Is That Really You?


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"Love me, baby," she whispered as she reached for him.

"You're so beautiful," he managed to say. He could hardly believe what was about to happen.

Michelle's eyes grew misty as Gary moved forward and hovered over her. His hands were at her sides as he supported himself. Michelle reached down and felt around her opening. She was soaking wet and she thought she would have little difficulty getting him inside her. Her wandering hand found his hard penis and he gasped audibly at her touch. Carefully, she guided him to her opening and rested it there.

"Push it in, Gary, nice and slow," she instructed.

He nodded and moved his hips forward. All of his instincts told him to thrust forward, but he tempered them. There was no way he wanted to hurt her. He felt the tightness of her opening as it resisted his intrusion.

"A little more," she panted.

Again, he pressed forward and little by little, he gained entrance.

"Oh my God!" she gasped when his head entered. A mixture of pain and pleasure passed through her, but was soon replaced by a wonderful sensation of fullness.

"Are you okay, Shelley?" he asked, a bit worried he had hurt her.

"No, no, I'm fine," she smiled. "I just have to get used to you being in me. You feel wonderful!"

In all of his dreams, in all of his thoughts of when they would actually make love together, Gary had no real idea of how it would feel to be inside her. The feel of her soft, warm vaginal muscles enveloping him was so different from what he imagined. It was so muchbetterthan what he imagined. Strangely, his urge to cum was not as urgent as he had feared and he felt perhaps he would last a bit longer than he suspected. He looked at her face and saw nothing but joy. Tears were escaping her eyes, but he knew they were from happiness.

Michelle reached up, took his face in her hands and kissed him sweetly. "We're one now, Gary. Love me, baby."

Gary grunted lightly as he began to thrust slowly into her. The feeling was fabulous and his excitement grew quickly. He rudely thought that if he knew they were going to make love, he would have masturbated about five times beforehand to take the edge off.

After a few minutes, Michelle groaned as sweet fluttering sensations began to invade her. Involuntarily, she began to move her hips in time with his thrusts. He felt so good inside her! She only wished they had more time to explore and really love each other. She wanted to wrap her lips around his penis and wanted to feel his fingers and mouth around her lips and clit. She groaned again from her delicious carnal thoughts. From above, Gary began to thrust quicker and his breathing was raspy. It was beginning to feel really good for her, but she sensed he was not going to last too much longer. Somehow, the thought of him shooting his sperm into her triggered something deep within her. Rolling waves formed within her that soon intensified.

Gary's testicles tensed and he gritted his teeth. He grunted loudly and could not speak as he sent his seed into Michelle with four or five quick, powerful bursts.

Her inner walls collapsed around his penis as a small, lovely inner orgasm went through her. It hit her without warning as she shut her eyes, tensed and clamped down on him. "Oh, oh, oh...," she hissed as the contractions continued. By then, Gary was spent, but he watched Michelle's face contort in a wonderful mixture of ecstacy and discomfort. Her orgasmic contractions were soon replaced by gentle waves which allowed her to begin breathing normally. She opened her eyes slowly and saw Gary staring at her and smiling.

Mere words could not adequately describe what she was feeling at that point. For sure, she knew she would never want anyone else in her life and could not imagine loving another human being as much as she loved the man who had just made love to her. Her life was irrevocably changed and she did not want it any other way.

She reached up and touched his face gently. She would gladly die for this man and not think twice about it. He was everything to her and she would never let him go. "Not bad for the first time," she whispered before pulling him down to kiss him.


As one gets older, it seems as if time flies by with little regard to your express desire for it to slow down. Seated on the small upholstered chair in the quaint room, Gary reflected upon this and many other things that sunny August morning. He always thought he would be in his forties and a father before time became an issue with him. The past four plus years had been a blur to him, yet he remembered each day with Michelle with such clarity as if it only a few minutes had passed. Many memories flooded his mind at that point; their first date, first kiss, their many times making love and so on. He remembered the times when they did nothing but snuggle together for an entire evening and think it was the best date they could have.

Things had changed so much in such a short time that he could scarcely believe it and if he had not lived it, he definitely would not have believed it. After his sophomore year, he decided to change his major to journalism, something he and Michelle argued about quite a bit. He had struggled with his decision, too. He knew he wanted to write, but he could not see himself in classroom teaching it.

