Just an Old Legend Ch. 12


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She shut down the computer and pointed him to the shower with a smile. He was surprised a minute later as the curtain opened a little and she stepped inside with him.

"Why do you look at me like that?" she asked, "I came to wash you, and then I want you to wash me. It will be fun and, ...."

"And what, Lia?" he smiled.

Lia was stuck for a moment, but finally grinned, "Practical," she nodded with satisfaction.

He chuckled, "Yes, I can see that it would be practical. Though you can travel the world in hours to find me, I can also see that you are still a farm girl inside. Only a farm girl would find a way to hide something that she hopes to enjoy with that word."

She nodded brightly, "We would save water. You could wash me, and rub my sore bottom. And my legs still hurt me sometimes. They haven't hurt me this much in years, but today I found something that makes then hurt a bit."

"I have to know this," he said, "What makes them hurt today?"

"Chasing after you," she said as she stood with her arms around his neck. "I would never have thought that it would be so much fun, but now I'm sore."

As he toweled himself dry afterward, he watched Lia untie her braid and shake her damp hair out. As she worked to dry it a little more trying to avoid tangles, she was at first unaware that he stood spellbound as he watched her. She looked at him quizzically, "What is it?"

He shook his head, "Nothing, I guess. I was trying to remember the last time that I saw you with your hair undone. I have always been amazed by your beauty, even when we were little. I struggled for an answer to how long it had been as I stared. Things were going black for me for a moment. I guess that I forgot to breathe," he shrugged with a smile.

His reward for the comment was another of her smirks, and then after a moment she looked at him, "You were really amazed then?"

"My whole life until we moved, yes," he nodded. "I could look at you for hours. I would even do that sometimes, if your legs had made you tired and you fell asleep. There were some times when we were there in the meadow that you fell asleep, and your mother came to look for us because she had some chore for you. She would find me watching you sleep with your head on me. Most times, she would just smile and whisper to me that I should bring you back home as soon as you woke. I always thought about how beautiful you were. I worried sometimes that you would see a boy that you liked better than me."

He found her with her face against his chest. Her eyes were closed and she smiled for a moment. "You're very sweet," she said after kissing him there. "You worried for nothing, Nikki. You were the only one that I wanted, and you always had my heart. You were everything to me. I always knew my luck. I had you, and you helped me always. I could never be with you enough, and still I dreamed of you at night. I used to watch you from the kitchen window while you worked in your pens. I had my fear that you would find a prettier girl who had strong legs. My mother said that very soon, every girl would try for your heart and that you would be strong and handsome, but she told me that you wouldn't even see them, because you loved me so much."

He kissed the top of her head, "She was right about that. That was how it should have gone for us. But we are together now, Lia." He bent quickly and she found herself in his arms as he carried her to the bed. "If we are to be man and wife, I will need you to teach me about the world. Right now, you need me to rub your aching miracle legs for you."

Lia was somewhat surprised by his almost shy expression as he set her down carefully, "When I brought you to your home, I always wanted to rub your legs for you because I knew they hurt you so much. I wanted to make you feel better, and of course, I couldn't do that then. But I wished to be able to do that whenever your legs hurt."

"I knew that, Nikki. I always felt how much stronger you were getting as you carried me. I never told you, but I wanted you to carry me all the way into the house, and I really wanted you to rub my legs for me too. I used to wonder how far my mother would let you carry me when you'd grown strong enough to carry me that far. It was just a girl's daydream then. I didn't think that I'd get better, and I never thought that I'd have legs as strong as anyone else's when I grew up, so in my daydreams, I was grown up, and by some miracle, you still wanted me. We'd be married in my dreams, and I'd always do my best to make up for my legs, if only you'd carry me inside our house and rub my legs when they got bad."

She tousled his hair with a grin, "And of course, when I was a bit older, my dreams let you rub more than my legs, but we were apart by then."

"I always tried to hide my uncertainty about things - like when you worried about how to put your arm around me in the meadow. You didn't think that you should keep putting it in the same place as when we were little. I would hide it with the pragmatism of a country girl, but I worried too. Inside, I thought it was silly. It wasn't a problem when we were small, and I knew it wouldn't be a problem when we were grown and married, since we both knew that we'd be together, didn't we? It was just a problem while we were beginning to grow up."

Lia laughed quietly, "Well, we grew up a long time ago, and now you can put your hands anywhere that you like on me. And you can rub my legs as much as you want to."

He began to massage her legs carefully as he told her that he was so happy that all of their wishes about her legs had finally come true. He'd stop now and then to kiss them here and there. Lia finally had her dream come true with him. He was really there, and she felt like a happy cat as she sighed in response to the work that his hands were doing.

