Love as a Form of Binding Ch. 11


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She shook her head in an attempt to clear it and noticed the fire burning in the bakehouse hearth for the first time in hundreds of years, but though she felt that she ought to be shocked about it, she found that she just couldn't summon up the effort that it would require. While Sharon struggled with that notion, Lily caused the door at the other end to appear as well as the closed shutters over the windows, and the large room was plunged into darkness except for the light of the warm fire, already making the room feel a lot more comfortable and private, very cozy, actually.

Sharon looked at the other woman and was amazed at her own words a second later since there was nothing wrong with her judgment at all, she just felt a lot closer to her feelings, "Thank you for closing the room off like that. It's much nicer in here now. How did you know that what I drew was a storm demon?"

"Please Sharon, would you like to take my picture?" Lily grinned mischievously.

Sharon was distracted for the moment and she nodded, reaching into her jacket for the camera. Lily stepped forward. "Here," she said, as she slid the camera's carrying loop over Sharon's hand, "I don't want to you to drop the camera." Sharon nodded as she turned it on while Lily stepped back and posed a little.

Sharon took one photo and then she looked at the little screen. Her eyes widened after a second and she looked up, "There's a -- a demon in the picture!"

"I know," Lilly smiled, as she stepped forward to stand beside the startled curator to look at the screen, "That's what I look like. I just allowed the camera to catch me as I really am."

"You -- you're -- "

Lily nodded with a sigh as she placed her hand on Sharon's forearm. "Yes. Please Sharon, I'd really like it if you could hold your terror down to maybe just the point of fright before where you'd pee yourself. I really don't want that. I like you too much," she nodded, "I really do."

Sharon backed up a little and found her backside up against the edge of the solid and heavy old wooden table that had just appeared behind her. Lily didn't want Sharon to hurt herself.

"You're --"

Lily nodded, "Really a demon, yes. Are you alright?" She sighed, "I hope that I haven't ruined this."

"You're --"

Lily rolled her eyes, "Alright, I'm a storm demon, specifically. Your drawing is remarkably accurate -- especially if your only reference source was your own dreams. You do such wonderful work. I'm not here to do you any harm, if that's what you're thinking. I just wanted to warn you about the words under the drawing. They're not quite correct, but they're close enough for one such as you to work. I felt it as you spoke them. That's really dangerous, Sharon."


Lily stared, "What? I mean, pardon me?"

"You're so beautiful," Sharon sighed.

Lily actually felt herself blushing a little, "Thank you," she said genuinely, smiling, "and so are you. Are you alright, or do you feel faint or weak or anything like that?"

"I feel funny," the blonde said, "I'm not - , I mean, there's nothing wrong with me, really, I just feel different."

The tall brunette nodded, "I know. I did that to you. I know that you're attracted to me and I have to admit that I felt the same way. I thought this might go someplace, one way or the other, and I thought that I'd take the opportunity to prepare you a little."

"Prepare me?"

"Yes," Lily nodded, "I'm not human and I don't want to hurt you, so even the possibility of something between us requires thought. I can read a lot of things in humans, Sharon. Almost all people are attracted to certain other people according to their tastes. That can be male or female. Depending on the person's gender, that makes them one way or the other. There are some that are bisexual and like both, but you're not any of them, Sharon."

She stepped forward slowly and by the time that she stood just in front of the blonde, Lily was her naked and natural self -- horns, hooves, tail and all.

Sharon stood still in wonder, not really feeling so terrified now as Lily's hand cupped her mound through the fabric of the jeans that she wore. Sharon moaned very slightly from the heat and comfort that came to her from the touch. Lily stepped back a little a moment later.

Sharon looked up, "Why did you do that, and what did you mean earlier?"

Lily smiled, "I sensed that you had some irritation. I can make it better, so I did."

"I have a --"

"Not anymore, Sharon, "the demon smiled, "I really can fix that quite easily. About the other thing, well, as I said, humans are usually either heterosexual or homosexual. A few are truly bisexual and some are asexual.

But not you.

