Life as a New Hire Ch. 12


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Somewhat redundant. The main difference is how they respond to the Restraining Order and how much fun the erotic side of the relationship will be. The first kind of woman has a public screaming fit if you take out a RO on her. Let them build up to an incinerating level, then fuck them -- it's so worth it.

Stalkers ignore ROs. That's okay. Now you can legally trap them. They'll do whatever you want. Not because they are afraid of you. It is an RO for God's sake -- one night in jail, maybe. No, they'll do whatever sex act you request because that's why they are stalking you in the first place; the sensual/emotional connection.

When she starts making bizarre requests of you, subtly direct her to another 'more interesting' guy. Try not to use a friend. That's kind of cold. For the next few weeks, make sure the latest victim doesn't end up as a Missing Person. After that, you've done your civic duty so you can move on guilt-free.

"Elsa, I need ten minutes to stretch first," I requested. She nodded. Off came the shirt. I retreated to a gymnastics mat and began stretching out my kinks. Five minutes in, I did one of my favorite maneuvers -- the backwards human bridge completed when your wrists touch the Achilles tendons.

Not only does this extended your abdominal muscles, it exhibits your hard-on and suggest all kinds of pages from the Kama Sutra are, in fact, possible. My performance highlighted my musculature, flexibility and numerous scars. My left thigh still had a light bandage wrapped around it. Whatever the Amazon medics were using was working gangbusters on me.

Elsa had retreated to her end of the mat so I glided to my axes then promptly got off the mat. I didn't trust any Amazon, not even Aya and I'd let my heart be cut out if it would save her life. I got the feel for these axes, spun them around a few times then made to get back on the mat.

"Put the loops around your wrist," Elsa directed.

"Why?" I retorted. We were back to 'why are we letting a male question our orders.'

"You are not allowed to throw them," Elsa allowed. I nodded. I didn't loop them. No, I walked onto the mat, weapons held axe-head down. I walked in five steps, knelt and placed the axes on the mat by my side.

"Cáel, defend yourself," Elsa stated firmly.

"Which is it? Do I defend myself and I act in a manner allowed by axe-work, or do I accede to your demands and be automatically defeated?" I responded.

"Do you believe my spear technique is that superior to your own, made-up style?" Elsa smirked.

"I think you are cheating. Worse, I think you are being a bully. If you want this to be the 'Elsa is a Bad-Ass' show, congratulations, you've won. I'm not going to fight you. I kneel before you, weapons on the mat, acknowledging that your cheating ways have defeated me," I mocked. "Savor this magnificent victory."

"Your opinion of my martial prowess is not what is at question here today," Elsa spoke. I stood up, turned away and walked off the map, interrupting the rest of her speech. She was coming for me this time. I opened my towel, took out my phone and began texting away. "What are you doing?" Ngozi rumbled.

*Buffy -- job complete. Need to shower before next mission in queue* I hadn't hit 'send' yet.

"Please correct me if I'm wrong. This was supposed to be a weapon's exhibition. That implies a study of your opponents training and capabilities. Elsa's prowess, along with my own, are the question here to today," I insisted. "Otherwise it is a waste of time for every non-sadist here."

"Is it absolutely crucial that you throw an axe at Elsa?" Traska questioned.

"No. It is absolutely crucial that Elsa fight under the handicap that I might throw an axe," I instructed her. "It changes the range dynamic. If I can hit her from -- oh, five meters out, she has to keep close. If she has to keep close, my axes can engage her hand-to-hand."

"Since Elsa chose a long spear, throwing it is clumsy, thus reducing her options," I stated. "Any range over six meters and she can probably dodge, or deflect, my throw. So we are both range limited, as it should be for a good exhibition."

"I bow you reasoning," Elsa gave me a respectful nod of the head. Fucker -- she liked me more, not less, despite my verbal reticence.

We went to our corners. I charged first. Oh God -- Elsa was super-great at spear. Less anyone forget, the spear has not only a sharp point; it also has a 20 cm bladed surface on each side plus a sold, oak shaft for blocking, poking and smacking. Elsa swung the spear around her body in lightning quick arcs. She could fight long shaft, or short shaft, as the range dictated.

Long shaft was like fighting a dagger on a stick -- cut and thrust. Short shaft was mainly thrusting, but was good for holding me back if I got inside her 'long' guard. Elsa's advantages were life-long experience, tons of natural talent, and being quicker than me. Our staminas were evenly matched. The drain of Elsa's fluid style equaled my two-weapon use.

