Lady and the Scamp Ch. 01


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"Go on and get out of here, and remember to at least get a free meal before you break his heart!" Delia chuckled.


"You're late," Andrew said when she sat across from him.

"Five bloody minutes! Do they even have traffic in Canada?"

"Yes we do, and when someone's going to be late for a date they should at least call to let the other person know." Andrew stated with a sly grin.

"I don't even have your number!" she protested.

"Did you ask for it Calli?"

"You didn't even give me a chance! You just walked out."

Andrew chuckled, "Yes I did didn't I? Yet you still showed up. I must intrigue you somewhat, no?"

"No! I just wanted to tell you to piss off one last time."

"Oh come on Calli! I'm everything you've never had in a man before. Mysterious, outside of your normal circle of people, and most importantly, strong enough not to put up with your bullshit. Am I right?"

"Well, yes." Calli said in a quiet voice while she looked at the table. She looked back up and for the first time smiled at him.

Andrew's heart just about stopped at the brilliance of that smile, then he grinned back at her. "Thank you for admitting that, now let's order and enjoy ourselves okay?"

Once they got their meals Andrew and Calli fell into an easy banter, sparring for dominance constantly in their conversation. Every time Calli got her back up on a topic Andrew would find the perfect counter argument to her position and broadside her with it. And every time Andrew tried to make a point Calli would shoot him down just as quickly. Soon they were both laughing and smiling like they had been long time friends out for a fun evening together. After their meal they shared another drink and sat smiling together.

Andrew paid the bill and they were about to leave. "So was that so bad Calli?" Andrew asked with a self-satisfied grin.

"Quite proud of yourself aren't you Andrew? But no, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. There's just one last thing that would make this night perfect," she said coyly.

"Oh what's that?" he asked.

"This!" Calli said as she took her glass and dumped the last little dregs of her drink over his head and skipped out of the restaurant with a happy giggle trailing behind her.

Andrew hesitated for just a moment in surprise then chased after her, catching her just outside. "What the hell did you do that for?"

"Well after your terrible behaviour last week I vowed that I would dump a drink on your head then leave you standing in the restaurant. My friend Delia would've been sorely disappointed if I hadn't done that for her amusement!"

Andrew laughed as drops of beer dripped from his hair onto his face and shoulders, "You're a little brat Calli. I do apologize for how I acted last week. I was out of line and was acting stupidly to impress my friends."

"Apology accepted!" she laughed. "Aren't you a sight though? Beer dripping all over the place. We really should get you cleaned up."

"Your place or mine?" he asked.

Calli looked at her watch briefly, "Delia should already be out for the evening..."

"Good," Andrew said as he hailed a cab.


On the cab ride back to her flat Calli mused about what she'd found out about Andrew over the course of their dinner. She knew that he was in England studying university at Oxford but wouldn't elaborate much on that. His maternal grandparents had emigrated to Canada and his grandfather had gotten into construction and had built a fairly decent sized firm over the years. He had two younger siblings both sisters back home, and his parents had divorced when he was in his teens, although it had been an amicable parting according to him. Andrew had played hockey as a youth and had offered to enlighten her on the finer points of the sport if she could explain cricket to him. He was very quick witted and had a biting sense of humour which she thoroughly enjoyed. She also knew that he was twenty-seven and hadn't been back to Canada since he'd made the move to England for his studies, nor had he had a regular girlfriend in the time that he had been here. He really was a bit of an enigma and she had to admit that she really was drawn to his forceful personality.

Andrew sat close beside Calli thinking much the same things as she was, mulling over what she'd told him about her life. He knew that her family was well off and that she had grown up going to private boarding schools before finally going to off to university at the ripe old age of twenty-two. She also had two younger sisters as well as a younger brother whom she referred to as a little pisser, which made him laugh. He suspected that her family was a bit more than well off as she had hinted that she rode regularly and had competed in dressage as a youngster. Calli had a keen mind and her knowledge of things social, political and understanding of world issues was incredible. Once she had let her guard down he could see that she was actually very pleasant to be with. It didn't hurt that, much to her parents' dismay, she was as much of a fan of Monty Python as he was. As she had said, 'they wouldn't understand brilliant comedy if it shat on their plates'.

