In My Life Ch. 03


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Maria felt her face blush as the meaning of her father's words struck her. "Thanks, Dad. I never did have much luck fooling you." Maria gave her father another hug and went back to the fire.

Billy, Cathy, and Tom were sitting down, eating one of Pedro's meals as Maria approached. "Billy, Dad suggested I stay with Emerson tomorrow. You are better with the herd and I can take care of Emerson."

Cathy gave Billy a smile. "I told you, Billy. Maria would never pass up a chance like this! I know I wouldn't. Maria, I told Billy that you were up to something when you followed your father. Good for you! Maybe you can work on your Spanish some more."

Maria blushed. "Cathy, if you weren't so likable, I think I would learn to hate you. You notice too much, and make too much of things."

When Emerson opened his eyes, the sun was up. Sitting on a rock nearby was Maria. He could see no one else.

"Where is everyone?" asked Emerson. "Did they leave us? You should have waked me up."

"You are not the tough trail boss today. Yesterday you almost killed yourself and it still makes me angry to think about it." Maria went on, "Dad is taking care of the herd. You have been replaced until you are feeling capable of handling everything. I have been given the task of getting you well, so you had better listen to me."

"Maria, I was a bit stubborn yesterday, and I paid for it. I don't like to say it, but you were right. I wasn't ready to travel." Emerson sat up and waited for the pains to stab him again. He was pleasantly surprised to find he felt less pain than he had, but was very weak.

"I think if you are up to it you should get cleaned up and shave. When you look good you feel better. There is a small spring over by those rocks." Maria pointed as she spoke.

Emerson still needed help making his feet, but was able to slowly make his way to the spring. While he was attempting to rejoin the human race, Emerson could smell food Maria was cooking.

Emerson heard voices and realized Maria was not alone. Thinking some of the crew had ridden back to check on them, Emerson started back to the fire.

To his surprise, he found Maria talking to two strangers. The men were bearded and dusty. Both watched the way Emerson staggered as he walked and saw the bandages he wore.

The older of the two men spoke. "Is this your husband? He looks kinda weak."

Maria was holding her rifle as she faced the two men. She gave Emerson a quick glance and answered, "Yes, he is. He's been wounded, but is coming along fine. The rest of our crew is just ahead and should be coming back to meet us soon."

"Ma'am, we sure could use some of that food we smell. Could we join you for a meal? I'm Jake Dobson and this is my brother Eli."

Emerson could tell that Maria was nervous, but had no reason to decline. Refusing a man a meal just wasn't done.

"You are welcome to share what we have," Maria answered. "I've made plenty."

Emerson still wore his guns, but was weak and had little faith in his ability to use them. He made his way back to the fire and sat on a rock. Knowing how weak he would sound, Emerson decided to remain quiet.

Maria quickly prepared the food and they ate. Emerson felt himself growing stronger as the food did its work. The two strangers ate like it was their first meal in a week.

As they finished their meal they became talkative. The older one looked at Maria and asked, "So how long have you two been married?"

"For three years now," Maria lied. "Did you have enough to eat?"

"That was real good, Ma'am, and yeah, we had plenty. I hope your husband knows how lucky he is. A woman with your looks and able to cook is hard to find. I guess that's why I'm not married."

The second man broke his silence. He had eaten like a wolf and was feeling better. "Are you kidding? You never could find any woman that would give you a second look."

"I guess that is another reason I'm single," the first man laughed. "If you ever get tired of your husband, look me up. I usually get to Santa Fe a couple times a year."

Maria looked at Emerson and then smiled as she said, "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll keep the man I have. I'm just getting used to him."

Emerson gave Maria a grin when she looked his way. He was amused at Maria's role playing.

"If you men will forgive us, we have to be riding. It was very nice talking with both of you," Maria told the men. She began picking things up and preparing the horses.

"Let us help you, Ma'am. It's little enough for the kindness you showed us," Jake said as he helped saddle the horses.

Soon everything was ready and Maria came to Emerson. "Can you make it on your horse? Lean on me."

Emerson slowly got on his feet and weakly walked, with Maria's help to the horse.

"Can I help him on?" Eli asked.

"I like to do that myself," Maria replied. She still didn't trust these men enough to let them get close to Emerson.

