wall of the building, waiting for sounds of alarm or movement.

The leaner of the two knelt to remove a pair of dark boots, before climbing the wall. The stones were closely fit, and well mortared, but it proved to be little obstacle to the climber. The figure ascended quickly, as if able to stick to the wall like a spider. Reaching a landing upon the roof where the second story sat back from the first, the climber stopped. Once more, they waited.

A rope dropped to the climber's cloaked partner, who shinnied up the wall and then pulled the rope up after. The pair carefully crept along the roof toward a nearby window, listening for any sounds before moving to peer inside.

Seeing nothing, the more muscular of the two stepped aside while the other worked a tool through the crack between the windowpanes and disengaged the latch holding the portal closed. Once the tool was secreted back inside its owner's dark cloak, both figures climbed in through the window and stepped into the floor of the hallway. Each checked to the left and to right.

They carefully picked up the tiny slivers of wood that dislodged during the break-in, closing and re-latching the window. The evidence of their entry now concealed, they began stealthily exploring the manor house.

Every door they passed was wide open, the rooms curiously windowless. The numerous windows of the manor only opened into hallways and sitting rooms on the seaward corners of the each floor. Every room was dark, revealing no evidence of anyone within.

Upon reaching the entrance foyer of the place, Victor Kaoten pulled back the cowl of his cloak and whipped off his mask, stuffing it into a pocket of the cloak. He scratched at his cheek where the mask had irritated five days worth of unshaven beard, and then ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. "Not a fucking soul."

His partner, Catherine Vata pulled off her mask as well. The face that the action revealed belied her nature. She had a face you could trust, seemingly innocent, naive – and beautiful by any standard. Only a spark of mischief in her emerald eyes betrayed the truth of her. "Something doesn't feel quite right."

Victor shrugged his broad shoulders. "Just makes things easier. We don't have to tie up anybody while we take what we want."

Catherine pulled her long, blonde ponytail out of her cloak, letting it fall to swing at her waist. "Vic, we've been watching this damn place for three weeks. Nobody has come in or left the whole time, until the freaks left this morning. There's no way those two could keep up with this place. We should have had to knock out or kill a half a dozen people who keep up this place."

He furrowed his brow. "Forget it, Cat. You're just upset you didn't get to earn another bloody tear for your tattoo. They're fucking freaks. They probably spend all their lives cleaning up the place and do nothing else. Let's just pick the place clean and get out of here."

He walked over to toward the door, avoiding passing directly in front of the windows, and picked up a candelabra near the front door. Walking toward a beam of moonlight, he examined it. "This is pure silver – I'd bet my left nut on it. This is going to be a good haul."

He pulled a large sack from his concealing cloak and stuffed the candelabra in, "Let's split up and start checking all the rooms. We'll save that one with the double doors near where we came in for last. Looks like the Master Bedroom, and there's a good chance the crazy bitch's jewelry is there. Small, light, and valuable. We want to get as much shit out of here in as little space as possible."

Catherine nodded, pulling out a lantern as Victor did the same. The burglar's lanterns would let them shutter or direct the light emitted wherever they wished, helping to avoid detection as they rifled the dwelling for valuables.


Every room seemed rife with treasure, and the two practiced thieves quickly filled their bags. Whenever they would find a smaller item of greater value, something large would come out of the bag and be deposited on the floor. Nevertheless, both bags were extremely heavy by the time the pair met at the door of the master bedroom.

Victor had a bright smile on his face, knowing he had a fortune in precious metal, jewels, ivory, and art in his sack, picked up and pried from everywhere in the house. He had no doubt that Cat's bag was the same. By his guess, they could live well off what they carried now for three or four years.

Catherine's smile was a reflection of his, as she understood the same. They would have no need to spend long nights of boredom out in the elements casing targets for quite some time.

"Now, the real prize – I hope. If we can stuff our pockets full of jewelry in here, we'll be set for a decade," Victor said, sitting his bag down in the hall.

Catherine did the same, and then blew out a long whistle of surprise as they opened the shutters on their lanterns and beheld the room. Everywhere there was the glint of silver and gold. It trimmed the dressing tables, chests of drawers, and even the bed.

