It Means "Dragon To Be" Ch. 02


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She looked around the clearing, listening to the birds for several minutes. When she looked back, she saw that his hands were moving slowly, so she watched fascinated as he lifted his hands from where they'd been resting on his knees and he brought them together in front of his solar plexus and bowed his head slightly to look at them, she thought.

It was true, she noted after a few seconds, she could see that his eyes were open slightly and his fingers began to move slowly in what looked to be patterns of movement. It took her several repetitions of those patterns for her to see the cycle. She didn't dare to breathe as she watched his hands move gradually faster. She was a little concerned, knowing that she'd feel even worse for her intrusion if he suddenly noticed her now.

As she watched, she found herself wanting to give in to something, though she had no idea what it might be at first. She sat thinking about that, and decided that what she felt was a desire to allow herself to feel better. It astounded her in a way. She wanted to give up the load that she'd been unconsciously carrying for so long now. Her eyes drifted downward to her own hands for a few seconds. She felt the same helplessness that she'd always felt, but now it was as though she could find it in herself to allow that rather than fight it any longer. Given the way that she'd been just going about her life a little mechanically, it was surprising that she didn't want to weep with the release of it. But she didn't. She just felt better.

She came to her second decision at that point. She needed very much to be closer to him. Now that she'd thought about it some more, she knew somehow that this odd feeling deep inside her came to her from him – though she still couldn't answer her own question about whether he even was aware that she was here at all or if he was, just how this was possible. She only knew that it was. When she looked up again, his eyes were closed, though his hands still performed their odd ritual before her.

Silke sat for a time with her hands around her knees. She shifted, looked at her hiking boots and considered the laces for a few minutes and thought things over. The very few times that she'd been in any danger of physical harm in her life had left her with a sort of sense. She could sometimes feel unease if she was somewhere that she should not be, or near someone who made her feel this sense – even if she hadn't seen him yet. She felt nothing of that here, though she did feel a questioning sense inside her.

With her second decision made but not yet acted upon, she reached for the laces on her boots. Her motions were slow and measured, though there was no hesitation. She had time. With the boots and her socks off, she spent a few minutes wiggling her toes in the grass.

At last, Silke stood up very slowly and began to remove her clothing as cautiously and quietly as she could manage. Aside from the rest of what she was feeling, she decided that she wished to be here just as he was at this moment, and though it surprised her, it only felt right to her. She hoped that this didn't turn into anything that she might feel foolish over. She tossed the notion as quickly as she could. In this secluded little dell, on this mountain hillside inside a forest, it only seemed right to do this.

Standing before him naked herself now, Silke considered what she ought to do next. It took no thought at all, really. She stepped forward, hoping that the weight of her feet on the blanket wouldn't tug it so that he'd notice right away and placing her feet, she sank down into a lotus position about three feet from him and closed her eyes.

A sense of well-being flooded over her immediately and she sighed silently as she gave herself over to it. It took her only a minute or so and she had her own breathing at a low and calm level. Another minute and the songs of the birds faded from her consciousness and a minute after that, and she couldn't even feel the slight mountain breeze.

She didn't know how long she'd been sitting like this, but after a long while and feeling much better, she opened her eyes.

The man was gone.

Silke closed her eyes again. She had to, otherwise she'd be forced to give in to what she felt and burst into tears at her foolishness. She'd only wanted to be close to him for the way that she felt so peaceful. All of her inner storms had been quelled while he was there in front of her, and now he was gone and she'd missed her chance to meet what was likely the most extraordinary man that she'd ever come into any sort of contact with.

But then she knew in an instant that he wasn't gone, not really. In the peaceful little clearing, she couldn't hear him. He was out of her field of view now, but she could feel that he was still here. She knew somehow that he was now walking around her just as she had done earlier. Before an unreasoning fear could raise itself, she took a breath and let herself go once more.

The next time that she opened her eyes, it was quite obviously some time later, judging only by the angle of the dappled sunlight on the blanket and her skin. She opened her eyes a little wider and looked up.

He sat in front of her, even closer now –perhaps only twelve inches of air was all that separated their knees. He was looking at her with light gray eyes. Behind him, she could see the edge of the ridge and beyond that, she could make out the clouds which rolled by, puffy and white at the top of them, but carrying a dark gray underbelly. His eyes opened a little wider as well.

They sat looking at each other for over twenty minutes, by her estimation. Neither of them spoke.

But he did smile a little.

Silke wanted to cry out in joy and leap to her feet and maybe dance for only that. When the notion had passed, she considered.

What she felt now was a direct question. Unspoken, and not forced in any way, but she felt it as surely as she could feel her own heart now. She watched him tilt his head just a little as he regarded her body and the ink on it for a moment from this angle. When he looked at her face again, the question returned. She elected not to think anymore at all.

And so, Silke made her third decision.

She rose up on her knees and held perfectly still, trying to ask her own question.

His answer came when he rose up on his, and she slid her arms around his neck. His ear received her first soft kiss and she felt herself smiling when his quiet gasp came to her in response. When she felt his arms encircle her, it felt as though they'd known each other all along. He pulled her the rest of the way to him and when she felt her breasts crushed against his chest, she thought that her heart might leave her.

