Jordan Cums of Age

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In trouble, she turns to her brother to save her ass.
4.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 05/24/2010
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Jordan Cole was always a mischievous child; she broke the rules only when she was certain she couldn't get caught. So it was natural that her classmates and friends thought she was a bit of a rebel and wise beyond her 18 years.

Jordan was wise in that she had her finger on her goal. She was blessed with beauty and a fantastic figure which she worked at. The coach suggested she leave gymnastics because her breast size grew fast at 14, so she took up softball and volleyball. But her real desire was to become a famous actress. She took vocal classes, she took drama classes and she was in every school performance since she was 7 years old.

Jordan was wise and knew the only thing that could derail her fast track to fame and fortune was a bad reputation. This was why she was very careful with whom she dated. She was also careful about how far she went. She had the normal hormones of a teenage girl, however she realized the boy she gives her virginity away will someday be some local yokel who comes forth for money to one of the tabloids.

So while mischievous, Jordan was also wise. She knew how far to go and who she should let into her inner circle. In fact, in the past few months she was figuring how to become an experienced lover, yet not soil her reputation. She toyed with the prospect of secretly banging one of the school nerds. She developed a plan to ask one of the geeks to her home to tutor her when her parents were out. Then she would seduce him. She knew that no one would believe he got to fuck THE Jordan Cole. He could tell his best friends, but no one would believe him. It was a plan in the works. She just had to pick the right geek; of course it had to be someone she was at least mildly attracted to.

It was Jordan's mischievous nature however that would rock her world.

It happened the week before her parents left for some conference. Mr. Tresman next door, ask Jordan's father to start his car every day. It was a 1964 Corvette convertible and required it be warmed up every now and then as Mr. Tresman was going out of town for a couple of days. When the days turned to several days, Jordan's father handed over the garage and car keys for her to take over starting the car engine. Jordan's father, Paul regarded Jordan as a level headed kid. Still he gave the fatherly warning, "just start the engine for 5min, do not drive the car, it's not yours."

Jordan knew that. And that Saturday after her parents left for a week, she knew it was mischievous to take the car out. When she picked up her girlfriend Melissa in the corvette, she knew it was wrong. She also knew it was exhilarating, exciting and daring. She thought it would be a good substitute for being the pure virgin and she enjoyed the evening cruising all the hot spots, dressed up, pulling up to the door but never getting out. Everyone clamored around them as they sat in the polished red corvette.

That Saturday was such a success; she decided to do it one more time. Then she backed into a pole. The fiberglass body was cracked and shattered a light. What should she do? Then she remembered that black kid in history class. He said he and his father owned a body shop in town. Maybe he would help her out. Jordan thought, it wasn't too bad, "how much could it cost?" she wondered. It was fiber glass, which was like plastic. She determined it would probably cost about a one hundred dollars to fix it.

She drove the car to Devon's father's shop. Devon and two of his friends were working there. She knew the other two boys; they had both dropped out of high school in their junior year. Seth was a skinny lanky boy who always hung around with the other boy, Kurt. Kurt was born a bully. He was the bully for every grade since kindergarten. He wasn't particular strong or big or tall, he was just obnoxious and like a pit bull, he would just keep fighting.

Devon and the two other boys all looked at the car, and then they mostly stared at Jordan. At one time or another they all fantasized about screwing her. She was out of their league and knew the closest they could get would be in their dreams. Now here she was, asking for a favor.

All three of the boys, nearly 18, came to the same fantasy.

"Shit. Yo fucked dis up big time" said Devon. "I gotta order some parts an'shit, it'll take a few days, den we gots to fix it up.....I say three grand."

Jordon was shocked. She didn't have that kind of money. She certainly couldn't tell her parents and she had to get it fixed before Mr. Tresman got back.

"I don't have that much. Are you sure, it's just plastic right? Can't you help me out, were friends." Jordan pleaded.

All three boys thought the same, 'friends', sure now....when she needed something. Jordan, Miss perfect, Miss Snooty bitch, Miss Look down at us, now we are friends because she wants out help.

"Yeah plastic, but this piece of plastic and lights belong to a car that is over 40 years old, so unless you want it taped with duct tape, we gotta order the parts" snorted Kurt.

