Hunted Ch. 02

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Vampiric lover hunts his beloved... again.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 10/23/2003
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Thank you for taking the time to read and vote/comment. Your feedback really helps! This story is somewhat of a continuation to 'Hunted'.

It wasn't as if he'd never hunted me before, but tonight had been different. I'd seen that hungry glint in his eyes only one other time, when cosmic energy seemed to flood through his entire being. His eyes became obscured with color, his body tighter, firmer, his movements more pronounced than I had ever seen. Yet tonight, tonight he was even wilder than then, filling me with a fear I'd rarely felt with him.

My pulse quickened when he grabbed me firmly, naming me his unwitting prey. His fingernail ran against the fabric of my shirt, sliding between the small valley of my breasts. He could hear my elevated heartbeat, knew I was frightened maybe just a little, and smiled cruelly as he used it to his advantage.

"My body is telling me to run," I whispered, stepping back slightly from his grasp.

"Run," he said in a sneer. "It makes the sport so much worthwhile." His laugh held nothing but derision and even then I turned, looking toward the door. Where else would I go to escape him? I wasn't sure I would even make it that far, but his words gave me haunting reassurance. "You'll make it," he whispered. "I'll let you make it. And then I'm going to find you."

My mind raced with overwhelming fear. There was little I could do but play his game. I ran out the door, leaving it wide behind me, fumbling with my car keys. I opened the door to my car, dropped the keys in my panic, and quickly found them. I drove fast and hard, not even sure where I was going, knowing that anything short of hurting him would be pointless.

Instinct told me to dump the car and to try to escape him in the woods. I knew he wasn't far behind me even as I slumped against a tree, trying to stay my stilted breath. I had no idea what the hell I was doing, running through a maze of trees and brush, feeling those long fingers reaching out to scrape against my skin as branches and twigs snapped against me.

"Little girl, don't hide so well," he teased, jumping down so close. I fell to my knees, pressing myself to the cold, wet ground, crawling soundlessly toward a fallen tree. "Aren't you even going to make this a challenge?"

He broke out into a laugh the moment I found myself at the edge of the clearing. "There is nothing I can do to escape you. We both know it," I screamed, throwing my hands into the air in frustration and fright.

Walking down the moonlit road, the heels of his boots clicking against the pavement; scanning the clearing and spoke once more. "There's a cabin waiting. Two miles up the road and through the Western trees; now run."

Huffing in the cold night air, my lungs began to burn once more. I hit my stride, kicking out the last mile before finding myself in front of the old log cabin, scrabbling with the doorknob, trying to find my entrance. Inside the darkened warmth I fell to my knees, begging my lungs to stop stinging, trying to listen for him above the sound of my pulse.

The first footsteps fell just above my head. The slow clacking sound as he paced the roof made me tremble with anticipation of his coming. The sound drew down the slope until I heard him drop to the porch. He turned the handle to the door, opening the lock from inside by some slight of magic, throwing it open and then closing it without even a backward glance.

His smile fell upon me; not exactly expressing he was happy to see me. It said danger, warning, flee. I stood quickly and stepped away from him until my back was flush with the farther wall. "Baby, there is no escaping you. You know that."

"No, there wouldn't be, would there?" he sneered once again. His eyes panned downward as the smile curled up one side of his lips. I shivered with fear against the wall, against the drapes of the window I was pressed so tightly beside.

He cocked his head, walking around an antique table, standing a few inches before me. "Are you frightened?"

The word seemed to slur on his lips, caught up in his devious smile. "I would be lying if I told you I wasn't. Yes," I whispered. "I'm frightened."

"Little fox, would I hurt you? I am a hunter of wolves." His hand stretched out, sliding pristinely sharpened nails over my skin. I shivered again with the sensation, two feelings warring inside of me. One said fly, the other bade me stay.

"No," I returned hushed. "No, not much. Nothing you couldn't heal." I knew it in my own heart that he wouldn't hurt me beyond simple pain, beyond pleasure pain. Part of me was growing into that feeling, the intensely erotic nature of his beast.

Those fingertips moved slowly over my lips. The tip of one brushed the inside of my mouth and I could hardly stop myself from taking it inside of me. I sucked it warm and wet, sliding it back into my throat as I closed my eyes. I could almost feel him smiling at me as he sighed, tainted with the sound of his smugness. "Yes, that's it," he hissed, pushing another finger into the heat. I swallowed them both back, pulling away only to slide forward once more.

"Perhaps you know how to tame this creature after all, my beautiful, clever girl. Then again," he trailed off, that glimmer returning to his eyes.

"I don't want to tame him. I want him to take... what he wants." I was still pressed to the wall, but I could barely deny the arousal that rose inside of me, taunting him with my desire. I opened my mouth again, rolling the tip of my tongue over the sharp nail, watching the expression that passed over his face.

