Inside of You


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They decided to wait in their seats for most of the spectators to head to the exits before they tried to leave. Jerret turned to face him, and Calix drank in his mate's appearance, the spiked up ginger locks, sparkling eyes, and lips that were parted in a big grin.

"Thanks Calix, this was a ton of fun!"

Calix waved away the thanks, still caught up in the high of the local team winning. He'd been on his feet with everyone else yelling there at the end. "I've seen hockey on TV before, but I've never gone to a live game. This was great; I can't believe how exciting it all was."

That was all drowned under a surge of arousal that curled his toes when Jerret leaned over and claimed his mouth. It was almost impossible to remember why he shouldn't rip off his mate's clothes and take him right there next to the ice, but Calix barely held onto his control. His tongue battled with Jerret's as one of his hands slid up the tiger's back to grasp his neck. He leaned forward, using his bigger size to take control and kiss his mate senseless.

"Hey guys, wanna take that to a new venue?"

The human interrupting them was a complete shock. Calix looked around, still lost in the haze of touching and tasting his mate. He shook his head; the testosterone in the arena must have affected them. It was a good thing the cleaning crew guy wasn't a homophobe or anything.

Then again, neither of them were small men to be easily intimidated if the guy had been a gay basher. Even so, he should remember that it wasn't appropriate in human society to maul your mate; especially if you're both men.

"Sure man, sorry."

Jerret was snickering as they climbed up the steps to the exit.

"Shut up!" Calix laughed. "You kissed me!"

"Uh huh," Jerret said.

They parted once they left the stadium, Calix just managed to keep their goodbye kiss light. His mate had made an amazing turnaround and the way he initiated the kiss had Calix hopeful that they were going to bond sooner than he thought. He wondered if Jerret could feel the pull he already felt for his mate. Partly driven by a biological need, Carthera just didn't give up the one mate they were destined for.

He just had to be patient a little longer.

Calix was just walking into his apartment over the gym when is cell phone rang. He glanced at the caller id.

"Hey," Calix said, "did you forget something?"

"No. But I have something I think you forgot," Jerret purred over the phone.

Calix dropped his coat as he moved to the bedroom, intrigued by the new tone in his mate's voice. "Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Well, I have this thing in my pants that is feeling a tad neglected."

Calix's dick instantly perked up as he realized that his mate was calling him for phone sex. He flopped back on the bed and reached down with hand, freeing it from the prison of his jeans.

"Is that right? I'm thinking maybe we could help each other out." He stroked a hand up the full length of his erection from base to tip and then moaned as he squeezed the head.

"You want to help me out with this?" he purred.


Heavy breathing through the phone turned Calix on even more, knowing his mate had his hand on his own dick, stroking it.

"Do you want to stroke it, suck it?"

"Yeah. Wanna swallow you down."

The mental picture of Jerret's full lips wrapped around him, sucking him down to the base before pulling up to tongue his weeping slit had Calix stroking harder and faster.

"Oh yeah, babe, that would feel so good. What do you want me to do to you? Want me to stroke your cock while you're taking mine in your throat? Or do you want to climb on top of me and let me suck you at the same time?"

"Unh," Jerret grunted, "fuck. You'd do that? Suck my dick?"

Calix's hand focused on his head, squeezing and tugging as his hips pumped his dick into his hand. He was so close.

"Oh yeah. I can't wait to get to touch you. I want to have you shoot all over my tongue so I can taste you, and then kiss you so you can share it with me."

"Oh... oh gods," Jerret moaned and his breath hitched.

His mate was cumming at the idea of sucking his seed out of Calix's mouth. The sound and the picture in his head were enough to push Calix over the edge as he stroked himself roughly.

"Jerret!" he cried out his mate's name.

His back arched and he almost lost the phone, lost in the feeling and waves of pleasure as he shot all over his shirt. He was panting when he finally relaxed, then laughed.

"What?" Jerret's voice was rough.

"I didn't even take off my shirt; I'm a real mess now."

Jerret laughed, still breathing hard. "So it wasn't too weird then? Having phone sex?"

"Hell no, it was hot. I never expected you to be so..." He couldn't think of a word to describe it.


It was Calix turn to laugh. He sat up, wiping his messy hand on a clean spot of his shirt as he toed off his shoes. "Sort of. I guess I just expected you to be more hesitant to open up to me."

