Just a Dream...

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Cousins sneak into a drive-in and get trapped in the trunk.
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"Jill, this is stupid!" I grumbled.

"Shhh! They'll hear you!"

I couldn't believe it. I was home from college on spring break. Most of my friends were going away to some island to lie in the sun, but not me. No, I was locked in the trunk of my brother's car with my cousin Jill, trying to sneak into a drive-in movie!

"How did I let you guys talk me into this!" I groaned.

The worst part was that it wasn't necessary. We had the money to pay, but my older brother Ned and her older brother Bob decided to sneak us in for old times sake. Jill and I were just drunk enough to be convinced. Of course, that was twenty minutes ago and I'd sobered some since then.

The four of us didn't typically go out anymore. Ned was married and Bob moved away for a great job opportunity. I spent most of my time away at school. Jill was the only one who still lived at home.

We really hadn't planned to get together tonight. It just happened. I decided to visit my parents because it was too depressing to stay at school while all my friends vacationed. Bob came back for a wedding and tacked on a couple vacation days to visit family. Ned's wife happened to be working the night shift this weekend to cover for a friend.

Bob and Ned use to hang out together all the time. They were supposed to be catching up on old times and watching a game on television tonight. At least that was the original plan. As soon as they had a few beers in them they decided to try and find some of their old friends.

I have to admit I jumped at the chance to join them when Ned called me. Anything was better than staying in with the parents! I was only home for an hour before I started regretting the visit. I loved my parents dearly, but wow! They could still drive me absolutely crazy!

Jill showed up at the local bar we visited not long afterward. I was surprised by how good of a time I had. The four of us really hadn't been close in a few years. We drank a lot and reminisced. That's how I ended up in the trunk of my brother's car.

"How did I let you guys convince me to do this?" I moaned again.

"Quit complaining," Jill giggled. "You thought it was a great idea at the time."

"I was drunk!" I snapped.

"You still are!" she said, her giggle turning into a full-fledged laugh.

"Maybe, but not enough to think this is fun anymore," I sighed.

"Keep talking," Jill said, fighting to control her laughter. "And you'll be waking up tomorrow morning at the sheriff's office. How much fun do you think that will be?"

"It would serve me right for agreeing to go out with you three lunatics!" I grumbled.

"Shhh!" she said, putting her hand over my mouth.

I was amazed she could find it. It was pitch black in the trunk and far more cramped than I remembered. My legs were bent like pretzels and I'm sure one of my knees was jammed painfully into my cousin's thigh. I sighed and took a deep breath. If she could deal with the pain quietly than I might as well stop complaining. I also tried to shift my knee away from her leg.

We moved up in the line to enter the drive-in at a snail-like pace, but eventually my brother paid and we were through. It wasn't quite the time to celebrate since I was still locked in the trunk. On the other hand, we would be getting out in a couple of minutes.

Of course older brothers being what they are, that couple of minutes was torturous. It was an old drive-in with badly paved paths. Ned made sure to make the ride as bumpy as possible. I could hear both Bob and him laughing. Poor Jill took the brunt of it as my knee jammed into her thigh hard a couple of times. It took forever for us to park.

"I'm going to have a bruise for weeks!" Jill complained once we stopped. She slipped her hand between my knee and her thigh. I shifted as best I could to give her room.

"It's your own fault," I said. "I told you this was a bad idea."

"It wasn't a bad idea," she insisted, but then relented by adding, "Of course, I didn't expect your brother to still be such a immature jerk!"

"Oh come on!" I laughed. "First of all, be careful who you call immature. We did let them stuff us in here. And second, did you really think a few years would make Ned and Bob grow up that much?"

"You know," we heard from outside the car. It was Bob's voice. "He's right little sister. You should have known better."

"Very funny!" she cried. "Now open the trunk! It's way too cramped in here!"

"I don't think so!" Ned's voice said. I could hear in his tone that he was on the verge of laughter.

"Oh no!" I moaned, already seeing where this was going.

"You wouldn't dare!" Jill cried, obviously catching on as well.

"Don't egg them on!" I whispered harshly. "You know how they can be!"

"But they're twenty-five for Christ's sake!" Jill snapped.

"It doesn't matter," I sighed. "They've been drinking."

"Bob! Open the trunk!" Jill cried.

"Not unless you say pretty please!" he laughed back, saying the words I dreaded since I was a little boy. This was bad. This was real bad!

