Jewels, The Next Day


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I nodded. I was planning on that for her next time I had the chance. This would save time, and maybe I could re-establish her view of herself at the same time rather than let her worry about it. She stood quickly and walked around the table and raised her arms. Her breasts may not have been very large, but they stood out very nicely, and I had trouble taking my eyes off of them. I swallowed, seeing the smirk on Jewels' face as I did so. I gave her a wry smile, and stretched the tape around her hips: thirty-two inches. I slipped the tape higher around her waist and pinched it together at her belly button: twenty-four inches. When I stood to measure her bust line I saw her eyes fixed on my cock and her tongue lick her lips. Carefully I stretched the tape around her bosom and again held the end between her breasts so as not to touch them: thirty-two and a half inches. "Thirty-two and a half, twenty-four, thirty-two. What in the world do you think is wrong with that? I'll bet there is not another girl in your class that can match any of your figures. If I were to post your descriptions online on a dating site I guarantee your inbox would be full! I've got it tough all right. I'm stuck here at the cabin with the three hottest girls in the school. Woe is me! Woe is me!" Jennifer giggled at my theatrics and wrapped her arms around me in a big hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she said. I know she felt my boner, because she grabbed me straight on before I had a chance to turn, but she didn't pull away. If anything she pressed closer. I extricated myself and managed to sit back down without embarrassing myself further. Susan grabbed the bottle and spun it. Really, it was my turn, but that didn't matter. Jewels was smiling across the table from me. That was all I needed. Well, that and some relief! Do you have any idea the pressure I was feeling about then? The bottle pointed at Jewels, who promptly gave me a Cheshire smile and said, "Jason, you've been looking at our boobies now for a while. I think you ought to stand up for the next round and let us see that bulge you keep trying to hide under the table." She was pulling out all the stops for the girls. I really didn't mind all that much. Yes, it was embarrassing but I had been looking at three very nice sets of breasts. Turn-about was fair play. I stood up slowly, and the girls all gawked at me unapologetically. I had my boxers on, so I wasn't showing off quite as much as I had the day before when it was just Jewels and me. Jennifer kept licking her lips, and Susan had her lower lip sucked in between her teeth. Jewels spun the bottle, which ended up pointing at Jennifer again, who promptly asked, "Susan, have you ever seen a boy's cock?"

"Not since I was little, and it sure didn't look like THAT!" That brought out giggles from the other two. Jennifer spun the bottle and it pointed at Susan. "How big is your cock, Jason?"

I smiled, "Jewels measured it yesterday. It's six and three quarters inches long." She looked a little disappointed. I think she was hoping to measure it. She spun the bottle which ended up on Jewels again. I was having no luck, but that really wasn't the reason we were doing this, I know. It would have been fun though to ask a couple of questions now myself. "Jason, this is two parts: first, are you wearing underwear?"


"I thought it looked different than yesterday. I think you ought to lose those shorts. Boxers will be about as thick as these shirts." This was really getting serious! I hadn't planned on this when we started, but I didn't want to be the first to chicken out. I was still standing, so I slowly unbuttoned the fly and started to unzip. Jennifer was licking her lips like they were dry as the Sahara, and Susan had her lower lip sucked way in between her teeth, and Jewels just sat there and smirked at me. Down came the zipper and slowly and nervously I started to slip my shorts off my hips. I had never been undressed in front of another girl than Jewels. I know my face was red, but I sucked it up and pushed them off my

hips and down my legs. Of course, my cock promptly pushed out the front of my boxers with nothing to hold it tight against my body, and a wet spot showed at the end of it. I sat down, relieved to at least have that bit of privacy, but it was to be short-lived because Jewels spun the bottle and it ended up on her again. She said, "Jason, we don't get to hide under the table. I think you ought to get the kitchen stool and sit on it so we can look at you like you've been looking at us." I got up and went to the kitchen for the stool and brought it back into the dining area. The girls watched my cock bob and sway going both ways and seemed to enjoy my discomfiture sitting above the table level with my cock just above the level of the table. Jewels spun the bottle and at last it landed on me. "Jennifer, what do you feel when you see me looking at you without a bra on and your nipples poking out your shirt as compared to how you would have felt yesterday."

"I ought to be embarrassed, and if it was anyone other than you looking at me I would be offended, but you have shown you really care about us, and aren't just ogling us. I hate that! Yesterday I would have been totally embarrassed, but you've made me feel beautiful and worthwhile. I don't feel cheap, I feel loved, and seeing you look at me like this gives me butterflies inside. I doubt I ever go without a bra any other time, but I like this. I feel safe and valued for more than just a set of tits." I felt like I had accomplished something at least today. I spun the bottle, and it landed on Jennifer. She got a devilish look on her face and looked over at Susan. "Susan, Jason said he didn't get a look at your boobs when we were swimming, but he just felt them. I think you ought to pull your shirt up and let him see them for thirty seconds. That's about how long it took me to get my suit back up, although it felt forever!"