"Do you now?" With preternatural speed his hand caught hold of mine just before it slipped into his hair, pulling it down roughly to his chest. My broken answer hardly finished with a sound, even though he knew it would be indicative of all that we could be there at that moment. His hands roughly pushed me down to my knees, bearing force against on my shoulders, bending me to his will. One hand rose, catching up my hair, holding it firmly as he me dragged on my knees towards the chair.

His fingers slid down my back, running up under the ridge of the sweater. "You have two choices," he spoke low. "Either remove these now or I'll rip them off of you. If you make me take them off for you, you'll be walking home unclothed." His wicked grin told me he meant it so I slowly unbuttoned the jeans, pushing them down my hips and then my thighs, grabbing the sweater to leave it with the jeans on the floor.

How many nights had I seen him undress for me? Yet watching him draw back, holding absolutely still at first while he surveyed my position, then calculatedly removing his own clothing, had me fairly shaking with want for him. It was utterly clear by the look in his eyes that he was hungry for lust and all the enjoyment I could offer him. I crawled to the place he sat, naked against the leather of an old chair, propped down upon the arm. His hand shamelessly ran the protruding muscle, so smooth and firm in his own grasp, causing him to groan. With warm and trembling lips I reached out to kiss the tip of his cock, feeling even then the first evidence of his silky wet pre-cum. My tongue extended, lapping up that drop, licking it around my lips.

Inside my mind his eager words rang clear. "Take me there, Jen..."

Opening my lips I slid them slowly over his head and down the shaft until my mouth sat against the base of his rigidity. The short curling hairs touched my chin and I drew back up him, taking him in my palm to repeat the action once more. My hot and even breath fell against him as I pulled his pulsing cock into the back of my throat, swallowing him deep before releasing him yet again.

"Oh God, baby, that's perfect," he groaned. "Suck me Jen. Be my little girl tonight, my eager, slutty little girl, and earn everything you want to taste so badly."

I could scarcely fight the arousal that he lit inside me. Smiling, charged by his heated words, I sucked his dick down, slurping against it at the base, twisting my mouth over him. Sucking and licking my tongue around his shaft, I pulled up, losing steady control of my actions while I moved over him moaning, knowing that when it came I would definitely show him the proof of my reward.

He grabbed me harder, pulling my hair roughly as he scraped my teeth along the vein. Pain, there it was again, this time his own.

The sultry view of my full red lips, pumping up and down his rock hard shaft drove him, thrusting his hips up into my mouth where he held me tight. His eyes closed and only then did I wonder if he was trying not to say the words his body almost achingly spoke for him. "Yes, suck me bitch. Take every inch of me until you choke on it." There are some things love just does not allow, although the force of his upward thrusts spoke volumes.

His cock twitched in my mouth, pulsating against my tongue, and my fingers slipped around his balls in all that hot saliva from my attentions. I swirled my tongue around him twice, felt him jump between my lips, and pulled off of him to look up at his parted mouth. No wicked crueler smile. No more composure. His face was slack with need and he balanced precariously on the arm of the chair, before looking into my eyes. "You are so fucking hot. I could swallow your cock all night baby," I fired back to him, returning to my task.

Growling low in his throat, he managed to ground out between clenched teeth, "Come on baby girl, and make me cum. I know you want it, want to taste it ... suck me hard and slow."

Sucking hard, but not slow, I groaned and tightened my hand below him, stroking his cock, sucking the tip of his shaft, pressing my fingers over the drawn muscles of his ass. My fingers slid slowly inside the taut ring, stretching him before pushing up and curling over the sensitive muscle within. "Do it baby. Feel good and let it all go. Tonight I'm your cum-hungry whore. Give me what I want."

Two more thrusts into his entrance and his body jerked to a halt, the sound of his breath coming faster until finally it broke in a shivering snarl. He bucked his hips up and down over my fingers and then taking his own cock into his hands led the spurt of his release against my tongue, watching it shoot up in thick roping strands against my face and over my chin. I gathered it all with my fingers, sucking the milk from the tip and showed it to him in the back of my throat before I swallowed it all.

He cried out once more, my mouth finding him to finish bringing him across the threshold, before he slipped back against the leather and faded into the chair. "Oh... my... God," he breathed, trying to regain some of his composure. "Thank you, Jennifer."

I smiled, dropping to my hands and knees and swallowed thickly once more. "Don't thank me," I laughed. "Just what the hell was that anyway? You scared the shit out of me."

"It's good for you to be frightened every once in a while," he said, falling to the floor, coming to my side.

I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him and hold him tight against me. "No," I whispered, pressing myself against his neck, breathing in his hidden scent. "I want to be here, like this... with you. I love you, more than the sun and the moon, the earth and the stars."

His cruelty hadn't had run its course though and he pulled from me to stand naked and unashamed, lighting a fire from dry wood in the hearth without even the barest effort.

I stood and began to dress. "Maybe I should go get the car."

"No, let me," he said, pulling on a few articles of clothing. "Do you want to stay here tonight or head back to the city?"

I couldn't help but smile. He really seemed as though company was the last thing on his mind. "You're sure you want me to stay? You really seem as though you'd rather be alone."