You're someone who is truly rare among your kind because you are omnisexual. You have the ability -- or the curse -- to be able to fall in love with anyone if they possess traits which appeal to you. That's why you had those sweet little adventurous relationships when you were in university. You tried everything and found that you liked it all - almost, because in theory, you could fall in complete, head-over-heels love with a male who loves only other men and can feel nothing toward you. That would of course be more than a little heartbreaking for you, I think."

Sharon nodded, "I know, and you're right." She sighed, "It happened once. I've always hated how I can just be so infatuated with someone for no reason, and they feel nothing for me. It doesn't do a lot for my self-confidence, since I can't ever trust my heart."

"But I see something else in you which I find, ... " Lily smiled as she slid her arms around Sharon's waist loosely, " ... irresistible, because you also have a physical want that has the same borders as your emotional one." She pressed her palm against Sharon's breast very softly and Sharon felt it as though there was no jacket, blouse, and sports bra in between.

She leaned in and kissed Sharon for a long moment. Both of them sighed, and Sharon's hand seemed to reach up between them out of its own volition to touch one of the demon's warm and inviting breasts for a moment, but she pushed Lily away gently after a little while.

She looked up, panting a little. She'd never been kissed like that before, but even though it was better than anything that she'd ever known, she had a question that she needed the answer to.

"Wait, please, Lily. I'm being good here, ok? I really want this, and I'm not afraid anymore -- at least not much and -- "

"And you're very aroused right now," Lily beamed sweetly, "It makes me feel happy and very proud that I can make you feel like that."

"Yes," Sharon admitted a little nervously, "I've never been this attracted to someone so quickly in my life before. Is this something that you're doing to me?"

Lily shook her head, "No, and I never would. This is just attraction. I feel it too, and if you knew me better, you're be rather amazed."

"What did you mean about my physical want?" Sharon asked, "I really want to know now."

Lily hugged Sharon tightly and then she smiled, "You can fall in love with any type of person -- and you can make love with any type of person as well. I'm a very old demon, Sharon. I have the ability to love one person deeply and rut with anyone who strikes my fancy. It is a dangerous way to live, so I have never lived like that. I took a male now and then and loved him, but it wasn't what my body and my nature really wanted."

She sighed, "I loved them, especially one human man, I really did, but I wanted many, many more. A little strange to think that a demon such as I am would have to hold back. In all of my time, I've never allowed myself to just do as I wanted."

She looked down at Sharon, "For the first time in my long life, I'm sure that I've found someone that I can understand and who might understand me perfectly. You're exactly that same as I am."

She laughed softly, "We both know that gender doesn't matter to ones like we are, Sharon. I felt that about you, and so I prepared you for it. A human can't have any sort of contact with the fluids of a demon of either sex. We are poison to your kind, but I suppose that there is some commonality to our natures since it is possible for us to mate with each other. I could have waited and then kissed you sooner or later, but I couldn't help it and I knew how you felt anyway. A little of my saliva is all that you'd need in your system to get used to me, so I dipped my tongue in the tea that we shared. In a day, you'll be able to survive being intimate with me -- if that is what you'd wish then."

To Lily's pleased surprise, Sharon actually grinned a little, "What would you wish -- then?"

"Never mind then," Lily sighed just before she licked Sharon's ear lightly, "I'd love to make love to you right here and now, but I have things that I need to do. What I'd really want with you, Sharon, is to spend enough time together to have the kind of friendship between us that I absolutely know that we can have. Look at me, Sharon. I know that you can see it in me just as I can see it in you. The fact that we're talking like this proves that I'm attractive to you and you want this as well, since you haven't exactly tried to run screaming from me, and I know that you're aroused. I feel it clearly."

The human looked and nodded after a second, "I can see it, Lily. I can see that you really want something emotional with me. I'm beginning to feel as though I could float away - and that's pretty weird, considering how many minutes we've known each other. And yet," she said with a bit of wonder, "I'm not even doubting it - any of it. It feels incredible to me - like looking into a jewel that I've found to see another world inside of it."

She looked at Lily, "Ok, I know a little about some kinds of demons. What are you offering me and what's the price to me?"