Mounted, Maria and Emerson faced the two strangers. Maria was reluctant to put their backs to the men and ride away.

Sensing her discomfort, Jake tipped his hat. "Thanks again and good luck on the trail." Turning his horse, he rode back the way he had come. His brother nodded to Maria and followed.

Emerson spoke to Maria as the men rode away, "You handled that just right. You couldn't run them off, and you couldn't trust them either. Do you think we act like we've been married three years?"

"I think it was believable. We weren't acting like it was our honeymoon, were we?" Maria laughed. "I was afraid to tell them I was unattached. They made me nervous."

"That one gent seemed to think you were the perfect wife. Maybe he has some money," Emerson watched Maria as he replied.

"He couldn't have enough, believe me. Besides, I'm already married, remember?" Maria laughed. "I was pretty worried when they showed up. I noticed you were quiet and stayed where you could watch them. Were you concerned?"

"I was, yes. I'm pretty weak and I don't know how much help I would be. I was glad to let you handle the situation. As I already said, you did a good job."

"Thanks, Emerson. Coming from you, that means a great deal."

"You are a good cook. He was right about that. When word of that gets around, you'll have even more suitors."

"That really isn't a goal of mine, but I guess I could live with it," Maria laughed. "Mother said she could not cook anything when she married Dad, but he never complained and eventually she learned."

"Maria, I can't see any man complaining about a wife like your mother. She is still a very attractive woman and very intelligent," Emerson replied.

"I'd better remember to tell her you said that, although she seems to be sold on you already. You must have really turned on the charm that day you two shared the stage coach." Maria answered.

The two rode in silence, then Maria told Emerson, "We left before I really wanted to. Let me know when you are tired and we'll stop. I want you to get enough rest."

Two hours later Maria stopped and ordered Emerson to rest for a couple of hours. She waited for an argument.

"Whatever you say, Captain. I'm used to following orders," Emerson grinned as he stretched out on his bedroll. When Emerson next opened his eyes, he realized it was an hour before dark and that he had slept for several hours. When he sat up he felt much stronger.

Maria was watching him. "I was beginning to think you'd sleep away the day. You look better. How are you feeling?"

Emerson got to his feet as he answered, "Maria, you know what you're doing! I feel a lot better. My shoulder doesn't bother me if I keep it still. Have you been sitting there all this time, waiting for me to wake up?"

"I told everyone I'd take care of you. Does it bother you to have to depend on me?" Maria asked.

"To be honest, Maria, it feels pretty good to have someone concerned about my welfare. I wonder how long it will last."

Maria gave Emerson a smile, "I guess that depends on how long it is necessary, or maybe how long you encourage it."

Emerson looked at Maria, trying to determine her exact meaning. He knew what he hoped she was saying, but decided it would be wrong to read too much into her statement.

"Let's eat a quick dinner and head out. The others, like my father, will begin to worry." Maria smiled as she told Emerson, "I'm glad to hear you admit I may know a few things. Not bad for a girl that is only half Anglo."

As soon as she said it, Maria regretted it. Why did she have to drag up painful memories? Emerson flushed as he took his food. Maria could tell she had stung him with her remark. Still, she would not apologize for it.

As soon as they could get ready, Maria and Emerson mounted and rode after the herd. Maria set the pace, which was a walk, and Emerson followed her lead.

An hour passed with neither rider speaking. Finally Maria broke the silence, "Emerson, are you holding up all right? We can stop and rest."

"I feel fine. I'd like to continue on, if it is okay with you." Emerson was subdued and Maria knew he still smarted from her earlier remarks.

"Emerson, I was out of line with that remark I made earlier. Don't be angry at me." That was as close as Maria could come to an apology.

"I'm not angry at you. It's me. I certainly have earned that remark and worse. I had started to forget those things and hoped that you had, too. It simply brought me back to reality. You are right to say what you think." Emerson's reply was delivered without emotion and he said no more.

"I think it is time we both forgot about the unpleasant things we said to each other so long ago. I won't bring it up again. I really believe you don't feel that way now. Maybe you never did."

Emerson looked at Maria. She seemed to understand him better than he could have hoped.

"Maria, I will take you up on that. You are very gracious to be willing to let it go."

Maria was silent for awhile. She decided to talk about other things and bring Emerson from his dark mood. "When did you learn Spanish? You speak it very well."