I had her in bulk and brawn. Elsa and I were at the top of the spectrum for our respective genders -- physically and mentally better off than the majority. This meant I had her on brute strength and reach. That was genetics talking. My only other advantage was the uniqueness of my style. Elsa hadn't faced it before, though I'm sure she'd watched Constanza and Crewe's fight with me on video.

Elsa figured out quickly that a left-handed battle axe made a poor shield. It covered far less area and took more energy and concentration for the assaulted to defend themselves. As soon as she put that bit of knowledge into her arsenal of tricks, I showed her another one. An axe is an axe, and when she slapped that spear against my guard one too many times, my right-handed axe chopped into the shaft, severing the spear blade from the rest of the spear.

This was the point where an Amazon would have pressed the attack. I was deciding to take as little of a beating as possible. I fell back, knelt and put my axes down. There was a hush.

"Elsa, do you wish to retrieve another spear?" I inquired. This was an exhibition after all. Actually, this was Elsa proving she was better than me, but she a script to stick to.

"To your starting place," Elsa commanded. "Get some water." I picked up my axes and withdrew -- backwards. Oneida had crept around to my side.

"I know what you did this morning," Oneida gave me some water to drink. "It was very clever of you to send me away for my safety. It makes me adore you even more."

I reached out with one finger and poked her nose.

"You're silly," I sighed.

"No," she giggled like a school girl. I was going to Hell for this one. "You are an 'Ash Man' reborn. I read about it." I had no clue that was and Elsa was waiting.

The rest was pre-ordained. I got a few light cuts while not leaving a mark on Elsa. I scored major points by disposing of Elsa's second spear though I lost both axes in the endeavor. She swept my feet out from under me, I rolled away from her follow up kick and quickly went to my knees, palms flat on the mat and head lowered.

Only the mentally handicapped would have thought I'd won any part of the martial contest. I'd drawn the first time. My ability to defeat Elsa with the equivalent of a staff was undecided. I had been disarmed and disarmed Elsa the second time -- technically a draw, but it wasn't. Why? Because Elsa had been trying NOT to kill me, or even injury me (too much).

I had been doing the same. If by some calamity I'd killed Elsa, I would have been lucky to fall on my own axes before the crowd butchered me. No, mine had been an amateur effort. I had missed Elsa mostly because I never got close. Elsa had to hold back from slicing me up and running me through.

Elsa walked right up to me -- I mean RIGHT up to me. She tapped my head, indicating I should look up. There was her pussy maybe 4 cm away with only her skintight shorts between us.

"As this demonstrates, we need to continue to work and update our styles," Elsa addressed the throngs. "Cáel put forth his usual exceptional effort -- for the gifted amateur that he is."

"Thank you for your attention today, my sisters," Elsa concluded. End of lesson. Traska picked up her medical kit and came my way. Oneida and a half dozen other Amazons closed in as well. Elsa didn't move a millimeter. Her fragrance wafted in my face. When Traska tried to shift me around so she could better access my wounds, Elsa stopped me with her hand on my head.

Traska found it odd for a second then they all clued in. Elsa was making a statement. This wasn't Amazonian mannerisms coming to the fore. This was throwing down a gauntlet -- Elsa's intention to win this competition -- me. Amazons were inherently competitive, being tested and testing themselves against previous achievements and each other.

Before Buffy opened her big mouth an hour ago, any contest for me had been a joke -- the whole 'hunt me down in X-number of days'. Buffy had beaten Elsa to me. You don't get to be a 3000 year old secret society by letting one setback force you to admit defeat. Noooo...Elsa was stepping up her game.

The amazing transformation that had confused the women around us was that, according to Elsa, my opinion suddenly mattered. Buffy had made a point of me finding a way to be with her. My choice. Better yet, I'd made my choice to be with her while my life was on the line. Once again, 'I laugh at death' is an incredible turn on.

Elsa hadn't changed her stance about men being armed. She was letting me train so she could summon me whenever she wanted me -- unless Katrina put her foot down. Katrina wasn't going to do that often. Elsa was a useful subordinate and Katrina finally had her test dummy -- me -- on the firing range, which she had wanted all along. Katrina is scary-smart.

You don't think so? Who kept throwing me and Buffy together knowing of the Buffy/Elsa rivalry? Who approved my sex weekend with Buffy? Who approved my firearms training once she had Elsa's endorsement? As you might recall, that was something Elsa swore she'd never do, yet here we were -- a male being trained with firearms at Havenstone.

