Hypnotic Ch. 05


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"I didn't know anything beyond what I saw on that tape! I'd already told Dr. Pannar about Isiah's visit when he first called me three weeks ago. Do you think whoever they still have watching those people aren't reporting your movements? Both of yours?"

"He's right, Ahsran. I had no idea they'd found the new base, and I didn't catch anyone watching us. You know how difficult that must be for them to get surveillance." His fingers tapped on his thigh as he looked worriedly over at Ahsran.

"That doesn't change the fact that we don't have a lot of time before they expect us to be flying in. It doesn't give us much leeway to come up with a new plan." Ahsran dropped his towel by their suitcases, bending over and giving me an eyeful of his thick thighs and round ass as he grabbed clean clothes. I flushed in embarrassment and looked away quickly.

Isiah snickered. "Hey babe, put some clothes on. You're embarrassing my brother."

I felt my blush spread as my face heated up. I kicked Isiah, and he grunted. I kept my eyes down until Ahsran was dressed.

"Sorry." Ahsran sat down on the bed by Isiah, putting his hand on his leg, his claws going in and out as he stroked him. Isiah smiled and leaned into him. I looked up, taking in the sight of them so close together. My tongue flicked out, and I could almost taste how happy my twin was, like a flavor in the air.

"Carthera clans tend to be pretty casual about nudity," Ahsran explained. I knew that from my work with my patients, but it was different when it was my brother's mate.

"Not like men in the military are any better either. I was shocked the first week or two at basic at all the naked men changing around me before I got used to it." Isiah laughed at the memory.

"Look, I'm sorry I let myself believe that you could ever be involved in killings but--"

"That video had to be damning," Isiah interrupted.

I nodded once. "Not to mention I was in shock over how Davis was treating me. He shut down our bond and tried to kill me. I was already injured when Benny attacked me the night before and I had a head wound. None of that excuses it but. . ."

Isiah stood up and leaned over me, pulling me into his arms. "If you need it, I forgive you. You're my brother. You have been through a lot while I've been gone. I know life hasn't been easy for you, Ellis. I'm sorry that I couldn't be here, but I just feel like I need to be where I'm at and doing what I do."

I took a deep breath and squeezed Isiah back before he sat back down. I waved away his apology though. "Don't be sorry for doing what you think is right. I do understand that feeling, even if I can't understand what you do."

"Well what I am doing right now is trying to save the Carthera in the country that don't hate humans and want to subjugate our entire race. It's dangerous, but look what it got me too." Isiah looked up at Ahsran with sappy look on his face which of course led into an embrace.

The pain was back. I kept it to myself. "I'm happy for you, I really am."

Ahsran pulled back and yawned. "Sorry. We haven't had much sleep the last few days."

"No, no. It's been a long day for me too. We should get some rest."

"There was something you said earlier that I wanted to ask you about actually." Ahsran's shoulders were tensing back up.

I looked up at him in surprise, taking in his defensive posture. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. "Um, okay. Go ahead."

"You said that your apartment was being watched?"

I grimaced. "Yes. Davis has been trying to get in touch with me. I've seen him watching me at work, and I glimpsed Benny at least twice driving by my apartment late at night. I left him a nasty message with his bartender telling him to leave me alone though."

"This Davis," he paused, "he's your mate?"

I nodded.

"Is he by any chance Davis Retic, also known as 'The Snake'?"

He looked annoyed when I shrugged. I sighed and nodded.

"So, you have a Snake Carthera mate with a deadly reputation that even scared the crap out of my father and you're telling me that you told him to leave you alone and expect him to listen to you? You don't think that if your car stays gone overnight, he's not likely to try and track you down?"

"He's not like that with me, at least he wasn't." I could hear the bitterness creeping back into my voice. I thought I was different to Davis, that we had a real connection and trust building. He'd shown me a very different side of himself, one I knew that others must have never seen from his reputation. The jumble of memories I'd gotten when we bonded had shown me so much of him, but there was a lot I didn't know. I never would now.

"We can't really risk it. What if someone sees your car here? This isn't a big city."

I ran my hand through my hair.

"You're right. I'm going to have to go home." I didn't really feel up to it, but I wasn't willing to give away Isiah's and Ahsran's presence. Not just because I didn't want to go home and deal with the messages and attempts Davis wouldn't stop as he tried to get me back. My hand went to the bridge of my nose, pinching as I tried to ease the pressure I could feel building along with my stress level.

