Kiss of the Vampyre Ch. 02

Story Info
Becca struggles with her moods as she begins to change.
23.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 10/23/2003
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Author's Note:

Originally, Kiss of the Vampyre was going to be the pilot for an erotic novel based around the exploits of Elly and her Netherworld friends, however with a huge range of erotic vampire literature already on the market I abandoned the project for something more original.

However, Kiss of the Vampyre has been so well loved over the years that I decided in the closing months of 2008 to revisit the story with a light-hearted sequel. This story carries on directly from where Kiss of the Vampyre left off. If you haven't read Kiss of the Vampyre, I recommend you begin there. You can find it on my memberpage.

I try to respond to all serious feedback where an email address is provided. I have some ideas for a follow-up to this story; if you would like a further installation in the Kiss of the Vampyre series, please let me know!

Chapter 02: First Blood

Becca awoke slowly, stretching her legs under Elly's cold purple sheets. Chill air wafted in slowly through the glassless window, and a grey light from an overcast sky landed on the silk, glazing it with a deep watery shine.

Despite the cold air and cold sheets Becca felt her blood boiling in her veins, so she kicked off the thick duvet and stretched naked under the grey light, revelling in the fresh air. Her head was groggy and her eyes gummed, but not so badly that she couldn't remember what had happened, or why she was alone in the stone-walled room.

If it weren't for the fact that she was still in the luxurious silk-covered bed then she'd have been sure it was all a dream. What was more worrying was that she couldn't decide if it was a bad dream or a good one. She'd been taken against her will, lifted into the sky and tied helpless to be pleasured by a complete stranger. What Elly had done to her had been tantamount to rape, even though come the end she had begged her not to stop. And to top it all off, Elly was a girl!

Becca didn't think she was alone among modern girls in having had one or two lesbian fantasies, but that didn't mean she'd ever intended to act on them. If Elly had asked, she'd have said no. It was too big a step. Elly hadn't even bothered to ask -- she'd just taken what she wanted, and Becca, after a terrified start, had loved it.

It wasn't just sexual violation, either. She'd been so racked with pleasure, cresting the peak of her long-awaited orgasm, that she had hardly noticed Elly's needle-sharp fangs sinking into her neck, piercing her skin and liberating her blood. Becca had been bitten by a vampyre!

Only a day ago, she'd thought vampyres were just a myth. She wouldn't have believed in a beautiful green-haired purple-winged girl who could fly across the autumn sky; she wouldn't have believed that her life could be so drastically altered by one chance involuntary encounter.

Now that it was done, Becca couldn't decide whether it was a good or bad thing. She recalled her life as an interloper in her parents' house with a sense of detachment, a remoteness that she couldn't resolve. Times hadn't always been happy -- in fact, most of the time she was helplessly sad. She could never explain why. Her parents were supportive, most of the time, although from the safety of her own head she often accused them of not taking her seriously. She remembered nights out with her friends, how they'd had some great times, and she wondered why, every time she came home, she felt like she hadn't fitted in. She remembered the guys that had shown an interest in her, and how she invariably pushed them away somehow.

She'd always viewed her life as a series of disasters, but now that she was far from home in a cold, empty bed, waiting for her body to drastically change, part of her couldn't help but wish for it back.

Another part argued. Elly has been sweet to you, it said. Elly is attractive, and kind, and she made you smile. She soothed you when you woke up, vulnerable and afraid. She made you feel better when you needed someone, and she can do things to your body that you never thought possible.

Hunger tickled Becca's belly. Goosebumps rippled across her skin. Her heated blood had cooled in the swirling autumn air, so she dragged herself from the sheets after a long stretch, the urge to find food overcoming her urge to lie dormant in bed until Elly came to her.

There were no clothes in the room, and Becca wondered, not without a shiver of anxiety, what Elly had done with the clothes she'd arrived in. If she chose to try and escape, then she would have to do so naked. The pair of skin-tight green PVC trousers that she had worn during her initiation were gone. Her favourite black jeans, her t-shirt with the wolf print, and her purple coat with the fake fur collar that she had been wearing when she was abducted; where were they?

On the ancient wooden door hung a green silk gown, which Becca lifted in her tingling hands and draped over her shoulders. It was delicate as spider's webs and soft as clouds, and floated over her body more like an aura than a gown. She pulled it tight around her neck against the cold.