Katrina didn't know when I'd figure out a way to sleep with Buffy, but she had faith in me that once I got to know Buffy, I'd figure something out. I'm far easier to read than the US Tax Code, or the Affordable Care Act. I liked sex with women, I liked being seen as a good guy, I liked trying to be a good guy; roughly in that order. Katrina knew that.

I didn't particularly mind being used by her either. That was her job; to protect the security and integrity of Havenstone. Now Buffy was happy, Elsa was letting me train and by dint of my outrageous behavior, I was assisting Katrina in her plot to restore stability to the traditional Amazon bloodlines.

Traska slathered this synthetic goo over my lacerations. It stung, but it aided in the healing process and was flexible enough to barely restrict movement. I winced and 'stumbled' forward face-first into Elsa's crotch. My nose ridge pressed deep into her camel toe, certainly pushing down on her clit.

"I apologize," I said softly. I didn't move. Elsa didn't see fit to move me, even with her hand still in the hair on the top of my head.

"Finished," Traska sighed.

"Let me help you up," Oneida jumped to my aid. She helped me stand, but Elsa didn't seem to mind.

Getting out of the gym alive was easy. My heartfelt pledge to myself to never return was futile. Sweaty chicks hang out at gyms. As a kid, I played D&D. If I was a Ranger, gyms would be my favored terrain. Okay, maybe bars then gyms. Fine, rock concerts, bars then gyms. I almost made it to the locker room. Coming from the other direction -- the non-blooded gym -- was Felix.

"Hey Felix," I greeted him. Here I was with several fresh wounds and ten steamy ladies who all appeared to have a definite interest in my physique, if not my well-being. Felix was alone. That would not do, not for a man like Felix.

"What happened to you?" he asked.

"Figure-skating accident," I lied. "It seems I'm clumsy on ice." He didn't buy if for a second.

"Oh -- maybe Brooke can help patch you up tonight," he grinned. Asshole. The only flaw in his game plan was that the chicks around me didn't give a rat's ass about outsider women. They certainly weren't going to be jealous of them.

"Good idea," I nodded. "Where are my manners? This is Oneida, Elsa, Traska and...well, I can't say I've been able to catch everyone's names yet." The unknown women didn't bother introducing themselves. Why? Felix was only a male. They had no immediate need of him, so they didn't bother being civil. Felix was an Alpha's Alpha. He didn't give up that easily.

We made it to the showers. Buffy, having not worked out, waited by my locker. Mystically, Elsa appeared in the showers at the exact same time as me. Felix was right behind her.

"Felix Melena," he offered his hand to Elsa. She shook it then went back to showering. "I'm better than Cáel." Elsa gave him a quick sneer.

"What gives you that idea?" she murmured.

"Why don't you let me prove it," he turned to face her, giving Elsa the complete Felix Melena aesthetic. He was a centimeter, or two taller, I was maybe three kilograms heavier and we both lavished attention on our bodies. He was perhaps a bit longer, but narrower down there.

As long as it wasn't aimed at my mouth, or ass, I didn't care. By the lack of reaction in Elsa's body tempo, she didn't care either.

"If you were a team bodyguard and an assassin appeared to be trying to kill myself and Hayden, who would you protect with your life?" Elsa posed.

"I'd kill the assassin," Felix came back immediately. Felix was a winner.

"Cáel?" Elsa said.

"Hayden," I responded. "I'm a bodyguard. From the top down; protect, secure, return fire."

"Cáel, you are trained as a bodyguard?" Felix smirked.

"Nah. That was the common sense answer to the question she asked," I shrugged. Shampoo time. Felix was going to make me pay for that comeback.

"Felix, would you ever work at Havenstone -- off the clock?" Elsa continued.

"Yeah," he grinned. I know what he wanted to work on -- off the clock. Good luck, you bastard.


"I'm never off the clock, damn it," I snorted. "This job is a 24/7 crimp in my sex life."

"Bro," Felix coughed. "Be careful. That's close to sexual harassment." Btw, Felix was serious. He was actually cautioning me. See, me being deported meant he couldn't crush me.

"Elsa, would you please shoot me in the head?" I replied.

"No," she smiled warmly at me.

"I love you too," I said, dripping with sarcasm. Felix's eyes bugged out for a second.