"You always wanted to be a teacher," she reminded him. "What changed that?"

He had no ready answer for her question, but he only had a deep gut feeling that teaching was not for him. By his senior year, he was chief sports writer and an editor for the OSU school newspaper. Several newspapers offered him jobs after graduation and he accepted a post with the Akron-Beacon Journal, mainly because Michelle was set to work at the University of Akron in their athletic department. Other opportunities were perhaps more lucrative for him at the time, but Michelle's career would provide more for them in the long run and they wanted to work in the same city.

Gary broke from his thoughts as a soft knock was heard at the door. "Come in," he said and the door opened slowly.

Katie emerged in her green formal gown looking beautiful. She walked to him and hugged him lightly. In the years they dated, he had grown to love Michelle's sisters almost as much as he loved Chrissy. Chrissy had been in the room earlier when they first arrived and they had a long talk together. It was hard for him to believe she would be a senior in the fall.

"You know," Katie said as she pushed away, "we can ditch everyone and make a run for it. There's still time."

Gary laughed. Married for two years, she still teased him about taking him away from her sister. "I don't think Brian would take too kindly to that."

"He'll get over it." She loved teasing Gary. Although she was head over heels in love with her husband, Gary had a special place in her heart. She stopped and looked at him seriously. "How are you holding up?"

"Okay, I guess. I'm pretty nervous. It's getting close, isn't it?"

"Yeah, not too much longer," she replied after she checked her watch. "Put on your jacket."

He shrugged on his black tux jacket and Katie pulled and fussed at his collar and shoulders until she was satisfied with his appearance.

Stepping back she said, "What a waste."

The way she said it, Gary was not sure if she was serious or not. Sometimes, he could not tell with her. "A waste?" he asked, his eyebrow cocked.

"Oh," she sighed, "if only I had found you first. Michelle never would have had a chance." Katie laughed and smiled. "But I found my Prince Charming, too. It just took me a little longer." She moved forward and kissed his cheek. "If she ever treats you bad, call me and I'll kick her ass!"

Gary smiled and got a quick mental image of Katie doing exactly that. "Thanks, Katie, I'll remember that." He moved his black shoe nervously over the tiled floor. "How's Michelle doing?"

"She's a wreck, but she'll be fine. We locked the doors so she couldn't escape!" She saw the look on Gary's face and was amused. "I'm only joking," she added.

"I know."

"Well, I better get back. The show's about to start."

"Is it?" Gary checked his own watch and saw it was but five minutes before his wedding. "I guess it is."

Katie smoothed his lapel and straightened his flower. Looking up to him, she said, "You know, you're the brother I never had. If you ever need help or want to talk, call me. Stephanie and I will always be there for you guys."

"Thanks, Katie."

Katie smiled and then turned to leave. A new wave of panic set in as he watched her disappear out the door. He was alone again.

Music could be heard now as the ancient pipe organ began to play. Gary walked over to a mirror and checked himself. He was so nervous, he could not tell if he looked alright or not, but nothing seemed out of place.

There was another knock and Gary's best man, his cousin Doug, walked in. "Everyone's seated," he announced in a steady voice. "Father Joe wants to know if you're ready."

Gary nodded and walked to the door. The other ushers were there as well and Gary surveyed the audience in the old church. He knew most of the people, friends and family, but some he did not. It was packed and he wondered how many had been invited. He had not been privy to the details and had left that to Michelle and her family. He only worried about what he and the groomsmen would wear.

The priest emerged from a room directly across from them and took his place in front of the alter. With Gary trailing, they walked to the front of the pews and waited. Gary adjusted his wire rimmed glasses and tried to focus on calming himself. At one time, he had jokingly said he was going to get contact lenses and rid himself of glasses to make him look better. Michelle had jumped down his throat saying she would not be able to recognize him without glasses. Amused, Gary never brought up the subject again. Thinking about that time made him smile.

The music changed tempo and Gary knew it was time to begin. One by one, Chrissy, Stephanie, and then Katie came down the aisle. Each were greeted by a groomsman at the midpoint before walking the rest of the way and taking their places near the alter. Gary looked to the back of the church and saw Michelle standing with her father. Even from that distance, she took his breath away.