I knew my brother wasn't a killer now, but the situation was still precarious. We couldn't afford to make any mistakes. Not until we had a way to prove it.

"Can you drive, or is your head hurting too much?"

I shook my head. "No, I can drive."

Isiah hugged me really hard before I left and even Ahsran held out his hand for me to shake. I put my bag in the backseat and got behind the wheel. I took a deep breath and then turned the key in the ignition. I couldn't stand the silence in the car so I turned on the radio, letting the sad country music soothe my woe is me attitude.

I almost put the car in reverse when I pulled up in front of my apartment and saw Davis actually standing in front of my door. The pounding in my head was suddenly back as my stress level spiked.

Did he know?

I sat in my car and stared at Dav. My heart was pounding and the pain in my head spiked from the rush of adrenaline. The last week had been a dream come true at first, and then my worst nightmare. I didn't want to face the man who had broken my heart. I looked at my keys, seriously considering just starting the car back up and driving away.

There was tapping at my window before I could do it though. I jerked a bit, startled.

"Ellis? Why are you just sitting in your car? Are you okay?" Davis tried the handle, but I'd locked the door when I got in and he couldn't open it. "Unlock the door, Ellis."

"I'm fine, Davis. Go away."


My lips folded together and my nostrils flared. "Fine. I'm leaving until you get sick of waiting. I don't want to talk to you Davis, so just leave me alone."

"You can't drive around forever, and I'll just follow you." I could not believe he just said that. "We have to talk Ellis; you have to listen to me."

"By talking, you mean you tell me you're sorry you tried to kill me and just expect me to say okay and go back to before when I trusted you?" I glared through the glass at Davis. "Thanks to you I've got scales on my back and my senses are driving me nuts. I can taste scents now. It's annoying, especially at work. We're not even mates anymore!"

Davis' shoulders were bowed, and he looked sad. "Yes we are, Ellis. That's what I need to talk to you about. Please get out of the car and talk to me." His hand spread on the glass. "Please, I'll keep my distance," he said softly. "I won't hurt you, I promise."

My head hurt, and my pills were inside. I needed to get out of my car, take two and get in bed. But if I got out, would he smell my brother and Ahsran on me?

A circle of color began to ring my porch light. The headache was getting worse. I feathered my fingers over my forehead and into my hair, pushing it back. I would take my pills, listen to whatever excuse Dav thought would change my mind, and then collapse in bed after he left when I told him it was too little, too late.

"Fine. Back up," I told him.

I gripped the edge of the door when I stood up, the wave of dizziness hitting me just as I expected it too.

"What's wrong?" Dav said, stepping forward.

"Nothing." I let go of the door and shut it carefully. I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other all the way up to my front door. It was when I tried to put the key in the lock that the true extent of my headache made itself known. I couldn't even really see the hole, and I was too dizzy to bend over to look closer.

I braced a hand on the door and groaned quietly. This was getting bad fast.

"Damn it, Ellis, you've got a headache again, don't you? You have that same pinched look."

"It's nothing," I whispered, "just stress."

"You're stressed because of me. Give me those keys." Dav snatched the keys from me, though I wasn't resisting too much.

I didn't enlighten him to the true cause of my stress either, but then again, it was sort of his fault.

He unlocked the door and then tried to grab my arm. I pulled it away, moving slowly but not letting him tow me in to my own apartment. I walked in by sheer force of will, going straight to the kitchen. My pills were on the breakfast counter. I shook the bottle. I'd had another headache over the week and I was running low on pills. I'd need to call my doctor in the morning. I was a little surprised he hadn't called me in to finish the tests he'd wanted to run.

Just one more thing to schedule into my already crazy life.

I popped the top on the bottle and shook two pills out into my hand. I knew it would be petty not to drink the water Davis slid across the counter, but I was tempted to get my own. The throbbing to the right of my eye convinced me moving around to get a glass would be stupid. I grunted and took the pill.

"Let's get you in bed." Dav was standing beside me.

"I don't want you back in my bed," I said mulishly.

He sighed. "I know, Ellis."