"Well, I'm not ready to actually do what you mentioned, but I can't deny that you're my mate. Or that I already feel a strong pull toward you."

Calix got up, pushing his pants down. "I won't rush you," he promised.

He knew just how hard it was going to be to keep that promise but it would be worth it.


He was right. The next few weeks they got together whenever their schedules allowed. They had a few lunch dates, and Jerret took Calix to his favorite sports bar for dinner and the regional championship hockey game. They ate wings and drank soda with the date ending up in a make out session against Calix's car. Calix got to feel that round ass that called to him and suck on the soft skin of his mate's neck. He had the strongest urge to bite down but he didn't; he wouldn't bond his mate without the mating ceremony.

He'd save that for their first night together. There were two major obstacles they had to overcome first. Between kissing and gropes, they'd talked. A lot. Childhoods, family, their work and goals. . . Calix knew that they were a good match.

They were both wounded, but they could heal each other.

First they had to pass the family test. He had been up first for dinner with Jerret and Benny. His mate's brother had given him a lot of tough questions, really acted the older brother even though Jerret was in his mid twenties. Calix had met the Benny's eyes and answered truthfully to everything the wary Tiger wanted to know. Yes, he was gay. Yes, his parents knew. No, they didn't care. Yes, they wanted to meet Jerret. They also wanted him to invite Benny along so they could meet Jerret's family.

That was what he was setting up for as he anxiously worked on the prep work for their meal. He'd called his mom and dad after he'd gotten home from meeting Jerret's brother; his grudging acceptance of him would have to change once he met Calix's parents. No one could resist his mom. No one.

"Hey Mom." Calix leaned down and kissed his mom's upturned cheek and then shook his dad's hand when they arrived a little early.

"You've really done a nice job in here," Barael said, "I was dreading coming in and smelling sweaty locker room but you can't tell at all there is a gym downstairs. And the floors are lovely." She walked over to the window seat and looked out at the city lights.

The hardwood had been hiding under some ugly carpet, so Calix had pulled it up and then polished the existing wood back to a warm shine. He wasn't a fussy man, but he had some rugs scattered here and there and his furniture was a soft brown microfiber. A few paintings on the walls brought in some color and that was it for decorating.

But the room was large and open, the kitchen separated from the living room by a bar. He'd put some bread and dipping sauces out while dinner finished. He'd asked his mom for her recipe for grilled steak with béarnaise butter for the main course. His stove had a grill space and he loved using it; nothing was better than bbq, and it was a bit too cold to do it outside on the balcony.

Now they were just waiting for Jerret and Benny to show up.

"So Calix, things are going well with your mate?" his dad asked.

Calix smiled, a surge of warmth going through him as he thought of Jerret. "Yeah, Dad. Really well, actually. I am hoping to get him to agree to bond with me after tonight."

His mother joined them in the kitchen. "Is it that important he meets us first?"

"Well I do want you to meet him before we do the ceremony but it's more than that. See," his voice was very solemn, "Benny, his brother, had something very bad happen to him and his mate after they bonded. His mate got hurt really bad by their alpha, who happened to be his mate's dad too. The male almost killed them both for being gay and bonding. When Jerret thought I was a clan Tiger he was terrified. After he told me about Benny I understood why.

"The clans are horrible, Mom. I don't know how you grew up in one and turned out as wonderful as you are."

Calix turned away, focusing on making a dressing for the salad. He saw the look his parents exchanged out of the corner of his eye.

His dad was the one who spoke, which surprised Calix a little. "It wasn't easy. Your mother and I faced a lot of problems ourselves before you came along. But when it comes to your mate. . . well, you know how it is now when you meet. You can't really resist them, not for long anyway. Our bond is worth the challenges we had to overcome."

His mom wrapped an arm around his waist and leaned against his arm and chimed in, "Besides, otherwise we wouldn't have you and now your mate to love."

Calix wiped his hands off and then leaned down to give his mom another hug. It was sappy, but he knew he was lucky that his parents were so accepting. He couldn't wait for them to meet Jerret either.

The doorbell rang just as he was putting the steaks on the oiled grill. "Keep an eye on these for me, will you Dad?" Calix snagged a towel from the counter.