"No way!" she cried.

"Now who's being immature?" I sighed.

"I'm not saying it!" she whispered harshly.

"Bob, please open the trunk!" I called, rolling my eyes. "Pretty please!"

"Not until Jill says it too!" he called back.

"Never!" Jill snapped. I could hear Bob and Ned laughing outside.

"Oh come on!" I cried, annoyed with all three of them, but focusing my attention on Jill. "You're nineteen! Say pretty please and let's get out of this trunk!"

"No!" she said angrily. "He's never gotten me to say it yet, and I'm not about to start now!"

"You can't be serious?" I asked, but I knew the answer already.

Bob and Ned had done some pretty bad things to us over the years, but neither of them had ever been able to make Jill say pretty please. It was ridiculous at our age that they were still trying and she was still refusing, but I was willing to bet anything that Jill wouldn't budge.

"I'm not saying it," she insisted.

"In that case!" Bob cried. "Enjoy the movie!"

"Bob! Ned!" I cried. "A joke is a joke, but it's getting cold in here and we're squished so tight that my foot is going numb. Let us out!"

"There's a blanket back there somewhere," Ned laughed. "We're going to visit some friends. Their car is up front, so don't bother calling out. We won't hear you and neither will anyone else. We parked way in the back of the drive-in."

"Wait!" I cried, but I could hear their laughter as they moved off. "I can't believe this!"

"Oh relax!" Jill said. "It's not like this is the first time they've done something like this to us."

"Exactly!" I snapped.

"Can you find the blanket?" she asked, changing the subject. "It really is cold in here."

"I knew I should have stayed at college for break," I grumbled as I search for the blanket. "Every time I come back to this hick town I thank God I had grades good enough to get out of it!"

"My grades were just a good as yours!" Jill snapped. "Better in English! I just didn't have grandma Ginny to help pay for school."

I was surprised by her reaction. I was just bitching and moaning like I always did when I fell prey to one of my brother's pranks, but obviously I hit a sore subject. Jill never mentioned before that she had a desire to leave our small town. I suddenly felt bad for her. It's too bad that Grandma Ginny was on my mother's side of the family.

"If you really want out of this town, I'm sure there's a way," I frowned as I opened the blanket and placed it over both of us as best I could.

"I like the town," she said more calmly. "I just wish I could go to college."

"Why can't you?" I asked.

"I told you," she sighed. "Money."

"Jill, I go to a state school," I replied. "It's a good school and it's not as expensive as you think. Grandma Ginny does help, but mostly in room and board. She owns a house near campus and she lets me crash there."

"Do you think she'd be willing to let me stay there as well?" Jill half joked.

"I can ask her," I shrugged.

"Are you serious?" Jill asked in surprise.

"Why not?" I shrugged. My cousin was silent for a few moments before speaking again.

"Wow! I'll have to think about that," she replied with a shake of her head. "Can I get back to you?"

"No problem," I smiled. Jill surprised me with a kiss on the cheek. She smelled nice. I shook my head and pulled back. "Now do you think we can try and shift around. My foot really is numb!"

"We can try," she sighed and shifting under the blanket. Jill cursed once as she bumped her head into the trunk. I felt bad, but she was the smaller of us and could move around better. She settled next to me and asked, "How's that? Any better?" We were spooning. I had to spit her hair out of my mouth before answering.

"Yes, thanks," I said.

"Oh hey! Look what I found!" she cried and suddenly the trunk had light. Jill was holding an old flashlight. The battery was clearly on it's way out, but it helped a lot.

"That's better," I smiled and we shifted a little more and I pushed some stuff in the trunk around to make room. It was bigger than I originally thought, but still pretty tight. "Now why don't you tell me what you've been doing since leaving high school? We haven't talked recently and we obviously have the time."

"Okay, but let me shut the light first," she answered with a smile. "I don't want the battery to die."

Jill and I were close growing up, but it changed when we went to high school. I guess part of it was that I was a year ahead of her. We also hung out with different groups. I'm not sure what the rest of it was, but whatever the reason, we grew apart. Yet, as she spoke I realized that we were still enough alike to be friends as well as cousins.

My face was very close to her hair and I noticed how good Jill smelled again. I put the thought out of my mind and did my best to ignore the fact that my body was pressed against hers.