I could feel his heat right behind me as I stumbled to my room. My head felt like it was going to explode. I moved toward the window to pull the shades and the curtains.

"I'll get them. Get in bed."

"Stop being so bossy." I grumbled under my breath about his attitude, like he had the right to just walk into my apartment and tell me what to do. I wasn't doing it because he told me to, but it was the only thing I was actually capable of at the moment. The act of lying back in the bed sent a wave of dizziness through me.

Damn this one was bad.

I grabbed the edge of the bed, holding on tight in hopes that the room would stop swirling. The quiet swishing of the curtains stopped and I heard water running in the bathroom. A cool washcloth draped across my eyes and forehead. I sighed a little in relief, enjoying the feeling on my hot face.

My heating pad was draped across my feet, and I heard a small click as Dav turned it on. After that the room was filled with silence. Maybe he left. Hands on my face, turning the washcloth and stroking my hair startled me, making me hiss a little.

"Don't. You don't get to touch me just because I can't stop you."

"Oh Ellis," he whispered.

I ignored the pain in his voice from my words. It wasn't the same; it wasn't anything like what he put me through.

"Just go away Davis. I don't want you here." I twitched a little and groaned as my pain spiked. The pill couldn't kick in fast enough. I could feel the pain taking over and it even eclipsed the ache where my bond to Dav used to be.

"I'm not leaving you like this, Ellis. I just can't," his voice broke.

I made an annoyed sound and tried to push him away. Big mistake. If I had been able to eat earlier I would have thrown up right then. Instead I whimpered and panted as my stomach twisted and my mouth watered. The headache was in full swing, and the pain made me feel like someone was trying to pick their way out of my brain, steel claws as their tool.

I could sense Dav still in the room, but he wasn't touching me anymore, and I couldn't speak to tell him to leave. I kept waiting for the pill to kick in, but it wasn't helping. Usually the pain started to ease within fifteen minutes but it felt like the pain went on and on.

"Ellis? Are you okay?"

I was whimpering steadily, tears flowing from the corners of my eyes to soak into my pillow.

Why wouldn't it stop? My fingers dug into the bed.

"Ellis!" Dav's alarmed whisper sounded like a ringing shout.

His weight on the side of the bed made me shift a little. I tried to push at him to get him away from me. My hand fell weakly back to the bed when he didn't budge.

"Ellis, let me help you. I think my venom could make the pain go away."

All I heard was pain go away. I'd do anything; give anything for that right then.

"Can you talk to me? I don't want to bite you against your will, but I hate seeing you like this."

I didn't answer, I couldn't but I whimpered. I wanted him to bite me. I tapped at his leg with my finger.

"Are you trying to answer me? Tap twice Ellis if you want me to bite you."

I focused, pushing at the pain as hard as I could to lift and tap with my finger twice.

"Thank you Ellis." I could hear the relief in his voice. I didn't even feel him move before I felt his fangs sinking into my shoulder. The pain was minor compared to the explosions going off in my brain as my body arched in reaction to the venom that I could feel pumping into me.

It was more intense than before, like a flow of burning fire through my veins. My heart thundered, pumping the venom into my arms and legs and directly to my cock. His tongue swept across my neck and the twin points made me squirm as he licked around the bite wound.

Suddenly, it felt like my whole body was tingling, burning. The clothes I had on were too irritating and had to go. I was tugging at them when suddenly my shirt ripped away. I sighed in pleasure as my headache faded into the background as the air in the room slid across my sensitized skin. I could feel currents from Dav's breath swirling around my stomach.

I needed him. My cock hurt as it pulsed, trapped in an awkward twist in my underwear. I tried to get to my zipper, but my arm fell to my side.

"Dav," I moaned.

"It's just the venom, Ellis. Let go, let it take the pain."

My arms and legs began to feel heavy. "Dav, please."

"Ellis." Dav sounded so agonized, I imagined that I could even feel it a little bit but his sigh distracted me as it swirled around my face.

"You don't want me in your bed; you only let me help you to stop the pain."

I couldn't think. His words made no sense, and now I was in a new pain. My hips shifted restlessly, the only movement I could manage. It felt like I could feel every stitch in the sheet under my back.

I whimpered.

"I hope you don't hate me even more in the morning for this."