Emerson faced Maria. "There was a Spaniard on the ship for several years. I persisted until he taught me to read and speak in Spanish. He was well educated and an excellent teacher."

"I guess I was speaking Spanish the night I was with fever. I am not certain why, except that I was trying to talk to you, only. I don't remember it. I did have some wild dreams." Emerson then switched to Spanish. "Maria, I got the impression from Cathy that I said some personal things. She said she can understand the language some. If I said anything to offend you, it was not intentional."

Maria was shocked. "Are you telling me that Cathy understands Spanish? She was listening?" As she remembered back to that long night, Maria turned red.

Maria fell silent and the two rode after the herd. Just before full dark, Bob Jordan and Billy Hatko rode up to them. Billy grinned at Emerson, "I hate to intrude like this, but I didn't expect you to be this far along. You seem to be doing better. The camp is a couple of miles ahead. Can you make it?"

"Thanks for thinking of us, Bill and Bob. I feel tired, but Ill make it . Maria made sure of that. Thanks, in large part to her, I am doing a lot better."

"It wasn't too difficult," Maria said. "I just made him eat and rest, and get cleaned up. Nature took care of the rest."

By the time the group reached the camp, Emerson was exhausted and his leg and shoulder hurt. He knew, however, that he had passed the worst of it and the healing would take place rapidly.

Pat Casey welcomed him, "I'm glad to see you, Emerson. We only made ten miles today, but we were short handed and didn't push too hard. Tomorrow, we should pass within a few miles of Palma. I was thinking of having Pedro replenish some of our dwindling supplies there. What do you think?"

"Pat, you know what you're doing so keep giving orders. In a few days I'll be able to take over. Tomorrow, I should be able to help some." Emerson was feeling very tired and was glad there were men there that could carry on without him.

Billy checked Emerson's wounds and pronounced him on the mend. "I did a good job on you back, Emerson. There will be a scar, but it isn't like that is your first. Look at these. In fact, I noticed someone did a pretty good job on your shoulder and not that long ago."

"Billy, I appreciate the help, but I'm not a blackboard. Just hand me my shirt and save those stories." Emerson found that sort of attention disconcerting. "Maria was the seamstress on my shoulder, and I'd have to say I'd rather have her working over me than you."

Billy simply laughed. "If you didn't feel that way, I'd really be worried!"

Maria, who had been silent since they had reached camp, finally spoke. "Emerson, I want you to ride slowly and away from the cattle for another day. I heard you tell Dad you could help tomorrow. Give it one more day and then you can do what you want."

Everyone was quiet, watching Emerson. He knew they were waiting to see what his answer would be to Maria's directive.

Emerson looked at Maria, and then the rest of the crew. Maria was waiting for his response. Turning his gaze back to Maria, he knew he could not go against her. She had done too much for him to be defied in front of everyone.

"Pat, you heard what she said. Unless you want to argue with her, I am following orders for one more day."

Pat laughed, as did the others. "If you don't dare, I'm certainly not going to risk it. Take it easy tomorrow, and we'll go from there."

Maria gave Emerson a long look and then a smile. "I'm glad you are listening to me. It really is best for you."

"I've found out the hard way that you know what you're doing, Maria. I won't disobey your orders."

Emerson fell asleep as soon as he laid down. The next thing he saw was the sun rising and the activity in the camp as another day began. He also noticed Maria and Cathy whispering to each other. Emerson could not even guess what that was about.

Emerson felt improved, but admitted to himself that by day's end he would probably be stiff and sore again. He decided to spend the day following well behind, simply trying to gain strength.

That evening, just as dark began to fall, Emerson rode up to the fire. He ached, but not as badly as the previous evening. He would be able to help from here on.

The meal was unusually good and Emerson soon found out the reason. The crew was enjoying both the food, and a story from Cathy.

"Pat finally agreed to let Maria and me go to Palma with Pedro. Maria can be very persuasive. It was only a few buildings and a dozen or so people, but there was a place to get some supplies."

"We stopped the wagon at the mercantile and went in. Maria and I carried rifles, but it didn't seem to scare this would-be tough. He followed us in and it was pretty plain he had some intention of harassing us. I spotted that drummer we see at the hotel in Morgantown about once a month."