My cousin looked a lot like her mother's side of the family. She had wavy, blond shoulder length hair. Her body was compact and well built. She was pretty, but not beautiful. I had a suddenly flash of how she looked when she smiled. There was definitely something special there. She was the type to light up a room when she was in a good mood.

I wasn't sure why, but suddenly I decided to tickle Jill. She cried out and accidentally slammed the back of her head back into my face, but it was a glancing blow that didn't stop me from tickling her.

"Don't! Stop!" she cried through her laughter. "This is so unfair! You know how ticklish I am!"

"Yes I do!" I laughed and continued.

My hands were under her arms and she fought to push them away, only there wasn't a lot of room. Somehow she was able to twist around and face me. I was still trying to tickle her, but with all her movement my hands kept accidentally finding her breasts.

"Pervert!" she snapped.

"Stop wiggling so much and take your medicine!" I laughed, continuing to try and tickle her.

"Two can play this game!" she cried and started tickling me back, only I wasn't particularly ticklish.

"Stop!" she gasped through her laughter.

"Or you'll do what?" I asked, knowing there wasn't enough room for her to do much.

"I'll...I'll...I'll bite you!" she replied, obviously trying to come up with something threatening.

"You've got to be kidding?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh yeah?" she cried and suddenly her teeth were on my nose.

I pulled back quickly, but she followed just as fast. I didn't have a lot of room to maneuver in the trunk so I twisted my face away from her. That didn't stop her from biting.

"Cut that out!" I cried as her teeth glanced against my neck. I ignored the shiver that traveled through my body, or at least I tried to. "How am I going to explain a hickey to Ned and Bob when we get out of here?"

"Are you going to stop tickling me?" she asked threateningly. It was funny in a way, but my emotions were all mixed up.

"Yes," I said, trying to regain control of whatever I was feeling.

"Good," she sighed as I stopped. I could feel her body relax as she pulled away. I don't know what came over me, but I started tickling her again.

"You bastard!" she cried and started trying to bite me again. I twisted away once more and her teeth found my neck. Instead of pulling away, I lay there with my mind in a confused jumble.

Jill's mouth opened on my neck and she literally started to leave a hickey. Her tongue brushed against my skin and I felt a jolt of electricity. I lost myself in the feeling for a moment. Jill moaned into my neck. It was clearly a sound of passion and it woke me up to the reality of what was happening. We were no longer playing. I pulled away.

"What are you doing?" I cried.

"I'm sorry," Jill said, but she didn't sound it. A moment later the flashlight came on again. She was looking at me oddly.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"I shouldn't have done that," she said softly. "We're cousins."

"You got that right!" I cried. Jill looked hurt and I found myself calming considerably as I added, "I mean, it felt good and all, but like you said, we're cousins."

"You liked it?" she asked, still watching me oddly.

"It felt good," I admitted. "But it was wrong."

"I know," she agreed. "I don't know what came over me. I mean we're trapped in this small trunk and your body was rubbing against me, but that doesn't make it right."

"I wasn't helping," I sighed. "I should have been more careful with where my hands were going."

"Yes, you should have," she smiled teasingly. I smiled back tentatively.

"If I'd known your chest was that sensitive I would have been," I joked back. The discomfort we were both feeling dropped a bit, but there was still a sexual tension that I tried hard to ignore. I was only moderately successful.

"Liar!" she grinned. I couldn't help it. I laughed.

"Well, maybe if you didn't smell so good," I added.

"I smell good?" she asked.

"Oh yeah!" I said with more passion than I meant. We both blushed and looked away, falling silent. Jill was as far away from me as possible considering our confined space. I was surprised when she turned off the flashlight a moment later.

"It's weird really," she offered.

"What?"" I asked.

"We're cousins," she said. "Even the thought of us being together should disgust me."

"But it doesn't?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"No," she replied softly.

"Pervert!" I snapped, but then softened it with a laugh.

"Bastard!" she laughed in reply.

"Don't be mad at me just because I'm immune to your charms," I teased.

"I don't attract you?" she asked. Her tone was odd again.

"Absolutely not," I replied. "I'm not attracted to cousins. That would be sick!"

"What if I wasn't your cousin?" she asked. I knew it was coming, but I had no idea how to answer so I stalled for time.

"And we were trapped in a trunk like this together?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied, her voice soft once more. I knew the right answer to give, but I couldn't help it. I told her the truth instead.