"Nikki," she said, "there's something that you need to know about us, I mean what we are inside." She looked up and saw his eyes. It was almost too late for them even now. She already saw it in him. And she knew that he was seeing the same thing in her eyes looking back at him now. She still felt that she ought to tell him, all the same.

"Nikki, if this is good for us, you need to know that we've found out that we usually mate for life. It's just what we are. So if you think that you want me forever, that's fine with me. You already know how I feel about you. But if you're not certain about me, then you should stop now before it's too late."

She watched as his smile grew, "You want me to rub your legs when they get tired. I was ready to do this for you always," he said softly, "I already wanted to love you forever. I only stopped long years after we lost each other. If I hadn't moved away, Lia, we'd have been married, and I'd have rubbed your poor legs even after they grew stronger and you didn't need your braces anymore. We would both probably be dead by now. I was a boy then, but I knew that was what I wanted. I see no difference here. What has changed is that we are different creatures, but you are still the same, and I am still the same. You want me to be certain? Do not ask me this again, Lia. I was certain before I was seven years old."

She felt her eyes grow wet in her joy, and she reached to take him in her hand, "This was always a mystery to me back then, Nikki. We even watched together what the farm animals did and we knew how it was supposed to go, but I wondered how we would do it when the time came. By the time that I was eighteen, we hadn't seen each other in years but I thought of this alone in my room where I boarded. You were so much bigger than me, and now the margin is even larger. Now I know how it goes, but did you ever think about how we would do it then? I mean, me with my legs and everything? I thought about kneeling in front of you, but how would it work for us like that? I couldn't even hold myself up for very long, could I?"

He cupped the core of her in his hand and squeezed softly as his hand worked her there. "You have no idea how much I thought of that back then, Lia," he said with a soft smile, "it's strange that you say it at that age, because I had the same thoughts then when I was in the army. Of course, it was torture for me since I slept in a bed in a barracks with many others around me. I was a young man after all, but I knew that I would have to love you very gently. I knew that I couldn't just go at you like an ox. I thought about it quite a lot."

He smirked a little, "Well, that is what boys do, isn't it, think about that a lot?"

Her smile to that was worth quite a bit to him as he looked at her with her raven hair around her, "It has been a long time now," she said, "but when I was at the school, I thought about how you might approach this problem every night - as soon as the lights were turned off. Could you show me what you finally arrived at for a solution, Nikki? I find that I am so tired now, but I want to begin as your woman right here and I want to pretend as I often did -- that we had found each other and we were just people."

He stretched out on the bed beside her. "I thought of many ways that it might be done," he said, "but if we are pretending now, then you only need to lie on your back, and I will help you raise your legs like this," he said as he positioned her gently. Lia was amazed at how easily he could move her body around on the bed, being so careful with her all the while and never showing that it was any more effort than she might have used to move her coffee cup on the table in the morning. He spread her legs for her, being careful not to move them quickly, and then asked her if she could keep them this way for only a moment. "I -- I don't know what you'll find there, Nikki."

She looked a bit uncomfortable, "I am still a virgin."

The look which he returned to her made her feel as though some explanation was required. "I have always wanted only you, and, ... I -- I've never allowed it."

He looked at her, thinking a little, knowing that she might be sensitive on this one subject. He kissed her softly, "Then I must really do this as I had thought so long ago when I imagined it."

Lia smiled, "You really have thought about this," she said softly and he nodded, but then they both groaned as he entered her slowly and with great care. He froze and then pulled back when he heard her breath hiss between her teeth, but she held onto him.

"Please, Nikki," she whispered, "Don't leave me. Stay in me here. I think it's past now."

Well it wasn't. But before he could pull back again, she moved herself quickly and reached to pull him. "Sorry," she said as the discomfort passed, "after all of this time, I will do what I have to for this here."

When they were completely joined, he kissed her and smiled as he repositioned her legs for her and asked her to try to wrap her legs around him.

"I will do everything, Lia, but it will likely be that you cannot go on for long like this. You only have to tell me before it gets uncomfortable for your legs, and we will move another way."

He moved slowly and as they found their best fit together, he found a gentle rhythm as he kissed her. When Lia noticed that her thighs were beginning to complain to her. She mentioned it, and he moved them again. He changed their positions several times. Lia had the beginnings of soft orgasms from every position and as soon as Nikki became aware of it, he always did something to her that pushed her higher as she went over the top. Whether it was his fingers on her nipples or her nub, or just his teeth gently on her throat, it always brought a satisfying intensity to her. He asked about the tears that he saw from her eyes, and she told him that it was nothing bad - that she was only happy now.