He felt delicious and new to her and it was obvious that he shared the sentiment from the other side of it. They drew back only as much as was necessary so that they could smile at each other a little for just a moment. Neither of them spoke a word to the other.

Their first kiss surprised them both as well. There was no hungry need there, though she recognized it in herself and she assumed that the same need burned in him. He kissed her as though he really meant it, though he didn't crush her lips with his own. His kisses weren't tentative, either. He meant them, he just wasn't in a hurry, not even as his penis rose to press against her furrow so softly. Even that had a comforting feel to it.

They pulled apart again just a little and she reached for his manhood slowly. He watched her eyes as she moved both what she held and herself so that the tip grazed her cleft in little motions along its length. The sensation caused them both to close their eyes momentarily and when he sighed from it, she felt his gentle breath against her.

He'd known that someone was coming up the rise through the trees for some time from the changes in the songs of the birds. As she drew closer, still out of his sight, he listened as they paused, unsure of the newcomer and her intent. The next thing which came to him was that this was indeed a female, judging by the length of her stride coupled with the lightness of her footfalls. At just over one hundred feet away, he'd sensed her and needed no other indicators. He just felt that she was there.

He'd had plenty of time during which to do something. He could have melted into the trees and gone unnoticed by almost anyone. But he sensed something which had caused him to remain there. Though his eyes were closed, he knew it when she'd crested the rim of the dell. As she'd walked around him in wonder, he'd estimated a lot of things about her only from what came to his ears and through the ground. His nose confirmed to him that this was a female by the faint remnants of the soap that she'd used in the shower early that morning.

Other than to cause him to pause now and then, her intrusion didn't bother him at all. Her silence told him that she wasn't offended and so he'd continued. He saw that she sat before him, but he'd already begun the kuji kiri and nothing short of an attack could cause him to cease.

But when he was finished, the sight of the woman before him stopped his breathing when he did open his eyes to regard her at last.

He made no sound as he locked his eyes on the center of her breastbone. His gaze didn't waver, and her features came to him in a rush of details and impressions as he noticed features and aspects – all coming to his sight without moving his eyes from that spot between her breasts. How the gods had managed to create a kami such as this lovely one before him with Caucasian features and then to bring her here was beyond his ability to fathom. It didn't matter, he supposed. That was why they were gods after all. After observing her for a time, he'd gotten up and walked around her, astounded at what he saw.

He'd felt it when she'd noticed him gone from her view and froze where he was behind her, but she'd gone back to her trance and so he moved close to her and sat down to wait respectfully for her.

When at last she'd opened her eyes and they looked at each other, he had a sense of her unintended purpose and he waited for her to begin.

But for all that he was and had become, for all that he could do and had learned, there was nothing that could prepare him for her touch and her embrace.

They began it between them as something needed and wonderful, loving the rest of the afternoon. At each pause, they rested, holding each other tightly as though there was a fear within each one's breast that the other would disappear into the mountain breeze at any instant. Their hands were in motion almost constantly passing caresses from one of them to the other and gathering information at the same time. No matter what they did together, in any position, it remained the same. The sense of wonder never ceased for either of them.

Each one took in details through as many senses as possible, and there were surprises between them, all of them pleasant and often profound. Silke noticed things which he did that changed her perceptions of acts which had never held any interest to her before. Now, with this man, the same things were wonders to her.

While resting between couplings, he sought to lick her as though he could receive the essence of life from that place on her which he seemed to need at that moment. She thought nothing of it, other than seeming to know that he did. It raised a hunger in her then and she reciprocated – something that she'd have never even considered after coitus before. The sudden need within her once she'd begun only seemed to make sense then and she found that she needed this as well from him. And when they began to kiss once more afterward, it took nothing away, though before this, it would have been enough to make her go cold instantly.

He found ten thousand things about her which fascinated him, angles and curves, lines and textures. No one had held his interest like her. There were times when she would open her mouth just a little in response to what he was causing her to feel and those instants, whether her eyes were open or closed caused him to stare at her slight overbite and feel so many things, not the least of which was his want to never let her out of his reach while they both lived.

She found that no matter how they loved, she felt as though she had to reach out to him at some point, in some way, to lay her palm on his marvelous body somewhere, whether she slid her hand over his chest or wrapped her fingers as far around his bicep as she possibly could. Even if all that she could manage was to lay her little finger over his while their hands were close to each other as he took her from behind, it was enough – but it was also necessary to her as well.

The thing was - and she had no way to know why - she knew that he needed that touch from her as well.

Neither of them would have thought that it was possible, but it spoke to him of her acceptance of him in this and her desire of him at the same time. To her, his promise and need of her came to her, along with the mounting emotion which matched hers.

Along with the tactile expressions, there were audible ones. Sighs, gasps, groans, moans and cries were exchanged between them, and for each partner at some point in this, there came a moment of realization that this was really a rather pure thing which they shared. The purity was preserved because for all of the sounds made, both loud and soft, whether it was a tiny gasp or a long shuddering wail, there was not one word spoken to dilute or muddy it.