When they arrived at her apartment she led him upstairs and gave him a towel to dry off the last remaining traces of beer from his hair and shirt. When they realized that his shirt was beyond rescue from her beer assault she went to her room and got one of the shirts her ex-fiance had left behind and gave it to him to wear temporarily.

"Here you go Andrew," she said as she handed it to him. "It probably won't fit very well as Roger wasn't quite as broad across the shoulders as you, but at least it's dry."

Andrew grinned and bowed deeply, "Thank you milady, I am unworthy of your kindness." He said with a chuckle as he pulled his own shirt off before slipping the dry one on.

Calli felt her heart flutter when she saw Andrew's bare broad shoulders and chest. 'Oh my god now THIS is a man!' she thought to herself.

He caught her staring and couldn't resist teasing her. "So, enjoying the view?"

She looked away and blushed deeply before she could stammer out an apology. "I-I'm sorry, I just...well..."

Andrew laughed, "Don't worry Calli, it's not like I hadn't noticed your quite delectable charms before."

Calli's laughter tinkled through the small lounge, "You Mr. McCord are a scamp and a rogue!"

"My Gram used to call me a scamp," he chuckled. "She always said that I'd get into trouble because of it one day!"

When he realized that there was no way the shirt Calli had given him was going to get around his chest he just let it hang unbuttoned. He moved over to her and lifted her chin so he could look into her dark eyes. " are the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life. By the way I think you owe me a kiss."

"I owe you a kiss? What makes you think that?" Calli asked in surprise.

"For your sneak attack at the restaurant. I smell like a brewery now because of you."

"After the way you treated me last week I think we're fair on that point!"

"Ahh, but I didn't get to do what I wanted to do when we first looked at each other then." Andrew replied deeply.

"What was that?" Calli asked in a near whisper.

"This," he said as he leaned forward and kissed her lightly.

That first kiss sent shivers throughout Calli's body. It felt like every nerve ending was on fire and her hair was standing on end. Although it was the briefest of kisses she felt her heat rise considerably. When Andrew pulled back he had a slight grin on his face and his eyes twinkled.

"There, was that so bad?" he asked, his lips still tingling from their brief contact as he brushed her cheek with his thumb.

"Oh my." was all she could say in reply.

"First time kissing a scamp and rogue I take it?" he chuckled.

"You're incorrigible!" Calli giggled as she slapped his strong chest.

"I know," he replied as he leaned in again, capturing her lips in a far more passionate kiss. His hands pulled her to him and mashed their bodies together.

Calli's arms instinctively moved up to wrap around his neck and pulled him deeper into their embrace, her fingers twining into his hair as her mouth opened for his probing tongue. The electricity between them crackled and hummed as their kiss lengthened and their breaths came in short gasps and moans. Calli finally pushed Andrew away with a slight gasp, her nipples and vagina aching with arousal. She could feel his erection pressing hotly against her belly.

"Andrew I..."

"I know, you're madly in love with me and want to elope tonight." He said, cutting her off in mid sentence.

"I wasn't going to say that. I was going to say I'd like to see you again you ninny." Calli said with a laugh.

"Okay well maybe not tonight but definitely next time. I know you can't resist me."

Calli smiled up at him, "Why do you insist on being like that? It's maddening you know."

"I do it because I love the way your eyes flash when I do it. That glint of spirit is a major turn on for me, like you're a wild little pony just waiting to be tamed. Every time you glared at me at the club I could see your interest pique just a bit more, you wanted to know why I was interested in you and what my motives were."

Calli stopped and thought for a moment and realized that he was right. Her curiosity had gotten the better of her regarding this man who knew all of the right buttons to push for her almost by instinct. Somehow she suspected that he could push a few of her other buttons just as well. She blushed when that thought crossed her mind.

Andrew watched Calli intently as she stood there quietly thinking. He knew he had her, it was just a question of how far her limits to being pushed were. Then she blushed and he knew he'd found the key to her heart, now he just had to unlock it and truly set her free.

Reluctantly Andrew pulled back from her, "Look I'd love to stay and spend more time with you, but I think maybe we should call it a night and talk again tomorrow?"