Slowly, they came forward and Gary could see her smile from beneath her veil. Soon, they stood in front of Gary. Frank took her hand and placed it in Gary's. He squeezed her hand lightly.

"Take care of her, son. She's my baby," Frank said sternly to him.

"You know I will," Gary answered sincerely. He glanced at his bride and saw her staring at him intently.

The priest spoke. "Who gives this woman to be married?" he asked.

"Her mother and I," Frank answered. With that, he took his place next to Olivia.

The priest then greeted and blessed Gary and Michelle before they took their seats to the left of the alter. There were two readings and a gospel reading by Father Joe before he gave everyone an entertaining homily. Throughout all the readings, they stole glances at each other. As always, Michelle found comfort from holding hands with him. Slowly, her nervousness began to ebb away.

After the homily, the actual marriage ceremony began. They stood before Father Joe with Katie and Doug by their sides.

Father Joe asked, "Is there anyone present who finds reason that this man and this woman should not be joined in holy matrimony? Speak now or forever hold your peace."

Without thinking, both Gary and Michelle looked at Katie, who had a bright smile and innocent look etched upon her face. She could barely keep from laughing.

"Who has the rings?" Father Joe asked.

Doug stepped forward and placed the rings in a small glass dish. Father Joe blessed them before speaking once more.

"Gary and Michelle, join hands." To Michelle, he said, "Do you, Michelle Renee Mayfair take Gary Arnold Buchanan to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you promise to love him and honor him in sickness and in health, and put no one else before him all the days of your life?"

"I do," she replied in a steady voice.

The priest took Gary's ring and gave it to her. "Take this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity."

She stared into Gary's eyes as she repeated the sentence and placed the ring on his finger.

To Gary, the priest said, "Do you, Gary Arnold Buchanan take Michelle Renee Mayfair to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to love her and honor her in sickness and in health, and put no one else before her all the days of your life?"

Looking into his bride's eyes, Gary replied, "I do."

Father Joe took Michelle's ring and gave it to Gary. After repeating the priest's words, Gary placed the ring on Michelle's finger.

Turning his attention to the guests, he said in a loud voice. "What God has blessed, let no man put asunder. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride, Gary."

Michelle helped him place the veil above her head. Looking into his eyes, she whispered, "I love you, Gary."

"I love you, best friend."

* * * * *

It was almost eleven in the evening before they pulled into the state park. They had reserved a room in the lodge for a few days, the only amount of time they could get off from their jobs. After checking in, they brought their luggage to their room and relaxed for a few minutes. It had been a long, tiring day and they both knew from talking about it that a night of lovemaking was out of the question.

Gary yawned and stretched as he sat on the bed. Michelle was busy emptying her suitcase and putting clothes in the dresser drawers. She was wearing shorts and a tank top and he could not keep his eyes off her. Standing up, he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her to him.

"Umm, that feels wonderful," she murmured as she rocked slowly to and fro in his embrace. "Are we feeling frisky?" she asked, laughing.

"No," he replied. "All I want is to hold you for a while before I take a shower. I'm too tired for anything else."

"You wouldn't be too tired for Reese Witherspoon," she giggled in his grasp, noting his favorite actress.

"If I'm too tired for the most beautiful woman in the world, I'd be too tired for Reese," he replied. He nuzzled the back of her neck with his nose. Michelle squealed as he hit a particularly ticklish spot.

Michelle turned and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Come on, tired man. Let's hit the showers. I want to get some sleep so I can properly ravage your body in the morning."

Gary needed no more prompting. Her leading the way in lovemaking always meant a fabulous time for him. It never ceased to amaze him how many ways she could please him in the bedroom.

They undressed quickly and let the water get warm before stepping in. After they rinsed, Gary took the bar of soap and began to wash his bride. He started at her neck and moved down to her breasts, carefully cleansing each sensitive nipple thoroughly. They puckered and hardened from his touch and Michelle could feel tiny tremors begin to invade her. After cleaning each breast, he kissed her nipples before moving behind her. He washed her back and shapely butt, generously soaping between her cheeks. Her puckered little hole was overly sensitive that evening as he continually rubbed over and around it. More shivers invaded her. Gary knelt down and washed each leg and foot before turning her around. Facing her beautifully trimmed pussy, his already hard penis twitched from excitement.

