Lilly's Choice


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Her response came in the form of reaching behind her and taking his erection in her hand. She turned her head and grinned at him when he inhaled sharply.

"I want this", her voice was husky as she squeezed his cock firmly, "inside me. Clear enough?"

"Oh yeah, darlin‘! Perfectly." He murmured as he shot that devilish grin at her.

He placed a finger under her chin, bent forward as he tilted her face a little closer, and kissed her. She was ready and waiting, her tongue eager to tangle with his. He moved his hand lingeringly down her body until he could clamp onto a breast. When he did, he rubbed his palm lightly against the nipple and found it as hard as he was.

Lilly looped her arm around his neck and the action thrust her breasts out. He tweaked the nipple he'd been rubbing, pulling on it lightly. She moaned into his mouth.

Good God, how this man could turn her on! She'd been horny and wet as soon as she awoke and felt him next to her. Now she ground herself against his cock, reveling in how hard he had become. Because of her. Pleasure zinged through her from her scalp to her toes.

He let go of her breast to align his body with hers. Normally, he would draw out the foreplay; build the anticipation. But right now all he could think about was feeling his cock being surrounded by her hot and wet pussy. He was nearly desperate for it.

He plunged into her, going deep and jarring her forward. She cried out ecstatically and when she would have turned her head to him, he stilled her with a hand on her hip.

"Don't move yet, baby! Please, God, don't move!"

His demand sounded so needy that Lilly stilled even her breathing. He slowly lowered his forehead to the crown of her head, and she listened to each deep breath he took. Felt each inhalation as his chest hair tickled her back.

After a few moments, she quietly asked, "Are you okay, Dylan?"

He was more than okay but he wasn‘t sure he could explain it to her. He'd actually never felt more alive, or filled with more pleasure. Her pussy closed around him like a perfect-fitting glove.

He'd never been so close to coming by simply entering a woman.

It puzzled him considerably, but now wasn't the time to think it over. He rubbed his cheek against her hair before lightly kissing her there.

"You tell me", he replied huskily before pulling almost completely out of her only to plunge back in again as hard as he could. "Does that feel okay to you, Lilly?"

She nodded, unable to produce anything vocal. Little shockwaves were pulsing through every part of her. Before they could subside, he repeated the move. Again and again. She caught the rhythm of him and joined in, the sound of skin slapping against skin unbearably erotic.

His forehead was soon drenched with sweat. Partly from the physical exertion, but also from the effort to hold off his orgasm. He wanted to watch Lilly get off first; and he suddenly knew exactly how, too.


Lilly had just finished thinking that she would explode soon when she felt Dylan pull out of her. She whimpered at the loss and quickly turned over to face him. Before she could question his actions, he swept in for a kiss. With a palm to the back of her head, he pulled her down with him as he lay on his back. Her long blonde hair fell forward to form a silky curtain around them as her hands settled on his shoulders to keep her balance above him. She gradually pulled away from the kiss, needing to catch her breath.

To answer the question that lingered in her big blue eyes, he gently cupped her face in his hands and whispered huskily, "I want you on top."

Her eyebrows rose, intrigued, but only nodded and straddled him. Her hot wet pussy brushed against his ready-to-burst cock.

"Take me inside you, Lilly", he then demanded in a thick voice.

Pleased that he wanted her so much, she chose to prolong the moment and eased down, bit by little bit, until his cock was deep inside her. As she began to swirl and rock her hips, his eyes closed and he bucked like a bronco, nearly coming off the bed in the process.

"Oh fuck, yeah!", Dylan muttered at the feel of his cock sliding in and out of her very slick passage. He‘d never felt so good in his life and was certain the pleasure being given by her luscious body would drive him out of his mind. He opened his eyes and trapped her with a look of pure lust.

"Ride me, baby!"

His words excited her further and Lilly increased her pace. Her pussy muscles quivered as Dylan's cock hit just the right spot inside her. Her breasts jiggled enticingly in front of him, and unable to resist their beckoning, he clutched them in his palms. He kneaded the soft flesh, lightly pinching her distended nipples between two fingers. She gasped loudly.

"Feel good, baby?"

"Oh, yes, Dylan. So damn good."