The door creaked loudly as it opened, sending shivers down Becca's spine to do battle with the shivers that were working up from her bare feet and legs. On the wall opposite the door, in a narrow vaulted corridor of rough-hewn stone, a torch blazed in an iron cradle. Another torch crackled some way down the corridor, bathing the distant walls in pulsing yellow light around a fierce pinpoint of flame; in the other direction the corridor was utterly dark, lit not even by overcast grey daylight. It was a black hollow of limitless depth that seemed to suck the air from Becca's lungs as she stared into it.

She pulled herself away from the darkness, felt it hovering behind her as if it was peering over her shoulder, tugged the torch from its cradle and set off briskly towards the pinpoint of light, cold footsteps padding one after the other on flagstones that were carpeted only with a thick layer of dust. Shadows of cobwebs shimmered high on the arched ceiling as she passed, and with her passing came subtle hints of movement in crags in the old stone, spiders or beetles or perhaps even small bats scampering up in the arches.

A set of approaching footsteps echoed from the stone until a shadow was cast against the wall near the torch. Becca was perhaps only twenty paces from the pool of light now, close enough to see Elly's face and the unmistakeable silhouette of her purple wings, black in shadow, as she stepped into the light.

"Hey, you're awake!" Elly said softly, stepping forwards, out of the light and into darkness again, visible only as a pair of narrow eyes glistening in the flame from Becca's torch, before she emerged from the shadow just paces in front of her. "You must be hungry."

Becca nodded sullenly.

"Come, follow me." Elly said, taking the torch from Becca's unresisting hand and leading her back in the direction from which she had come. "I've got some food in the feasting hall. How do you feel?"

"I'm confused." Becca said flatly.

"Confused? How so?" Elly enquired, her voice open and soothing.

"I don't know where I am." She replied. "I don't know if I want to be here."

"Don't let that bother you." Elly cooed, reaching out with a delicate hand to touch Becca's back. She shied away from her touch a little, recoiled towards the wall and opened a gap between them.

Elly withdrew her hand, held it to her side. "It's alright." She said. "I know you're confused. I know this is hard for you, but you can trust me."

"You don't know what this is like." Becca said, as they paced down the dark corridor. It began to curve slightly until it reached a steep spiral staircase, which they descended side-by-side. "I mean, I... You... You did things to me, without asking. You took me away. But... I like you. You were really sweet to me outside the party, and you were sweet to me when I woke up earlier, but... You took me away! You didn't ask me, you just took me, and turned me into a vampyre."

"I know. In human terms, that was wrong. But I'm not human."

"Why did you do it?"

Elly shrugged. "Because I like you." She said, although her sentence had an upturned inflexion, perhaps indicating a question or some uncertainty, the first sign of doubt that Becca had detected in Elly's manner.

"I don't understand." Becca mumbled, her eyes cast to the dark flagstones beneath her bare feet.

"You will. Be patient."

"I miss my family."

Elly nodded. "You will, for a while, but it will pass."

They reached the foot of the stairs, crossed a wide hall lit brightly with torches, carpeted with threadbare rugs and hung with ancient tapestries over bare stone walls, and entered an even bigger side-room containing a long feasting table. At one end stood an old metal urn and a stack of earthenware bowls. Elly picked one up, ladled some cereal into it from the urn, and poured on some milk from a jug. She wordlessly handed it to Becca.

"Vampyres eat muesli?" Becca asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Food is simple here." Said Elly. "Take it."

Becca took her eyes from the bowl, looked up at Elly, saw nothing but honesty in her otherwise empty face. She took the bowl, clutched it to her belly, and dug in with a spoon proffered by Elly.

"You can sit down." Elly said, motioning to a bench at the long table, but Becca ignored her. Nothing more was said as she scooped spoon after spoon into her mouth, swallowing her plain muesli as fast as she could between rapid gasps for air. She didn't stop until the bowl was empty and her spoon scraped at the last trails of milk and dust, chasing them around the ceramic but not managing to catch more then a few final droplets.

"Sit down." Elly said, taking the bowl from Becca's hands.

"Still hungry." Becca replied.

"Let that settle first. You eat too fast."

"I was hungry."

"Come on, sit down, talk to me."

"Why do you want to talk to me?" Becca whined, anger flaring at the back of her throat.