"yeah" chimed in Seth.

Jordan cried. Why not, it's worked before. She battered her eyes and sniffled, she even considered hugging one of them (but which one she couldn't decide).

Kurt saw an opportunity. He gathered the boys around in a huddle and discussed the situation with them. Jordan heard just whispers, an occasional groan and one or two snickers. The boys all nodded in agreement and Kurt walked up to face Jordan with the two other boys behind him.

"Okay sweet thing, me and the boys agreed to buy the parts and fix it for you. You don't even have to pay us any money" snorted Kurt.

At first Jordan felt elated. It all worked out, she had them wrapped around her finger. Then the smile started to fade slowly away as she saw the growing smiles on the boys and she knew something was going on....something she was not going to like.

"Yeah, we decided we can pool our money together, buy the parts and spend our time instead of making money to spend it fixing your car. Just one thing you gotta do for us. A fair trade since you have no money or ability to fix it" Kurt smirked.

Jordan gulped. She had an idea what they wanted. They wanted what all boys wanted, but just how much she didn't know. She decided to reverse from the 'damsel in distress' to the offensive. She put her hands on her hips and stood tough, staring them down.

"And just what would that be" she dared them."

"Not much, just three dates, with each of us....and of course a fuck" smiled Kurt.

Devon and Seth just smiled and nodded their head.

"Are you serious? You would treat me like some kind of hooker? I wouldn't fuck you guys for a million dollars" an angry Jordan spat.

Devon and Seth broke their smiles. Seth feeling embarrassed, bent his head down staring at his shoes.

"Yeah, but we ain't talkin bout a million dollars, we talkin a deal where you get your ass saved by giving us some ass. Spend the night thinking it over; we'll still be here in the morning." Kurt then turned his back on Jordan walking away and motioned for Devon and Seth to walk with him.

Jordan left the car at the garage, too afraid to do more damage to it. She needed to figure things out. There was no way she would let one of them take the virginity she held on to for so long.

She wondered if her brother Sebastian had the money to help her. She doubted it, he was just two years older than she was and going to the community college while working as a waiter. He was barely able to pay the rent on his small one bedroom apartment. But he was always resourceful and clever; perhaps he can help her find a way out of this mess.

Sebastian was surprised to see his sister at the door. When he first moved in, she would frequently drop by as a sanctuary from doing homework or dealing with her parents. She was always scheming something. But he knew his parents were away and thought for sure Jordan would be having her girlfriends over the house.

Jordan hugged him and cried into his shoulders. She wailed her story of woe and bad luck.

Sebastian didn't like the idea of these three thugs blackmailing his sister into sex. He certainly didn't have the money or any way to get that much. He did immediately think about going down there and kick their asses. He knew he could beat the shit of Seth, probably bully Devon with a fight, but he knew he was out matched against Kurt. Still he offered to go down there and do just that.

Jordan wiped the tears from her eyes and asked him not to. She didn't want to make matters worse by getting her brother hurt. Jordan always looked up at her brother. He was always there for her and never tattled taled on her even when they were kids. She then looked at him as he paced up and down the small living room. He was rubbing his head trying to figure something out. She watched his muscular arms, the firmness of his rear end, and he was always sensitive with a good heart.

"Sorry sis, I just can't think of a thing, I know Tresman has a bad temper, but maybe you can soften him up" her brother offered.

"Ha. Even if he didn't blow a lid, even if he didn't call the cops, it would be mom and dad who would be hurt the most. I can't do that, my life from then on would truly be hell" moaned Jordan.

Sebastian agreed. It was very likely Tresman would call the cops and it would be their father that would jail her in her room till she was able to move out of the house at 21 if ever.

"Well I guess you made your decision. Spend the night with each of them. Shit, they'll probably just last a few minutes with you." Sebastian gulped these words. As much as he hated the thought of these guys touching their foul hands on his sister, he had to admit, it was just sex. Hell, he's had sex with a couple of women he wouldn't have touched, if it weren't for the beer.