Calli looked disappointed at his words. She would have been more than happy to spend more time with him that evening. Again, he was drawing her into his web like the spider to the fly, and she was going willingly this time. "Okay, but you'll bloody well give me your number instead of just walking away from me!"

They laughed and exchanged numbers with a promise to talk the next day. He left her at the door with another blistering kiss that had her whole body shivering and tingling with excitement. 'God that man can kiss!' she thought to herself with a contented smile, 'I wonder if he's that good with everything else?' She looked around the room and noticed that Andrew had forgotten his shirt on the back of the settee. Calli took it in her hands and held it to her nose, inhaling his scent from the fabric. She giggled at the hint of beer smell still trapped in it, remembering the look of surprise on his face when she'd dumped the remains of her beer over his head.

Andrew decided to just take a cab back to his apartment instead of going back to the restaurant and getting his bike that night. He'd had a bit to drink and didn't want to take the chance of doing something stupid. He smiled to himself in the back of the cab, Calli was falling for him just like he'd hoped she would, and he was falling just as hard for her. The scent of lilac still tickled his nose from the smell of her shampoo and his lips still tingled from their last kiss. The passion in her kiss had been incredible, like she was begging him to dominate her with his mouth. He couldn't wait to see what would happen the next day.


Calli was still up when Delia stumbled into their flat at three a.m. Delia was surprised that her friend was still up, but not as surprised as she'd been when Calli hadn't gotten home before she herself went out. She was fully expecting to drag Calli back out to a club when she was done putting Andrew in his place and leaving him at the restaurant.

"What, you're still up luv?" Delia asked.

"Yes, not tired one bit Del."

"What time did you get in? I was expecting to see you before I went out."

"Shortly after ten."

"Damn I just missed you!" Delia quipped. "So, how was it? Did you toss a beer on him?"

"It was brilliant! We had a wonderful time, he's quite the charmer. And to answer your second question, absobloodylootely!" Calli answered with a giggle.

"Was he mad about that?" Delia asked with a giggle of her own.

"Actually he laughed when I told him I did it to amuse you. After that we came back here so I could get him a dry shirt."

"And?" her friend prodded her.

"And nothing, we talked for a bit and kissed a few times then he went home."

"So were you up for it?" Delia asked slyly.

"Oh lord I was completely at his mercy after our second kiss! That man really knows how to snog Del." Calli laughed.

Delia laughed at her friend's comment, "Well I'm off to bed luv, try and get some sleep yourself."

"Yes I should too, we promised to talk in the morning. Night hon." Calli said as she got up and went to her own room.


When Andrew got back to his place he hopped into the shower to wash the beer off of himself. Standing under the hot, stinging water his thoughts turned to Calli. When he saw the blush on her cheeks after their last kiss he almost changed his mind and went back into her flat. He knew right then that if he'd asked she would have been more than willing to take him to her bed, but he also knew that he'd regret it if he did, so he left reluctantly. Even with the water beating down on him Andrew couldn't get his raging erection under control. He'd had it from the time he left Calli's and it appeared that it had no intention of going down, even with the cab drive home he was still painfully erect. He decided to get some quick relief so he took matters into his own hands and slowly began to stroke himself. He got a mental image in his head of Calli from when she arrived for their date. She'd been wearing a killer strapless dress that accentuated her curves to their fullest, her tender breasts nearly spilling out of the top and her pert little ass hugged perfectly by the fabric. He stroked a bit faster, thinking about her slender neck just looking like it needed kisses rained down it from her jaw to her collar bones and he groaned. Then there were those killer legs of hers, slim but well muscled that seemed to go on forever and finally hid under the lower reaches of the skirt which just barely passed her crotch. God he wanted to explore the hidden treasures beneath it. Suddenly he felt his balls tighten and he released his seed onto the shower floor. After ten more minutes under the pelting hot water he turned the shower over to cold. He was still hot and bothered by that kiss.

After his shower Andrew felt guilty for thinking about Calli like that and ruefully went to bed, laying awake for some time just thinking. Andrew knew that Calli needed to be treated with a firm hand, and she needed to know that she was truly loved. She wanted to be appreciated and desired, not just for her body or station or whatever, but for who she was and what she could become. Andrew knew he was the the man who could give her that love and attention. He eventually drifted off with these and other thoughts slipping through his mind.