She was breathless and on fire. She increased her tempo and slammed her body against his. They both cried out at the pleasure of it. Placing her hands over his, they briefly played with her breasts together before he slid his palms down her sides and rested them on her hips. She mashed her breasts together, teasing Dylan. He sat up to run his tongue along the line of cleavage before savagely taking a nipple into his mouth.

"God, Dylan! It feels so good when you suck on me."

His reply was to increase the suction as he grabbed her ass with one hand. The other made its way to where their bodies connected. He rubbed along the outside of her pussy lips. Lilly cried out loudly. He did it again, latching onto the other nipple at the same time. He smiled against her flesh when she bucked on top of him.

The quake of orgasm began inside her then and all she could do was let it take her. She was soon crying out her satisfaction Again and again.

"That's it, Lilly. Come for me, sweetheart." He crooned to her softly as he lay back against the pillow and felt her pussy muscles seize around his cock. Looking up at her, watching her as she came, he thrust upward as hard as he could. She screamed his name.

His cock responded fervently and he knew it was time. His body went rigid and the breath stalled in his lungs as he finally came. More fiercely than he ever had before.

Lilly collapsed against Dylan's chest and listened to the rapid beat of his heart as the shockwaves going through him slowly ebbed. She tasted the saltiness of his skin as she rained tiny kisses over every spot she could reach. When she traced a nipple with her tongue, his cock twitched where it was still inside her. She smiled against his flesh.

"Don't even think about it", he threatened. Not very convincingly since he could barely speak at the moment. She sat up then, taking him deeper, and grinned knowingly.

All he could do was mutter "Oh, hell".

And return her grin.


When Dylan awoke the second time, he was alone. He glanced around the small bedroom, taking in the pastel color décor and what he could only call 'girlie-type' pictures on the wall. Most of them included small children and puppies and he found himself smiling. It was definitely Lilly's style. He swiped a hand over his eyes to clear away the remnants of sleep and propped up on an elbow to look at her alarm clock.

After eleven! Damn! He never slept past eight most mornings. Of course, it was rare for him to have sex as many times as he and Lilly had since yesterday evening. He chuckled to himself as he threw the bedspread and sheet aside. She damn near wore him it out! And, God help him, he'd enjoyed every second of it.

He sat on the edge of the bed, brushed a hand through his sleep-tousled hair. He'd never imagined he and Lilly would be lovers. Now…he wondered when he could get his hands on her again. But, he had to find her first.

Another quick scan of the room showed him that Lilly had remembered the fact that their clothes had been left behind in the living room last night because he found his in a neat pile on the floor next to the bed.

He donned his jeans but left the rest and padded out into the dining room/kitchen where Lilly sat at a round table skimming the newspaper and sipping on a mug of steaming coffee. He knew she liked to drink several cups every day.

He noted that her golden hair was slightly damp so he assumed she'd showered. He was a little bit disappointed that he hadn't been able to join her. He pictured them both in her shower stall, lathering each other as they kissed. His cock went hard again in a nanosecond. He'd have to talk her into taking another shower later on….

Getting away from those thoughts for now, he saw that she was dressed in black leggings, an oversized turquoise sweater and socks. She turned her head just then and smiled at him.

Her heart turned over in her chest as she took in his appearance. Finger-combed hair and sleepy chocolate eyes. Beautifully bare torso, jeans, only zipped, hanging low on his hips and bare feet. Good God, she wanted him! Here on the table! But…..

"Good morning. Coffee's done and cinnamon rolls are baking." She announced pseudo-cheerfully. Didn't want him to get the wrong idea. Though she couldn't have said what that was at the moment.

Now that she mentioned it, he had noticed an aroma of cinnamon when he woke up. He should have known since she had the biggest sweet tooth known to man! As he drew closer to her, he also caught the distinct scent of her vanilla body wash. The scent hardened him again. From now on that scent would forever take him to the memory of having his face between her legs, tasting her as no other man ever had.


He smiled before he took her lips in a gentle kiss, feeling his blood heat even more just from that simple touch. He moved on to the coffee pot next to the kitchen sink. She'd already laid out a mug for him so he poured it full then stood looking out the window above the sink. And noticed the snow.