"That, Felix Melena, is why Cáel is a better man than you," Elsa looked like an angel sitting in judgment of Felix, finding him flawed and substandard.

"Cáel joking around makes him better than me?" Felix mocked. The mistake here had to be Elsa's.

"Your lack of understanding is not my problem," Elsa dismissed him. "Cáel, wash my back."

"Fine, I'll do it, but I'm massaging your butt too," I groused.

"Get it over with," she sighed with exasperation.

"Damn. Felix -- day in, day out. Always washing naked women. This job is killing me," I muttered. Felix wasn't one to give up easily. By the time I had totally soaped up her back, buttock and upper thighs -- back and front, he had exited the field.

He caught me exiting the locker room.

"Cáel, why don't we go out for some drinks after work?" he offered. Ah, he was going to beat me up with Brooke.

"Sure," I agreed. I'm a dog. Felix was going to sleep with Brooke to show me he was the superior male. He was going to rub it in my face.

I hadn't told anyone about knocking boots with Brooke. It wasn't their business. Felix would crow it to the Heavens, because pissing me off was what mattered, not how Brooke felt. I couldn't even save Brooke because Felix was in her socio-economic group and she'd make the same mistake with him she'd made with Trent -- thinking they cared about her.

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Jackspeed2uJackspeed2u22 days ago

This is so good and so crazy out there that I’m thinking that this is more a biography than a fiction. First off no one can possibly make this shit up! It must have happened no matter how improbable it may sound. I also say biography and not autobiography because the story finishes with Cael the night before the Great Hunt, then stops dead. So I’m thinking that he didn’t survive the hunt so couldn’t continue the story.

Or the author stopped writing it because it’s so convoluted and has so many throw backs to earlier parts of the story and earlier times in history that weaving it all together coherently and adding the outrageous humour that is called Cael dialog would be a complete mind fuck. Also add to that research required on these ancient events. Yes it’s now widely believed that the Trojan War did happen and the places did exist as depicted by the Greeks as well as the people and the players. So yes apparently finding the city of Troy proves by parallel existence that if Ancient Greece, Spartans, Troy, all the other known players both armies and individuals that were recorded to be there, then the Amazons being there is a minor thing to believe if everything and everyone else is known to be true. It’s more difficult to believe that the only thing false in the written account is that the Amazons were there and thus existed. Now… the info we have on the Amazons is probably all types of fucked up though. Written by 500 year old old white men who knew sweet fuck all and didn’t like to be shown up as ignorant, so they made shit up about apex an predator warrior, female led female super soldier society. Can’t have them looking good after all says the uneducated on this, old white man. Seriously, cutting off one breast to shoot a bow? WTF. So warrior women that primarily used a bow as a main weapon for millennia would have… A- the bow worked just fine and did no changes. B - The bow was a flawed weapon for them so changed their style. C- the bow was flawed for them so changed the bow. D- cut off the tit of every Amazon without anaesthetic or antiseptic controls or antibiotics and killed almost every single one of them.

Now having participated in archery for a decade or so from 18 till 33, I do know a few things. A- I never lost me nipple but I’m a guy. B- we had plenty of female archers shooting in all categories of archery. I fucked a few and they all had 2 tits. In fact one woman was pissed (helped her make light of real trauma) that she couldn’t be an Amazon now because due to breast cancer they removed her right breast and not her left…

I shot freestyle unlimited in the end, release aid, Easton ACC arrows, uni nochs, orange 1 1/4 inch shield fletching applied in a spiral, bow balance, 4x power scope. At 100m I could hit a thing about the size of my iPhone 7 (didn’t exist back then though) laying on its side. Windage is more difficult on long shots than elevation. My arrows left at 310 feet per second. Not fast but defiantly not slow.

Then I got a job out of state and aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory of Australia don’t have archery clubs.

skippersdadskippersdad10 months ago

That is some funny shit Cael is the man.

Ravey19Ravey19about 1 year ago

Not certain I trust Elsa. No complaints about style, etc. Enjoying the story.

WargamerWargamerabout 1 year ago

Elsa is like the spider that kills its mate after breeding.


FinalStandFinalStandalmost 3 years agoAuthor


I pity you. I really do. It is really hard to move on when your Ex is hanging around, trying to mess things up for you by doing and saying all sorts of outrageous things. I am glad to hear you have evaded most of them to date. Besides ... at least you are desirable, right? Even if it is by the crazy ones.

Take care and stay off the back of milk cartons,

James aka FinalStand

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