Jordan had come to that conclusion already. But she just couldn't let either of those three deflower her. She needed someone she loved and trusted. Her last date with Ian Branson came to mind. She had only two dates with him. He was nice, but she really wasn't physically attracted to him. She went out with him because her girlfriend Dana dated his best friend. They got along, but it wasn't love.

Jordan took Sebastian by the hand and brought him to the couch next to her. She held on to his warm hands for support as she looked into his hazel eyes. She smiled. She realized she needed to move slowly for this.

"Bro," she always called him bro.

"I can do it. After all, it's just sex right? I mean, I am still the same person. You wouldn't think bad of me would you" she softly spoke.

Sebastian smiled and gave her a hug. He wondered what more was going on in her head, and now he realized that his sister was probably thinking he would consider her a whore and look down on her. She was going through all this torment because 'she was worried what he would think about her' he thought.

"Sis, not of all. I really could care less about who you have sex with. I mean, I will always love you, you're my sister. You can't do anything to ruin that silly." Sebastian smiled, feeling good he was able to set her mind at ease.

"Well I am glad to hear you say that. It's just one little thing.....I need you to do for me....can you....would know......teach me"? She whispered.

At first Sebastian didn't grasp her request. 'Teach her what?' He wondered. Then it hit him.

"You mean you're a ..." he nodded his head toward her.

Jordan looked down at her hands still held in his as she slowly nodded and whispered "yes, I'm a virgin."

"But you were always such a wild kid; I thought you had lost by 14. I've had boyfriends, what about your boyfriend now....why don't know. I mean...I'm your brother furchristsakes."

Jordan stood up with her back toward Sebastian as she wiped away her tears and composed herself. She had to tread slowly here.

"Well I never wanted a bad reputation. Never connected with the right guy, someone I trusted, someone I wanted to be the first."

As Jordan was talking, Sebastian was looking at her as a woman. A sexy woman. He looked at her perfect round tight ass that was accentuated by her small waist and strong legs. She turned around and his gaze continued looking at her bare midriff. Jordan was an athletic girl as her taught abdomen revealed. His eyes moved up to her round firm globes of her breasts that strained against the light wool sweater she wore. He listened to her but watched her mouth as in slow motion as her full pouty lips started to make his cock stir. He finally looked her in the eyes and at that moment desired her like no woman he ever fantasized about.

"Well? Don't freak out on me bro. I know it's weird, but I trust you, you are the only one I trust. Once we get this over with, I'll do the three of them and that will be that. You know, back to normal." She smiled.

Sebastian sat on the couch not knowing what to say. His impulsive side told him to jump up and rip her clothes off. His rational mind said this was crazy. Brothers and sister just didn't do this type of thing. It was wrong. Everyone knew it was wrong, evil...bad. She would get pregnant with a three legged baby and everyone would know it was inbreeding. All this was going through his head in the course of a nanosecond. All while his penis was growing and his mouth turned dry. He coughed.

Jordan was full of doubts as well. She knew incest was probably done a lot more than people admitted still it was a secret thing because it was a bad. She didn't want to corrupt her brother, but he was a man after all and all men can be seduced.

"Sebastian, you do find me....attractive, don't you?

" She purposely called him by his name to distance the brother/sister relationship. She moved her hands slowly down her breasts to her hips and thighs, flexing her shoulders back. She then bit her lower lip in a mischievous smile.

"You're sure this is what you want." He questioned.

She walked to where he was sitting on the couch and kneeled before him.

"I realize now that this is exactly what I wanted. I trust you. You won't hurt me."

Sebastian fought the desire to whip out his dick and shove it in her mouth. He cupped her cheek in his hand and imagined him pushing her head into his dick. "Oh yeah..." he thought to himself, "oh I am going to teach you, I am going to fuck the shit out of you sis." But instead he said, "It'll be okay sis, I'll be gentle, and you will be okay."

He stood up, for a moment he lingered with her face lined up along the front of his pants. He took her by the shoulders and brought her to her feet. She started to say something but he put his right index finger to her lips. He softly brushed her hair with his left hand and then down the small of her back and lightly along her ass. His finger lingered on her lips as he slowly traced it to her chin then down where he brushed the back of his hand against her left breast. Both hands around her waist turned her around and lifted the sweater over her head and off. He then cupped both her breasts in his hands as he nibbled her neck and earlobe.