I felt him slide into the bed beside me. His hand stroked across my chest and then down into my underwear, shifting and pushing them down my thighs. His heat radiated into me, warming my cool skin. I not only wanted him to touch me; I desperately needed him to touch me.

He shifted on his back, pulling me partly onto his chest. His t-shirt felt butter soft, but the iron bar of his erection digging into my lower back was even more distracting. I would have jerked if I could when his hand closed over my dick, and he tugged upward in a long smooth stroke. My head fell back against his shoulder, and I heard a variety of sounds fill the room as he began to drive me crazy.

The agony of sensation was phenomenal, better than I had remembered. Going from pain worse than anything I'd ever experienced to a high like this sent my body into overdrive. Dav pulled me close, but I could feel the tremors running through my body; my chest heaved as I tried to suck in enough oxygen to keep from passing out.

Then Dav's hand changed its movement and he added a twist at the head of my erection, closing his fist and rubbing back and forth before sweeping down the to the base of my shaft and back up again. I'd never felt anything like it. I could feel my orgasm approaching as my balls drew up and I shouted when his mouth clamped onto the bite mark and his fangs sank in one more time.

The little slice of pain and the tight squeeze of his slick palm were too much. I shot over and over, shuddering and moaning. Dav held me through the aftermath, his fingers stroking my chest and kissing my shoulder as the venom kept me hard and needy until he coaxed me into a second and smaller orgasm, though no less intense.

I panted as he laid me down on the bed. He moved off the bed and left but I had my eyes closed, too sated to think, much less care if he was finally leaving. Though it startled me, I made a sound of appreciation when a warm washcloth swiped across my stomach and groin instead. The quilt was tugged out from under me and Dav covered me up and then slid on top of the blanket beside me.

He pushed my hair off my sweaty face. "Feel better?"

I hummed; talking would be too much effort. Warm, sated, a musky comforting scent around me, I was almost asleep.

"I love you, Ellis."

Then again, maybe I already was and this was all just a dream.


I woke up alone. I rolled onto my side, pulling the spare pillow to me. Tears filled my eyes and threatened to fall. I hated this feeling, the emptiness where Dav should be, where he was before everything went to shit.

I licked my lips, tasting salt. Damn it! I was really tired of crying. Then I paused. I caught a scent and flicked my tongue back out.


He'd been here. He'd really been in my bed.

I slid out of bed and picked up my underwear. I slid then on and then walked out of my room. He was still there, sleeping on the couch. He rolled off the couch and to his feet as soon as I entered the room, blinking at me in the morning light.

"Oh god, Ellis, I'm sorry. Does your head still hurt?" He rushed over to shut the curtains.

I shook my head. "Leave them open. It doesn't hurt at all, like I didn't even have a migraine last night."

He stopped. "Oh. Well, good."

I turned away from him. I was still so angry with him; I wasn't ready to forgive him. I didn't know if I could.

I started some tea in the kitchen.

"Do you want me to go get you something for breakfast?" Dav asked.

"No." I grabbed a mug. "Tea is fine." I turned around and took a sip, glancing at him. Why was he still around?

I ignored the frown I could almost feel him direct at me. "You said you had to stick to a special diet for your migraines. Is that why last night's was worse than the others? Have you talked to your doctor? You should eat Ellis; I'll go get you something."

I turned around and put my mug on the counter, taking a moment to just breathe. I turned back to face Dav and crossed my arms over my chest, standing straight so I didn't have to look up too far to look him in the eye. Having this conversation in my underwear while Dav was completely dressed was not exactly ideal, but it was my own fault for not putting on any clothes.

He was standing in almost the exact position I was.

"You gave up the right to tell me what I should and shouldn't do when you thought I should stop breathing. I don't know why you were at my apartment last night, and while I'm grateful that you stopped the pain of my migraine, that doesn't give you any god damn say in my medical treatment."

"I know, I just--"

I interrupted him. "No, you don't just anything. In fact, why don't you just leave?"

Dav's face was completely shocked, his eyes wide and his mouth open so far that I could see the twin points of his tongue behind his straight white teeth. His arms fell to his sides.

"I thought that after last night you'd--"

"That I'd what? Fall into your arms because you gave me the best orgasm of my life and took the pain of my headache away? That's not enough Davis. Not nearly enough. The pain from what you did won't go away that easy. I don't know if it ever will."