Lily stared for a moment and then she laughed. Sharon had a thought that if this happened, she'd have felt fear, but she didn't. She wanted to spend the rest of the week in Lily's arms.

Lily freed a hand to wipe the tears of laughter from her eyes, "From your point of view, you'd be quite correct, if I was a lower demon bent on seducing you. I'm many orders above that type, though the thought of either one of us seducing the other is making me as wet as you are now."

"Have it your way," she grinned, "I'm offering a chance at a relationship that caters to OUR predilections and tastes - and I'm hopeful for our happiness as well, though it's too soon to be able to guess at that - even for me. Right here and now, I'm offering a chance at a friendship and hopefully much more. You get me, I get you, and we go from there. Oh, and we get to fuck anyone that we like along the way, knowing that it doesn't affect us.

What it will cost you, I guess, is the effort at that sort of relationship. You're not in one and you're lonely. I haven't been in one since before there was such a thing as Christianity - but I really want one with the girl that I've just found, and neither of us has ever had one like what I can see is possible for us. If it works, our enemy will be time, but I have thoughts for that too."

Lily nodded, "For all that I am, I can see myself in love with someone for myself for once after all of these centuries of the time here. The way that you and I are, I think that it could be wonderful and neither of us would be bothered at all if the other mates with someone else. In fact, I'd encourage it. I'd want you to."

Lily laughed for a moment, "How would you like to mate with a male demon? Most types aren't all that exciting and couldn't care less if you like it, but I know two very powerful males not that far from here, and I think that it might easily be arranged. Think about it," she grinned lasciviously, "I've seen them with their females. Either one can go for hours, Sharon. They're demonlords, after all. It's one of the things which sets them apart from the other kinds."

Sharon felt her arousal increase instantly at the thought, "Are you serious?"

To her companion, it was an indication that she had been correct about Sharon.

"I am, actually," Lily said, "since I'm here to help a new lord begin his rise among demons. It has little to do with humans at all. There are a few of us. Two are male lords, four are females, and three of those ones are Furies, known to keep their - passions, shall we say, very close to the surface. There is another creature much like a demon, and then there is a female imp and a male kobold. I didn't include myself in the count because you could have me whenever you wanted to.

If things go well, I think you might find yourself in a few interesting positions with some of them. While the two males that I'm thinking about are not, many higher order demons are bisexual. I have three daughters, and though two of them are mated to one of the males, they'd likely show some interest at the prospect of something intimate with a human female as lovely as you are."

"Lovely," Sharon said, "Me?"

The demon smiled in encouragement, "You're just listening to the doubts that you've shackled yourself with because your sexuality doesn't fit among humans. You're very beautiful - but you need to feel it to let what I see show the way that it really ought to."

She pulled back just a little to place one finger on Sharon's breast. "You've always cursed yourself over these. Did it ever occur to you that someone might not agree? I'm almost ready to beg you to let me near these for a week or seven each."

"Look," she said, as she looked into Sharon's eyes, "let's do this; you finish your day, and go to your home. I'll find you later this evening. We can talk and I'll tell you anything that you'd like to know. If you want, we can just try to see if we can make a friendship out of this, or more, it's up to you. Once the others are a little more secure in the lord's rise, I'll introduce you, and you'll have all that you need to know about how those types of us look for your book. We're inside the Goblin Ha at Yester Castle at the moment, but we'll be clearing out the lower hall to live there for a time."

Sharon blinked, "Lower hall? What lower hall?"

The tall one grinned, "Maybe you should come and see for yourself in a day or so."

"I think I'd like that," Sharon smiled as she put her arms around the demon's neck and stood on her tiptoes to kiss her.

"You cannot touch one of my teeth with your tongue," Lily said, "That will have to wait until tonight at the earliest -- as much as I want you to."

"I understand," the blonde sighed with a smile, "I feel like I did when I was a young girl, feeling attracted to someone for the very first time. It never went well for me."

"I think that it will now and I understand completely," Lily breathed as her lips brushed Sharon's, "I feel the same way."


They walked back to the visitor's center a while later. The wind still blew in off the sea and it whipped their hair around just as it had done earlier.