But Lia protested after a time, pointing out that she wanted him to find pleasure as well, but he only laughed softly and asked her what she thought that he'd been doing.

His own interpretation was that she was tired from the day of running and decided that she should sleep soon. Lia wanted to argue the point quietly, but he told her that if they were now a mated pair, then they had a long time ahead of them and he didn't mind if they just stopped now, but Lia wouldn't hear of it.

"Think about how I might feel, Nikki. I see that you are doing all of these things for my pleasure, and I am so grateful to find that you are still so thoughtful, but I now want to have the pride of being able to satisfy my man. I think that we need to drop the charade of you loving a girl with her weak legs."

"Perhaps not," he chuckled, and she found herself on her face with her legs draped off the edge of the bed. She moaned as he penetrated her and took her by her hips. His loving was still careful, but she now found herself being pounded more gently than she'd have ever thought possible for such a large man until at last she felt his contractions inside of her.

Lia lifted her head to smile back at him, "Let me go only when you've given me all of it," she smiled, "after all of these years. I want every drop that you can give me, Nikki." He stopped for a minute and only smiled back and stroked her bottom, but the next contractions began and he groaned while Lia sighed happily.

"This must be better than loving a man," she said, as she worked her internal muscles to entice another gush from him, "I only wonder if I can hold all of what you give to me here."

The statement caused another ejaculation that made her whimper a little in her joy. Lia was pleased now to find that she could talk more out of him this way. After the seventh, Nikki knew that he was done for the moment and warned her that he'd withdraw slowly. Lia had her hand ready when he went to the bathroom for a towel for her.

They curled up tightly together and she kissed him softly, "I wanted to be more, ... lively for you the first time, but I don't have the strength tonight. Was it good?"

He nodded, "Better than I'd even hoped when I dreamed of loving my friend who had weak legs. I always knew that we could find a way for ourselves. Best of all, I can say that I love you now as I once did, my Lia."

"And are we mated then?" she asked, "I warn you that our next time, I will be far more active for you. I only wanted to see tonight if you could be satisfied with being gentle because I'm so tired, and I didn't want to put this off between us for a moment longer. I might even be aggressive the next time."

"Yes," he smiled, "Do you feel mated to me?"

"I always did feel mated to you, even as a human girl long before we were ready to do anything. The only thing missing when it was time was you," she chuckled. "But as what I am now? More than ever," she sighed, "after this the world can do its worst, but my place in it is by your side, wherever we are," she explained as she asked him to change to his middle form. "We need no blankets like this," she smiled as she stretched to turn off the light.

She turned back to him and found a comfortable position against him. "This is what I have always wanted," she sighed.


**I'm going to leave them here for a little while, I think. I've got some ideas for what happens when they get back, and after that. I think Lia and Nikki have more to their story, but I've got to work my ideas out and I'm not done with Dacia's part in it either.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
ChasingtheSkyChasingtheSkyalmost 7 years ago

I love your writing. This is a great storyline, and I have fallen in love with your characters.

deep29569deep29569almost 8 years ago


Have read hundreds of werewolf stories here,but gotta say that ur treatment to this subject is totally different n damn good.U've taken d courage to forge a new path n succeeded brilliantly.Bravo.Already added u to my list of fav .

Thanks n keep writing.God bless.

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 8 years ago
Great story

The very best were story EVER!!!!!

My God you need to write this as a full length book!!! I've held off commenting until now because I knew I was catching up on an already written story, but now I'm free to say that this is without a doubt one of the very best were stories I've ever read. So well written and thought out. I also love the way you portrayed weres. They are not just animals, nor are they invincible supernatural creatures. They are just people who have more abilities than normal people do, but all the problems and faults that go with being human. Your weres are human, and that is both a curse and a blessing just as the fact that they are weres is both a curse and a blessing. I do hope you consider making this a book. It is simply too good not to be made available for everyone to read.

WolphinWolphinabout 9 years ago
Not Bad -- Could do with a revision

I liked it overall, but the fact of it jumping harshly... and needing comments at the top to keep all the threads straight, just makes it a hard to read story! If it were to be edited throughout to revise and clean up the storyline, including a little more final with Helen (Maybe being invited to the Wedding and being told the island is hers--maybe with her sending him some of the money from the story, like she said she would do). I think it could do with another chapter or 2, but I'm always wanting more :)

ReddfoxReddfoxover 9 years ago

Though your story telling is great not sure I love your twist as much ad the others. I get there were all long lost loves who found each other again I didn't like the way it was done. Why make Helen a cheater and crazy person why not just have them drift apart or not make their love seem so pure. If you could somehow tie it off cleanly would make for a better story to me.

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