"Hey, wait a minute! That's not fair! We haven't been showing skin!"

"Remember, YOU asked how far do we go when we started, and I said anything goes except actual sex?" said Jewels.

"But he's your boyfriend!"

"That's OK, too. Remember I said anything goes, that this is your chance to ask anything, that you may never get this chance again? This fits that category. Look, you and Jennifer are my best friends. If I had a sister I couldn't ask for better! We all were scarred and our self-images were trashed by those pictures we looked at without the maturity to understand. That is why I asked Jason to go along with me in this game, and with the Chicken Fight, although" and she giggled, "I didn't expect to be showing off skin like that. For tonight, let's just let things happen. As long as we respect each other and have fun, I don't care what happens. I'm willing to share up to that point."

"OK," said Susan, but she looked daggers at Jennifer. "You'll get yours missy! Her face was very red, but she slowly started raising her shirt, but stopped when she was just showing the bottom swell of her breasts and said, "How are we going to time this?"

"I've got my watch," said Jewels. "Jennifer might not stop at thirty seconds" and she giggled, while Jennifer stuck her tongue out at her. My cock was twitching and leaking as I sat there seeing the bottoms of her breasts, knowing I was about to see the third set of breasts I had ever seen in my life, and that it was OK to look all I wanted. Susan lifted her shirt up the rest of the way and I was awestruck. They were just about the same size as Jewels, but she had big dark areolas and nipples. "Beautiful!" I said. "Those are absolutely gorgeous!" Jewels called time, and Susan lowered her shirt. She looked at me with big eyes and said, "Did you really like them?"

"What do you think?" I asked. She looked me in the eyes and then she noticed my cock pulsing in my boxers and smiled really big. "I think I've been complimented. Thank you." Jennifer spun the bottle and it landed on Susan. "Well, well, missy Jennifer. I think you have short-changed Jason. When you pulled my bathing suit down he got to feel my boobs against his head when I tried to hide them, and then he felt me slide them down his back. I think he should take his shirt off like when he was swimming, and you should climb up on his shoulders and take your shirt off, then hold your boobs against his head and then slide them down his back slowly."

Jennifer blanched. "That is going a lot further! I just had you show him like I had to when you pulled my top down. I don't think Jewels is wanting us to go that far!"

"Oh, I don't have a problem with it. Remember, I said anything goes. I don't think Jason minds."

Does Jason mind? Are you crazy? I was waiting to wake up from a wet dream!

Jennifer stood and walked slowly over behind me. I got down off of the stool and squatted down so she could climb up onto my shoulders. Susan spoke up. "You didn't have those long heavy shorts on when you were swimming. Maybe you should take your shorts off and sit on him wearing your panties." This was just getting better and better! Jennifer didn't want to, but she stood behind me and said, "You can't peek, Jason. You didn't see Susan, so you can't see me either." "OK," I said. "I didn't look at Susan on purpose, just like I turned my head after you lost your top." "That's right, you did. Thank you. You are a gentleman." I heard a rustling as she took off her shorts and then climbed onto my shoulders. I know, panties don't really show more than a bathing suit does, especially full briefs like Jennifer was wearing, but panties aren't lined, and the brain knows panties aren't the same. When she settled onto my shoulders and her pussy nestled up against the back of my neck my cock jumped, and Jennifer giggled. Her panties were like her bathing suit though in one way. They were definitely wet! She was turned on for sure by all of this. As I started to stand up she was squirming up against the back of my neck and rocking her pelvis. I thought I would come in my boxers! I stood all the way up and told her, "Be careful. I don't want you to fall. There isn't any water to catch you." I felt her movements as she pulled her shirt up over her head and then with it held in one hand she leaned down and squeezed her little breasts against both side of my head, and then slowly slid down my back rubbing them all the way down, even across the back of my boxers. The little minx did make one change from what Susan had done, though. To be sure she didn't fall she wrapped her arms around me and slid her hands down over my belly and across my boxers and pulling my cock as her hands went by.

"Hey, that's cheating! I didn't touch him when I slid off!" said Susan.

"You lose." Said Jennifer, and she rubbed her breasts across my back one more time before pulling her shirt back over her head. I noticed her nipples were really hard and poking out through her shirt. She walked back around to her seat without putting her shorts back on, saying if it was just like wearing her bathing suit she wasn't going to bother with her shorts. I was actually starting to get a little concerned about how things were going. Jewels and I had wanted to help with their self-esteem, not try to turn them into promiscuous sluts. I must have shown some concern on my face, because Jennifer piped up and said, "Don't worry Jason. I'm not going to go crazy after this. We're just having fun, and we trust you. We know you wouldn't do anything to hurt us, and what happens today happens today. None of us will talk about it. This has just been so liberating I feel like celebrating that I'm desirable! You make me feel valuable and cared for. Jewels is a very lucky girl."

Jewels leaned over and gave her a hug. "Good. That is what I wanted so much for you guys. I know how badly I felt about myself until Jason talked with me. Now, somebody needs to spin the bottle!"