"There's no one around for at least a quarter of a mile," Lily said, "I think that I'd really like it if you'd hold my hand."

Sharon complied and looked over, "You're really serious about this, aren't you? You want to be in love with me, and you won't mind it if I screw somebody else as long as it's still us underneath it all?"

Lily nodded, "Think about it. Try to imagine it. If you and I were together, would it bother you if I did that, as long as I still loved you just the same?"

Sharon thought about it, "No," she said, "I think that I'd probably like it. I'd probably love to watch that."

"See?" the tall woman smiled, "Omnisexuality. We can be in love, understand each other, and fuck anyone that we like, and it's fine with both of us. I want this now."

Sharon smirked, "I like the idea, Lily, and I like the term too. Omnisexual, huh? I always thought that I was just a slut."

Sharon felt her heart float a little as she watched Lily's human face tilt back as she laughed freely. "We are, by our nature, Sharon, the very best kind of sluts."


"Tell me what you feel right now," Lily whispered into Sharon's ear, "I can feel it, but I want to hear it from you."

"I feel so good," the human whispered, "We haven't done anything, but I feel such promise when you hold me. I haven't felt anything like that in so many years, and never for very long. It's amazing, Lily. I mean, I know that you're right in what you say - all of it - and it has nothing to do with us both being women, does it?"

"No," the demoness in the human clothing sighed, "it really doesn't. We just both happen to be female. What counts is that we feel this way about each other. We both have traits which the other one finds attractive inside and out and a love can be based on that. The rest of it is just our, ..." she grinned, "sluttish nature. I'm sure we'll be great together, and I can't wait to see you being fucked almost, but not quite senseless by someone else."

Sharon looked up, "Almost?"

"Well yes," Lily grinned evilly, "I'm a demon. You have no idea what I could do to you with only my tongue. There may be times when you're feeling wonderfully screwed, but really, from my point of view, you're only just being warmed up for me afterward."

Sharon kissed Lily's neck just to feel her shiver or a moment before she whispered, "Oh, that sounds just awesome. I felt like I could have almost come right there just to hear that."

They stood holding each other for many minutes, but Lily pulled away reluctantly at last.

"Do you need my address?" Sharon asked.

Lily shook her head, "No. I'll be able to find you easily tonight just from what I feel from here," she smiled as she touched Sharon over her heart. "Just remember not to let yourself feel doubt. Uncertainty is natural, and even I feel it inside me, but I don't think that we need to have any doubts about us. I'm sure that this will work. What time should I come, or rather, give me a time that you think that you'll be ready by."

"What do you need to get done before you come?" Sharon asked.

"Not much," Lily shrugged with a playful grin, "I have to help clear out a hundred goblins or three, maybe. Then an icy bath, and I'll be on my way."

"Show up whenever you want, Lily, "Sharon shrugged with a smile, "I want to say that I'm all yours, I guess."

"Don't start talking like that," Lily smirked, "or I'll never get anything done."

Her eyebrows raised for a second. "Oh! I forgot, I need to pay you for the tour, don't I?" She reached for Sharon's hand and placed a heavy coin into her palm, closing the woman's fingers over it before she could see what it was. Then she was gone out the door.

Sharon opened her hand and saw an ancient gold coin there. There was no way that she could toss this into the cash box. She pulled the correct amount out of her own pocket and paid for Lily's admission herself, before she sat down to stare at the coin. There was a couple of thousand Euros worth of gold here just from the weight of the thing, and Sharon knew that she'd likely never be able to learn the translation of the words on it.

She sighed, feeling anticipation such as she could almost not remember before. It made her smile to herself. The day looked wonderful to her now and she decided that if there was anything even remotely possible like what she felt, then she'd just let it happen and see where it took her.


Illa's early morning tryst with Thiery was as wonderful to them both as anything that they might have imagined or dreamt of, but there were consequences, and they had a lot to do with the internal reproductive systems of female imps. The insertion of a phallus the first time began a series of changes within Illa that would have been absolutely normal for a female imp, assuming that the phallus belonged to a male imp, rather than a kobold.