They loved right through the afternoon and into the evening. They carried on the sweetest copulation that either of them had ever experienced right through a five minute sun shower, a torrential, though short-lived downpour an hour later, and they grinned at each other and laughed a little in the warm summer rain which began after that.

Silke didn't know about him, but she'd never in her life made love in the rain even once, and that day, she'd done it three times so far. The air was warm enough so that when the rain stopped each time, all that it raised was their passion again, as well as perhaps a few goosebumps, and certainly nothing that would cause them to stop.

As it began to grow dark, the warm soft rain began again and kept on as he did his best to shield her with his body. Only then, as the rain began to cool enough to begin to chill the two lovers, did it occur to them to try to speak.

They lay on the sodden blanket and smiled at each other in the rain. Silke moved her leg over him again and rolled him onto his back, careful to try to keep this wonderful man from drowning by leaning over him as he'd done for her earlier. He asked her a question which she didn't comprehend and she shook her head with a shrug.

She asked him if he understood German. He'd heard the phrase before and even knew roughly what was being asked, but he had no reply and so he mimicked her earlier answer with a smile and tried something else.

"English?" he asked, and Silke laughed a little, wondering why she hadn't thought of it.

"Ok," she smiled, shrugging again. "What is your name?"

His smile grew a little wider as he answered, "Tatsuya Mochizuki."

She had it in two tries. "So, my mysterious lover has a name," she sighed, "I am Silke."

She had to help him with the pronunciation of the first letter, since the sound of it lay between an 'S' and a 'Z'. When he had it, his expression melted her heart for the way that his chest expanded a little under her and he heaved a sigh and spoke it purposefully and with obvious pleasure. But then, his face grew a little serious as he brought forth his next question. It had been what he'd wanted to know from the outset and what she'd felt as they'd looked at each other hours before.

"Why have you come here?"

She had to think for a moment, since her answer to it had changed from her original thought. If there was one thing which this whole interlude demanded of them both, she realized, it was absolute honesty. She'd had no thought to hide anything, but she wanted her thought expressed with clarity.

"I came originally because I am here on vacation and I wished to see the valley from here, but that purpose changed after I saw you. To say the truth – I think now that I came for you. I only knew that I wanted to be here."

To her surprise, he accepted her answer with a single nod. "I felt you come closer, and I didn't want to leave or step into the trees. I wanted to stay." She watched his eyes move from one feature of her face to the next for a moment, and then he said the thing which sealed it for her.

"As you came, I heard your heart. When we looked at each other, I heard your heart again, even stronger than before and I knew then that I had to be here."

It caused her to sigh in spite of herself and she eased herself down to lick along his lips before she wandered, kissing him until she could cover his face with her long wet hair and drag her lips over the rim of his ear, "I came because I needed to."

It was a long moment before Silke thought past his answer and realized that his English was better than hers as far as the lack of an accent went. Her own English came from what she'd learned at school and it was more British than his.

"Are you American?" she asked.

"Close enough," he said with a small smile, "It's a long story. Are you cold?"

"Not yet," Silke replied, "but I think that I will be sooner or later. I have a room at the inn down below, but after this, I really don't want to go back right now." She looked into his eyes for a moment and resolved that she had no wish to be very far from them for at least a while longer. "I want to be with you."

He nodded as he looked at what was to him certainly the most lovely throat that he'd ever seen. He glanced at one of her collarbones and from there to her eyes, "I am a little afraid that if I look away for longer than a moment, I will be alone. If you can put up with some strangeness, I can lead you to a warm place for tonight and stay with you."

She asked about what strangeness would be required, and he regretfully answered that at some point, if she would tolerate it, she would have to allow him to blindfold her for a few minutes. "The place is an old secret, not meant for outsiders. There's no danger to you if you can trust me. If you find that you can't, I'll understand and I'd be happy to walk with you to any place where you are confident that you know the rest of the way to the inn, but not to the inn itself."

He was actually saddened. To have met someone like Silke and been given the wondrous gift of this day, ...

But he supposed that it was to be expected. To put it in Western terms, you were dealt what came to you and that was what you played with. If you couldn't make it fly, then that was just what it was. From an Eastern side, he just accepted it and waited for her response.

She considered while looking at his eyes and then to her own surprise, she agreed. "I want to be with you," she said again in a quiet but determined way, "I've never felt like this before in my life. I've been deeply in love and I haven't felt what you tell me with one touch. Sometimes, you just have to accept things as they come. If my purpose for being here is true – the way that I feel it, then this is where I have to be for now."

She leaned down and kissed him as softly as she could. Keeping her lips in light contact with his, she whispered, "All that I know is that I am here because of you. This is not over. I don't want it to be. I am here for you – unless I can't be for some reason. Until then, I am yours if you give me the same gift of yourself."

When she lifted herself to look at him, Silke watched as he inhaled a little, and then he smiled and nodded once before the smile disappeared and he became solemn. "If we are trading gifts, then I think that I might have found a kami who I could give my life over to."