Jordan leaned back into him. She realized it was going to happen. She was going to become a woman tonight. She was excited, scared and tantalized.

Sebastian scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his bed. He undid her bra and while gently kissing her nipples unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, slowly moving them down her legs. He then stood at the edge of the bed pulling the jeans from her legs and taking in the fantastic figure before him. The only thing she had on was delicate thin white socks and a skimpy lace panty that just barely covered her sweet young pussy.

Jordan withered before him in anticipation. She watched as he removed his own t-shirt and pulled down his sweat pants revealing a tented pair of boxers. She stared ready to see his penis, but instead he leaned between her legs and kissed her belly.

Sebastian moved his tongue down her belly to the panty line and as he pulled them down, his tongue continued on the path to her virginal gate.

Jordan moaned. She felt his tongue snaking its way through the folds of her labia. She closed her eyes feeling his tongue and his fingers tweaking her nipples. Soon she was in the throes of an orgasm.

Sebastian moved up on her body slowly, stopping to kiss each hard nipple of her breast. His cock rested on the soft trimmed mound of pubic hair as he his arms held him up looking down into her eyes.

Staring up at her brother she involuntarily gulped, knowing the moment was here. She thought about saying something, to encourage him. Then suddenly he brought his mouth to her lips and in a deep kiss she accepted his tongue as her pussy felt his penis pushing into the entrance.

Sebastian thought it weird to be kissing his sister in such a familiar way. Fucking was just something you did, but kissing like this felt more personal and more taboo, which is why he did it. He wanted to draw her attention away from his dick now slowly pushing its way to her hymen. As he felt the familiar cherry barrier, he slowly drew back and as he pushed forward he kissed her again, timing the thrust.

Jordan felt the sting and tear of her hymen while sucking in her brother's tongue. She winced and felt him stop the continue moving his penis fully within in her.

Sebastian was aware of the tightness gripping his cock. He moved his hands around her body, caressing her tits, kissing her neck, moving from ear to ear to mouth and back to neck. He slowly increased his pace with each thrust, each time giving her more and more of his cock. He sensed her breathing becoming faster and shallow.

"Oh bro....yesss....oh yeah, your fucking me. Shit am fucking, we're fucking. Fuck me brother dear, fuck me yes."

Sebastian wanted to pleasure her; he wanted her first time to be great. More importantly, he wanted it to be great because he wanted to continue fucking her after tonight. He thought he could get her hooked on him fucking her. He wanted his sister to be a regular fuck for him. 'Damn what a body she had, what a fuck' he thought.

There was one problem. Not only was he fucking a fantastic looking young girl, but as his sister, it was turning him on even more so. So much so he was ready to blast his sperm into her. He wanted it to last longer. He tried to get it out of his mind but she kept moaning "fuck me bro, fuck your baby sister" and that was going to make him.....

"Ughhhhhh shit.....ahhhhhhh yeah....ohhhhhh" Sebastian panted out.

Jordan felt the splash of warm cum filling her up. She was breathing heavy, her pussy ached but she felt wonderful just the same. Sebastian rolled off her onto his back.

"Sorry sis, usually I last a lot longer, this....just too much for me." He sighed.

"Nothing to apologize about, It was wonderful bro." Jordan breathed and cuddled next to him. She felt aware of the mixture of blood and cooze dripping down her thigh.

Sebastian told her he would be ready to go again in a moment, but Jordan who felt her pussy ache just wanted to take a shower and go home. While she was in the shower Sebastian wondered if she really did enjoy it or was she just saying that to not hurt his feelings. He felt shaken. He wondered if he came to quick, if he should have fucked her to another orgasm by holding back longer. He knew he had to have another go at her. He drove her to the house, and on the way he convinced her that there was more for her to learn about sex. She was skeptical, but he convinced her he had a plan so that she might not have to actually have full sex with the three boys.

Jordan agreed to come to his apartment again tomorrow night for more "instruction." She called the boys at the garage in the morning and told them she would fuck each of them once, as soon as the car was fixed before her parents got home. The boys hurriedly agreed.