The next morning he cabbed it back to the restaurant and picked up his bike. He decided to call Calli before he left as he had an idea as to how they could spend their day. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hey sweet cheeks!"

"Sweet cheeks?"

"Yes I said sweet cheeks Calli. Get that cute little ass in gear, I'll be there in an hour, and dress in jeans and a tee but bring a jacket, it might be cool on our ride."

"Andrew I don't like your tone! A little courtesy and respect please." Calli said, a bit miffed at his casual attitude towards her.

"Fine," he said with a laugh. "I'm taking you out for a ride so be read in an hour, please. Wait outside. Is that better?"

"Barely!" Calli said sarcastically.

Andrew chuckled again, knowing full well that her back was up because of his insolent behaviour. "Just do as I say woman. One hour, outside. Got it?"

Calli caved, she could feel her knees getting weak just talking to him. "Okay Andrew." she said meekly.

"Good, don't keep me waiting or you'll be out of luck and I'll find someone else to enjoy the day with." With that said Andrew cut the connection, started his bike and roared off home to pick up his extra helmet, then headed to a local market to pick up a few things for their ride.

He roared up outside Calli's flat exactly one hour later. She wasn't outside so he gunned the engine, the V-Twin growling out loudly. The Harley-Davidson Electra Glide rumbled under his ass, sending a pleasant vibration through his sac. He loved this bike. He'd spent hours lovingly restoring it and doing the custom paint himself. It was all worth it and he was glad he'd had his dad ship it over for him. When Calli still didn't come down he gunned it again, the sound ricocheting off the surrounding buildings.

Calli popped her head out her window, "You can bloody well come and get me at the door like a gentleman you beast!"

"Who said I was a gentleman? You've got three minutes to get that hot little 'arse' of yours down here missy! Then I'm leaving without you!" he retorted with a grin.

"Whom exactly do you think you're talking to in that tone Mr. McCord?"

"I'm talking to my woman. Now move it!" he laughed up at her.

"Fine!" she called back indignantly, but tempered it with a flash of a smile.

Delia laughed behind Calli's back, "You quite fancy this sparring don't you Calli?"

"Truly?" Calli giggled. "I like everything about him! He challenges everything I do and say. It's quite refreshing after having to deal with Roger for almost two years."

"You know I never understood what you saw in that man, for someone who was supposed to be upper class he was really a pill. I never liked him one bit." Delia added.

"Believe me Delia, he wasn't my first choice by a long shot, but Mum and Dad thought we'd be a good match because of his family's connections. I think they were tiring of him too after a bit. I don't know how many times he managed to insult them with his boorish comments."

"You'd best get going Calli, I think he meant it when he said he'd be off without you!" Delia said as she pushed her friend out the door.

Calli made it down to Andrew with seconds to spare, he handed her the spare helmet then roared away once she was on behind him. They rode out of the city and out toward Farmoor Reservoir and stopped at Bushy Leaze Copse. Once there Andrew swung off the bike and grabbed a blanket and a few bags from the saddlebags and led Calli to a soft grassy patch near the edge of the trees. He laid out the blanket and pulled out what he had in the bags, laying them out for a picnic lunch.

"There we go, a nice quiet spot for us to have lunch, sugar lips!" Andrew said with a wicked grin, knowing that he would get Calli's goat once again.

"You know I'm starting to get annoyed with these crude pet names Andrew," Calli said with a half-smile. She actually wasn't but she still wanted to play the game with him nonetheless.

"Oh honey buns relax and enjoy the day, there's no need for you to get your knickers in a knot!" he laughed as he sat on the blanket and opened one of the bottles of Newcastle Brown Ale that he'd picked up with the food, handing it to her as she joined him on the ground.

Calli laughed at his comment and took a swallow, "So what did you do back home before you decided to cross the pond?"

"Mostly I helped my Dad with the ranch, I started helping with managing the day to day operations when I was sixteen. By the time I was ready for university I was running the whole damned show by myself."