"How much is out there?"

"The weatherman says about four inches already, and another four or five due by tomorrow night."

He nearly bumped against the counter when her voice sounded directly behind him. When he turned, she slipped by him and went to the oven. As she opened the door, a heavenly aroma of fresh baked goods hit the air. His stomach rumbled. Loudly. She giggled as she placed the baking dish on top of the stove.

"Not hungry are you?" She cast him a playful glance. The smile she wore threatened to melt the bones right out of his legs. He took a swift sip of scalding hot coffee just to counter the effect. But he managed to smile back at her.

"Just a little", he answered with a teasing lilt in his voice. He refilled his mug and moved out of the kitchen, away from temptation. He settled at the table in the seat she had occupied and picked through the newspaper lying there. He immersed himself in the sports section as she puttered around dishing up breakfast.

Lilly glanced up from the plate she was filling and smiled to herself. She'd been telling herself not to get lost in daydreams that would never come true, but, nonetheless, she couldn't help thinking this is how it would be if they were married. A companionable silence while going through everyday activities. Not to mention the awesome lovemaking they would share. True, she told herself, she had nothing to compare it to, but that didn't matter. It was absolutely fantastic to her and that was what really counted in the long run. Except for what he thought.

She gnawed at her bottom lip as she refilled her cup of coffee then turned off the now empty pot. Although Dylan seemed to enjoy their sexual escapades last night and this morning, she once again reminded herself that she had nothing else to compare his reaction to.

"What's wrong?"

She'd taken the plate of now-iced cinnamon rolls and her coffee to the table and sat across from him. She looked up from the taupe colored liquid she'd been staring into to find him watching her intently.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Because you're about to chew that luscious bottom lip off and you've got those creases between your eyebrows. You always get those when you're worrying about something." He stated matter-of-factly as he grabbed a pastry. He bit into it heartily and gave a moan of pleasure. He winked arrogantly at her as he chewed and swallowed. "Now, tell me what's wrong."

She picked up a roll of her own and nibbled at the edge. She wasn't sure she should be honest with him about the doubts that had been swirling through her mind like the snowflakes outside. But, other than doing her best to keep how she really felt about him a secret, she'd never been dishonest with him. She sighed, swallowed noticeably and forged ahead.

"Did you enjoy…", her voice failed her and she let the question trail away. She waited, with her breath held, for him to respond.


"And that was when you told me I was the best fuck you'd ever had and you hoped it wouldn't be the last time we were together."

And, of course, it hadn't been. At first, they'd agreed that they would still be best friends but would take care of each other's sexual needs until either one of them found a partner. Dylan soon realized, though, that wasn't the kind of relationship he wanted and mere weeks later was asking Lilly to marry him.

The ceremony took place before the first spring flower could bloom.

There'd never been a regret.

As she finished her nightly grooming ritual at her vanity table, Lilly snagged her husband's gaze in the mirror. He had just turned down the sheets on the queen-sized bed behind her. Katrina's party was now a memory, the guests and food long gone and the kids tucked in bed for the night.

"I remember it well", Dylan told her softly as he came up behind her. Straddling the armless chair, he squeezed in behind her. She leaned against his solid bare chest, resting her head on his shoulder, as Dylan wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Hard to forget the first time you have sex on a kitchen table." He chuckled and gently kissed her temple as he looked at her in the mirror, those deep brown eyes filling with a love and passion she never dreamed she‘d have.

"A man also doesn't forget when his life gets transformed."

With a tender smile in place, Lilly turned her head and pulled his down for a kiss. They both sighed with contentment as their eyes closed and their lips connected. In the simple touch was the love, respect and trust they had for one another. As well as an intense craving that had never faded.

Dylan's tongue swept into Lilly's mouth as his hands caressed their way to her breasts. When he had their fullness in his palms, Lilly moaned excitedly and pressed into his touch. Since they went to bed most nights naked, she could feel his hard-on surge against her ass. She placed a hand between them and firmly took hold of his cock.

"Oh, Lilly", he groaned into her mouth. He opened one eye and watched their reflection. He grew harder at the sight.

He loved her body. The look of it. The feel of it. All the ways she used it to set him on fire. He broke their kiss so she could watch them as well. He knew it had become one of her favorite things to do.