"I'd be all over you," I said, laughing nervously.

"Because I smell good?" she asked, her voice more relaxed and filled with humor.

"That and you're built," I replied, regretting it immediately. What was I doing? You don't flirt with cousin! "Sorry."

"You're sorry I'm built?" she teased.

"I'm sorry I said that," I replied, but then something took over my mouth and I added, "Or I'm sorry we're cousins."

"Me too," she said.

"Which?" I asked.

"Does it matter?" she sighed.

"I guess not," I said after a brief hesitation. We were silent for a few minutes.

"Is this why we stopped hanging out together?" she finally asked.

"Pardon?" I asked in confusion.

"We were very close growing up and suddenly it stopped," she replied. "I was wondering if it had to do with the fact that we started becoming attracted to each other?"

"Well, you did develop early," I said nervously.

"I know," she sighed. "It wasn't all that great. The guys were..."

"Yeah, I know guys," I interjected.

"You haven't answered my question," Jill said. "Did we stop hanging out because..."

"I don't know!" I snapped, surprising myself. I wasn't attracted to my cousin! Not now and not then! Of course, she did feel very good in my arms.

"That's an answer," she replied. I couldn't see her face, but for some reason I thought she was smiling. A moment later she said softly, "You know, I used to have dreams about us."

"Do you think Ned and Bob are going to let us out soon?" I asked quickly, changing the subject.

"Not really," she replied, thankfully letting the subject drop. "You know them. They're probably drinking again."

"Great," I grumbled and we fell silent again.

"I'm starting to sober up and I'm getting tired," Jill said a few minutes later.

"Me too," I said. It wasn't true. Mostly all I was feeling was horny. Jill and I were barely touching, but even that little contact combined with her scent was maddening.

"I'm supposed to be up early tomorrow," she said. "Meeting friends. I'm going to take a nap."

"Sounds good."

"You should go to sleep too," she added.

"I may," I said, wondering how she could think about sleep right now. "Sweet dreams."

"Hmmm, that's a thought," she said softly.

"What?" I asked.

"What if I dream about what happened earlier?" she asked.

"Now that's a frightening thought," I sighed.

"Why?" she asked. "Think about it. It's just a dream. Dreaming about stuff isn't the same as doing it."

"That's true," I admitted.

"So, you're okay with me having a dream about us?" she asked. I laughed nervously.

"Okay? No way!" I said. "But on the other hand, like you said, it's just a dream."

"Thanks," Jill said, but then added, "Can't sleep like this." She shifted around again and we ended up spooning once again.

"No problem," I said letting out a deep breath and trying hard to think about anything other than my cousin's body resting against mine. "Next time, do me a favor and just say 'pretty please'. We going to be in pain for days when we finally get out of here."

"Not going to happen," she mumbled. "I won't beg. A girl has her pride."

"Well then," I laughed gently. "Maybe that's what I'll dream about."

"What?" she asked, clearly half asleep.

"You saying pretty please," I replied.

"Now that is perverted!" she teased.

"I didn't mean..." I began, but did bother finishing as she laughed.

I lay there for a few minutes wondering how long the movie was. Ned and Bob would probably come back when it was done. Bastards!

I let my mind wonder while I tried to think about anything other than Jill. I think I was half asleep when she shifted and faced me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Oh!" she said happily. "I am having a dream about what happened!"

"No you're not..." I began, but her lips covered mine and silenced my words. There was no tentativeness about the kiss.

'Oh fuck!' I thought. 'I'm kissing my cousin!' Well, actually, she was kissing me, but it ended up the same difference.

"We can't!" I got out, breaking the kiss.

"Sure we can," she insisted. "It's just a dream!"

"Jill..." I argued, but she cut me off. This time the kiss included her tongue slipping into my mouth. I fought briefly, but then without a conscious decision I found myself kissing her back with just as much passion.

My cousin moaned when she realized I was no longer fighting her. Jill took one of my hands and placed it on her chest. They were full and heavy. I groaned and squeezed as I felt her nipples harden.

"This is so perverted!" she moaned, reaching between us and rubbing my cock through my pants.

"It's incest!" I whispered hoarsely.

"Only a dream..." Jill said, fearing I would stop.

I would have if I could, but it was beyond me at the moment. Instead, I lifted her sweater and bra enough for me to cup her bare breasts with my hands.