"Do I?" he challenged. "I'll go out later to hunt, but no, I definitely want you here with me. Now go on to bed and wait for me. Try to see if you can guess who else has been here before us. There's a bedroom downstairs that's drawn up nicely against the dawn."

"Ahh, and here I had wondered if this was someone's weekend cabin we'd just broken in to. It's good to know we're not committing any felonies here. And it's good to know this wasn't just a booty call," I laughed patting my pantied ass on the way down the stairs.

I found the room at the end of a narrow corridor. The bed was large, a king, four posters carved in mahogany. The room smelled like cedar, most likely from a large cedar chest that sat at the foot of the mammoth canopy. Three quilted spreads lay over the bed at different angles, completing the serene setting. The room felt as though it had been occupied just recently. I sat upon the bed, running a delicate hand over the double wedding-ring, hoping that we hadn't intruded upon another person spending the night in the cottage.

I started a fire here and walked back up the stairs to extinguish the one that had been started in the living room. When I came back, the room glowed with agrarian warmth. I slid under the quilts, lying back against the pillows and waited for the return of my king.

A sound in the room woke me with a start. "Shh," he calmed with outstretched hands, moving in the firelight. "It's just me. I'm sorry I was gone so long. I decided to hunt while I was out. We have to get you a new car baby doll. Something really nice for Christmas maybe?"

I smiled as I turned toward him, watching him undress again to slide in beside me. He was warm, possibly from the fire but mostly from the heat of someone's blood. I wrapped myself against him and pressed my naked body to his.

We both fell asleep, though it couldn't have been long after that that I felt him push against me. His sleepy voice filled my head, rousing me from deeper sleep. "It's too bad you're so tired baby. You could fuck me in this stranger's bed." His low laugh was audible and I knew what he was laughing at even before I opened my eyes. I had said those very words to him before he had left the car, before I had walked down the stairs to find our bedroom.

Yes, I thought as I rubbed my hands against his chest simply feeling his muscle below my fingertips. Lying side by side, I propelled him backward and slid my leg between his, kissing his mouth to stay his objection. Nothing prevented me then from seating myself atop of him, straddling his lap, while I opened my eyes to take in the sight of his body. Every inch of him was tone and perfect. Pure and unadulterated lust spread through his features as he looked down the length of his faultless abdomen where our bodies seemed to fit together.

His fingers spread up my stomach, both hands clasping my breasts, palming the weight of each before rolling my nipples between his thumb and forefinger. "Are you going to fuck me, Jen?" he whispered, groaning when my short soft netherhair touched his solid shaft.

"Yes," I murmured huskily, brushing my slick slit across him once again. His cock jolted beneath me, my hand catching it underneath, beginning to guide him slowly into the wet channel of my body so ready to accept him.

I slid him along the outside of the entryway, pushing the tip of him over my clit. I moaned in pleasure, filling the room with the sound, the crackling of the logs in the fireplace the only other counter to the silence. "Do it again. Do it until you cum. I want to see you cum, my Jenny-girl."

I rolled my hips back and forth, using his cock against my clit, circling and circling and sliding it up and down, teasing the muscles and folds until my thighs began to quiver. His erection only grew harder, his pre-cum mixing with my own moisture, until I came so hard that my body collapsed. He took his cock into his hand, forced it into me at the pinnacle of my climax and I came once more, trembling against his chest.

"That's my girl," he whispered, brushing back the hair from my drenched forehead, moving his hands to hold my ass. "Now ride me baby. Ride me, soft and easy, and don't stop until we both cum."

Arching my back, I took him to the hilt and caged him within my slick opening, clenching my muscles around him.

He groaned, his hands lifting me up from beneath, begging me for that smooth glide in and out of my body. I rose with my knees and slipped back down to engulf him, to flood him with my sweet warmth. He whimpered again, raising me to my knees to replicate it once more. My honey flowed around him, muscles milking him, coaxing it from him with the efforts of my desire. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I rode up and down, his thick prick drenched with my juices and as stiff as a rod, pounding in and out of me with each heightened thrust. I came again and again, coating him, grasping against him with my quivering slit, praying his name with every carnal release.

Finally his breath caught in his chest, held through the burst of pleasure that radiated through him, and he roared out my name as he pumped each heated gush inside me. "Fuck Jen, oh fuck! Take it my girl."

"Yes, baby, yes," I cried, leaning forward, sucking the lobe of his ear into my mouth before coming once more, whimpering my plea for relief there against him. He held me motionless, letting the quiet demand of our bodies reside before withdrawing from within me.

I sat there against him while he drew the covers up over my shoulders, pulling me along the length of his body to hold me close. He pressed warm lips to my forehead, kissing away the perspiration of our deeds.

Embers burned to ash as we both fell back to sleep, though I know I heard his last words unspoken in my mind. "I love you my girl. Forevermore."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Nice buildup

Very nice. Really enjoyed the description of the chase at the beginning.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
WOW!! What Passion!!!!!

Is there more?? What a rush!!!

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