"I love when you touch me."

Her voice had turned thick and hoarse. Her blue eyes dark with the arousal raging inside her. She curled an arm around his neck as she watched her husband pinch and pull on her nipples. She loved when he did that, too.

"And I love touching you, Lilly." He closed his eyes with a throaty groan then as the hand that clutched his cock tugged lightly.

She pumped him as she said, "I've wanted to fuck you all day, Dylan."

"Me, too, baby. I want to be inside you so badly."

The declaration sent a tingle up and down her spine, as well as making her pussy flood with juice.

"I want that, too", she told him, desperation in her tone as she stood eagerly. She bent over the vanity table, thrusting her ass in Dylan's face, telling him plainly enough what she wanted. He smiled smugly and kissed each cheek before smoothing his palms over the globes of flesh.

He loved this position.

He got to his feet, gripped her hips with his hands and thrust his cock into her as far as he could; as hard as he could. He withdrew and thrust again before she could catch her breath.

He knew she liked it that way. He knew everything Lilly liked.

She liked the words as well.

"You're so hot and wet, my love. So fucking tight."

Damn, but he loved being inside her!

"Yes, Dylan." A whisper.

"Your pussy was made just for me, Lilly." Thrust.

"Yes, Dylan. Oh, yes!" Nearer to a wail.

"I'm going to make you come, baby!" Plunging into her between each word.

"Oh, God! Please make me come, Dylan!"

"No one does this for you but me! No one else ever will." Table-rocking, skin-slapping plunges.

"Only you, Dylan!"

On those panted words, Lilly's world exploded into vivid colors as the orgasm took her. Her body trembled so violently, she would have fallen had Dylan not had his arms around her waist. As she came back to her senses, she turned in his arms and nuzzled her face against his chest.

She rained tiny kisses all over his torso while his fingers raced through her long silky tresses. When she licked a nipple, he shuddered in response. Unable to wait any longer, he brushed aside the paraphernalia she had on the table and lifted her onto it. As she wrapped her legs around his hips, he gripped her thighs and slid his throbbing cock into her. She leaned back on her hands, thrusting her breasts towards him.

He licked his suddenly dry lips when she batted her eyelashes at him.

"Fuck me good, Dylan."

Her saucy taunt spurred him on. With a feral grin, he pounded her pussy with enough force to move the table backwards. Her head fell back against her shoulders in ecstasy as she nearly sang from the pleasure.

"Oh, yes, Dylan! You feel so good inside me, baby!"

Dylan grit his teeth together as her body gripped his tightly. Sweat popped out on his forehead as he got closer to his release. Lilly's muscles contracted around his pulsing member as she flew into another orgasm.

"OH, GOD! I'm coming, Dylan!" Lilly panted the words as creamy fluid filled her pussy and flowed all around Dylan's cock.

His control snapped then and he came with a growl that seemed to start at his toes. Every muscle and tendon he had seemed to vibrate as his seed spilled into her.

Slowly, Lilly gained her breath back and sat up, silently wrapping Dylan in her arms. He laced his fingers through her damp hair and kissed the top of her head as she laid her forehead against his heart.

"I love you so very much", she whispered adamantly against his sweat-covered chest. "I always have and I always will, ‘til I no longer have breath in my body."

His hands clenched into fists in her hair and he tugged gently until her face tilted back.

"You're my everything, Lilly Mackey Dawson. Never forget that." His voice was thick and rough with emotion. Lowering his head, he took her mouth in a kiss loaded with all he couldn't say aloud. He didn't know if he'd ever be able to convey all that she and their family meant to him.

But he would always try.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great Story

I thought this was an astounding story. It just seemed to capture the essence of the moment when the two actually fell in love. It seemed so real and so very descriptive of the emotions in play in those few short minutes. I loved it. I don’t think I’ve ever read a story quite like it. Thank you very much, sharona.

Johnny0432Johnny0432almost 7 years ago
Beautiful Stories 5 stars for all

Thank You Sharona!

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
you did good

Sorry you dont write anymore. you get a 5.

St0rMiESt0rMiEabout 16 years ago

That was the damn'd most sweetest story I've ever read here!

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