Elly deposited the bowl on the table and stepped forwards, took hold of Becca's unresisting shoulders. "Don't be angry." She soothed. "Anger is driven by fear. Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. This is going to be a difficult time, but I'll be here for you. I'm responsible for this, I know, and I'm going to help make it as easy as I can. You'll miss your family, and you'll miss your old life, but you'll find a new one, better than any you could have imagined. And I'll be here to share it with you, for as long as you want me." She pulled Becca into an embrace and held her tightly.

Becca sniffed into Elly's shoulder. She was wearing something less sensual than her skin-tight outfit from the previous night: a pair of faded blue jeans and a soft cotton shirt in mauve that was cut specially for her wings and delicately laced at the front instead of buttoned, into which Becca's tears began to seep. On her feet, which Becca stared at through blurry eyes, were slender synthetic training shoes.

"Hey, don't cry!" Elly soothed, rubbing her back gently.

Becca sniffed again, tried to stem her flow of tears. "Where am I?" She asked.

"You're in the Netherworld." Elly replied. "It's a place where only we can go."


"That's right. It exists alongside the human world, parallel to it. It's safe for us here. We can go out in the daylight, we can fly freely in the skies, we can be ourselves. Well, most of us can. We can cross the boundary to the human world, but humans can't come here unless we bring them with us."

"There are other humans here?" Becca asked. She lifted her head from Elly's shoulder, wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and backed away, sitting down on the nearest bench at the long table. Elly shifted to sit beside her, put her hand on Becca's thigh.

"Humans have lived here for centuries. Many centuries ago, a channel was opened that allowed humans to travel freely into this world, but not back again. Many came. The channel was eventually closed, the reason is often debated, and the ancestors of those that came still live here."

"Can I see them?"

"No. Not yet. Maybe some day. There's not much to see. They have their own civilisation, but they don't mix with us much."

Becca sighed. "Is it lonely, being a vampyre?"

"It can be." Elly said. "I think it depends."

"Depends on what?"

"On what type of person you are underneath."

"I've always been lonely." Becca mumbled.

"I'm the same."

"Is that why you took me?"

Elly took a deep breath, gave a long sigh. "Yes."

Nothing was said for some time. Becca felt that Elly's answer required some clarification, but didn't push for it.

"So this place is like, another planet?"

"Think of it more as another dimension." Elly said.

"An alternate reality?"

"Well... Strictly speaking no, but it's a good place to start. I won't go into details. When you've changed, you'll be able to see it more clearly. You'll be able to see the boundaries between the worlds, and step through them, like stepping onto the deck of a boat from a harbour wall."

"And this castle? Is this yours?"

Elly sighed again, a tired sigh this time. "It's my father's." She said.

"A vampyre?"


"So you were born a vampyre?"


"But you said... You said you knew how I felt, about the change! How?"

"We don't develop until after puberty." Elly said. "Usually about eighteen, maybe nineteen, for girls. Up to that point we're almost human. I was sent to a boarding school in the human world, until my fangs started to develop."

Becca rested her head on the palm of her hand. She still wasn't sure what to make of it all. She'd left the Hallowe'en party wanting to run away from home, but she hadn't wanted this. She wanted to go back. She wanted to see her parents, and tell them she was alright. She wanted to go up to her bedroom and watch one of her favourite films, snuggled up in her warm bed. She wanted to dim the lights, and when she was sure her parents were watching TV and wouldn't overhear her rapid breaths and tight-throated squeaks, she'd...

She swallowed; her throat was tight, not just with nervous anxiety, but something else, a heat that burned in her chest. She felt hot, she felt the blood rushing to her face. She took a breath, lifted her head upright, shifted on the bench, crossed her legs to appease an ache that was growing between them.

"It's happening again, isn't it?" Elly said softly into her ear.

Becca nodded. Elly stood, turned so that she straddled the bench facing her, teased open Becca's gown and placed a delicate hand on her bare thigh. "You want me to help you out?"

Becca swallowed nervously. "I don't know."

"Don't be afraid." Elly said. "It's quite normal. I went through this too. My parents didn't see much of me for a week when I was eighteen!" She giggled. Perhaps Elly thought it was funny, but Becca looked away, her cheeks flushing. "You needn't be afraid of it." Elly continued.

"It's so strong." Becca said, her voice breathy. Already a fire was burning between her legs, and clenching them rhythmically together was serving only to fuel it, not to soothe it. "I have to have it." She sighed.