"Sure." Taeric got up from the bar and moved to stand in front of the grill, picking up the tongs. "Rare, right?"


Calix heard the doorbell again, and he headed for the door, wiping off his hands on the towel and throwing it over his shoulder. He opened up the door and smiled down at his mate who was standing nervously in front of Benny.

Both were dressed up in slacks and button down shirts. Calix greeted Benny and then pulled Jerret into his arms for a consuming kiss. He was lost in the scent and feel of his mate; a craving for him that grew larger every day consumed Calix.

He needed to bond this male and mark him as his.


He heard a sound behind them. Breaking the kiss, he put Jerret down. He smiled sheepishly at his mom who was standing next to Benny.

"Sorry," he said. Benny snorted.

She laughed and shook her head. "Typical Calix."

"Mom, I'd like to introduce you to my mate, Jerret, and his brother, Benny. This is my mom, Barael."

She smiled at the two Tigers who both began to bow. "Oh, none of that." She turned and hugged Benny first and then reached for Jerret to give him the same warm welcome.

"It's nice to meet you both finally. Calix has told us all about you Jerret, but he didn't do you justice. You are so handsome!"

"Mom!" Calix was so embarrassed.

Jerret laughed and bumped their hips together, his cheeks a little pink. "Thank you, ma'am."

"Now, now. You're family, no need to call me ma'am. Barael or Mom, if you like." She turned to Benny. "You too, young man."

There were tears in Benny and Jerret's eyes. They nodded silently, but the anxiety in them both was gone. His mom had worked her magic again.

"Dad's manning the grill in the kitchen. Come on, let me introduce you."

Even with his mom's warm welcome some of the tension crept back into the room, but Calix kept his arm around Jerret's shoulders as he steered him over to the kitchen and introduced them.

Taeric waved the tongs, focusing on turning the meat for a minute before turning around. "Sorry about that, can't burn those steaks!"

He leaned over and shook Jerret and Benny's hands firmly. "It's nice to meet you both. Benny, right?"

Benny nodded.

"Thanks for coming. We know how eager our son is to bond to your brother. You being willing to come and meet us when you were so traumatized by your own mating shows how much love you have for your brother. Since you left your clan, I hope that you will come to think of us as your family too; Calix has told us how close you two are."

Pain crossed Benny's face when Taeric mentioned his mate and Calix almost groaned out loud. His dad had no tact at all.

"Thank you," Benny said with a sigh. "I can see where your son got his directness from." He looked around at everyone in the room and Calix held his breath, knowing that so much depended on what Benny would say.

"I won't lie and say that I wasn't scared when my brother told me he met his mate, and I didn't want him to have anything to do with Calix. Especially when I found out that he was partly a Tiger. But we're Carthera, not humans, and our mate is a blessing no matter whom or what they are. I just want Jerret to be happy."

Jerret left Calix's side and hugged his brother. "Thanks bro," he said softly.

After that they all relaxed and conversation flowed easily as they got to know each other better. The steaks were perfect, but Calix had a hard time eating. He was watching Jerret's every move, his hunger for his mate almost consuming him.

"Calix!" His mom's voice was sharp in the silence of the dining room.

"Huh? What?" Calix dragged his heated stare from Jerret's laughing face to look at his mom. "Did I miss something?"

"Just me asking when you thought we should do the blessing so that you and your mate can bond. If you don't soon I think you might spontaneously combust or something." She grinned wryly. "Does anyone think tonight is too soon?"

"Tonight?" Calix's mind reeled. He could have his mate, their bond completed, tonight? "Hell yes!"

Everyone burst out laughing, including Jerret and Calix, though Jerret's cheeks were bright red.


When it came down to the ceremony, it was simple. There were no elaborate clan formalities, no priest, no do this or do that strictures that bound the couple for days before they could bond and mate with each other.

Calix and Jerret were shirtless and stood facing each other, their hands laced together with their family around them. Taeric and Barael held hands behind Calix and Benny stood behind Jerret.

"In my life I have felt nothing more right than the bond I have with my mate," Taeric said quietly. "I always hoped you would find the same with a partner you could love as well as bond with. With Jerret we can see you have found that love. This mating goes forward with our blessing."