In addition to the precious metals, the woodwork was of the highest quality. Each piece of furniture was a work of art, shaped to look like animal heads and plants, and every flat surface had scenes carved into it. Expensive carpets covered nearly the entire floor. Tapestries that incorporated gold and silver threads obscured the stone walls as the carpets did the floor.

The bed dominated the room – huge and canopied. It could have easily let four people lie upon it comfortably. The curtains and bedclothes were obviously of high quality, as was everything else in the room. The entire place was opulent, but this one room put all the rest to shame.

"Nice fucking bed," Victor declared with a snort.

Catherine walked up and pushed on the mattress. She then sat down her lantern on a bedside table and flopped onto the bed with a sigh. She sat back up and said, "Nice bed for fucking," licking her lips and twitching her eyebrows.

"We've got work to do, Cat," he argued, but didn't take his eyes off her. This was something that often came up whenever they felt they had plenty of time to pilfer a place. It excited them both – especially Catherine.

She pouted for a second, and then her crooked smile returned. She shrugged off her cloak, revealing a blouse and tight pants that clung to her every curve. The blouse was nearly transparent from the sweat that had dampened it, and her nipples pressed hard against the material. "There's nobody here. They were packed up like they'll be gone for a month. I want to fuck in their bed until the wet spot covers half of it and let them smell our sex every night. It's such a wonderful bed. It's a shame to waste it. Come fuck me, Vic. Fuck me and make me leak pussy juice all over."

Victor walked over and grabbed her by the ponytail, jerking her head to look up at him as he stood over her. "You are one sexy fucking bitch – you know that?" He growled in arousal and then ground his lips into hers.

As he pulled his lips from hers, still holding her in a tight grip, Cat said, "Stop talking and fuck me."

"What if somebody comes in? What are we going to do then?" Victor asked while staring down into her eyes.

"Tie them up. Kill them. I don't give a damn. Actually, I'd rather kill them. I just want that dick inside me. We haven't fucked in three days and I feel like I'm going to burst."

He shoved her to the bed and chuckled. "Just a little while ago, you were worried. Now nothing?"

"Are you going to fuck me, or stand there?"

He pulled off his cloak. "You'd better get that shit off, or I'll cut it off you."

Catherine quickly tore off her clothes, jerking off her blouse to make her firm breasts jiggle. She then peeled off her tight pants with her heart-shaped ass turned toward him. Facing away from him also revealed the aforementioned tattoo between her shoulder blades – an eye weeping bloody tears, which currently numbered twenty. She turned over and kicked away her pants, spreading her legs and running her finger over the short strip of hair above her sex.

Victor jerked down his pants, his thick cock already quite erect. He walked over to the bed, his rippling muscles glittering in the lantern light from the sheen of sweat coating his body, and pulled her up by her ponytail again. "We've got work to do first. I don't want to have to leave without getting the jewelry I know is here. But since you're such a teasing little bitch, you can suck my dick first. That won't take too long."

With that, he pulled her head toward his cock. She opened her mouth wide and sucked him into its warm embrace as soon as her lips touched it.

"That's it, suck that dick. I'll give you a nice hot squirt right down your throat, and then we'll load up everything here. Then I'll fuck that tight little cunt of yours."

Cat moaned around his cock as she sucked him, her cheeks concave and her head bobbing rapidly up and down on his shaft.

She reached back to touch her aching sex, but Victor used his free hand to roughly jerk hers away. "Not yet. Nothing for you until we've cleaned this place out, Cat."

Catherine groaned in protest around him, but made no further effort to touch her throbbing pussy.

Victor groaned and growled as she stroked his hard flesh with her hot mouth. Feeling the cum bubbling up in his balls, he gripped her ponytail tighter and fucked her mouth.

Catherine opened her mouth when the tip hit her throat on the first thrust, letting out a croaking cough as it threatened to gag her. His grip tightened, pulling painfully at the roots of her hair, and she quickly closed her lips around him once again.

He fucked her face mercilessly, forcing her to cough and fight off her gag reflex several times. His shaft was thickly coated in her saliva, which strung out into tendrils from her lips every time he pulled his cock back to thrust again.

He loosed a loud, gasping growl and shoved his cock hard into her mouth, the tip going into her throat. His balls tightened and in hard spurts, he spewed his seed directly down her throat.