Cathy was living up to her reputation of not leaving anything out of a story she told. "Before this tough can bother us, I walked up to that drummer and asked him if he remembered us. Well, I don't have to tell you I would have been some surprised if he hadn't. Maria and I aren't that easy to forget!"

"I asked him if he would be in Santa Fe before long and he allowed that he was going there next. The tough was edging closer and listening in."

"When you get there, I told him loud enough so Mr. Tough could hear easy, would you look up some of the folks from Morgantown that you know? They should be at The Casa Diaz waiting for those of us that are making a cattle drive to Santa Fe. Tell them we are close to schedule and are doing well"

Cathy laughed as she went on. "Tell them we ran into Gustin's bunch and shot them to bloody Hell. There are some grateful buzzards feasting back a few days ride, if they don't get sick. I told that drummer that Miller, Tuleya, Gustin and a Mexican gunman tried playing a hand with Emerson Trask and Tom Gordon, but they just didn't have the cards. The rest of our crew disposed of the remainder of this so-called gang of tough men."

"I told him we were having trouble keeping the whole crew from riding into town, looking for trouble. We had to get our supplies and get back, before the boys came after us."

"You can ask Maria and Pedro if this really happened," Cathy continued. "I turned to that guy who followed us in and asked him if he was looking for anything in particular. By this time he was white as a ghost. He shook his head and left. We picked up our supplies and came back. That store keeper showed a lot of respect after my story, too."

Pat Casey was still chuckling when he spoke, "Cathy, I told you to be careful and to not attract a lot of attention. I seem to have wasted my breath."

Tom Gordon, no longer wearing a bandage on his scalp, laughed, "Pat, how can you send two women as attractive as these into a town and ask them not to attract attention? There isn't a city in the world they would go unnoticed. I'm just glad they didn't run into trouble or we would take that place apart."

Tom Gordon was a much more confident, self assured man since he survived his brush with death. It was a change everyone had noticed. He wasn't cocky. He was simply no longer afraid and it made a difference in his demeanor.

"I should have known better, but it is so hard for me to be firm with women," Pat acknowledged. "We are in the final several days of this drive, if everything goes all right. I think we could have reason to celebrate a little when we get to Santa Fe. Let's just keep doing our jobs and this will be over in no time."

Emerson was seated by the fire and Tom wandered over and sat down. Soon Cathy and Maria were relaxing close by. Tom surprised Emerson with a statement.

"You know something? I'm not that anxious for this to end. It has been a great experience and I've learned a lot about myself and people in general."

"I was thinking the same," Cathy said. "This has been so different and exciting, I may be bored with my old life. What do you think Emerson? Maria?"

"I won't miss the dirt or seeing people die," replied Maria. "I'll never forget when Tom and Emerson fought with those men and how I felt when both of them were wounded. I think I can resume my old life without any trouble."

"It seems that Emerson is used to living an exciting life," Maria added. "I wonder if regular ranch life will bore him."

"Trips like this change a person," Emerson stated. "I have a new respect for a lot of people, including you three. Still, I would not mind a period of peace and harmony in my life. This has been an experience, but there are always more ahead."

The next two days were busy and the herd made good time. Emerson improved rapidly. His youth and strength were regaining control and his pain had lessened greatly. He wore his right arm in a sling, but could walk with little difficulty. He resumed control of the herd and was able to handle his share.

Emerson calculated that Santa Fe was a couple days off as they started the herd. He had turned his thoughts to selling it and trying to get the best possible price. He was mulling this over when he saw a small detail of cavalry riding toward him.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I knew the author was good, but this is otherworldly.

The series is being added to my favourites.

The Hoary Cleric

RanDog025RanDog025about 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

why make emerson ride to keep up w/ the heard. put him in the chuckwagon?

The_Sheppards_CorrectionThe_Sheppards_Correctionalmost 3 years ago

I am truly enjoying this story, as I have many of yours. It’s an unexpected treat to experience a quality subject and storyline. You’ve done an excellent job! Finn

auhunter04auhunter04over 6 years ago
Just a point pf interest

On trail drives if a rider got hurt and unable to ride, they were bedded down in the chuck wagon which was quite often ahead of the herd

BUT ... that don't make much a tail now does it.

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