"Open your legs." Elly whispered into her ear, sliding closer on the bench until her moist lips were hanging a finger's breadth from her cheek.

"You're taking advantage of me, aren't you?" Becca said, her voice tightened by arousal, which felt like hot treacle in her chest.

"No, I'm trying to help you." Elly replied. "If you want, I'll take you back to your room, and leave you alone until you're done."

Becca turned her head, gazed unfocussed into Elly's deep green eyes only an inch or two inch from hers. She wasn't sure what to say. She wasn't sure that she wanted Elly to continue, but she wasn't sure she could make it to her room before she lost control -- her legs quivered, her sex ached, she just wanted so badly to appease it. She wasn't even sure if the motion of her legs rubbing together as she walked back to the bedroom wouldn't be enough to trigger something embarrassing. Her clit was throbbing painfully. She had to have it.

Wordlessly she opened her legs, gently took hold of Elly's wrist and guided it under her gown.

She gasped as Elly's cold fingers probed her sex, deftly opened her moist, puffy lips and found her clit, already slick with heat that seeped from inside her seething body. A few circles from Elly's skilled fingertips brought whimpers of tortured rapture from her mouth; a few more had her gripping Elly's wrist and thrusting her hips against her hand.

"Hush, hush..." Elly cooed in her ear, soothing and steadying her arching back with her spare hand. "Don't fight it, just let it happen."

It was too much, too intense. She wanted to stop, but she couldn't, it felt too good. So good that it was bad, so bad that it was just too good. She just wanted to come -- no, she needed to come -- to ease the pressure behind her hips and release the sticky hot treacle from her chest. Grabbing Elly's wrist still firmer she jerked it up and down, rubbing her hand over her slippery clit.

Already it was happening, and she dreaded it as much as she needed it. It was going to be intense. It started between her hips like fireworks going off silently, little flowers of golden sparks that got bigger and bigger until they overwhelmed her, finally exploding in her chest and between her legs in one big all-encompassing blast.

She shook against Elly's hand, quivering, her legs weak, her face covered with a light sheen of sweat and her heart racing. Her breaths were frantic in her throat as she was rocked with aftershocks, but at least the tension was over; she was exhausted, but felt a little better for it.

"There." Elly soothed. She planted a little kiss on Becca's sweaty forehead. "Is that better?"

Becca nodded, sniffed, wiped tears from her eyes. "Thank you." She squeaked.

"You don't have to thank me." Elly replied.

"But..." She began, then stopped, swallowed, tried again. "I want to."

She turned her head, found Elly's lips and nervously brushed hers against them, held them there. She wasn't sure what drove her to do it; maybe it was the after-effects of her orgasm, overpowering her better judgement. Maybe it was a subconscious sense of necessity: she needed Elly to help her through what was coming. Maybe it was the well-documented but little-understood human trait of a female hostage falling for her captor. Whatever it was, she felt dutifully obliged to repay the favour, and despite having had no previous interest in girls -- not least vampyre girls -- she actually felt a tingle of nervous excitement in her chest about doing so.

Elly took over, opened her mouth to tease Becca's lips with her tongue. Her kiss was divine. It made her lips tingle; it sent lightning bolts down her neck that made her heart sing. She was soft and gentle, a forceless and patient kisser, unlike any of the few boys that Becca had kissed. Her lips were delicate as the silk around Becca's shoulders and her breath as sweet as roses. Becca sat in silence and allowed Elly to penetrate her with her probing tongue, opened her teeth and remained passive while Elly explored her.

Elly broke away with a hand to her shoulder. "Do you want to go to the bedroom?" She whispered, eyes level and narrow.

"Yes." Becca replied.

Elly stood from the bench, her hand outstretched. Becca took it, rose behind her, settled into a slow, silent walk. They said nothing as they left the feasting hall, crossed the wide lobby and entered the spiral staircase that led through the labyrinthine tunnels of the castle to the bare bedroom. All the way Becca's heart thundered in her chest as she wondered what she would have to do, and what it would be like. Would she be able to do it right? Would she get it wrong? Would she hurt Elly, or offend her? She'd never made love to a girl before -- or to anyone, for that matter. She'd wondered about this moment for a long time, wondered who it would be with, and where it would happen, and what things they might do.