As the water cascaded over him, Gary spread her legs apart slightly and began to wash her labia and pubic region. At first, he was all business, but his lust for Michelle and her naked body soon took over. Groans from above told him he was doing a fine job as he discarded the soap and was masterfully toying with her clit. Over and over, his soapy fingers massaged and teased her as she opened her legs even wider.

"Oh damn, Gary," she hissed. "I love it when you wash me!"

Gary grinned and went back to business. Soon, he could not take it anymore and pressed his mouth to her clit and began sucking on it, swirling his tongue over and around her sensitive little nub. Her body was alive and primed by then as her natural juices began to seep from within. Her breathing became more rapid and heavy and she could not stifle her moans and groans whenever a tremor went through her. It was only minutes later when the sexual tension broke within her and a sweet orgasm rippled through her.

After regaining her breath and her senses, she pulled Gary from the floor of the shower and kissed him savagely. In her mind, there was no way he was getting out of that shower without stuffing his wonderful penis inside her.

"It's your turn, now, baby," she growled sexily as she grabbed his rock hard flesh with the palm of her hand. Not bothering to soap her hand, she began to stroke him quickly and with purpose.

"God, Shelley," he groaned as he grabbed the railing. It was feeling so good.

When she felt he was ready, she stopped and grabbed the towel rack and thrust her butt in his direction. Gary stared at her wonderful backside and her beautiful sex below for a couple seconds. He never got tired of looking at her naked body, especially from this angle.

"Stop admiring," she groaned. "I need you in me. Now!"

Gary got behind her and guided his penis to her opening. He pushed in easily from his wetness and her flowing juices. Michelle gasped from the intrusion, but soon moaned from the pleasure his strokes were giving her. For one of the few times she could remember, he was not going slow and gentle with her and she loved it. He thrust hard and fast as their wet flesh slapped against each other. Neither even noticed the water still pouring over them nor the fact that the water was cooling slightly.

His penis was rubbing her G-spot almost perfectly and her excitement was building rapidly as she pushed back and tried to time her movements with his. Gary was tiring quickly, but he continued to push hard and deep into her. He could feel her velvet inner walls caress and squeeze him as her tremors began to take over. It was but seconds later when he tensed, grunted and let loose with rope after rope of warm sperm into her womb, something he thought of as impossible just ten minutes before. It was not too much later when her tremors turned into spasms. It was not very strong, nor did it last long, but it was something she needed very much.

Physically spent, Gary pulled out and stood under the water, letting the warmth wash over him. Wordlessly, Michelle turned and began to bathe him. She washed his limp penis soothingly and lovingly before planting a soft kiss on its head. It was always able to give her so much pleasure and comfort. Even if she did not have an orgasm during their lovemaking, just having him inside her left her content and happy.

They dried off and brushed their teeth before tiredly making their way to bed. It was well after midnight by then and they were exhausted. Under the covers and in each other's arms, Michelle sighed happily.

"Can you believe we're married?" she asked in the darkness. She listened for his reply, but only heard his deep, regular breathing beneath her ear. Smiling to herself, she let out another contented sigh and waited to fall asleep in her husband's arms.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I lost this story and have been trying to find it for years. So glad to have read it again.

Coochielover71Coochielover716 months ago

I really, really loved this story.

texlootexloo8 months ago

I was also a virgin until I was with my wife, and nearing my thirties. (I was a late bloomer as I have autism, dyslexia, and ADHD.) Though I am decades older now, and we are still never, much in love, this story took me back to those first exciting years of young love. It reminded me if my gratitude for a wonderful woman who loves me, when I had long assumed I could never be loved. Thank you for bringing back special memories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Incredible story of first and lasting kind of love. Took me back many years to meeting and marrying my own “prince” after we graduated from college as well. Loved this story from beginning to end.

olddave51olddave51about 1 year ago

The story took me back to my own college days. I started college at 17 so I did ask my parents about rides home. It is too bad we haven't heard from Tony155 since 2009 his stories are enjoyable.

5 stars

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