Susan reached out and gave it a good spin. Finally it landed on me. "Jewels, when you were wearing that 'Itsy Bitsy, Teensy Weensy, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini', I didn't notice any hair. Did you trim or shave yourself?" It was her turn to blush. She had had it too easy for a while now. "I shaved it." That brought quick comments of disbelief from the other girls. "That's what took you so long to shower this morning!" said Susan. "Well, when I looked at that bikini you brought for me I knew I couldn't wear it and look like a forest around it, and I'd heard of other girls doing that, and Jason made me feel so sexy I just decided to try it."

Jewels quickly spun the bottle trying to get the attention off of her. It landed back on her. She thought for a minute and turned to Susan and said, "Jason is sitting down there in only his boxers, and Jennifer isn't wearing her shorts. Maybe you have too much on? Why don't you remove something. Your choice." Susan gasped. "I think I'm going to need a little more wine before I do something like that!"

"I guess a little more won't hurt, will it Jason?" asked Jewels. I thought for a moment. I didn't want to take advantage of the situation, tempting as it was, but it had been a while, and while everyone's inhibitions had been lowered not one seemed to be getting drunk. I felt responsible to not allow that. "OK, I guess a little more won't hurt." Jewels poured each of us half a glass, killing the bottle. Susan drained it in two swallows and stood up. "Maybe I ought to ask Jason which article he would like me to take off? He's already seen my tits, but he hasn't seen my panties." She pulled the bottom of her shirt up to expose the bottom of her breasts before lowering it and unbuttoning her shorts. She made as if to lower her shorts with one hand while raising the shirt up again with the other, teasing me and watching the look on my face. Either way I knew I would never live another day like this in my life. She slipped her hand up under her raised shirt and cupped one of her breasts suggestively, then lowered the shirt and unzipped her shorts and slid them slowly down her legs. What she had not taken into account was the white lacy panties she was wearing. They had high cut legs and were translucent, allowing her pubic hair to clearly be seen. I couldn't see her pussy as such, but what I saw was delightful indeed. Jennifer said, "Nice panties! I would have gotten some like that if I thought I was going to be showing them off!" Susan looked down and saw what she was wearing and quickly sat down, blushing furiously. "I forgot I put these on. I'm so embarrassed!"

Jewels spun the bottle again and this time it landed on Jennifer again. "Jason, do you masterbate, and if you do, when was the last time you did it?"

"Yes, I do. And the last time was when we came back from swimming."

"Ooooh! Did we get you all excited this morning?"

"You know you did. How could I not be excited after all of that?"

"I think that's cool," said Jennifer. It looks like you are pretty excited now, too!" Me excited? Just because the front of my boxers were soaked in precum and my cock was at full staff, and had been now for a couple of hours. I spun the bottle, and for once it came back to me. "Jennifer, do you masterbate, and if you do, when was the last time you did?"

Jennifer seemed to have really come alive with the revelation that she was an attractive girl with a great figure. She spoke right up, "Yes, I do. It's probably been about a week, but I know it won't be another night!" She gave me cheeky grin, and spun the bottle again. This time it landed on Susan. "Jewels, you are the only one left fully dressed. I think you need to change that!"

Jewels turned scarlet and whispered, "I'm not wearing any underwear." That brought gasps from both Susan and Jennifer. "Why not?" asked Susan. "Since I shaved it, it just feels so free! I just didn't want to put any on it."

Jennifer piped up and said, Jason has never seen a shaved pussy, has he? Maybe you ought to show it to him!" Susan voiced her agreement, and who was I to argue! Jewels shrugged helplessly and stood. She hesitated for just a minute and then started to slide her booty shorts down her hips. My mouth was dry and my tongue felt thick. I didn't think there was any oxygen left in the room. My Jewels was going to show off her newly shaved pussy in front of two of her friends, too. The tension was palpable as she looked me in the eye and said...

(More later. I hope you enjoyed.)

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talldarkfellowtalldarkfellowover 10 years ago
Mostly Fun.

The interaction between the girls and Jason was sweet but also nicely provocative.

But the constant repetition of the "effects" of that one magazine on all three girls' self-esteem got a bit tedious and unrealistic after the third reference. Sounded less like a sexy encounter and more like a group therapy session, after a while.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 10 years ago
Wow, three girls and one guy

Can't get much better odds than that. Jason is one lucky dog. Seeing the breasts of one would have been great, but all three--that's an eighteen-year-old's idea of heaven.

Loved it. Great story.

unicorn64unicorn64almost 11 years ago

Yes I loved this part. It is so well done. Having self esteem issues myself I would love to have someone like Janson help me . Beautifully done.

searchingforperfectionsearchingforperfectionalmost 11 years ago
Nicely done

I like to read about teasing and seduction, so this is right up my alley.

Oh, and thanks for the soft-core food porn.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Great Story

Is this an actual event? If so then how lucky were you :P anyways I love your writing style. PLEASE continue this story. I can't wait to find out what happends next.

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