Catherine gagged, and then coughed the first spurt out of her throat and back into her mouth. She managed to pull back far enough to keep his cock from choking her, and continued to suck his throbbing member as he filled her mouth with cream. She swallowed it greedily until he ceased to squirt, and then let him slide slowly from her mouth.

She leaned back with amusement in her eyes and her mouth wide open. Sticky threads of his semen and her saliva trailed from his twitching prick to her mouth, breaking to dangle from his cock or fall against her body. She licked her lips as he gasped and a final drop of cum welled up from the slit of his prick. She darted forward and licked it off, prompting him to growl and then to hurl her roughly to the bed.

He gathered up his pants and pulled them on, gasping again as the cloth slid over his still twitching cock. Catherine rose from the bed and moved toward a dressing table with a large mirror, the obvious place for a lady to leave things of value. Victor likewise began rifling a chest of drawers nearby.

Catherine made a constant show of bending over to check the lower drawers, displaying her ass and soaked pussy to him with good effect. He looked every time she did so, once taking a moment to step over and smack her hard on the ass, leaving an obvious handprint.

A nice pile of jewelry and ivory toiletry items rested upon the bed when the pair finished digging through every nook and cranny. Victor had even found a bag of gold coins hidden in a false bottom of one drawer, and the bag was just large enough to contain the entire haul from the room.

Victor hefted the bag and smiled. What was inside was probably worth twice what they had already found – perhaps more. He was no expert in gems, and they might be more valuable than he guessed. Thoughts of gorging himself in some fine inn on steak and ale set off a rumbling in his stomach.

"There's a bunch of stuff down in the kitchen – meat and apples and shit. Bring us up something to eat. You know, I think we should load up some of that junk we've tossed aside and wrap it up in sheets and take it too. We can probably live the good life forever off this place."

"I want you, Victor. My pussy feels like it's on fire," she argued, pressing her naked body up against him and stroking his cock through his pants.

He pushed her away. "And I'm starving. We eat, then we'll get all this shit together and get it down to the boat. We'll crash out here until nightfall, and then head out. It'll take too fucking long to get all the shit down to the boat and be too close to sunup by the time we're done."

"I just finished bleeding yesterday. I want your cum up in me," Catherine teased, rubbing her fingers over her nether lips and parting them to let him see the wetness gathered inside her.

He let out an excited growl. "We do it quick, then. Then I'll fill that twat full of cum and leave their bed smelling like your pussy. Go get us something to eat."

Catherine half-scowled and half-pouted, but picked up her cloak and pulled it on, going to do as Victor had instructed.


As they pushed the concealing planks back into place over their boat, Victor's prediction proved true. The time was indeed dangerously close to dawn. While the area around the manor was more or less deserted, out to sea they would pass areas frequented by fisherman, and they had no desire to be spotted in the vicinity.

The fog was beginning to dissipate, but a look at the clouds told the pair that the day would be overcast, and that it was likely to storm. Victor hoped it wouldn't be much of a storm, because the boat was loaded to capacity and they would have to be careful to avoid capsizing it even on moderate seas.

Creeping back into the manor, the larcenous pair stopped at the kitchen to take more food. Victor was pleased to find three bottles of wine and a bottle of brandy. The brandy and one bottle of wine rested in the crook of Victor's arm as the pair returned to the master bedroom, where they planned to sleep for the day. The room was large enough to offer plenty of room to fight – if it came to that – had two exits that were both double doors opening inward, which could be easily blocked. The room provided the best defensive location in the place with quick escape routes.

They sat down to eat, dousing the lanterns when the rising sun offered enough light to see through the open door from the windows in the hall. Victor broke open the brandy and wine, and the two thieves drank enough to make them feel good, without impairing them.

Victor stared hard at Catherine, obviously becoming aroused. She made no move to acknowledge it, even though she was soaked and aching once again as well.

Victor heavily sat the brandy down on a dresser and stood up, pulling down his pants to reveal his hairy cock. "Now I'll fuck that pussy for you," he rumbled, shrugging off his shirt and walking toward where Catherine sat on the bed.

"What if I don't want you to any more?" Catherine replied, crinkling up her nose and snorting to punctuate the statement. The hunger in her eyes betrayed her real thoughts, however, and it was far from lost on Victor who knew this game all too well.