Calix smiled but didn't look away from his mate's eyes. "I do love you, more than I could ever say with mere words. So I will just have to show you. I promise that I will never stop making sure you know how much I cherish you, my mate."

"I only hope that you both share your bond honestly with each other. No one knows how much time we have on this earth; treasure every day you have together. This mating goes forward with my blessing." Benny's voice was quiet, but he smiled at them as he gave his blessing.

Jerret's smile was smaller; he felt a little sad at his brother's words but he nodded. "You were not what I expected to have in my life but I can't think of a more perfect man I'd want as a mate. I promise to always love you for who you are because that is who I fell in love with."

The chant began slowly and quietly. The sound became louder as the magic that bound two Carthera together as mates began to echo off the high ceilings in the room. Twin gasps filled the room as Jerret and Calix both fell to their knees at the same time. Taeric slid one claw carefully across both their wrists, and the blood flowed down their joined hands as they pressed the shallow cuts together.

They swayed together, their hands locked even as the bond fell over them and their bodies began to shift and change. Dark orangish stripes began to spread across Jerret's back. The black edges stood out against his skin. Calix's stripes were so pale they almost faded into his skin, his tiger blood diluted by the lion in him as well.

His mouth opened and he looked at his mate, their eyes glowing as their changes slowed and then stopped. Large fangs were exposed as he stared hungrily at him.

"Jerret!" Calix roared.

Jerret's eyes showed the same lust burning in him that he could feel swamping Calix as their bond urged them closer.

They didn't even notice when their family slipped away, locking the door behind them.

Calix yanked hard on Jerret's arm, pulling him into his chest. Their heated skin met, and they both groaned.

"Bedroom," Calix panted.

Jerret shuddered as his large mate picked him up and carried him out of the living room. He'd never imagined that the bond would be this strong and they weren't even done yet. There was just one last thing.

His pants and Calix's were ripped away in their haste; their new claws made them clumsy as they got used to the way they popped out when they flexed their hands against each other. They barely made it onto the bed before Calix was straddling Jerret and rubbing his body against him.

"Gonna mark you, make you smell like me so everyone knows you're mine," Calix said, groaning as their weeping erections rubbed together.

"Please," Jerret gasped; his back arching. He was no flinching virgin and he wanted his mate. Besides, he didn't want to suck his mate's cock and risk accidentally biting him with his new fangs. No, when he bit into him he wanted to mark that wide chest, right above the firm nipple.

"Gonna get something to slick me up." Calix reached under the pillow and pulled out a tube of lube.

They were lost in the urgency, Jerret's hand reaching between them to press their cocks together and squeeze. Calix groaned, and his hips thrust forward.

"Oh, wait." He pulled back and slicked himself up, shuddering as his hand stroked up and down. Jerret watched him touch his rock hard dick and whimpered.

"Hurry." He wanted his mate inside him.


Calix squeezed a bit more of the lube onto his hand and reached under Jerret's balls. "Don't want to hurt you." He pressed one finger inside and Jerret squirmed. It felt good, but it wasn't enough.

"Do it. Don't care, it'll feel so good," he said panting. "Please. I need you in me." He pulled his legs back.

Calix's eyes closed as Jerret begged. It was too much for him, and he leaned forward as he pushed Jerret's legs back even farther. He didn't pause as he pressed his dick forward, thrusting through Jerret's tight ring of muscles to bury inside him.

Jerret shouted as the burn mixed with the pleasure when Calix's wide head slipped in and then nudged his prostrate as he thrust forward. His mate's groan and shudder made him open his eyes.

"Fuck, yeah!" His eyes gleamed in the darkness as he stared at the ecstasy on his mate's face. Calix froze, their bodies pressed tight together. "Move. Please," Jerret whimpered.

His head kicked back when Calix did just that, pulling out incredibly slow before he snapped his hips forward again, one long hard thrust after another.

Jerret was lost in the incredible sensations that passed through their bond as their need grew together. He could barely breathe as he was lost in his mate. He could feel the hunger Calix had as he eyed his neck. His mate wanted to claim him; phone sex, make out sessions, and the power of their need was overwhelming.

This first time was going to be fast, but Jerret didn't care. They had forever together to take it slow.

His balls drew up, and he tilted his head to the side. "Do it Calix. Claim me!"